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We hope you will find something of interest in the items listed below. If required you can switch to individual countries (tab above) and list in date order A to Z (tab at left).

BAHAMAS - 1864 4d BAHAMAS - 1864 4d 'chalon head' cover to USA cancelled 'A 05' .

1864 (AP.11.) cover addressed to USA bearing 4d 'chalon head' adhesive tied by 'A 05' duplex with double arc BAHAMAS b/s and N.YORK BR. PKT strike on front. A few light wrinkles but a scarce early cover.

INDIA - 1941 3d rated inward cover struck INDIA - 1941 3d rated inward cover struck 'NOT OPENED BY/C-CENSOR' on arrival.

1941 inward cover from Durban South Africa to Bombay struck on arrival by black boxed 'NOT OPENED/C CENSOR' h/s.

NEW GUINEA - 1917 registered cover to UK with 1d and 6d both HORIZONTALLY BISECTED cancelled KIETA.NEW GUINEA - 1917 registered cover to UK with 1d and 6d both HORIZONTALLY BISECTED cancelled KIETA.

1917 registered cover addressed to UK bearing Fiji 1d and 6d adhesives both BI-SECTED HORIZONTALLY and tied by individual KIETA cds's. Ex Hubert Hawkins mail and very scarce usage.

RHODESIA - 1919 use of 1d RHODESIA - 1919 use of 1d 'admiral' cancelled MAGOYE.

1919 (SEP.1.) use of 1d 'admiral' adhesive tied MAGOYE. A scarcer Northern Rhodesia cancel. Proud type D2. Ex Gibbs collection.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1929 8d rated registered cover struck POSTED OUT OF COURSE and with SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1929 8d rated registered cover struck POSTED OUT OF COURSE and with '10d' h/s.

1929 (FEB.3.) long registered covcer addressed to Johannesburg bearing 1d (x8) tied by BULAWAYO/S.RHODESIA cds's with FIGTREE arrival cancel and struck POSTED OUT OF COURSE. Forwarded on to the Victoria Hotel at Johannesburg but the cover was not claimed and struck by commercial UNCLAIMED/HOTEL VICTORIA/JOHANNESBURG h/s in violet. The cover is also struck by interesting circular '10d' strike.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of OHMS SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of OHMS 'Water Court' postcard used at CHATSWORTH.

1954 (NOV.24.) use of black on green (J.32.) ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE pre-printed postcard to Causeway (file holed) for use by the water court cancelled by d/r CHATSWORTH cds. Unusual item.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of OHMS SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of OHMS 'Water Court' postcard used at CHIPINGA.

1954 (NOV.29.) use of black on green (J.32.) ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE pre-printed postcard to Causeway (file holed) for use by the water court cancelled by d/r CHIPINGA cds. Unusual item.

BRITISH GUIANA - 1937 BRITISH GUIANA - 1937 'GIRL PAT' label cover to UK struck ILLEGAL MAIL.

1937 stampless cover addressed to UK (central fold) bearing the blue GIRL PAT label at lower left cancelled by red two lined RETURNED FROM GIRL PAT/AS ILLEGAL MAIL handstamp. Complete with details regarding this English trawler which arrived at the River Demerara where it was held by police.

JAMAICA - 1938 1d red PSC JAMAICA - 1938 1d red PSC 'cto'd by COLE GATE (trd) cancel in violet. H&G 31.

1938 1d red on grey 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard (size d) addressed to 'E'F'Aguilar' (no message) and cancelled by violet oval COLE GATE (trd) with 'MAY.7.49' dating applied in manuscript. H&G 31.

JAMAICA - 1946 1 1/2d rate local cover used at FREEMANS HALL.JAMAICA - 1946 1 1/2d rate local cover used at FREEMANS HALL.

1946 (FEB.5.) cover addressed locally to Malvern bearing 1 1/2d 'Constitution' adhesive tied by violet oval FREEMANS HALL/JAMAICA (trd).

JAMAICA - 1948 1 1/2d local cover used at MOUNT INDUSTRY.JAMAICA - 1948 1 1/2d local cover used at MOUNT INDUSTRY.

1948 (APR.5.) cover addressed locally to Kingston bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by violet oval MOUNT INDUSTRY (trd).

JAMAICA - 1955 6d rate local cover used at CARRICK FOYLE.JAMAICA - 1955 6d rate local cover used at CARRICK FOYLE.

1955 (MR.11.) registered cover addressed locally to the 'Jamaica Turf Club' at Old Harbour bearing 'KGVI' 3d adhesive pair on reverse flap tied by violet oval CARRICK FOYLE (trd) and with OLD HARBOUR arrival cds's.

