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Showing items in category Malta, sorted by newest listed first.
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MALTA - 1912 2d blue RPSE to Italy uprated with 4d adhesive.MALTA - 1912 2d blue RPSE to Italy uprated with 4d adhesive.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to Italy bearing additional 4d black adhesive tied by GEORGE CROSS circular cancel and with oval REGISTERED/MALTA cancel alongside dated 26.MR.20. Some minor creases. H&G 4a.

MALTA - 1934 4 1/2d rate cover to Italy cancelled by violet AIR MAIL/MALTA cancels.MALTA - 1934 4 1/2d rate cover to Italy cancelled by violet AIR MAIL/MALTA cancels.

1934 (AP.24.) cover addressed to Italy (central fold) bearing nine examples of the 1/2d green 'Postage and Revenue' adhesive tied by violet AIR MAIL/MALTA cancels (Proud type AM1).

MALTA - 1944 1/3d rate MALTA - 1944 1/3d rate 'POSTAL CENSOR' cover to UK cancelled AIR MAIL/MALTA.

1944 (SP.21.) commercial cover addressed to UK bearing 3d and 1/- adhesives tied by AIR MALTA cds and struck at lower left by oval POSTAL CENSOR h/s in blue. Little type 2.

MALTA - 1944 2 1/2d rate censor cover to UK used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1944 2 1/2d rate censor cover to UK used at VALLETTA.

1944 (NO.6.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by VALLETTA cds with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER DD/28 censor label at left (Little type 8B) tied on the reverse side by greenish circular '10' censor mark. Little type 3a.

MALTA - 1947 use of MALTA - 1947 use of 'Cable and Wireless' telegram form.

1947 (APR.15.) use of red on cream 'CABLE AND WIRELESS' telegram form cancelled by MALTA/ST.GEORGES SLIEMA cds.

MALTA - 1960 MALTA - 1960 'EXPRESS FEE PAID' registered cover to UK.

1960 (MY.15.) large sized registered cover to UK bearing 1/2d (x2) and 1 1/2d (x2,6d and 1/- 'St.Pauls' Centenary adhesives cancelled by the special CENTENARY ST PAUL SHIP WRECK/MALTA cancels and with LUQA AIRPORT/MALTA cds at left. Struck by black boxed EXPRESS FEE PAID handstamp with dull red on white POST OFFICE/EXPRESS/DELIVERY label at left.

MALTA - 1940 1 1/2d rate censor cover to UK.MALTA - 1940 1 1/2d rate censor cover to UK.

1940 cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 1d adhesives with orange on cream OPENED BY/ CENSOR label at left tied on the front and reverse by circular '4' censor handstamps in violet and with black crowned triangular No.50/PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied on front. Unrecorded in black ink.

MALTA - 1934 2 1/2d rate local cover cancelled by MALTA - 1934 2 1/2d rate local cover cancelled by 'A & V VON BROCKDORPP' commercial cancel.

1934 'Thos Cook & Sons' cover addressed locally to Siracusa bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by squared 'A & V Von Brockdorpp/Malta' commercial dated cancel. Overall toned and with central fold. Unusual commercial use of this cancel on domestic mail however from this travel company established in Malta in 1913.

MALTA - 1917 (circa) MALTA - 1917 (circa) 'RECEIVED FROM HMS SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED' postcard use to UK.

1917 (circa) use of stampless postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Malta-Marina Valletta' cancelled by two lined RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED h/s.

MALTA - 1951 MALTA - 1951 'S.S.CHUSAN' maritime cover to UK.

1951 (JY.30.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB 2 1/2d adhesive tied by PAQUEBOT/MALTA cds and struck at left by S.S.CHUSAN maritime handstamp.

MALTA - 1941 1/2d/MALTA/HELP THE RELIEF FUND label in a mint block of four.MALTA - 1941 1/2d/MALTA/HELP THE RELIEF FUND label in a mint block of four.

1941 1/2d red, white and blue MALTA/HELP THE RELIEF FUND patriotic label in a fine mint bottom marginal block of four. A scarce multiple.

MALTA - 1948 BUY/MALTA GOV.T/LOTTERY TICKET label in a unused block of four.MALTA - 1948 BUY/MALTA GOV.T/LOTTERY TICKET label in a unused block of four.

