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Showing items in category Aden and Aden States, sorted by newest listed first.
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ADEN - 1925 2a6p (x2) rate cover to India used at ADEN CAMP with PER EXTRA STEAMER h/s.ADEN - 1925 2a6p (x2) rate cover to India used at ADEN CAMP with PER EXTRA STEAMER h/s.

1925 (MAR.25.) long commercial pre-printed envelope addressed to Bombay (two stain marks at left corners) bearing Indian 2a6p ultramarine adhesive pair tied by ADEN CAMP cds with ADEN/DELY b/s and struck by scarce PER EXTRA STEAMER/MAR 4 1925 boxed strike on reverse.

ADEN - 1965 use of ADEN - 1965 use of 'FORMULA' RPSE to UK used at LITTLE ADEN.

1965 (OC.14.) use of dark blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing Federation 25f and 65f adhesives tied LITTLE ADEN cds.

ADEN - 1937 1a brown PSE uprated locally and addressed to ADEN - 1937 1a brown PSE uprated locally and addressed to 'S.S.Chusan'. H&G 2.

1937 1a brown on thick ivory postal stationery envelope (size b) address to 'S.S.Chusan' docked at Aden bearing additional 14a (x3) adhesives tied ADEN and dated 8.OCT.50. H&G 2.

ADEN - 1935 ADEN - 1935 'SUPPORT THE JUBILEE FUND' cover to UK cancelled PAQUEBOT/ADEN with Jubilee label.

1935 (APR.20.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied PAQUEBOT/ADEN with scarce black boxed SUPPORT THE/JUBILEE FUND/ADEN handstamp at left. The reverse side annotated 'Posted On Board' with black s/l BRITISH JUDGE maritime handstamp applied and with violet on white perforated 1/2a/THEIR MAJESTY'S/SILVER JUBILEE/FIND label below.

ADEN - 1953 30c dark blue RPSE (size G) uprated to Germany.  H&G 3.ADEN - 1953 30c dark blue RPSE (size G) uprated to Germany. H&G 3.

1953 30c dark blue registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Germany bearing additional 2/- (x2) tied ADEN GPO and dated SP.30.59. H&G 3

ADEN - 1904 1a rate postcard use to France.ADEN - 1904 1a rate postcard use to France.

1904 (JA.20.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'The Famous Tanks of Aden' bearing QV 1a adhesive tied ADEN.

ADEN - 1905 3ps rate postcard use to Hyderabad.ADEN - 1905 3ps rate postcard use to Hyderabad.

1905 (AP.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to Hyderabad in India depicting 'E.G.Hospital' bearing Edward VII 3p grey adhesive tied ADEN.

ADEN - 1941 ADEN - 1941 'ACTIVE SERVICE' envelope addressed to UK.

1941 (AUG.25) use of green on buff ACTIVE SERVICE envelope addressed to UK bearing 1/2a & 2a adhesives tied by ADEN cds.

ADEN - 1903 inward postcard from UK with scarce ADEN - 1903 inward postcard from UK with scarce 'ADEN/UNPAID' oval h/s applied in green.

1903 inward picture postcard from UK addressed to Perim cancelled by ADEN arrival cds dated SE.21.03. The card was under paid and has a scarce black boxed FOREIGN POSTAGE DUE/ 1 ANNA handstamp applied (Proud type UP19) and aqlso struck by rare green oval ADEN/ 21.SE.03/UNPAID handstamp. (Proud type UP11). A scarce due marking.

ADEN - 1957 registered cover to Switzerland used at SIEYUN.ADEN - 1957 registered cover to Switzerland used at SIEYUN.

1957 (AUG.6.) registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing Kathiri 10c and 15c tied SEIYUN (Proud type D3) plus 5c and 1/- tied by SEIYUN/REG (Proud type R2) cds's and with scarce black on cream SIEYUN/0588 (note spelling) registered label at left.