LAGOS - 12892 1d on 1 1/2d red brown PSC to UK used at LAGOS.  H&G 6a.LAGOS - 12892 1d on 1 1/2d red brown PSC to UK used at LAGOS. H&G 6a.

1892 1d on 1 1/2d red brown postal stationery postcard showing the 2 1/4mm spacing variation addressed to UK and cancelled by LAGOIS/W.AFRICA cds dated MY.21.93. H&G 6a.

LAGOS - 1902 1d rate cover to Sekondi.LAGOS - 1902 1d rate cover to Sekondi.

1902 (DEC.6.) cover addressed to Sekondi bearing 1d adhesive tied LAGOS/W.AFRICA with SECONDEE arrival b/s.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1955 1d RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1955 1d 'COIL LEADER' strip of four 1d ultramarine stamps. SG 2a.

1955 1d ultramarine COIL strip of four (SG 2a) being still part of the original FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASALAND/480 - 1d POSTAGE STAMPS - £2 coil leader tape. A nice format as such.

GOLD COAST - 1958 underpaid cover to Belgium with GOLD COAST - 1958 underpaid cover to Belgium with '2d' and 'TAX OVER...oz' h/s's applied.

1958 (APR.15.) cover addressed to Belgium bearing 2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by SECONDI INDEPENDENT AFRICAN STATES/ACCRA slogan strike but being underpaid having T OVER….OZ' h/s applied with '2d' struck over.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d + 1d bi-sect cover used locally at KRUGERSDORP during postage shortage. SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d + 1d bi-sect cover used locally at KRUGERSDORP during postage shortage.

1920 (JUL.3.) cover addressed locally to Krugersdorp in Transvaal bearing 1d 'head' in combination with additional example DIAGONALLY BI-SECTED to make up the 1 1/2d rate during the 1/2d shortage and cancelled by KRUGERSDORP/P cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BENONI.SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BENONI.

1920 (JAN.20) use of picture postcard to UK depicting 'Market Avenue, Benoni, Transvaal' bearing South African 1d adhesive tied by BENONI cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 use of SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 use of 'GB' 2d PSE to UK used at ALIWAL NORTH. Unusual use.

1920 (OCT.28.) use of 'GB' 2d orange on cream 'GV' postal stationery envelope addressed to UK (vertical fold) cancelled by ALIWAL NORTH/S.AFRICA cds. A very unusual use of this GB stationery which was accepted and untaxed.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2 1/2d rate use of illustrated commercial cover to Argentina used at DURBAN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2 1/2d rate use of illustrated commercial cover to Argentina used at DURBAN.

1921 (AP.4.) use of green on cream illustrated 'Ingle Colonial Broom Co of Durban envelope addressed to Argentina (scarce) but with addressee name neatly cut out bearing 1/2d 1d pair adhesives tied by DURBAN roller strike. Attractive item.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2 1/2d rate use of illustrated commercial cover to Argentina used at DURBAN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2 1/2d rate use of illustrated commercial cover to Argentina used at DURBAN.

1921 (AP.24.) use of green on cream illustrated 'Ingle Colonial Broom Co of Durban envelope addressed to Argentina (scarce) but with addressee name neatly cut out bearing 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied by DURBAN roller strike. Attractive item.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 1 1/2d orange brown PSE used locally uprated at DURBAN.  H&G 2.SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 1 1/2d orange brown PSE used locally uprated at DURBAN. H&G 2.

1921 1 1/2d Orange brown on cream postal stationery envelope (type a) addressed to Durban & bearing additional 1/2d tied by DURBAN slogan strike. H&G 2.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 1 1/2d orange grown PSE uprated to UK used at HARRIETSMITH.  H&G 2a.SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 1 1/2d orange grown PSE uprated to UK used at HARRIETSMITH. H&G 2a.

1921 1 1/2d Orange brown on cream postal stationery envelope (type b) addressed to UK bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by fine POST OFFICE HARRISMITH cds dated 9.JL.23. H&G 2a.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 3d blue (x2) rate registered cover to Baghdad used at PRETORIA.SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 3d blue (x2) rate registered cover to Baghdad used at PRETORIA.

1923 (JUL.1.) registered cover addressed to Baghdad (scarce) bearing a fine pair of the scarce 3d ultramarine adhesive (SG 9) tied by PRETORIA cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 3d rate cover to Switzerland struck by SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 3d rate cover to Switzerland struck by 'BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION' strike.