1948 red, white and blue BUY/A MALTA GOV.T/LOTTERY TICKET perforated corner marginal block of four without gum (as issued). The block is affected by some tone staining but this label is not easy in multiples.

MALTA - 1949 1d MALTA - 1949 1d 'Silver Wedding' local FDC with LOTTERY ticket label applied.

1949 (JA.4.) 1d green 'Silver Wedding' first day cover addressed locally and cancelled by VALLETTA/MALTA cds with red, white and blue BUY/A MALTA GOVT./LOTTERY TICKET label at lower left.

MALTA - 1948 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at PRINCE OF WALES RD with LOTTERY ticket label applied.MALTA - 1948 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at PRINCE OF WALES RD with LOTTERY ticket label applied.

1948 (NO.5.) cover addressed to UK (roughly opened on reverse) bearing 2 1/2d violet adhesive tied by PRINCE OF WALES RD cds and with red, white and blue BUY/A MALTA GOVT./LOTTERY TICKET label at lower left.

MALTA - 1948 2d surface mail cover to USA from VICTORIA/GOZO with LOTTERY ticket label applied.MALTA - 1948 2d surface mail cover to USA from VICTORIA/GOZO with LOTTERY ticket label applied.

1948 longer manila cover addressed to USA (faults) bearing 2d adhesive tied VICTORIA/GOZO cds and with red, white and blue BUY/A MALTA GOVT./LOTTERY TICKET label at lower left.

label on ctoMALTA - 1971 3/- SPECIAL COURIER MAIL/UK TO MALTA label on cto'd cover.

1971 unaddressed 'cto' cover bearing an example of the red and orange on white 'rouletted' 3/- SPECIAL COURIER MAIL/UK to MALTA label cancelled AUTHORISED BY MINISTRY OF POSTS AND TELECOM dated 9.FEB.71 with the addition of a Malta 2d on arrival tied VALLETTA/MALTA. Devised to carry mail from the UK to Malta during the Post Office strike in England in Jan/Feb 1971.

MALTA - 1921 1/2d rate cover to USA used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1921 1/2d rate cover to USA used at VALLETTA.

1921 (JU.5.) commercial cover to USA bearing 1/2d green tied VALLETTA/MALTA and marked as 'Printed Matter'. A nice 1/2d rate use.

MALTA - 1927 1/2d rate cover to USA used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1927 1/2d rate cover to USA used at VALLETTA.

1927 (MY.7.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d green (SG 158) with a 'pillar' bottom margin tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds. A nice 'Printed Paper' rate franking.

MALTA - 1936 2d rate cover to UK used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1936 2d rate cover to UK used at VALLETTA.

1936 (AP.28.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d grey (SG 197) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1965 4d MALTA - 1965 4d 'Knights Of Malta' unmounted mint with BLACK OMITTED. SG 336c.

1965 4d 'Knights of Malta' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint right hand marginal example showing the variety BLACK OMITTED. SG 336c.

MALTA - 1970-1971 2/6d and 5/- BOOKLETS No.1-4.  SG SB1-4.
MALTA - 1970-1971 2/6d and 5/- BOOKLETS No.1-4. SG SB1-4.

1970-1971 2/6d and 5/- BOOKLETS No.1-4 all stiched at left. SG SB1-4.

MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to France used at COSPICUA.MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to France used at COSPICUA.

1931 (JU.30.) cover addressed to France bearing 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied by COSPICUA/ MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to France used at COSPICUA.
MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to France used at COSPICUA.

1931 (SP.26.) cover addressed to France bearing 2 1/2d 'Postage and Revenue' overprinted adhesive (SG 181) tied by COSPICUA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1919 1d rate + 1/2d MALTA - 1919 1d rate + 1/2d 'War Tax' cover to UK used at VALLETTA.

1919 (FE.6.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied alongside the 1/2d green 'War Tax' issue (SG 92) tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1879 1d brown MALTA - 1879 1d brown 'GB' PSC used to Constantinople. H&G 9.

1879 1d brown on cream 'UPU-Great Britain & Ireland' postal stationery postcard of GB addressed to Constantinople and cancelled by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside dated JA.18.83. Red BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE arrival cds on front dated JA.30.83. H&G 9.

