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Showing items in category Turks and Caicos Islands, sorted by newest listed first.
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TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 cover to UK with 1d TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 cover to UK with 1d 'War Tax' pair cancelled TURKS ISLANDS.

1918 (DE.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d 'War Tax' adhesive pair (SG 146) tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1947 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1947 'UPU' congress folder.

1947 'Congress Postal Universel Paris' blue and gold official folder with definitive values to 10/- and with Victory pair affixed inside. Given to delegates attending the congress. Some surface scruffs as usual with these folders. 300 were originally printed.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 1/2d (x2) TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 1/2d (x2) 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives on cover used at SALT CAY.

1935 (SP.18.) cover addressed to UK bearing two examples of the 1/2d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive tied individually by SALT CAY/TURKS ISLANDS cds's.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1940 2d rate censored TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1940 2d rate censored 'CABLE AND WIRELESS/VIA IMPERIAL' cover to UK.

1940 (JU.3.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d adhesive tied by TURKS ISLAND cds with scarce CABLE AND/WIRELESS/VIA/IMPERIAL strike alongside and with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER 5597 censor label at left.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1912 1d rated use of postcard to Panama used at TURKS ISLANDS.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1912 1d rated use of postcard to Panama used at TURKS ISLANDS.

1912 (NO.14.) use of picture postcard addressed to Panama (scarce) depicting 'Canal Leading From Sea to Salt Ponds' bearing Edward VII 1d on picture side cancelled TURKS ISLAND. A scarce use and postcard are not easy to find.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 1a.

1920 2d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 1a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1900 2 1/2d rate commercial cover to USA used at GRAND TURKS.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1900 2 1/2d rate commercial cover to USA used at GRAND TURKS.

1900 (circa) cover addressed to USA (ex reverse flap) bearing 2 1/2d ultramarine adhesive (corner fault) cancelled by GRAND TURKS/TURKS ISLAND cds (date too weak to read but with A coding). A commercial cover.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1889 1d crimson-lake mint block of 9 with THROAT FLAW.  SG 62b.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1889 1d crimson-lake mint block of 9 with THROAT FLAW. SG 62b.

1889 1d crimson-lake in a fine mint marginal block of nine with one stamp showing the THROAT FLAW from Row 3/4. SG 62b.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1923 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1923 'Requisition' label from the Crown Agents for Turks sheets supplied.

1923 black on white official 'CROWN AGENTS INSPECTOR' requisition label for stamps supplied to Osward Marsh affixed to very thick heavy card.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1889 1d lake mint with THROAT FLAW.  SG 63b.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1889 1d lake mint with THROAT FLAW. SG 63b.

1889 1d lake in mint condition showing the THROAT FLAW from Row 3/4. SG 63b.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red fine mint with INVERTED OVERPRINT AT TOP. SG 140d.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red fine mint with INVERTED OVERPRINT AT TOP. SG 140d.

1917 1d red in very fine mint condition overprinted WAR STAMP but showing the variety OVERPRINT INVERTED AT TOP. SG 140d.


1928 1d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 45) printed in blue on thin ungummed card.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 1/6d rate cover to UK struck TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 1/6d rate cover to UK struck 'T1' from TURKS ISLAND.

1897 (AP.27.) cover addressed to UK bearing a fine strip of three of the 6d yellow-brown adhesive (SG 59) tied by 'T 1' duplex cancels with slightly smudged TURKS ISLAND cds below. A scarce franking.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 'War Tax' use of scarce 'FORMULA' RPSE (size G) to USA.

1918 (JY.1) use of blue on cream FORMULA (Registred) envelope (150x100mm) addressed to USA bearing 1d strip of three (SG 130) tied on reverse with additional 3d 'War Tax' adhesive (SG 147) tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds. A very scarce use.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) used to USA from TURKS ISLAND.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) used to USA from TURKS ISLAND. H&G 1a.

1920 2d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA and bearing additional 2 1/2d adhesive tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds dated MY.25.27 with 'A' coding. A scarce piece of stationery used. H&G 1a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red 'War Tax' mint with DOUBLE OVERPRINT. SG 140a.

1917 1d red 'War Tax' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. SG 140a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d red 'War Tax' mint block of four with INVERTED OVERPRINT. SG 140d.

1917 1d red 'War Tax' adhesive in a fine mint block of four (very light overall toned gum) showing the major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED AT TOP. SG 140d.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 3d TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 3d 'War Tax' adhesive mint with DOUBLE OVERPRINT. SG 141a.

1917 3d purple on yellow buff 'War Tax' adhesive in a fine mint marginal example showing the major variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE. Complete with original purchase invoice from the British Commonwealth Stamp Co. in USA. SG 141a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d (x3) and 3d TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1d (x3) and 3d 'War Tax' registered cover to USA.

1917 (OC.6.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing 1d strop of 3 and 3d 'War Tax' adhesives (SG 143 - overprint at top and SG 141b - overprint at bottom) tied by s/r TURKS ISLANDS cds's.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1945 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1945 'PASSED/ D43' censor OHMS registered cover to Canada.