1923 (OC.31.) cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 3d blue 'head' adhesive tied by BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION 1924 slogan strike of JOHANNESBURG.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1925 1d (x4) rate cover used at SOUTH AFRICA - 1925 1d (x4) rate cover used at 'S.A.R. & H/MOLTENO'. A nice railway use.

1925 (JUN.25.) cover addressed to East London from the 'Diamond Phoenix Hotel' at Molteno in the Cape. Bears two pairs of the 1d red 'head' adhesive tied by violet oval S.A.R.& H/MOLTENO railways strikes with EAST LONDON arrival cds the following day. A rare strike.

GRENADA - 1875 GRENADA - 1875 'Chalon Head' 'IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF' in black.

1875 'Chalon Head' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in black on thin ungummed card. (SG type 5).

GAMBIA - 1963 1/3d GAMBIA - 1963 1/3d 'FFH' underpaid cover to Uganda struck '1/- TO PAY'.

1963 (JU.4.) cover addressed to the Ministry Of Agriculture in Entebbe, Uganda bearing a first day use of the 1/3d 'Freedom From Hunger' adhesive tied CAPE ST MARY/GAMBIA but being under paid struck by scarce '1/- / TO PAY' tax mark (Proud type UP23) with 'T' h/s alongside.

GAMBIA - 1902 2d orange and mauve corner example tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds.  SG 47.GAMBIA - 1902 2d orange and mauve corner example tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds. SG 47.

1902 2d orange and mauve corner marginal example tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds dated 15.JU.02. with a further strike alongside. SG 47.

GAMBIA - 1902 1d carmine pair tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds.  SG 46.GAMBIA - 1902 1d carmine pair tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds. SG 46.

1902 1d carmine pair tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds dated 10.AP.02. with a further strike alongside. SG 46.

GAMBIA - 1902 1/2d green pair on piece tied RECEIVED/GAMBIA.  SG 45.GAMBIA - 1902 1/2d green pair on piece tied RECEIVED/GAMBIA. SG 45.

1902 1/2d green pair tied to piece by RECEIVED/GAMBIA cds dated 2.JY.01. with a further strike alongside. SG 45.

EGYPT - 1922 10m pink RPSE uprated to Belgium used at CAIRO.  H&G 3.EGYPT - 1922 10m pink RPSE uprated to Belgium used at CAIRO. H&G 3.

1922 10m pink on cream registered postal stationery envelope with THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO LTD. Imprint under flap addressed to Belgium and bearing additional 5m (x4) tied CAIRO and dated 7.AU.23. H&G 3.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1942 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1942 'XMAS GREETINGS' illustrated air letter sheet unused for Middle East Forces.

1942 blue on cream 'XMAS GREETINGS' illustrated air mail letter card in unused condition printed for the use of Middle East Forces during WW2 and with SO FAR/YET SO NEAR illustration inside. Designed by Edgar Longman.

CANADA - 1943 10c blue CANADA - 1943 10c blue 'PRISONER OF WAR' air letter sheet unused.

1942 issue blue on greyish white PRISONER OF WAR POST air mail sheet inscribed 'POSTAGE/ 10c/AFFIX' made available t between June and August of 1942 for correspondence between allied prisoners of war in German and Italian camps. This was issued in the same format as the British form issued in July 1941 but for 'Australian and Canadian' forces use being '10c' marked.

B.O.F.I.C. - 1948 registered B.O.F.I.C. - 1948 registered 'EXPRES' cover used used at MOGADISHU bearing BMA/Somalia series.

1948 (AU.13.) registered cover addressed locally to a Major of the Kings African Rifles bearing the set to 5/- (SG S10-S20) tied by individual MODADISHU R.L.O./SOMALIA cancels and with scarce black on dark pink (Mod.24) EXPRES label at bottom right.

ST.LUCIA - 1881 1 1/2d brown PSC to UK cancelled ST.LUCIA - 1881 1 1/2d brown PSC to UK cancelled 'A 11'. H&G 1.

1881 1 1/2d brown on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK (mount mark on reverse) cancelled by 'A 11' duplex with ST.LUCIA cds below dated DE.10.81. A nice early use of this first issue stationery card and a genuine commecial use. H&G 1.

ST.LUCIA - 1882 2d blue RPSE (size G) used locally.  H&G 1.ST.LUCIA - 1882 2d blue RPSE (size G) used locally. H&G 1.

1882 2d blue (oxidised grey) on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed locally and cancelled ST.LUCIA and dated AP.17.97. H&G 1.