MALTA - 1941 1/2d HELP THE MALTA RELIEF FUND patriotic label mint.MALTA - 1941 1/2d HELP THE MALTA RELIEF FUND patriotic label mint.

1941 1/2d red white & blue HELP THE MALTA RELIEF FUND-V FOR VICTORY label in superb fresh mint condition with full original gum.

MALTA - 1942 special CHRISTMAS 1942/MALTA/LETTER CARD in red. Fine unused.MALTA - 1942 special CHRISTMAS 1942/MALTA/LETTER CARD in red. Fine unused.

1942 special red on cream BY AIR MAIL/FROM MALTA G.C./CHRISTMAS 1942 'Air Letter/ Letter Card' in fine unused condition. Issued to troops for free mail. Elusive item. RL type XAL-R.

MALTA - 1900 1d deep rose PSE unused.  H&G 1c.MALTA - 1900 1d deep rose PSE unused. H&G 1c.

1900 1d deep rose on thin cream woved paper postal stationery envelope (size 158x123mm). A scarcer size to find. H&G 1c.

MALTA - 1942 2d dark red PSC unused.  H&G 19.MALTA - 1942 2d dark red PSC unused. H&G 19.

1942 2d dark red on cream 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 19.

MALTA - 1939 MALTA - 1939 'Ala Littoria' first flight cover to Malta.

1939 (JU.5.) first flight cover addressed to Italy bearing 1d and 3d adhesives tied by AIR MAIL/ MALTA cds and struck at top by violet two lined PRIMO VOLO ALA LITTORIA/MALTA-CATANIA- PALERMO-NAPOLI-ROMA. Very scarce with only 44 covers flown.

MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE (size G) SPECIMEN.  H&G 8.MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE (size G) SPECIMEN. H&G 8.

1938 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 8.

MALTA - 1960 (circa) cover to UK used at LUQA AIRPORT.MALTA - 1960 (circa) cover to UK used at LUQA AIRPORT.

1960 (circa) cover addressed to UK bearing 'KGVI' 3d victory adhesive tied by LUQA AIRPORT/ MALTA cds dated May 2nd. The year slug not showing. This was the branch Post Office at the civilian air terminal.

MALTA - 1933 4 1/2d rate registered cover to UK.MALTA - 1933 4 1/2d rate registered cover to UK.

1933 (AP.10.) registered commercial cover to UK bearing 1 1/2d rose-red (SG 196) adhesive (x3) tied GPO/MALTA.

MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at COSPICUA.MALTA - 1931 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at COSPICUA.

1931 (DE.15.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (x3) and 1d adhesive (SG 194+195) tied by COSPICUA/MALTA cds's. Opened on two sides.

MALTA - 1931 1 1/2d rate cover to UK.MALTA - 1931 1 1/2d rate cover to UK.

1931 (FE.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d green (x3) adhesive (SG 175) tied VALLETTA/ MALTA.

MALTA - 1924 1 1/2d rate cover to USA.MALTA - 1924 1 1/2d rate cover to USA.

1924 (MR.5.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1 1/2d red-brown (SG 127) tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1923 postcard use to UK.MALTA - 1923 postcard use to UK.

1923 (DE.16.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Malta-Cistoms House' bearing 1/2d green (SG 124) adhesive (x3) tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1925 stampless local cover (creases) with 1d MALTA - 1925 stampless local cover (creases) with 1d 'Postage Due' added.

1925 (SP.6.) stampless inward cover from UK cancelled BIRMINGHAM/107 with sexagonal 'T' tax mark applied and with Malta 3d blue (SG D16) 'Postage Due' added on arrival and cancelled VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1925 underpaid local cover with 1/2d MALTA - 1925 underpaid local cover with 1/2d 'Postage Due' added.

1925 (MY.8.) 'Gatt' cover addressed locally bearing 1/4d brown (SG 123) tied by VALLETTA/ MALTA cds and being underpaid having pencil 'T' tax mark applied at lower left and with 1/2d black on cream 'Postage Due' added (SG D1) and dated JU.10.25.