1945 (FE.1.) use of long OHMS cover registered to Canada bearing 6d adhesive tied GRAND TURK/ TURKS ISLAND and struck by black octagonal crowned PASSED/ D/43 censor handstamp. Miller type CM3.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1/- rate registered cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1917 1/- rate registered cover to USA.

1917 (FE.10.) registered cover to USA bearing the 1/- brown-orange (SG 137) tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1932 5 1/2d rate registered cover to UK used at SALT CAY.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1932 5 1/2d rate registered cover to UK used at SALT CAY.

1932 (SP.30.) registered cover addressed to Scotland bearing 2 1/2d and 3d adhesives each tied by SALT CAY/TURKS ISLAND cds's. Oval 'R' in black and scarcer REGISTERED s/l handstamp below.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1926 local registered cover used at SALT CAY.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1926 local registered cover used at SALT CAY.

1926 (AU.16.) locally registered cover addressed to East Harbour bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by SALT CAY/TURKS ISLAND cds. Oval 'R' h/s below. A nice registered internal use from Salt Cay.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1899 2d blue RPSE unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1899 2d blue RPSE unused SPECIMEN. H&G 1a.

1899 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black on reverse. H&G 1a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1/2 on 6d black mint with SHORT BAR.  SG 8.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1/2 on 6d black mint with SHORT BAR. SG 8.

1881 1/2 on 6d black in mint condition with original gum (small adherence from page mounting) of the second setting and showing SHORT BAR. SG 8.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 1/- TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' mint with LOG AND KITE variety. SG 190k.

1935 1/- slate and purple 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the LOG AND KITE variety. Row 10/6 plate 2A. SG 190k.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1903 2 1/2d rate cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1903 2 1/2d rate cover to USA.

1903 (MY.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d and 1d (x2) tied TURKS ISLANDS.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1919 3d TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1919 3d 'War Tax' U/M block of 12 with INVERTED WATERMARK. SG 153y.

1919 3d Purple on orange buff 'War Tax' adhesive in a superb unmounted mint marginal block of 12 showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED AND REVERSED. A scarce multiple. BK G24d. SG 153y.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1928 4/- rate registered cover to UK.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1928 4/- rate registered cover to UK.

1928 (AU.7.) registered (Michael) cover addressed to Scotland bearing a fine block of four of the 1/- adhesive (SG 183) tied by TURKS ISLAND cds's with oval 'R' marking at left. A scarce use of this 1/- multiple.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1896 6d rate registered cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1896 6d rate registered cover to USA.

1896 (JU.18) reg'd cover to USA bearing 6d (SG 59) tied by 'T1' duplex with oval REGISTERED /TURKS ISLANDS cancel alongside.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1900 7 1/2d rate registered cover to GermanyTURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1900 7 1/2d rate registered cover to Germany

1900 (JY.23) registered cover to Germany bearing 1d & 6d adhesives (SG 59+64) tied in combination with the 1/2d 'key plate' (SG 53a) by 'T1' duplex's with oval REGISTERED/TURKS ISLAND cancel alongside.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1902 8d rate registered cover to USA used at TURKS ISLAND.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1902 8d rate registered cover to USA used at TURKS ISLAND.

1902 (DE.12.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing 1d (SG 102) pair and 6d (SG 106) tied by 'T 1' duplex's with oval REGISTERED/TURKS ISLANDS cancel alongside.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d red PSC to USA used at TURKS ISLANDS.  H&G 5.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d red PSC to USA used at TURKS ISLANDS. H&G 5.

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to USA cancelled by TURKS ISLAND cds dated JY.27.95. NEW YORK/PAID/A/ALL strike applied in transit. A scarce genuine use. H&G 5.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused SPECIMEN. H&G 1a.

1895 2 1/2d blue on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally. H&G 1a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused. H&G 1a.

1895 2 1/2d Blue on cream postal stationery envelope (type b). Fine unused. H&G 1a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE to UK used at TURKS ISLANDS.  H&G 1.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE to UK used at TURKS ISLANDS. H&G 1.

1895 2 1/2d blue on cream laid paper postal stationery envelope (type a) addressed to UK & cancelled by 'T1' duplex with TURKS ISLANDS cds alongside dated DE.16.95. H&G 1.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused.  H&G 1.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1895 2 1/2d blue PSE unused. H&G 1.

1895 2 1/2d Blue on cream postal stationery envelope (type a) in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d+1 1/2d reddish brown PSRC unused.  H&G 2a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d+1 1/2d reddish brown PSRC unused. H&G 2a.

1881-85 1 1/2d + 1 1/2d Brown on cream postal stationery reply type postcard (perf 7) in fine unused condition. H&G 2a.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC to USA used at TURKS ISLANDS.  H&G 1.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC to USA used at TURKS ISLANDS. H&G 1.

1881-85 1 1/2d reddish brown on buff postal stationery p'card addressed to USA cancelled by s/r TURKS ISLANDS cds dated SP.1.91. H&G 1.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC unused. H&G 1.
TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC unused. H&G 1.