ST.LUCIA - 1883-93 1d rose PSC to Holland used at CASTRIES.  H&G 2.ST.LUCIA - 1883-93 1d rose PSC to Holland used at CASTRIES. H&G 2.

1883-93 1d rose on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Holland (genuine use) cancelled CASTRIES/ST.LUCIA and dated OC.19.01. H&G 2.

KUWAIT - 1953 local cover showing dual reign use with 1/2a KUWAIT - 1953 local cover showing dual reign use with 1/2a 'value only' adhesive.

1953 (DE.10.) cover addressed locally bearing KGVI 3a on 3d adhesive alongside QEII 1/2a on 1/2d 'value only' adhesive tied KUWAIT. A scarce use of this no value stamp in Kuwait and showing dual reign usage.

BECHUANALAND - 1934 first flight cover to Nyasaland.BECHUANALAND - 1934 first flight cover to Nyasaland.

1934 (MAR.5.) first flight cover to Nyasaland bearing 2d, 3d and 4d adhesives tied LOBATSI and struck at left by ALL THE WAY h/s and violet FIRST OFFICIAL AIR MAIL strike above black S.RHODESIA/NYASALAND h/s. BLANTYRE and LIMBE arrival b/s's.

BAHAMAS - 1935 1/2d rate local cover used at COOPERS TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1935 1/2d rate local cover used at COOPERS TOWN.

1935 (MR.5.) local cover bearing 1/2d adhesive tied COOPERS TOWN/BAHAMAS.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1947 SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1947 'UPU' congress folder. Very elusive item.

1947 gold on black 'Paris UPU Congress' official folder containing the current stamps of Southern Rhodesia adhered to sheets including the 1938 set to 5/-, Victory pair, Royal Visit pair and Victory issue set of four. Officially issued in this different format to the normal booklets seen for other colonies. A very elusive item.

BECHUANALAND - 1897 1/2d yellow green BECHUANALAND - 1897 1/2d yellow green 'Taylor & Marshall' fine mint pane of 60. SG 56.

1897 1/2d yellow green adhesive in a fine right hand pane of 60 showing the 'new' plate '2' and the FLAW ON FOOT OF R on positions 4,16,28,40 and 52 of the 13mm overprinting by Taylor and Marshall of Cape Town. A few light creases but a scarce multiple. SG 56.

DOMINICA - 1842 stampless entire to UK rated 1/- struck DOMINICA on reverse.DOMINICA - 1842 stampless entire to UK rated 1/- struck DOMINICA on reverse.

1842 stampless entire addressed to UK rated '1/-' in manuscript and with light DOMINICA double arc cancel on reverse dated NO.1842. Red circular 6.DE.6./1842 arrival strike applied in London.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1945 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1945 'Army Form W.3077' air letter for FALKLAND ISLANDS in unused condition.

1945 dark blue on grey 'Army Form W.3077' overprinted at top edge FALKLAND ISLANDS AND DEPENDENCIES in fine unused condition. This being the larger overprint issue. A very scarce piece of stationery unused.

HONG KONG - 1914 10c violet RPSE (size K) to Germany uprated at KOWLOON BRANCH.  H&G 7d.HONG KONG - 1914 10c violet RPSE (size K) to Germany uprated at KOWLOON BRANCH. H&G 7d.

1914 10c violet on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size K) showing the tariff on reverse Francs 300/25c to Francs 3000 to $250 addressed to Germany (heavy central fold) and bearing additional 10c and 30c pair tied by HONG KONG/KOWLOON BRANCH cds's dated 28.AU.13. With black boxed R/KOWLOON P.O./No. registered handstamp at left. Some edge creases as to be expected by the use of this large sized stationery envelope. Both the Kowloon Branch and Registered h/s's are scarce. H&G 7d.

K.U.T. - 1923 50c ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 1.K.U.T. - 1923 50c ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 1.

1923 50c ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition with type 3 imprint under flap. Just a few very light age marks. H&G 1.

TONMGA - 1906 1d illustrated PSC to UK used at NUKUALOFA.  H&G 1 (2).TONMGA - 1906 1d illustrated PSC to UK used at NUKUALOFA. H&G 1 (2).

1906 1d red and black on heavy cream card illustrated on front and with coloured NUKUALOFA/TONGA scene reverse (type 2) addressed to UK and cancelled by NUKUALOFA/TONGA cds dated MY.6.08. H&G 1 (2).

