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Showing items in category British Levant, sorted by newest listed first.
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BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 4 1/2p on 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 23.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 4 1/2p on 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 23.

1920 4 1/2p black on 1d carmine on buff postal stationery p'card in fine unused condition. A very scarce piece of stationery used for internal use. H&G 23.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 30p on 1/2d green fine mint with SURCHARGE INVERTED. Certificate.  SG 41.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 30p on 1/2d green fine mint with SURCHARGE INVERTED. Certificate. SG 41.

1921 30 paras on 1/2d green in fine mint condition showing the SURCHARGE INVERTED and complete with David Brandon certificate stating genuine. BK GT7a. Unlisted by SG. Very scarce. SG 41.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size K) unused.  H&G 20c.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size K) unused. H&G 20c.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size K) in fine unused condition but with central fold showing the 'G.P.' initials under flap. H&G 20c.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2p claret RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 21a.BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2p claret RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 21a.

1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing the 'C.R.' initials under flap. H&G 21a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size K) unused.  H&G 21c.BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size K) unused. H&G 21c.

1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size K) in fine unused condition but with central fold showing the 'J.Q.' initials under flap. H&G 21c.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 2d rate censored cover to UK cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE/Y.BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 2d rate censored cover to UK cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE/Y.

1919 (JU.9.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing GB 2d adhesive tied by ARMY POST OFFICE/Y cds used by British troops in Levant with violet octagonal crown PASSED/BY/CENSOR/No 490. Counter signed at lower left by Lieutenant from the British Salonica Force. SG Z179.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 'OAS' censored cover to UK cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE/Y.

1919 (AU.3.) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'O.G.S.' at top in manuscript and cancelled by ARMY POST OFFICE/Y cds used by the British troops at Constantinople. Light violet octagonal crown PASSED/BY/CENSOR/No. 479 h/s at lower left and counter signed.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 'OAS' censored postcard use to UK cancelled ARMY POST OFFICE/S.X.5.

1918 (DE.27.) stampless use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Salonica-Triumphal Arch Of Alexander The Great' cancelled by ARMY POST OFFICE/ S.X.5. cds with violet octagonal crowned PASSED/BY/CENSOR/No.310 h/s at left.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 'OAS' censored postcard use to UK cancelled FPO/G.X.

1918 (DE.9.) stampless use of postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Constantinople, Vue Panoramique de top-Hane et du Bosphore' marked 'O.A.S.' and cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE G.X cancel used by troops stationed at Salonika and with red crowned octagonal PASSED BY CENSOR/No.11 h/s at left.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 BRITISH LEVANT - 1918 'OAS' censored cover to UK cancelled FPO/T.27.

1918 (JA.23.) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' and cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE/T.27 cds used by British troops stationed at Struma Valley (Salonika) with red crowned octagonal PASSED BY CENSOR/No.58 h/s below. The 'T' denotes a divisional train usage.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 dual currency cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 dual currency cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1912 (JU.1.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 2d LEVANT adhesive (SG L4) tied in combination with the Turkish 1 1/4p on 3d adhesive (SG 22) by CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 'Mackennal' registered cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1912 (MR.19.) registered cover addressed to Germany (light central fold) bearing 1/2d and 1d Mackennal' issues (SG L12+14 plus L13+15) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds's. The redrawn pair being the earliest known use and is complete to this effect with a letter from Stanley Gibbons.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 3 3/4d on 2 1/2d (x2) rated postcard use to Germany from CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 3 3/4d on 2 1/2d (x2) rated postcard use to Germany from CONSTANTINOPLE.

1922 (JY.19.) use of picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Constantinople-Mosque Valide' bearing two examples of the 3 3/4p on 2 1/2d adhesive (SG 43) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d grey-blue PSE unused with SURCHARGE INVERTED.  BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d grey-blue PSE unused with SURCHARGE INVERTED.