ADEN - 1893 use of Indian 1a on 1 1/2a blue PSC to Amsterdam.ADEN - 1893 use of Indian 1a on 1 1/2a blue PSC to Amsterdam.

1893 (OC.7.) use of ONE ANNA on 1 1/2a blue on cream postal stationery postcard of India (H&G 9) addressed to Amsterdam and cancelled by squared circle ADEN cancel.

ADEN - 1894 scarce use of Indian 1a on 1/2a blue PSC from Perim to Holland.  H&G 9.ADEN - 1894 scarce use of Indian 1a on 1/2a blue PSC from Perim to Holland. H&G 9.

1894 (NO.23.) use of Indian 'ONE ANNA' on 1/2a blue postal stationery postcard (H&G 9) written at Perim and addressed to Holland. Cancelled by squared circle ADEN cds. Very scarce.

ADEN - 1955 (circa) blue on cream ADEN - 1955 (circa) blue on cream 'FORMULA' RPSE (size G) unused.

1955 (circa) blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition.

ADEN - 1935 2a6p rate cover to UK struck by scarce SUPPORT JUBILEE FUND/ADEN handstamp.ADEN - 1935 2a6p rate cover to UK struck by scarce SUPPORT JUBILEE FUND/ADEN handstamp.

1935 (MAY.1.) cover addressed to UK bearing Indian 2a6p orange adhesive tied by the scarce black boxed SUPPORT THE/JUBILEE FUND/ADEN handstamp.

ADEN - 1903 1d rate illustrated ADEN - 1903 1d rate illustrated 'P and O' postcard addressed to UK struck PAQUEBOT.

1903 (MY.3.) coloured 'P and O' illustrated picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 'GB' 1d adhesive tied ADEN with black boxed PAQUEBOT h/s alongside.

ADEN - 1935 ADEN - 1935 'GB' 1/2d stationery and 1d stamp duty 'cut outs' on local cover awaiting ship.

1935 cover address to the 'S.S.British Judge' and marked 'To await arrival' bearing 'GB' 1/2d green postal stationery 'cut out' alongside 'GB' 1d vermilion STAMP DUTY 'cut out' each tied by s/r ADEN cds and with PAQUEBOT/ADEN cds above. An unusual use of these stationery cut outs accepted for mail.

ADEN - 1892 1d concessionary sailors cover to UK from ADEN - 1892 1d concessionary sailors cover to UK from 'H.M.S. Cossack'.

1892 1d sailors concessionary cover addressed to UK bearing GB 1d lilac adhesive tied by 'F.B./1125' (Foreign Branch) cancel. The cover has a horizontal fold through the stamp but is marked from a sailor on board 'H.M.S.Cossack at Aden' and is counter signed at lower left by the Commander.

ADEN - 1957 first flight cover to UK.ADEN - 1957 first flight cover to UK.

1957 (AU.24.) use of illustrated 'B.O.A.C.' first flight cover to UK bearing 1sh/25c adhesive tied ADEN GPO.

ADEN - 1940 2 1/2a rate ADEN - 1940 2 1/2a rate 'PASSED BY NAVAL CENSOR' cover to UK.

1940 cover addressed to UK then re-directed bearing 2 1/2a adhesive tied by ADEN cds with greenish crowned PASSED BY/NAVAL CENSOR h/s at left.

ADEN - 1945 ADEN - 1945 'No.11 RAF/POSTAL HQ' stampless cover to UK.

1945 (Oc.19) Stampless cover from the Pioneer Corps addressed to UK cancelled by fine No.11 RAF/POSTAL HQ cds

ADEN - 1947 ADEN - 1947 'Victory' pair on cover to UK used at TARIM.

1947 (MAR.18) cover to UK bearing 1946 victory pair (SG 12+13) each tied by TARIM cds's. (Proud type D1).

ADEN - 1953 15c brown PSE unused.  H&G 5.ADEN - 1953 15c brown PSE unused. H&G 5.