TRANSVAAL - 1908 TRANSVAAL - 1908 'OHMS' (savings bank) sheet addressed to Florida used at JOHANNESBURG.

1908 (JAN.24.) OHMS-POST OFFICE TRANSVAAL folded pre-printed 'Savings Bank' letter sheet cancelled JOHANNESBURG and with FLORIDA arrival b/s. A scarce and unusual official stationery item.

ZANZIBAR - 1936 30c dark blue RPSE to USA struck PAR AVION DE ZANZIBAR A LONDON.  ZANZIBAR - 1936 30c dark blue RPSE to USA struck PAR AVION DE ZANZIBAR A LONDON.

1936 30c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA bearing 25c and 1/- adhesives tied REG/ZANZIBAR and struck by PAR AVION DE ZANZIBAR A LONDON instructional h/s. This envelope having 'THOS DE LA RUE & CO LTD' imprint under flap which is not listed by H&G.

CEYLON - 1885 CEYLON - 1885 'FIVE CENTS' on 4c light grey PSE to Kandy used at KURNEGETTE. H&G 18.

1885 'FIVE CENTS' on 4c light grey postal stationery envelope addressed locally to Kandy and cancelled KURNEGETTE/PAID. H&G 18.

CEYLON - 1890 15c pink RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red.  H&G 8e.CEYLON - 1890 15c pink RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red. H&G 8e.

1890 15c pink on cream registered postal stationmery envelope (size H) in unused condition struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red. A few minor faults under flap from adherence. H&G 8e

CEYLON - 1893 10c on 15c pink RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red.  H&G 10e.CEYLON - 1893 10c on 15c pink RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red. H&G 10e.

1893 10c on 15c pink on cream registtered postal stationery envelope (size H) in unused condition struck SPECIMEN diagonally in red. A few minor faults on flap from adherence. H&G 10e.

CEYLON - 1929 6c red CEYLON - 1929 6c red 'Times Of Ceylon' postal stationery 'Private' wrapper to Switzerland.

1929 6c red on buff postal stationery wrapper (size c) addressed to Switzerland and cancelled COLOMBO being 'printed to order' with 'The Times Of Ceylon' heading (comma after Ceylon and Office). Scarce

CEYLON - 1942 use of CEYLON - 1942 use of 'OAS' stampless 'PASSED/DHQ/5' censor cover to India.

1942 use of stampless cover addressed to Bangalore (central fold) marked 'On Active Service' and struck by black PASSED BY/5 IND FD/CENSOR UNIT 6 handstamp with black crowned octagonal PASSED/ DHQ/5 censor mark at left. Sent from Base PO in Colombo.

CEYLON - 1944 use of CEYLON - 1944 use of 'XMAS AIR LETTER' illustrated sheet censored to UK.

1944 'RAF POSTAL SERVICES/AIR COMMAND/SOUTH EAST ASIA/POSTAGE FREE/XMAS 1944' air mail sheet addressed to UK struck with violet RAF/CENSOR/456 handstamp. Multi coloured 'Christmas Greeting' illustration on inside. Written by a corporal in Ceylon. Muller 151.

CEYLON - 1956 5c rose PSC used locally at COLOMBO.  CEYLON - 1956 5c rose PSC used locally at COLOMBO.

1956 5c rose on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by COLOMBO cds dated 3.AP.56. This being the 'narrow' stamp issue.

IRAQ - 1943 local AIR LETTER illustrated air mail sheet to UK censored and used at FPO No.R-30.IRAQ - 1943 local AIR LETTER illustrated air mail sheet to UK censored and used at FPO No.R-30.

1943 locally produced AIR LETTER/CHRISTMAS CARD printed in black on cream paper with interior reading 'Christmas & New Year Greetings- Persia and Iraq 1943'. Addressed to UK and cancelled by FPO/No. R-30 cds dated 6.NO.43 and with violet boxed PASSED BY/CENSOR h/s at lower left.

IRAQ - 1942 use of illustrated XMAS GREETINGS air letter sheet censored and used at FPO No.21.IRAQ - 1942 use of illustrated XMAS GREETINGS air letter sheet censored and used at FPO No.21.

1942 (NO.20.) use of blue on cream XMAS GREETINGS air letter sheet addressed to UK bearing Indian 3as adhesive tied FPO.No.21 as used by troops stationed at Shaihah in Iraq. Violet boxed PASSED BY/223/UNIT CENSOR h/s at left. Ex Pai Force mail with SO FAR/ AND YET SO NEAR illustration on inside.