MALTA - 1885 1/2d green (SG 20) cancelled by central CURMI cds.MALTA - 1885 1/2d green (SG 20) cancelled by central CURMI cds.

1885 1/2d green (SG 20) cancelled by superb central CURMI cds dated SP.16.01. (Proud type D1.) Small toned bottom left corner perf but a very scarce strike.

MALTA - 1935 1/2d MALTA - 1935 1/2d 'Silver Jubilee' mint (toned gum) block of four with EXTRA FLAGSTAFF. SG 210a.

1935 1/2d black and green 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive in a mint corner marginal block of four (gum lightly toned) showing the EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety on Row 9/1. SG 210a.

MALTA - 1910 (circa) real photo postcard unused marked MALTA - 1910 (circa) real photo postcard unused marked 'Gied Iz Zurriek'.

1910 (circa) real unused photo pitcure postcard marked 'Gied-Iz-Zurriek' and depicting a small group of local children outside stone village house. A scarce early postcard.

MALTA - 1936 1/2d printed letter rate commercial cover to Austria.MALTA - 1936 1/2d printed letter rate commercial cover to Austria.

1936 (DE.17.) pre-printed commercial cover addressed to Austria at the printed paper rate bearing single 1/2d green adhesive tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1948 cover to Austria with post war censorship.MALTA - 1948 cover to Austria with post war censorship.

1948 (NO.9.) cover addressed to Austria bearing 1d and 2 1/2d adhesive pair tied by AIR MAIL/MALTA cds with violet BY AIR MAIL rubber h/s applied at left. The cover was censored on arrival with violet OSTERIEICHISCHE ZEUSURSTELLE/75/Z1 h/s and with manila strip at left tied on reverse by violet boxed EINGELANOT/ERLEDIGT h/s.

MALTA - 1914 1/4d brown pair cancelled MISIDA.  SG 69.MALTA - 1914 1/4d brown pair cancelled MISIDA. SG 69.

1914 1/4d brown pair (SG 69-one with blunt perf) cancelled by fine central MISIDA s/r cds.

MALTA - 1920 (circa) three local photographs.MALTA - 1920 (circa) three local photographs.

1920 (circa) range of three small sized photographs depicting 'Economical British Dispensary,Sliema Landing Place and Notabile scene'. Each 8x5cm size.

MALTA - 1905 inward ADVERTISED/GPO MALTA postcard from UK with MALTA - 1905 inward ADVERTISED/GPO MALTA postcard from UK with '1d' tax marking.

1905 inward picture postcard from UK with MALTA s/r arrival cds dated MR.2.05 and circular '1d' tax mark. The card could not be delivered however and has a boxed ADVERTISED/GPO MALTA h/s applied to both sides.

MALTA - 1903 inward postcard with POSTAGE STAMP LOST IN TRANSIT handstamp.MALTA - 1903 inward postcard with POSTAGE STAMP LOST IN TRANSIT handstamp.

1903 inward postcard from Greece with the stamp having been lost and the card with slight faults having MALTA arrival cds dated 24.DE.03 code 'L' and with scarce boxed bilingual POSTAGE STAMP LOST IN TRANSIT h/s in black.

MALTA - 1953 MALTA - 1953 'Return For Additional Postage' cover to USA.

1953 (NO.4) cover to USA bearing 'KGVI' 3d & 1/6d 'Self Government' adhesive (SG240a+ 244) tied VALLETTA/MALTA with light red boxed RETURNED FOR...S...D/ADDITIONAL POSTAGE/ DATE ....s....d Per OZ instructional h/s. (RL type PD-R1a).

MALTA - 1949 RETOUR/A LMALTA - 1949 RETOUR/A L'ENVOYEUR inward undelivered cover from New Zealand.

1949 (MR.28.) inward cover from New Zealand via Egypt (Egyptian censor mark) with VALLETTA/MALTA arrival b/s dated MY.18.49. The cover could not be delivered and is struck on the front by scarce black boxed RETOUR/A L'ENVOYEUR (Proud type I 28) with violet (hand type) RETURN TO SENDER strikes applied on arrival on front and reverse and with black INSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED mark with WELLINGTON/RETURNED LETTER OFFICE cds b/s.