1953 15c Brown on cream unused postal stationery envelope. H&G 5.

ADEN - 1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter ctoADEN - 1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter cto'd by ADEN GPO.

1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter overprinted in black PEOPLES REPUBLIC/OF SOUTHERN YEMEN addressed to UK and cto'd by ADEN GPO cds dated 20.AP.69.

ADEN - 1956 10b red ADEN - 1956 10b red 'airmail' postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition.

1956 10b red 'airmail' postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition.

ADEN - 1965 (circa) 70f dark blue on blue aerorgramme unused. ADEN - 1965 (circa) 70f dark blue on blue aerorgramme unused.

1965 (circa) 70f dark blue on blue aerorgramme in fine unused condition issued for the 'Peoples Democartic Republic of Yemen.

ADEN - 1970 (circa) 40f green and red-orange on blue aerorgramme unused. ADEN - 1970 (circa) 40f green and red-orange on blue aerorgramme unused.

1970 (circa) 40f green and red-orange on blue aerorgramme in fine unused condition issued for the Peoples Democartic Republic of Yemen.

ADEN - 1970 (circa) 25f dark blue and red-orange on blue aerorgramme unused. ADEN - 1970 (circa) 25f dark blue and red-orange on blue aerorgramme unused.

1970 (circa) 25f dark blue and red-orange on blue aerorgramme in fine unused condition issued for the Peoples Democartic Republic of Yemen.

ADEN - 1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter unused. ADEN - 1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter unused.

1968 (circa) blue on blue postal stationery air letter in unused condition overprinted in black PEOPLES REPUBLIC/OF SOUTHERN YEMEN.

ADEN - 1948 2b ADEN - 1948 2b 'United Nations' U/M example with IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF in orange.

YEMEN - 1948 2b 'Admission of Yemen to UN' adhesive in unmounted mint condition (SG do not list the UN issue' together with a scarce 2b IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF example printed in orange and black.

ADEN - 1937 ADEN - 1937 'Coronation' trio on registered cover to UK used at KHORMAKSAR.

1937 (NOV.9.) registered cover to UK bearing the 'Coronation' trio tied by individual KHORMAKSAR cds's. A scarcer use from here.

ADEN - 1935 registered cover to UK used at ADEN.ADEN - 1935 registered cover to UK used at ADEN.

1936 (SEP.26.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing Indian 2a6p in blue and another in orange plus 3a adhesive tied by ADEN/REG d/r cds. Ex Hart.

ADEN - 1936 2a6p rate cover to UK used at ADEN CAMP.ADEN - 1936 2a6p rate cover to UK used at ADEN CAMP.

1936 (DEC.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing Indian 2a6p orange adhesive tied by ADEN CAMP cds with divit in top ring (Proud type D21) variation. Violet oval ADEN WATER & DRAINAGE DEPT/ADEN SETTLEMENT cachet alongside. Ex Hart.

ADEN - 1922 6a rate registered cover to Austria.ADEN - 1922 6a rate registered cover to Austria.

1922 (JUL.27.) registered cover addressed to Austria bearing Indian 3a orange pair tied by s/r ADEN/REG cds. Blue on white R630/ADEN H.O. registered label at lower left indicating the origin from the Harbour Office located at the Prince of Wales Pier. Ex Hart.

ADEN - 1940 2a rate ADEN - 1940 2a rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/11' censor cover to India.

1940 (FEB.28) cover addressed to India bearing 2a tied ADEN with violet diamond (type 1) PASSED CENSOR/BY/No.11/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1941 O.H.M.S. ADEN - 1941 O.H.M.S. 'Information Office' 1/2a rate wrapper addressed to Mombasa.

1941 (MAR.18) local wrapper to Mombasa & marked 'O.H.M.S' with 1/2a adhesive tied to reverse by ADEN cds & with violet crested INFORMATION OFFICE/ADEN cachet applied.