ST.HELENA - 1912 6d dull and deep purple fine mint struck SPECIMEN locally in violet.  SG 84.ST.HELENA - 1912 6d dull and deep purple fine mint struck SPECIMEN locally in violet. SG 84.

1912 6d dull and deep purple in fine mint condition handstamped locally by rubber SPECIMEN strike in violet. This local handstamp is scarce. SG 84.

ST.HELENA - 1913 4d and 6d fine mint handstamped ST.HELENA - 1913 4d and 6d fine mint handstamped 'SPECIMEN' in black. SG 85s+86s.

1913 4d black and red on yellow (SG 85) and 6d dull and deep purple (SG 86) in fine mint condition each struck SPECIMEN.

ST.HELENA - 1936 1/2D ST.HELENA - 1936 1/2D 'LATE ' black issue mint block of four with CLEFT ROCK variety. SG 97hc.

1936 1/2d grey-black and black 'late printing' on gum arabic gummed paper in a fine mint block of four with the lower left stamp showing the CLEFT ROCK variety from Row 5/1. A scarce variety on this printing. SG 97hc.

SIERRA LEONE - 1946 registered SIERRA LEONE - 1946 registered 'AR' struck cover to Switzerland.

1946 (NO.11.) commercial registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 1/3d adhesive alongside 1 1/2d 'Victory' adhesive tied by oval REGISTERED/GPO SIERRA LEONE cancel struck 'AR' in black oval at left (Avis Reception).


1965 (FE.5.) use of 1/- blue and yellow on white 'INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON-SIERRA' LEONE cancelled REMITTANCE SECTION/FREETOWN.

SAMOA - 1935 1d lake SAMOA - 1935 1d lake 'Silver Jubilee' perf 14 x 14 1/2 unmounted mint. SG 177a.

1935 1d lake 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive from the elusive perf 14x1 1/2 issue of which only 960 were printed in unmounted mint condition. Still very much under rated by SG. SG 177a.

RHODESIA - 1913 4d black and red-orange RHODESIA - 1913 4d black and red-orange 'admiral' block of six on piece used at BULAWAYO. SG 216.

1913 4d black and orange red (perf 15) Die 1 adhesive in a block of six cancelled on small piece (minor faults) by BULAWAYO/S.RHODESIA cds. SG 216.

BECHUANALAND - 1961 decimal surcharge cover registered to UK used at LOBATSI.BECHUANALAND - 1961 decimal surcharge cover registered to UK used at LOBATSI.

1961 (FEB.14.) registered cover to UK bearing 1c,2c,2 1/2c, 3 1/2c,5c and 10c overprint decimal surcharge adhesives tied by LOBATSI BECH PROT cds's. MAFEKING/RLS OBA strike on reverse

BERMUDA - 1959 1 1/2d BERMUDA - 1959 1 1/2d 'Anniv Of Settlement' U/M with GREY PRINTED DOUBLE. SG 158.

1959 1 1/2d 'Anniversary of Settlement' adhesive in a unmounted mint bottom part imprint marginal example showing the DRAB GREY PRINTED DOUBLE. Complete with a David Brandon certificate (copy) when it was in a block of four prior to being separated. SG 158.

BR.VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1985 BR.VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1985 'Cruise Ships' set in IMPERFORATE imprint pairs. SG 592-95.

1985 'Visiting Cruising Ships' set of four each in IMPERFORATE 'Format International' imprint corner marginal pairs. SG 592-95.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE stamp on script CA paper.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE stamp on script CA paper.

1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE perforated marginal stamp with 'Script CA' watermark but without design or gum printed on blue green (both sided) paper. Unusual item.

JAMAICA - 1949 5/- slate blue and yellow orange (perf 13) used block of four.  SG 132.JAMAICA - 1949 5/- slate blue and yellow orange (perf 13) used block of four. SG 132.

1949 5/- slate blue and yellow orange (perf 13) block of four cancelled by central cds. SG 132.

ST.CHRISTOPHER - 1884 ST.CHRISTOPHER - 1884 'FOUR PENCE' on 6d green mint with 'COLON and QUAD' varieties. SG 22.

1884 'FOUR PENCE' on 6d green in fine mint condition showing unusual 'colon' at left and quad bars before and after 'four'. SG 22.

SOMALILAND - 1903 1/2d green SOMALILAND - 1903 1/2d green 'SERVICE' adhesive fine mint with MISSING I TO BRITISH variety. SG 06a.