1893 40 paras on 2 1/2d grey-blue on cream postal stationery envelope showing the major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED on the type II 'Open 4' variation. This is only listed on the closed 4 issue by H&G. The envelope is unused but a little aged. Unusual item.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 40p on 2d+1d RPSE (size G) uprated to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE. H&G 14a.BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 40p on 2d+1d RPSE (size G) uprated to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE. H&G 14a.

1902 40 paras on 2d + 1d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK uprated with additional 1p on 2 1/2d blue adhesive tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated FE.11.07. H&G 14a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 combination currency registered cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 combination currency registered cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1910 (JY.14.) registered cover addressed to Kassel in Germany bearing 30p on 1 1/2d (SG 29), 2p on 5d (SG 30) Turkish currency issues together with 2d 'Levant' issue (SG L4) tied by s/r BRITISH POST OFFICE/STAMBOUL cds's. Blue on white R/BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE/(STAMBOUL) label at left. A scarce use of the British Currency 2d to make up the registered rate.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 combination currency registered cover to UK used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 combination currency registered cover to UK used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1910 (AP.14.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d (SG L1) tied with 1 3/4pi on 4d (SG 23) by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds. A scarce use of the British currency to make up rate.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 30 paras on 1 1/2d rate postcard to Greece used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 30 paras on 1 1/2d rate postcard to Greece used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1910 (AP.28.) use of coloured picture postcard addressed to Greece depicting 'Constantinople/ Les Soldats de l'armee de la Liberte' bearing 30 paras on 1 1/2d adhesive (SG 16) tied by BPO/ CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 multi franked combination cover to Germany used at BPO/BEYROUT.BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 multi franked combination cover to Germany used at BPO/BEYROUT.

1912 (MY.6.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 'Levant' 1/2d (SG L1) from the British currency issue in combination with 1p on 2 1/2d (SG 13) and 1 3/4p on 4d (SG 23) from the Turkish currency issue tied by BEYROUT/BRITISH POST OFFICE cds's. The latter shows the variety THIN POINTED 4 which is found from the 1st and 7th vertical rows. (SG 23b). Scarce on cover.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1 1/4pi on 3d rate cover to UK used at BPO/SMYRNA.BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1 1/4pi on 3d rate cover to UK used at BPO/SMYRNA.

1910 (JY.31) cover to UK bearing 1 1/4pi on 3d dull purple on orange yellow (SG 22) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/SMYRNA cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 12 p on 2/6d lilac fine mint handstamped SPECIMEN.  SG 3.BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 12 p on 2/6d lilac fine mint handstamped SPECIMEN. SG 3.

1885 12 piastres on 2 /6d lilac on 'bluish paper' in fine fresh mint condition handstamped SPECIMEN. SG 3.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 80 p on 5d green SPECIMEN affixed to card. SG 2.BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 80 p on 5d green SPECIMEN affixed to card. SG 2.

1885 80 paras on 5d green affixed on dark card handstamped SPECIMEN. SG 2.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20p dull claret PSC of Turkey used at SMYRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20p dull claret PSC of Turkey used at SMYRNE.

TURKISH OFFICES - 1892 20 para dull claret postal stationery postcard of Turkey (small corner fault) addressed to Turkey and cancelled by SMYRNE/DEPARTS cds dated AOUT.10.95. H&G 8.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue mint BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue mint 'A.12 (I)' control block of six. SG 36a.

1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue in a very fine mint 'A.12 (I)' control block of six. SG 36a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue in mint BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue in mint 'C 13(I)' control block of six. SG 36a.

1913 1p on 2 1/2d bright blue in a very fine mint 'C 13(I)' control block of six. SG 36a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1894 2p Turkish adhesive on cover to UK cancelled by red SALONIQUE/DEPART.BRITISH LEVANT - 1894 2p Turkish adhesive on cover to UK cancelled by red SALONIQUE/DEPART.