ADEN - 1951 1/- on 1r green ADEN - 1951 1/- on 1r green 'S.S.OMARE E CHAPMEN' maritime use of postcard to USA.

1951 use of blank type postcard addressed to USA bearing 1 SHILLING on 1r green adhesive tied ADEN and struck on reverse 'S.S.OMARE E CHAPMEN'. A nice maritime use.

ADEN - 1949 ADEN - 1949 'UPU' set on registered FDC to Iraq with 'A.V.2.' transmission h/s.

1949 pre-printed 'FDC-75th Universal Postal Union' cover addressed to Iraq with Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut UPU set of four (SG 16-19) attached (uncancelled) and with blue on white perforated 'blank' type R/N0.9915 registered label at right handstamped by boxed ADEN strike and with scarcer 'A.V.2.' transmission strike. Iraq arrival b/s's.

ADEN - 1884 1/4a reply section of the Indian PSRC to Bombay used at ADEN.   H&G 3.ADEN - 1884 1/4a reply section of the Indian PSRC to Bombay used at ADEN. H&G 3.

1884 reply section of the Indian 1/4a+1/4a postal stationery reply postcard (H&G 3) addressed to Bombay with pre-printed message on reverse regarding prospectus and cancelled by s/r ADEN cds dated 14.1200.

ADEN - 1939 ADEN - 1939 'GB' 1 1/2d on cover to UK tied PAQUEBOT/ADEN.

1939 (OCT.9.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB 1 1/2d adhesive tied by PAQUEBOT/ADEN cds.

ADEN - 1939 9p green PSC ctoADEN - 1939 9p green PSC cto'd uprated use at KHOHMAKSAR. H&G 1.

1937 9 pies green on dark buff postal stationery postcard bearing 'Dhow' 1/2a and 1a adhesives on reverse side (SG 1+3) tied by scarce d/r KHOHMAKSAR cds dated 1.APR.37 on the first day of issue. Cancelled by favour without address or message but a rare use from this office. H&G 1.

ADEN - 1951 2a rate local cover used at SHEIKH OTHMAN.ADEN - 1951 2a rate local cover used at SHEIKH OTHMAN.

1951 (MAR.22) locally addressed cover bearing 2as Kathiri adhesive (SG 5) tied by light SHEIKH OTHMAN cds with stronger strike alongside.

ADEN - 1953 30c dark blue RPSE uprated to USA and used at ADEN GPO.  H&G 3a.ADEN - 1953 30c dark blue RPSE uprated to USA and used at ADEN GPO. H&G 3a.

1953 30c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to USA and bearing additional 5c (x2), 10c and 15c (x2) adhesives tied ADEN GPO and dated OC.3.57. H&G 3a.

ADEN - 1948 10a rate cover to UK used at SHEIKH OTHMAN.ADEN - 1948 10a rate cover to UK used at SHEIKH OTHMAN.

1948 (FE.25.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2a and 8a adhesives tied by d/r SHEIKH OTHMAN cds. (Proud type D7).

ADEN - 1930 1 1/2d rate postcard use to France.ADEN - 1930 1 1/2d rate postcard use to France.

1930 (JA.29.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'The Main Pass' bearing Indian 1 1/2as red adhesive tied by ADEN cds.

ADEN - 1901 use of picture postcard to Austria.ADEN - 1901 use of picture postcard to Austria.

1901 (SE.10.) use of picture postcard addressed to Austria depicting 'Camel Market' and bearing Indian 1a adhesive tied ADEN.

ADEN - 1937 9p green ADEN - 1937 9p green 'Dhow' uprated PSC to UK used at ADEN CAMP. H&G 1.

1937 9 pies green on dark buff postal stationery postcard bearing additional 'Dhow' 1/2a adhesive tied by ADEN CAMP cds's. The card has no message and was sent on the first day of issue to UK as a commemorative item on April 1st 1937. Handstamped FIRST DAY COVER in violet. A difficult card. H&G 1.