1903 1/2d green in fine mint condition overprinted SERVICE and with the MISSING I TO BRITISH variety SG 06a.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 2d light brown PSE uprated to USA used at LUANSHYA.  H&G 1.NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 2d light brown PSE uprated to USA used at LUANSHYA. H&G 1.

1924 2d light brown on cream postal stationery envelope (size a) addressed to USA and bearing additional 1d adhesive tied LUANSHYA and dated 18.APR.31. H&G 1.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1960 unpaid taxed local cover from NDOLA with 2d NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1960 unpaid taxed local cover from NDOLA with 2d 'postage due' added.

1960 (JUN.28.) stampless cover addressed locally cancelled NDOLA/N.RHODESIA with circular 'T' tax mark and with 2d black 'postage due' applied through with light blue crayon marking.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1963 illustrated definitive first day cover used at NDOLA.NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1963 illustrated definitive first day cover used at NDOLA.

1963 (DEC.1.) illustrated definitive first day cover addressed locally (mount marks on reverse) bearing the complete set of 14 with extra 1/2d (SG 75-88) tied NDOLA/N.RHODESIA.

NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 1.

1892 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) used with NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) used with 'PERFORATED SPECIMEN' applied. H&G 1b.

1893 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) showing the rare printing with 'R' in oval being 32mm with flap PERFORATED SPECIMEN. Small black mark on reverse but a very scarce piece of stationery. H&G 1b.

NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused with SPECIMEN struck diagonally.  H&G 7.NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused with SPECIMEN struck diagonally. H&G 7.

1895 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black on reverse. H&G 7.

NYASALAND - 1953 1/- rate re-directed cover to UK struck NYASALAND - 1953 1/- rate re-directed cover to UK struck 'T' with '6d' h/s alongside.

1953 cover addressed to UK and re-directed bearing QEII 1/- adhesive tied by LIMBE cds but was underpaid and has 'T' tax mark applied with scarce '6d' h/s in black.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1/2d blue green U/M gutter pair with SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1/2d blue green U/M gutter pair with 'IMPERF TO LOWER STAMP'. SG 1.

1924 1/2d blue green in a fine unmounted mint gutter margin pair showing the variety IMPERFORATE TO LOWER STAMP. SG 1.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1d bright rose U/M gutter pair with SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1d bright rose U/M gutter pair with 'IMPERF TO LOWER STAMP'. SG 2.

1924 1d bright rose in a fine unmounted mint gutter margin pair showing the variety IMPERFORATE TO LOWER STAMP. SG 2.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931 4d dark blue RPSE (Size G) uprated locally at BULAWAYO.  H&G 2.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931 4d dark blue RPSE (Size G) uprated locally at BULAWAYO. H&G 2.

1931 4d dark blue on cream regsitered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Salisbury bearing additional 1d adhesive tied BULAWAYO and dated 1.DEC.37. H&G 2.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 4d ultramarine RPSE (size H2) to UK uprated at RUSAPE. H&G 1a. SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 4d ultramarine RPSE (size H2) to UK uprated at RUSAPE. H&G 1a.

1924 4d ultramarine on cream 'admiral' registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) addressed to UK bearing additional 1d adhesive and tied by RUSAPE/S.RHODESIA cds dated 8.MAY.1928. H&G 1a.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1932 3 1/2d rate cover to Bermuda used at DARWENDALE. SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1932 3 1/2d rate cover to Bermuda used at DARWENDALE.

1932 (FEB.26.) cover addressed to Bermuda (scarce) bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by fine DARWENDALE cds's.


1950 use of official crested RECLAMATION - I form (GPO/F./P.14) bearing 1d and 2d 'falls' adhesives each with manuscript dating but cancelled below by INYANGA delivery office cds. A scarce piece of official stationery.

ANTIGUA - 1884 4d blue on cover to UK.ANTIGUA - 1884 4d blue on cover to UK.

1884 (FE.11.) cover addressed to UK bearing 4d blue tied 'A02' with ANTIGUA cds alongside.

ANTIGUA - 1888 4d chestnut on cover to UK.ANTIGUA - 1888 4d chestnut on cover to UK.

1888 (MR.16.) cover addressed to UK bearing 4d chestnut tied ANTIGUA.

ANTIGUA - 1902 4d chestnut tied with Leeward Island 1/2d on registered cover to USA.ANTIGUA - 1902 4d chestnut tied with Leeward Island 1/2d on registered cover to USA.

1902 (OC.14.) illustrated 'No Dust On Us/American 1901' cover registered to USA bearing 4d chestnut adhesive tied alongside Leeward Islands 1/2d 'key plate' adhesive by s/r ANTIGUA. A scarcer use but with water staining at left edge (not affecting stamps).