TURKISH OFFICES - 1894 (JUL.17.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing Turkish 2p orange-brown adhesive tied by oval red barred handstamp with d/r SALONIQUE/DEPART cds above again in red ink.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1864 60c rate cover to UK used at BRITISH LEVANT - 1864 60c rate cover to UK used at '5098' SMYRNE.

FRENCH OFFICES - 1864 (JUN.30.) cover addressed to UK bearing French 20c and 40c adhesives tied by dotted '5098' with SMYRNE/TURQUIE cds. French transit b/s's and FOLKSTONE arrival.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1871 15 sld rate outer wrapper to Italy used at SMIRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1871 15 sld rate outer wrapper to Italy used at SMIRNE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1871 use of outer wrapper addressed to Italy struck by oval 'Charles Corsi/Smirne' handstamp at lower left and bearing 15sld adhesive tied by small s/r SMIRNE cds dated '25/3'.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1873 23 sld rate entire to Italy used at SMIRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1873 23 sld rate entire to Italy used at SMIRNE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1873 (9.8.) entire addressed to Milano in Italy (few light bleached marks along the folds) bearing 3sld green and a pair of the 10sld blue adhesives tied by small circled SMIRNE cds with black boxed PIROSSE/POSTAGE/AUSTRIGE h/s and 'P.D.' (Paid) strike. Green oval SMYRNE commercial h/s at lower left. A rare two franking cover sent via Brindisi.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1874 15 sld rate outer wrapper to Italy used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1874 15 sld rate outer wrapper to Italy used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1874 (4.3.) use of outer wrapper addressed to Triest in Italy and bearing Austrian 15sld adhesive tied by neat CONSTANTINOPLE cds with blue circular double ringed D.LEBET & FILS VICTOR/CONSTANTINOPLE commercial h/s at top left.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1875 20l pair pair entire to Syria used at SMYRNA.BRITISH LEVANT - 1875 20l pair pair entire to Syria used at SMYRNA.

GREEK OFFICES - 1875 (AUG.31.) entire addressed to Syria bearinga fine 20l pair tied by Greek SMYRNA cds with green oval A.FARKOA & CO./SMYRNA forwarding agent h/s at left.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1878 10 sld rate cover to Germany used at SMIRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1878 10 sld rate cover to Germany used at SMIRNE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1878 (2.3.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 10sld blue adhesive tied by SMIRNE s/r cds with CONSTANTINOPLE transit b/s.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1909 1p on 2d+1d brown RPSE unused (size G) with BRITISH LEVANT - 1909 1p on 2d+1d brown RPSE unused (size G) with 'M.B.' date code. H&G 17.

1909 1p on 2d+1d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) with only REGISTRATION on reverse side and showing 'M.B.' code date under flap. H&G 17.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1p brown on cream RPSE unused (size K) with BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1p brown on cream RPSE unused (size K) with 'E.E.' date code. H&G 18b.

1911 1p brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size K) in fine unused condition with 'W' under neck and showing 'E.E.' date code under flap. Elusive stationery item. H&G 18b.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p brown on cream RPSE unused (size H) with BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p brown on cream RPSE unused (size H) with 'J.F.' date code. H&G 19a.

1912 1p brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition without 'W' under neck and showing 'J.F.' date code under flap. H&G 19a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE unused (size F) with BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE unused (size F) with 'K.P.' date code. H&G 20.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition showing 'K.P.' date code under flap and with STOP AFTER SIDE. H&G 20.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size G) unused with BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size G) unused with 'J.P.' date code. H&G 20a.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing 'J.P.' date code under flap and WITH OUT STOP AFTER SIDE. H&G 20a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size H) unused with BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size H) unused with 'F.P.' date code. H&G 20b.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition showing 'F.P.' date code under flap and with STOP AFTER SIDE. H&G 20b.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 3 3/4pi on 2 1/2d BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 3 3/4pi on 2 1/2d 'pillar' gutter marginal mint block of four. SG 43.