ADEN - 1900 2a rate postcard use to Austria.ADEN - 1900 2a rate postcard use to Austria.

1900 (AU.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to Austria depicting 'Native Town' and bearing two examples of the QV 1a plum adhesive each cancelled by ADEN cds.

ADEN - 1944 ADEN - 1944 'RAF/CENSOR/187 cover to UK.

1944 (MY.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1a and 8a adhesives tied ADEN with red crested RAF/CENSOR/187 h/s at lower left.

ADEN - 1912 1/4a grey PSC of India uprated to Germany and used at ADEN.  H&G 19.ADEN - 1912 1/4a grey PSC of India uprated to Germany and used at ADEN. H&G 19.

1912 1/4a grey on buff postal stationery postcard of India (H&G 19) addressed to Germany (no message) and bearing additional 3p grey (x3) adhesive strip tied ADEN and dated 24.AP.14.

ADEN - 1937 cover to UK with 2 1/2a ADEN - 1937 cover to UK with 2 1/2a 'Coronation' issue used at KHORMAKSAR.

1937 (MAY.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2a 'Coronation' adhesive used on the first day of issue and cancelled by KHORMAKSAR cds.

ADEN - 1952 15c on 1a brown PSE to Germany used at SHEIKH OTHMAN.  H&G 14.ADEN - 1952 15c on 1a brown PSE to Germany used at SHEIKH OTHMAN. H&G 14.

1952 15c on 1a brown on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to Germany (stamp missing ?) cancelled by SHEIKH OTHMAN cds. H&G 4.

ADEN - 1939 3/4a red-brown PSC used locally (no message) at MAALLA.  H&G 2.ADEN - 1939 3/4a red-brown PSC used locally (no message) at MAALLA. H&G 2.

1939 3/4a red-brown on dark buff granite postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) cancelled by MAALLA s/r cds dated 9.NO.49. H&G 2.

ADEN - 1939 3/4a brown PSC unused.  H&G 2.ADEN - 1939 3/4a brown PSC unused. H&G 2.

1939 3/4a brown on dark buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

ADEN - 1942 registered censor cover to UK used at SEIYUN.ADEN - 1942 registered censor cover to UK used at SEIYUN.

KATHIRI STATE - 1942 (JUL.1.) registered cover addressed to UK (Wells) bearing 8a, 1r and 2r adhesives tied by s/r SEIYUN cds's with blue R/No. registered label with MUKALLA added in red manuscript and PASSED CENSOR/BY/No.10/ADEN mark. A little grubby (ex reverse flap) but a scarce censor use of this Kathiri State mail. Early covers are scarce.

ADEN - 1942 multi franked registered censored cover from SEIYUN.ADEN - 1942 multi franked registered censored cover from SEIYUN.

KATHIRI STATE - 1942 (JUL.1.) registered cover addressed to UK (Wells) bearing various adhesives to the 3a value tied by s/r SEIYUN cds's with red manuscript MUKALLA registered marking and struck by violet PASSED CENSOR/BY/No.10/ADEN mark. A little grubby but a scarce censor use of this Kathiri State mail. Early covers are scarce.

ADEN - 1891 aged entire to India bearing Indian surcharge adhesives used in ADEN.ADEN - 1891 aged entire to India bearing Indian surcharge adhesives used in ADEN.

1891 (FE.17.) fragile cover (faults overall toned with age) addressed to India bearing Indian 2 1/2a on 4 1/2a yellow green adhesive pair (SG 102) tied by squared circle ADEN cancels. Scarce stamps used in Aden. SEA POST OFFICE transit b/s. Complete with original contents.

ADEN - 1883 1/2a green PSE to India used at ADEN CAMP.  H&G 4.ADEN - 1883 1/2a green PSE to India used at ADEN CAMP. H&G 4.