MALTA - 1920 RECEIVED FROM HMS SHIP use of postcard to UK.MALTA - 1920 RECEIVED FROM HMS SHIP use of postcard to UK.

1920 (20.5.) stampless use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Malta-Lurhs Cemetery' and struck by black two lined RECEIVED FROM H.M.S.SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED.

MALTA - 1916 MALTA - 1916 'On Active Service' stampless cover addressed to UK.

1916 (AP.3) use of stampless cover to UK marked in manuscript 'On Active Service' & cancelled MALTA with code slug 'F' cancellator.

MALTA - 1944 (circa) unused postcard depicting German bomber shot down on Malta.MALTA - 1944 (circa) unused postcard depicting German bomber shot down on Malta.

1944 (circa) unused postcard depicting a German bomber having been shot down over Malta. The caption reads 'Over Malta more than 2,000 German and Italian planes were shot down between 1940 and 1943'. A nice card.

MALTA - 1915 postcard to France showing MARITIME FRANCAISE use.MALTA - 1915 postcard to France showing MARITIME FRANCAISE use.

1915 use of picture postcard addressed to a soldier in the French 6th Brigade depicting the Royal Palace in Malta. The card was sent without postage and is struck by part violet crested MARITIME FRANCAISE cachet.

MALTA - 1918 ARMY POST/H.D.1 cover to UK with 1/2d MALTA - 1918 ARMY POST/H.D.1 cover to UK with 1/2d 'War Tax' stamp use.

1918 (JY.25.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied alongside 1/2d 'War Tax' adhesive by ARMY POST OFFICE/H.D.1. cds (RL type APO-HD1). This Home Depot strike being replaced early on by the 'SZ7' strike.

MALTA - 1844 inward PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE disinfected mail entire from ALEXAMDRIA.MALTA - 1844 inward PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE disinfected mail entire from ALEXAMDRIA.

1844 (MR.23.) inward stampless entire cancelled by red double arc ALEXANDRIE handstamp rated '5' in red manuscript and with disinfection slits on front and cancelled on arrival by black circular PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE h/s applied. R.Lowe type LAZ-C3.

MALTA - 1879 DISINFECTED inward stampless entire from Egypt.MALTA - 1879 DISINFECTED inward stampless entire from Egypt.

1879 (AP.9.) inward stampless entire from Egypt cancelled by ALEXANDRIE/EGYPT cds and with green oval T.SONNINO & CO/ALESSANDRIA commercial strike at left. On arrival black circular PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTA h/s applied to signify disinfection. R.Lowe type LAZ-C3.

MALTA - 1905 cover to UK with 1d tied COSPICUA/MALTA.MALTA - 1905 cover to UK with 1d tied COSPICUA/MALTA.

1905 (JY.31) cover to UK bearing 1d (SG 48) tied by s/r COSPICUA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1903 postcard to UK with 1/4d block of four used at SLIEMA B.O./MALTA.MALTA - 1903 postcard to UK with 1/4d block of four used at SLIEMA B.O./MALTA.

1903 (MY.5) use of picture postcard to UK depicting 'Chapel of Bones, Valletta' & bearing 1/4d red-brown adhesive (SG31a) tied by SLIEMA B.O./MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1902 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper used locally from VALLETTA.MALTA - 1902 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper used locally from VALLETTA.

1901 1/2d dark green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed locally & cancelled by oval VALLETTA/MALTA cancel dated 9.MR.04. H&G 2.

MALTA - 1925 2 1/2d black POSTAGE DUE horizontal unused pair with FORGED MISSING 2 in 1/2.  SG 5a.MALTA - 1925 2 1/2d black POSTAGE DUE horizontal unused pair with FORGED MISSING 2 in 1/2. SG 5a.

1925 2 1/2d Black 'POSTAGE DUE' horizontal pair in mint condition of the FORGED MISSING 2 IN 1/2 variety. SG D5a.

MALTA - 1925 unaddressed (Gatt) cover with 1/2d TETE BECHE postage due pair used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1925 unaddressed (Gatt) cover with 1/2d TETE BECHE postage due pair used at VALLETTA.