1921 3 3/4pi on 2 1/2d blue in a fine 'pillar' gutter marginal fine mint block of four. Unusual item as these gutters tended to be removed at the Post Offices so as sheets fitted the counter books. SG 43.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 GB 1/2d rate postcard use to USA used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 GB 1/2d rate postcard use to USA used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1903 (AU.14.) use of picture postcard addressed to USAdepicting 'Constantinople' bearing GB Edward VII 1/2d blue-green adhesive (un-overprinted) cancelled BRITISH POST OFFICE/ CONSTANTINOPLE.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 4 1/2p on 3d rate postcard use to USA used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 4 1/2p on 3d rate postcard use to USA used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1922 (MR.11.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Caryatide Porch at Athens' bearing 4 1/2p on 3d violet (SG 44) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 use of GB 1d red PSC to South Africa used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 use of GB 1d red PSC to South Africa used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1903 (SP.7.) use of GB (un-overprinted) 1d red on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to South Africa (unusual) cancelled by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1923 multi franked postcard use to France used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1923 multi franked postcard use to France used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1923 (FE.23.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'Constantinople-Kiosque Imperial Des Eaux Douces d'Europe' bearing 1 1/2p on 1d, 3 3/4p on 2 1/2d and 15p on 10d adhesives (SG 42,43 and 46) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40pa on 1/2d first day surcharge use on cover to UK. RPS certificate.BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40pa on 1/2d first day surcharge use on cover to UK. RPS certificate.

1893 cover addressed to UK (MacGill) bearing the 40 pa on 1/2d vermilion provisional surcharge adhesive issued at Constantinople (SG 7) tied by 'C' duplex and with BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE b/s dated FE.25.93 being the first day of issue. A scarce stamp on cover. RPS certificate.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1883 1d brown PSC of GB used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE.  H&G 10.BRITISH LEVANT - 1883 1d brown PSC of GB used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE. H&G 10.

1883 1d brown on buff postal stationery postcard of GB (H&G 10) addressed to UK and cancelled by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated MR.5.91.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1884 use of Turkish 20p PSC to Germany at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1884 use of Turkish 20p PSC to Germany at CONSTANTINOPLE.

TURKISH OCCUPATION - 1884 (MAR.22.) use of Turkish 20 paras black and rose postal stationery postcard (H&G 4) addressed to Germany and cancelled by CONSTANTINOPLE/GALATA cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 registered cover to USA used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 registered cover to USA used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1922 (AP.28.) registered cover (light fold) to USA bearing 7 1/2p on 5d adhesive pair tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20 para dull claret PSC to Germany used at SMYRNA.  H&G 8.BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20 para dull claret PSC to Germany used at SMYRNA. H&G 8.

TURKISH OFFICES - 1892 20 para dull claret postal stationery postcard of Turkey addressed to Germany cancelled by oval barred cancel with SMYRNA cds at left dated NO.20.95. H&G 8.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1901 1/2d rate postcard use to Belgium used at CONSTANTINOPLE. BRITISH LEVANT - 1901 1/2d rate postcard use to Belgium used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1901 (AP.13.) use of picture postcard addressed to Belgium depicting 'Mosquee Ste. Jrene- Constantinople' bearing GB 1/2d blue-green (SG Z158) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/ CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 5d,10d and 2/6d trio mint with horse shoe SPECIMEN handstamps. SG 9-11s.BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 5d,10d and 2/6d trio mint with horse shoe SPECIMEN handstamps. SG 9-11s.

1902 80p on 5d, 4p on 10d and 12p on 2/6d adhesives each in fine mint condition and each handstamped SPECIMEN in horse shoe figuration. SG 9s-11s.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 2/6d BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 2/6d 'Somerset House' fine mint with SPECIMEN handstamp. SG 33.

1912 2/6d dull reddish purple 'Somerset House' printing adhesive in a very fine mint 'pillar' bottom marginal example handstamped SPECIMEN in straight line. (Marcus Samuel GB type 22). Unlisted by SG in this form on British Levant. SG 33.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 1d rate postcard to UK used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 1d rate postcard to UK used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE.