RHODESIA - 1903 1/2d blue green PSC uprated to Germany used at UMVUMA.  H&G 13.RHODESIA - 1903 1/2d blue green PSC uprated to Germany used at UMVUMA. H&G 13.

1903 1/2d blue green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (genuine use) bearing additional 1/2d 'arms' adhesive and tied by UMVUMA cds dated 11.DEC.09. H&G 13.

RHODESIA - 1905 1d rate postcard to Belgium used at KALUNGUISI.RHODESIA - 1905 1d rate postcard to Belgium used at KALUNGUISI.

1905 (AUG.12.) use of picture postcard addressed to Belgium depicting 'Fife-North Easter Rhodesia' (homesteds) bearing 1d 'arms' adhesive tied KALUNGUISI/N.E.RHODESIA and with FORT JAMES/ N.E.RHODESIA transit cds below.

RHODESIA - 1910 1/2d (x2) RHODESIA - 1910 1/2d (x2) 'arms' adhesives on postcard to Belgium cancelled BROKEN HILL.

1910 (MAY.26.) use of picture postcard addressed to Belgium depicting 'Etat Ind. Du Congo- Indigenesd Bakumu' bearing 1/2d green 'arms' pair tied BROKEN HILL/N.W.RHODESIA.

RHODESIA - 1911 1d RHODESIA - 1911 1d 'double head' pair on piece cancelled BULAWAYO STATION and with 'OD' flaw.

1911 (JUL.30.) piece bearing 1d 'double head' pair tied BULAWAYO STATION and with one stamp showing the 'OD' flaw below Rhodesia.

RHODESIA - 1913 1/2d green PSE (size c) uprated locally at BULAWAYO.  H&G 4a.RHODESIA - 1913 1/2d green PSE (size c) uprated locally at BULAWAYO. H&G 4a.

1913 1/2d green on cream 'admiral' postal stationery envelope (size C) addressed to Agnes Falk in Gwelo (ex flap) and uprated with the additional use of 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied by BULAWAYO cds dared 19.JAN.24. Gwelo arrival cds on front two days later and also backstamped. A very rare uprated use of this elusive sized envelope and especially as it is unfolded. Lovely item. H&G 4a.

RHODESIA - 1920 RHODESIA - 1920 'NON RECLAME/NOT CLAIMED' local stampless OHMS cover.

1920 (NOV.15.) use of stampless O.H.M.S. cover addressed to Marandellas cancelled by SALISBURY/S.RHODESIA cds in 'blue ink' with weak MARANDELLAS arrival b/s. The cover could not be delivered and is struck by scarce RETURN TO SENDER.AS THE ADDRESS GIVEN ON COVER instructional strike in black (unrecorded without box) and additionally struck by NON RECLAME/NOT CLAIMED handstamp. Blue SALISBURY roller strike b/s (Proud type M1) with SALISBURY arrival on front dated 30.NOV.20.

RHODESIA - 1922 inward underpaid RHODESIA - 1922 inward underpaid 'OHMS' postcard struck INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID.

1922 inward use of O.H.M.S. acknowledgement postcard for a war medal to the Staff Officer War Records at Salisbury cancelled by JOHANNESBURG roller strike dated JU.2.1922. The card is 'Post Free' being official but was struck by boxed INSUFFICENTLY/PREPAID handstamp with circular 'T/1d' tax mark with Rhodesian 1d 'admiral' applied but uncancelled.

RHODESIA - 1922 use of RHODESIA - 1922 use of 'OHMS' acknowledgement postcard used at GWELO.

1922 (MAY.19.) use of O.H.M.S. acknowledgement postcard for a war medal pre-addressed to Salisbury cancelled GWELO/S.RHODESIA.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1919 1d rate postcard use to UK struck PAQUEBOT/TOULON SUR MER.SOUTH AFRICA - 1919 1d rate postcard use to UK struck PAQUEBOT/TOULON SUR MER.

1919 use of picture postcard to UK depicting 'R.M.S.Oraova' & bearing 1d 'head' tied by very fine hooded PAQUEBOT/TOULON SUE MER maritime cancel. A most attractive item.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1d (x2) rate cover to Cape Town used at LAINGSBURG.SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1d (x2) rate cover to Cape Town used at LAINGSBURG.

1917 (MAR.21) cover to CapeTown bearing 1d pair (SG 4b) tied by fine LAINGSBURG cds in violet. Scarce strike.

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