1883 1/2a green on cream postal stationery envelope of India addressed to India and cancelled by ADEN CAMP cds dated 7.AP.00. BARAUT arrival b/s. H&G 4.

ADEN - 1951 ADEN/SIGNALS cover from Aden Camp.ADEN - 1951 ADEN/SIGNALS cover from Aden Camp.

1951 (27.1.) small sized O.H.M.S. stampless cover addressed to HQ-BTA cancelled by fine ARMY SIGNALS/ADEN cancel with violet boxed CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER/CERTIFIED OFFICIAL/ADEN CAMP handstamp at left.

ADEN - 1915 PAQUEBOT/ADEN cover with ADEN - 1915 PAQUEBOT/ADEN cover with 'GB' 1d pair use to India.

1915 (JL.2.) cover addressed to India with 'P&O' monogram on reverse flap bearing 'GB' 1d pair tied by PAQUEBOT/ADEN cds with bars at bottom.

ADEN - 1937 3a RPSE unused.  H&G 1.ADEN - 1937 3a RPSE unused. H&G 1.

1937 3a Dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing the 'THOS DE LA RUE & CO.' under flap of the scarce first printing with the addition of the STAMPS TO/PAY/POSTAGE/TO BE AFFIXED/HERE square instruction at the top right hand corner. This printing was in use for only two years. H&G 1.

ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a stationery air letter to UK used at ADEN CAMP.  H&G 4.ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a stationery air letter to UK used at ADEN CAMP. H&G 4.

1952 50c on 6a dark blue air letter addressed to UK with 22.5mm surcharge variation (genuine use) and cancelled by ADEN CAMP cds dated 8.2.53. H&G 4.

ADEN - 1942 naval censored cover to UK.ADEN - 1942 naval censored cover to UK.

1942 (FEB.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2 a adhesive tied by ADEN cds with greenish boxed PASSED BY/NAVAL CENSOR crowned censor mark at lower left.

ADEN - 1953 ADEN - 1953 'GB' 6d airletter used at PAQUEBOT/ADEN on RMS Cilicia.

1953 (NO.23.) use of 'GB' 6d red on blue air letter addressed to UK and cancelled by PAQUEBOT/ ADEN GPO cds (Proud type SL9). A nice genuine use from R.M.S. Cilicia.

ADEN - 1959 ADEN POSTAGE 00.15 red meter TRIAL cover.ADEN - 1959 ADEN POSTAGE 00.15 red meter TRIAL cover.

1959 (8.XII.) 'Open Your/Savings Account/With/The Chartered Bank' ADEN/POSTAGE PAID/00.15 red TRIAL METER MARKING unused cover.

ADEN - 1949 6a postal stationery air letter unused.  H&G 1.ADEN - 1949 6a postal stationery air letter unused. H&G 1.

1949 6a dark blue on grey paper postal stationery air letter in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a postal stationery air letter unused.  H&G 3.ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a postal stationery air letter unused. H&G 3.

1952 50c on 6a dark blue on grey paper postal stationery air letter. 20 1/2mm issue. Fine unused. H&G 3.

ADEN - 1936 1r rate registered cover to USA used at ADEN.ADEN - 1936 1r rate registered cover to USA used at ADEN.

1936 (NOV.5.) registered (Erle) cover addressed to USA bearing Indian 1r adhesive tied by ADEN/REG d/r cds. A scarcer high value adhesive use in Aden.

ADEN - 1949 3a/30c ADEN - 1949 3a/30c 'UPU' local first day cover from ADEN CAMP.

1949 (OC.10.) first day cover addressed locally bearing the Aden States 3a on 30c 'UPU' adhesive (SG 17) tied by ADEN CAMP cds.

ADEN - 1900 (circa) postcard depicting POST OFFICE.ADEN - 1900 (circa) postcard depicting POST OFFICE.

1900 circa coloured picture postcard depicting 'Post Office, Aden'. Handwritten on reverse but not sent.