1881 1 1/2d reddish brown on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d carmine unused PSC overprinted SPECIMEN.  H&G 5.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d carmine unused PSC overprinted SPECIMEN. H&G 5.

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 5.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 multi franked cover to Germany.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 multi franked cover to Germany.

1897 (FE.2.) registered (Kiderlen) cover addressed to Germany bearing 6d and 1/- (SG 59+60) tied in combination with 'Key Plate' 1/2d and 4d (SG 70+71) and 5d (SG 72) by 'T I' duplex's with oval REGISTERED/TURKS ISLAND cancel below. A colourful array of scarce stamps on cover.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1934 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1934 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA.

1934 (AU.20.) registered cover addressed to USA written in Salt Cay and bearing 1 1/2d strip of three tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds with code 'A' slug. Blue on white R/TURKS ISLAND/No.label at lower left.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1931 3d rate registered OHMS cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1931 3d rate registered OHMS cover to USA.

1931 (AP.4.) registered use of OHMS envelope addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied TURKS ISLANDS.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d + 1d carmine on buff PSRC unused.  H&G 6.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1893 1d + 1d carmine on buff PSRC unused. H&G 6.

1893 1d + 1d carmine on buff postal stationery reply postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 6.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1892 1d on 1 1/2d  provisional PSC unused.  H&G 3.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1892 1d on 1 1/2d provisional PSC unused. H&G 3.

1892 1d black on 1 1/2d reddish brown on buff provisional postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 3.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1903 inward postcard from UK with TURKS ISLAND cds arrival applied.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1903 inward postcard from UK with TURKS ISLAND cds arrival applied.

1903 inward picture postcard from UK with fine s/r TURKS ISLANDS arrival cds dated DE.4.03.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size H) unused.  H&G 1b.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size H) unused. H&G 1b.

1920 2d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition. H&G 1b.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1923 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1923 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA.

1923 (DE.6.) registered cover to USA bearing 1d pair and 2 1/2d adhesives tied TURKS ISLAND with oval REGISTERED/TURKS ISLAND strike at left.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 outward reply section of the 1 1/2d PSRC used to Germany.  H&G 2. TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1881 outward reply section of the 1 1/2d PSRC used to Germany. H&G 2.

1881-85 outward section of the 1 1/2d + 1 1/2d brown on cream postal stationery reply p'card addressed to Germany (genuine use) cancelled by TURKS ISLANDS cds dated AP.24.95. Scarce. H&G 2.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1905 1d rate cover to Canada used at TURKS ISLANDS.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1905 1d rate cover to Canada used at TURKS ISLANDS.

1905 (NO.26.) cover addressed to Canada (opened on two sides and with minor faults at edge) bearing 1d adhesive tied TURKS ISLANDS.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1949 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1949 'Wedding' registered cover to UK used at COCKBURN HARBOUR.

1949 (MY.10.) registered (Wells) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d 'Wedding' strip of five tied by COCKBURN ISLAND/TURKS CAICOS ISLANDS.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1954 use of scarce TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1954 use of scarce 'local' produced air letter to UK.

1954 (SP.9.) scarce use of locally produced FORMULA type dark blue on greyish AIR LETTER addressed to UK and bearing KGVI 6d tied GRAND TURK/TURKS ISLAND d/r cds. Genuine use with message regarding postage stamps and with NASSAU/BAHAMAS transit b/s.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1947 OHMS registered cover to UK with OFFICIAL PAID cancel.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1947 OHMS registered cover to UK with OFFICIAL PAID cancel.

1947 (MY.27.) long stampless registered O.H.M.S. envelope to UK cancelled by TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS/OFFICIAL PAID h/s in black.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 registered cover to Switzerland with 1/- TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1935 registered cover to Switzerland with 1/- 'Silver Jubilee'.

1935 registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing the 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive tied by TURKS ISLAND cds. NEW YORK transit and ZURICH arrival b/s.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1962 use of TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1962 use of 'FORMULA' RPSE to Jamaica.

1962 (JA.31.) use of blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) bearing QEII 8d and 1/- adhesives tied REGISTERED/TURKS ISLAND cds's. Elusive item.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1945 crowned PASSED/ D/43 censor in black on OHMS cover to USA.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1945 crowned PASSED/ D/43 censor in black on OHMS cover to USA.

1945 (FE.2.) long manilla O.H.M.S. envelope registered to USA bearing 6d and 1/- adhesives tied by GRAND TURK/TURKS ISLAND cds's with black octagonal crowned PASSED/ D/43 censor h/s on front. Miller CM3.


1928 (OC.23.) use of long stampless 'On His Majesty's Service' envelope addressed to USA struck by scarce violet oval POSTMASTER/TURKS ISLAND h/s at lower left and cancelled by s/r TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS/OFFICIAL PAID cancel (Challis type 02) struck in the scarce brown colour.


1928 1/2d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 45) printed in blue on thin ungummed card.


1928 1 1/2d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 45) printed in blue on thin ungummed card.


1928 2d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 45) printed in blue on thin ungummed card.


1928 3d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 45) printed in blue on thin ungummed card.