1907 (DE.23.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK (depicts Venezia) bearing 1/2d 'Levant' overprint pair tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 4 1/2d rate registered cover to Holland used at BRITISH APO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 4 1/2d rate registered cover to Holland used at BRITISH APO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1920 (AU.3.) commercial registered cover to Holland bearing GB 2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by BRITISH A.P.O./CONSTANTINOPLE cds. SG Z179+180.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 80p on 5d registered cover to Germany used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1903 80p on 5d registered cover to Germany used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1903 (JA.19.) registered cover to Germany bearing 80p on 5d (SG 9) tied by BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE with oval 'R' h/s alongside.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1917 stampless censored BRITISH LEVANT - 1917 stampless censored 'OAS' postcard use to UK used at APO SX11.

1917 (24.10.) use of stampless postcard marked 'O.A.S.' to UK and cancelled by single ringed ARMY POST OFFICE/SX 11 cds with red triangular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/No.2980 alongside. Manuscript 'Salonika Force' annotation from troops stationed in Egypt.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 40p on 2d+1d brown RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 14c.BRITISH LEVANT - 1902 40p on 2d+1d brown RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 14c.

1902 40 paras on 2d+1d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition with 'McCorqudale & Co Limited Contractors' imprint under flap. H&G 14c

BRITISH LEVANT - 1857 stampless outer wrapper to Italy used at SMIRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1857 stampless outer wrapper to Italy used at SMIRNE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1857 outer stampless wrapper addressed to Italy cancelled by s/r SMIRNE cds dated 24/4.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1869 stampless entire to Italy used at SMIRNE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1869 stampless entire to Italy used at SMIRNE.

AUSTRIAN OFFICES - 1869 stampless entire addressed to Italy cancelled by small s/r SMIRNE cds in blue ink dated 12/11/69 and with oval TRIESTE arrival b/s.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 multi franked registered cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 multi franked registered cover to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1910 (MR.7.) registered cover addressed to Germany bearing 30p/1 1/2d, 1 1/4p on 3d, 1 3/4p on 4d orange, 2 1/2p on 6d and 5p on 1/- Edward adhesives each tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds's with 'D' code slug.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 80p on 5d rate registered commercial cover to UK used at SMYRNA.BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 80p on 5d rate registered commercial cover to UK used at SMYRNA.

1900 (OC.13.) commercial pre-printed 'Zosenheim' cover addressed to UK bearing the 'QV' 80 paras on 5d adhesive (SG 2) tied by REGISTERED/SMYRNA oval cancel. Attractive neat cover.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1886 40p on 2 1/2d rate cover to USA struck by BRITISH LEVANT - 1886 40p on 2 1/2d rate cover to USA struck by 'C' duplex of Constantinople.

1886 cover addressed to USA bearing 40 paras on 2 1/2d lilac (SG 1) cancelled by barred 'C' (Constantinople) duplex with B.P.O./CONSTANTINOPLE b/s dated JU.5.86.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE uprated to Switzerland used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE uprated to Switzerland used at BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to Switzerland (a few light crumples) and bearing additional 7 1/2p on 5d adhesive tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated 26.JY.22. A McCorquodale printed envelope with 'MP' coding under flap. H&G 20.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 40p on 2d+1d brown uprated RPSE to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE.  H&G 14a.BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 40p on 2d+1d brown uprated RPSE to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE. H&G 14a.