ADEN - 1906 postcard to UK with boxed PAQUEBOT strike.ADEN - 1906 postcard to UK with boxed PAQUEBOT strike.

1906 (FE.15.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK bearing GB 1d adhesive tied by boxed PAQUEBOT strike with ADEN cds at left.

ADEN - 1904 postcard to Ireland with PAQUEBOT boxed strike.ADEN - 1904 postcard to Ireland with PAQUEBOT boxed strike.

1904 (DE.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to Ireland depicting 'Groupe Des Sakas Au Bord Du Nile' bearing GB 1d adhesive tied ADEN with boxed PAQUEBOT strike at left.

ADEN - 1916 ADEN - 1916 'FPO/324' censor cover to UK with 'PASSED CENSOR/No. A-18/ADEN' h/s applied.

1916 (MY.26.) stampless cover addressed to UK (opened on three sides) marked 'On Field Service' and cancelled by F.P.O./No.324 cds on reverse side with magenta cog wheeled PASSED CENSOR/ ADEN/No. A-18 h/s on front. Indian troops stationed at Sheik Othman.

ADEN - 1943 censored cover to Bombay.
ADEN - 1943 censored cover to Bombay.
ADEN - 1943 censored cover to Bombay.

1943 (JUN.3.) cover addressed to India bearing 1/2a and 1d on reverse flap (gum tone marks from flap) cancelled by smudged ADEN cds with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY/EXAMINER/F/…. label at right with '1C2' h/s applied in violet. (Little type 6A).

ADEN - 1892 ONE ANNA on 1/2a Indian PSC used at ADEN with TOO LATE h/s. H&G 9.ADEN - 1892 ONE ANNA on 1/2a Indian PSC used at ADEN with TOO LATE h/s. H&G 9.

1892 ONE ANNA black on 1/2a blue on cream Indian postal stationery postcard (H&G 9) addressed to UK (light tone marks and short message on reverse) cancelled by squared circle ADEN cancel dated MY.6.97 with black boxed TOO LATE h/s at left. Marked on reverse 'latest reported use of this strike'. THIRSK arrival Ex Hart.

ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a air letter uprated to USA and with BROKEN FRAME ABOVE AD variety.  H&G 4.ADEN - 1952 50c on 6a air letter uprated to USA and with BROKEN FRAME ABOVE AD variety. H&G 4.

1952 50c black on 6a dark blue-grey on greyish postal stationery air letter with 22 1/2mm overprint addressed to USA (un-opened and with no internal message) bearing additional 50c on 8a orange and cancelled by ADEN cds dated 3.MY.52. The air letter shows the BROKEN FRAME LINE variety as catalogued by Kessler (4b). H&G 4.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.1 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.1 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.1 cover to India.

1940 cover addressed to India bearing 1/2a and 2 1a adhesive on reverse side cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.1/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1941 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.4 cover to Palestine.ADEN - 1941 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.4 cover to Palestine.

1941 cover addressed to Palestine bearing 2 1/2a adhesive cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label (raised stop) at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.4/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.6 cover to India
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.6 cover to India
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.6 cover to India

1940 cover addressed to India bearing 1a 'Coronation' adhesive on reverse side cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label (raised stop) at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.6/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.7 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.7 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.7 cover to India.

1942 cover addressed to India bearing 1a adhesive on reverse side cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.7/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.8 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.8 cover to India.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.8 cover to India.

1940 cover addressed to India bearing 1a adhesive on reverse side cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.8/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.9 cover to India.ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.9 cover to India.

1940 cover addressed to India bearing 1a adhesive cancelled ADEN with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.9/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.10 cover  to India from MUKALLA.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.10 cover  to India from MUKALLA.
ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.10 cover to India from MUKALLA.

1940 Cover addressed to Hyderabad in India bearing 1/2a adhesive on reverse flap tied by MUKALLA cds with violet PASSED BY CENSOR/No.10/ADEN h/s on front.