1925 (AP.23.) unaddressed cover (ex Gatt) bearing a fine pair of the 1/2d 'postage due' (SG D1a) adhesive in a fine TETE BECHE vertical pair tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1925 unaddressed (Gatt) cover with 1/2d postage due pair used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1925 unaddressed (Gatt) cover with 1/2d postage due pair used at VALLETTA.

1925 (AP.23.) unaddressed cover (ex Gatt) bearing a fine pair of the 1/2d 'postage due' (SG D1) adhesive in a fine horizontal pair tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1925 multi franked (Gatt) postage due cover.MALTA - 1925 multi franked (Gatt) postage due cover.

1925 (AP.17.) unaddressed cover (ex Gatt) bearing a fine horizontal pair of the 1/2d 'postage due' (SG D1) plus additional 1d, 1 1/2d and 2d adhesives (SG D2-D5) all tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds's.

MALTA - 1955 6d use of FORMULA air letter to South West Africa.MALTA - 1955 6d use of FORMULA air letter to South West Africa.

1955 (JLY.7.) use of black on greenish-grey FORMULA air letter addressed to South West Africa with the interior pre-printed for lottery use and bearing 'KGV' 6d 'Self Government' adhesive tied by VALLETTA/MALTA (George Cross) roller strike.


1951 (SP.10) cover addressed locally to Sliema but bearing GB `KGVI' 2 1/2d & tied by very fine RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIPS/MALTA cds. (RL type RHM-3c). BRITISH FLEET MAR 8.SP.51 b/s with part PRINCE OF WALES RD/SLIEMA MALTA arrival cds dated 10.SP.51.

MALTA - 1950 use of FORMULA air letter to UK.MALTA - 1950 use of FORMULA air letter to UK.

1950 use of FORMULA air letter addressed to UK (3 lined heading at left under Air Letter and without stop) bearing 2d (SG238) tied by AIR MAIL/MALTA cds dated 1.FE.50. Genuine use.

MALTA - 1949 1d MALTA - 1949 1d 'Wedding' fdc with GOVERNMENT LOTTERY TICKET label.

1949 (JA.4) locally addressed cover bearing 1d Silver wedding adhesive (SG249) tied VALLETTA/MALTA & marked 'First Day Cover' with red, blue & black on white BUY/ A MALTA GOVT/LOTTERY TICKET label at lower left.

MALTA - 1935 OHMS envelope to UK cancelled OFFICIAL PAID/MALTA.MALTA - 1935 OHMS envelope to UK cancelled OFFICIAL PAID/MALTA.

1935 (NO.21.) long manila O.H.M.S. envelope addressed to UK cancelled by OFFICIAL PAID/ MALTA cds in red ink.

MALTA - 1950 cover to India with BY/SURFACE ROUTE/DELHI AIR h/s applied.MALTA - 1950 cover to India with BY/SURFACE ROUTE/DELHI AIR h/s applied.

1950 cover addressed to Hyderabad (roughly opened at right edge) bearing 6d 'Self Government' adhesive (lightly toned) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA (George Cross) cancel with scarce black boxed BY/SURFACE ROUTE/DELHI AIR h/s at left. HYDERABAD arrival b/s dated 11.JAN.51.

MALTA - 1937 2 1/2d ovpt. pair on cover to UK.MALTA - 1937 2 1/2d ovpt. pair on cover to UK.

1937 (MR.15.) 'Aberdeen & Commomnwealth Line' monogrammed cover addressed to UK (light central fold) bearing the 'Two Pence Halfpenny' on 3d cobalt surcharged adhesives (SG 141) tied by AIR MAIL/MALTA cds.


1942 (DE.17.) use of 'MALTA/SELLING 2 1/2d PRICE' (Britannia) IMPERIAL REPLY COUPON cancelled by VALLETTA/MALTA cds. Fine and scarce.


1951 (OC.19) cover to Canada bearing 3d & 1/- adhesives (SG 259+60) tied PRINCE OF WALES RD/MALTA cds. Handstamped in red by boxed RETURNED FOR ....S....D/ ADDITIONAL POSTAGE/DATE....s....d Per Oz instructional marking (RL type PD-R1a) with 6d (SG 242) then being added & cancelled by similar cds dated 21.OC.51. Scarce.

MALTA - 1973 4c on 6d blue RPSE in unused condition.MALTA - 1973 4c on 6d blue RPSE in unused condition.