1907 40 paras on 2d+1d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK and bearing additional 80 paras on 5d adhesive tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/ CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated MR.26.03. H&G 14a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 'GB' 1/2d to 2d adhesives on registered cover to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1921 (JA.18.) registered cover to UK bearing 'GB' 1/2d, 1d, 1 1/2d and 2d adhesives tied by d/t BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds's. SG Z188-191.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1915 2d black BRITISH LEVANT - 1915 2d black 'GB' military RPSE to Holland uprated and censored at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1915 2d black on cream 'GB' Military and Occupation registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Holland and bearing additional 'GB' 1 /2d and 2 1/2d adhesive tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated 16.SP.19 with blue on white perforated R/B.A.P.O./ CONSTANTINOPLE registered label at left. (Br. Army PO) and with violet boxed CENSORED BY/2/MILITARY AUTHORITY h/s on front. Pre-stamp torn into from opening but complete and a scarce use of this military envelope in Levant.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 'GB' 2d+2d composite RPSE uprated to UK at CONSTANTINOPLE. H&G 41.

1920 'GB' provisional 2d black + 2d orange (size G) registered postal stationery envelope (H&G 41) addressed to UK bearing additional 'GB' 1/2d green adhesive tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/ CONSTANTINOPLE dated 27.OC.20. A little aged but a very rare (in period) use of this GB Provisional envelope in British Levant.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 postcard use to UK with Indian 1a adhesive tied FPO/No.400.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 postcard use to UK with Indian 1a adhesive tied FPO/No.400.

1921 (JUN.28.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Constantinople-Hippodrome' bearing Indian 1a carmine adhesive tied by FPO/No.400 cds used by Indian troops stationed at Constantinople.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d PSE uprated and registered to Austria.  H&G 1.BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d PSE uprated and registered to Austria. H&G 1.

1893 40 paras on 2 1/2d blue on cream postal stationery envelope (type 1) registered to Austria bearing additional 40 paras on 2 1/2d adhesive tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated MR.21.98. AP.1.01. Violet oval 'R' h/s at left. H&G 1.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with 'BG' initials. H&G 19.

1912 1p on 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing 'BG' initials under flap. H&G 19.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with 'EF' initials. H&G 19.

1912 1p on 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing 'EF' initials under flap. H&G 19.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with 'JF' initials. H&G 19.

1912 1p on 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing 'JF' initials under flap. H&G 19.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with BRITISH LEVANT - 1912 1p on 3d brown RPSE mint with 'KF' initials. H&G 19.

1912 1p on 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition showing 'KF' initials under flap. H&G 19.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1p on 3d brown RPSE (BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1p on 3d brown RPSE ('W' under neck) mint with 'LE' initials. H&G 18.

1911 1p on 3d brown registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition showing the 'L.E.' initials under flap and with "W" under neck of king. Raised stops after Fee and PIASTRE. H&G 18.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 20a.BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 20a.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition with 'KP' initials nder flap. H&G 20a.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 2 1/2pi on 6d dull purple mint block of four.  SG 24.BRITISH LEVANT - 1910 2 1/2pi on 6d dull purple mint block of four. SG 24.

1910 2 1/2pi on 6d dull purple adhesive in a fine mint block of four. SG 24.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 2 1/2d rate cover to Italy used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1907 2 1/2d rate cover to Italy used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1907 (JU.21.) cover addressed to Italy bearing GB 1/2d and 2d adhesives both overprinted LEVANT (SG L1 and L4 - scarce non chalky) and cancelled by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds's.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1896 1p on 20pfg adhesive pair on registered cover to Italy.BRITISH LEVANT - 1896 1p on 20pfg adhesive pair on registered cover to Italy.

GERMAN OFFICES - 1896 (7.9.) registered commercial cover to Germany bearing German 1p on 20pfg ultramarine pair tied by CONSTANTINOPLE/DEUTSCH POST cds's.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 1/2d (SG Z256) on cover to UK used at BPO/SMYRNA.BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 1/2d (SG Z256) on cover to UK used at BPO/SMYRNA.

1900 (MY.3.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB un-overprinted 1/2d vermilion (SG Z256) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/SMYRNA cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 1d rate postcard use to Belgium used at BRITISH APO/CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 1d rate postcard use to Belgium used at BRITISH APO/CONSTANTINOPLE.