ADEN - 1941 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.11 cover to USA.
ADEN - 1941 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.11 cover to USA.
ADEN - 1941 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.11 cover to USA.

1941 cover to USA bearing 1a and 2 1/2a adhesives tied by ADEN cds with red on cream PC 22. (raised stop) OPENED BY/CENSOR label on reverse side tied by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/No.11/ADEN h/s with additional strike on front.

ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.12 cover to USA.ADEN - 1940 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.12 cover to USA.

1940 cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2a State Of adhesive cancelled ADEN (one stamp missing)with red on cream P.C.22/OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.12/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1942 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.16 cover to India.ADEN - 1942 PASSED BY CENSOR/No.16 cover to India.

1942 cover addressed to India bearing 1a adhesive tied ADEN and struck on the front by violet PASSED BY CENSOR/No.16/ADEN h/s.

ADEN - 1953 30c ADEN - 1953 30c 'QEII' RPSE unused (size H). H&G 3a.

1953 30c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in unused condition. H&G 3a.

ADEN - 1949 first day cover with 2 1/2a ADEN - 1949 first day cover with 2 1/2a 'UPU' adhesive used at ADEN CAMP.

1949 (OC.10.) first day cover addressed locally bearing the Aden States 2 1/2a on 20c 'UPU' adhesive (SG 16) tied by ADEN CAMP cds.

ADEN - 1894 1a blue on buff Indian PSC used at ADEN with VIA BRINDISI h/s.  H&G 11.ADEN - 1894 1a blue on buff Indian PSC used at ADEN with VIA BRINDISI h/s. H&G 11.

1894 1a blue on buff postal stationery postcard on India (H&G 11) addressed to France and cancelled by ADEN cds dated 19.FE.08 and struck at left by VIA BRINDISI h/s.

ADEN - 1939 9p green on buff PSC used from ADEN on ADEN - 1939 9p green on buff PSC used from ADEN on 'Coronation' first day of issue.

1937 9 pies green on dark buff 'dhow' postal stationery postcard addressed to the Steamer Point (no message) and bearing the Coronation trio (SG 13-15) tied by ADEN cds's dated 12.MY.37. Used on the first day of issue.

ADEN - 1942 use of AIRGRAPH with RAF/CENSOR/751 h/s.ADEN - 1942 use of AIRGRAPH with RAF/CENSOR/751 h/s.

1942 (AUG.2) Airgraph addressed to UK cancelled by triangular RAF/CENSOR/751 h/s. Sent from RAF Aden.

ADEN - 1960 10c meter mark cover used locally.ADEN - 1960 10c meter mark cover used locally.

1960 (24.1.) POSTAGE REVENUE 0.10cts ADEN red meter mark on local cover.

ADEN - 1952 30c on 3a RPSE unused.  H&G 2.ADEN - 1952 30c on 3a RPSE unused. H&G 2.

1952 15c on 1a brown on cream postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition. H&G 3.

ADEN - 1952 15c on 1a brown PSE unused.  H&G 3.ADEN - 1952 15c on 1a brown PSE unused. H&G 3.

1952 15c on 1a brown on cream postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition. Light tone shadow on reverse side. H&G 3.

ADEN - 1952 10c on 3/4d PSC unused.  H&G 3.ADEN - 1952 10c on 3/4d PSC unused. H&G 3.

1952 10c surcharge on 3/4d brown on dark buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 3.

ADEN - 1952 30c on 3a RPS envelope used. H&G 2a.ADEN - 1952 30c on 3a RPS envelope used. H&G 2a.

1952 30c on 3a dark blue on cream 'KGVI' registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to UK (opened at left) bearing additional 5c/1a and 50c on 8a adhesives tied by ADEN cds dated 2.JAN.53 and with blue on white perforated ADEN( R.A.F.) registered label at left. H&G 2a.