1973 4c black 'hand applied' surcharge on 6d blue on cream postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition with 'McCorquodale & Co Ltd' imprint under flap.

MALTA - 1847 inward outer wrapper from Egypt with disinfection slits and PURIFIE h/s.MALTA - 1847 inward outer wrapper from Egypt with disinfection slits and PURIFIE h/s.

1847 inward use of outer wrapper from Egypt cancelled ALEXANDRIE/EGYPT and dated 10.OCT.47 with disinfection slits applied and black PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE h/s (R.Lowe type LAZ-C3).

MALTA - 1925 POSTAGE DUE set of 10 in fine mint condition.  SG D11-D20.
MALTA - 1925 POSTAGE DUE set of 10 in fine mint condition.  SG D11-D20.
MALTA - 1925 POSTAGE DUE set of 10 in fine mint condition. SG D11-D20.

1925 POSTAGE DUE series of 10 values all in very fine mint condition. SG D11-D20.

MALTA - 1925 MALTA - 1925 'type set' of 10 POSTAGE DUES in unused condition. SG D1-D10.

1925 'Type set' postage due series of 10 in fine mint condition. SG D1-D10.

MALTA - 1925 4d black MALTA - 1925 4d black 'Postage Due' with 'TA' flaw. Unused. SG D7.

1925 4d black 'Postage Due' in fine mint condition showing the constant 'TA' flaw in postage. Stamp no.40. SG D7.

MALTA - 1925 3d black MALTA - 1925 3d black 'Postage Due' with 'TA' flaw. Unused. SG D6.

1925 3d black 'Postage Due' in fine mint condition showing the constant 'TA' flaw in postage. Stamp no.40. SG D6.

MALTA - 1925 1d black MALTA - 1925 1d black 'Postage Due' with 'TA' flaw. Unused. SG D2.

1925 1d black 'Postage Due' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the constant variety damaged 'TA' in postage. Stamp number 40. SG D2.

MALTA - 1925 1/2d black MALTA - 1925 1/2d black 'Postage Due' with 'TA' flaw. Unused. SG D1.

1925 1/2d black 'Postage Due' in fine mint condition showing the constant 'TA' flaw in postage. Stamp no.40. SG D1.


1954 (DE.22.) cover addressed to UK bearing KGVI 2d adhesive overprinted 'Self Government' tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds and struck at left by red INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID/FOR TRANSMISSION BY AIRMAIL h/s.

MALTA - 1900 1d PSE unused.  H&G 1a.MALTA - 1900 1d PSE unused. H&G 1a.

1900 1d Deep rose on thick laid white paper postal stationery envelope (type b) in fine unused condition. H&G 1a.

MALTA - 1902 1d PSC used at VALLETTA.  H&G 6.MALTA - 1902 1d PSC used at VALLETTA. H&G 6.

1902-06 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled by VALLETTA/MALTA d/r cds dated 6.SP.09. H&G 6.

MALTA - 1930 1 1/2d (SG 196) + 4d (SG 200) showing PLATE 1 numbers in margin.
MALTA - 1930 1 1/2d (SG 196) + 4d (SG 200) showing PLATE 1 numbers in margin.
MALTA - 1930 1 1/2d (SG 196) + 4d (SG 200) showing PLATE 1 numbers in margin.

1930 1 1/2d Rose-red (SG196) in a fine mint pair & 4d black & orange-red (SG200) in a fine block of four each showing PLATE 1 markings in the margins. Elusive.

MALTA - 1938 4d RPSE unused.  H&G 8.MALTA - 1938 4d RPSE unused. H&G 8.

1938 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing the type 4 imprint under flap. H&G 8.

MALTA - 1855 stampless cover struck by MALTA - 1855 stampless cover struck by '8' h/s.

1855 (JY.18.) stampless entire addressed to Marsiglia cancelled by part double arc MALTA cancel on reverse and with black oval GIUSEPPE SCICLUNA FIGLI/MALTA forwarding agent strike on front (RL type FA/GSF/O) which is only recorded in blue ink. Struck by large '8' h/s and with red POSS/ANGL/ MARSEILLES arrival cds.