1920 (AP.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to Belgium depicting Arab workers bearing GB unoverprinted 1d (fault) tied by BRITISH APO/CONSTANTINOPLE cds. SG Z177.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 use of GB 2d black RPSE uprated at APO SX3 and censored.  BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 use of GB 2d black RPSE uprated at APO SX3 and censored.

1919 (MY.15.) use of GB 2d black registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing additional GB 2 1/2d adhesive and tied by ARMY POST OFFICE/S.X.3. Used by troops stationed in British Levant and with red boxed CENSORED BY/3/MILITARY AUTHORITY and with scarce black on white PASSED BY CENSOR label below.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 (UNRECORDED) BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 (UNRECORDED) 'GB' 4 1/2d on registered cover to UK used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1911 (JA.26.) registered cover addressed to UK (overall lightly toned and central fold) bearing the QV 'GB' 4 1/2d green and red adhesive (SG 206) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/ CONSTANTINOPLE cds with vlue on white registered label at left. This value being unlisted recorded in British Levant. A rare franking.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 45pi on 2/6d BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 45pi on 2/6d 'seahorse' fine mint with MAJOR RE-ENTRY. SG 48.

1921 45pi on 2/6d chocolate brown 'Bradbury Wilkinson' printing seahorse in fine mint example showing the MAJOR RE-ENTRY from Row 1/3 of plate 2. RPS certificate. SG 48.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1d rate cover to UK used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE with PAQUEBOT h/s applied.BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 1d rate cover to UK used at BPO CONSTANTINOPLE with PAQUEBOT h/s applied.

1913 use of cover addressed to UK bearing 1d 'downey head' adhesive of GB overprinted LEVANT and cancelled by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds with scarce PAQUEBOT h/s at left.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1897 1/2d (GB) on cover to France used at BPO/SMYRNA. SG Z256.BRITISH LEVANT - 1897 1/2d (GB) on cover to France used at BPO/SMYRNA. SG Z256.

1897 (FE.10.) neat cover addressed to France bearing GB 1/2d orange adhesive (SG Z256) tied by s/r BRITISH POST OFFICE/SMYRNA cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1883 1d brown PSC of GB to Belgium cancelled by BRITISH LEVANT - 1883 1d brown PSC of GB to Belgium cancelled by 'C' duplex of Constantinople.

1883 1d brown on cream postal stationery postcard of GB (H&G 10) addressed to Belgium and cancelled by barred 'C' (Constantinople) duplex. BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE b/s dated JY.12.87.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 2 1/2d rate BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 2 1/2d rate 'MILITARY AUTHORITY/2' censor cover to UK.

1919 (SP.8.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'GB' 2 1/2d blue tied by BRITISH A.P.O./ CONSTANTINOPLE cds with black on cream (101/1987) PASSED BY CENSOR label at top edge and struck on front by violet boxed CENSORED BY/2/MILITARY AUTHORITY h/s.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 use of GB BRITISH LEVANT - 1920 use of GB 'Seahorse' at BRITISH A.P.O./CONSTANTINOPLE. SG Z199.

1920 (MR.31.) use of 'GB' 2/6d brown 'seahorse' (a little grubby) cancelled by BRITISH A.P.O./ CONSTANTINOPLE cds. SG Z199.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1/2d green BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1/2d green 'Downey Head' unmounted mint handstamped SPECIMEN. SG L12.

1911-13 1/2d green 'Downey Head' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint right marginal copy overprinted LEVANT and handstamped SPECIMEN in black. Scarce and unlisted. SG L12.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1d carmine BRITISH LEVANT - 1911 1d carmine 'Downey Head' unmounted mint handstamped SPECIMEN. SG L13.

1911-13 1d carmine 'Downey Head' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint right marginal copy overprinted LEVANT and handstamped SPECIMEN in black. Scarce and unlisted. SG L13.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 6 1/2d rate registered cover to Austria used at CONSTANTINOPLE.BRITISH LEVANT - 1913 6 1/2d rate registered cover to Austria used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1913 (FE.18.) registered cover to Austria bearing seven examples of the 1d 'downey head' adhesive (SG L13 - die 1) cancelled by BPO/CONSTANTINOPLE cds's. Light central fold and with L.PAPPADOPOULO/CONSTANTINOPLE commercial label on reverse flap.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20p claret PSC to Portugal used at STAMBOUL.  H&G 8.BRITISH LEVANT - 1892 20p claret PSC to Portugal used at STAMBOUL. H&G 8.

TURKISH OFFICES - 1892 20 para dull claret postal stationery postcard of Turkey addressed to Lisbon in Portugal cancelled by oval STAMBOUL handstamp with circular STAMBOUL cds at left dated 15.APR.98. A scarce use of this Turkish stationery in Levant. H&G 8.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size K) unused BRITISH LEVANT - 1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange RPSE (size K) unused 'EX ARCHIVES'. H&G 20c.

1921 7 1/2p on 5d orange registered postal stationery envelope (size K) in unused condition (folded vertically through center and ironed out)showing the 'G.P.' initials under flap. Ex archives stamped '1922' at top edge. A scarce size. H&G 20c.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size K) unused BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size K) unused 'EX ARCHIVES'. H&G 21c.

1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret registered postal stationery (size K) envelope in unused condition (vertical center fold ironed out) with 'J.Q.' initials under flap and ex archives having been stamped '1923' at top edge. Scarce thus. H&G 21c.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size H) unused BRITISH LEVANT - 1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret RPSE (size H) unused 'EX ARCHIVES'. H&G 21b.

1922 7 1/2p on 4 1/2d claret registered postal stationery (size H) envelope in unused condition (vertical center fold ironed out) with 'M.Q.' initials under flap and ex archives having been stamped '1923' at top edge. Scarce thus. H&G 21b.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1923 use of BRITISH LEVANT - 1923 use of 'GB' 1 1/2d adhesive on postcard to USA used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1923 (MR.2.) use of picture postcard to USA depicting 'La Lecture Due Coran' (some bottom left corner creasing) bearing the GB 1 1/2d brown (un-overprinted) adhesive (SG Z190) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE cds.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 GB BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 GB 'QV' 1/2d pair (SG Z265) on postcard to Germany used at SMYRNA.

1900 (DE.7.) use of postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Smyrne' bearing 'GB' QV 1/2d blue green pair (SG Z 265) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/SMYRNA.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 GB BRITISH LEVANT - 1900 GB 'QV' 1/2d (SG Z265) on postcard to Germany used at CONSTANTINOPLE.

1900 (OC.31.) use of picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Salut De Constantinople' bearing 'GB' QV 1/2d blue green (SG Z265) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 5/- GB BRITISH LEVANT - 1919 5/- GB 'seahorse' (crease) used at APO/CONSTANTINOPLE. SG Z186.

1919-20 5/- rose-carmine 'seahorse' adhesive of GB (ironed out crease) cancelled by very fine crisp BRITISH A.P.O./CONSTANTINOPLE cds dated 19.MR.20. SG Z186.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d PSE to Germany used at SMYRNA. H&G 1.BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d PSE to Germany used at SMYRNA. H&G 1.

1893 40 paras black on 2 1/2d blue-grey postal stationery envelope addressed to Germany cancelled BRITISH POST OFFICE/SMYRNA and dated FE.29.96. H&G 1.

BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d grey-blue PSE uprated and registered to Syria. H&G 1.BRITISH LEVANT - 1893 40p on 2 1/2d grey-blue PSE uprated and registered to Syria. H&G 1.

1893 40 paras on 2 1/2d grey-blue postal stationery envelope registered to Syria and bearing additional 80 paras on 5d adhesive tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CONSTANTINOPLE and dated JU.29.98. H&G 1.
