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We hope you will find something of interest in the items listed below. If required you can switch to individual countries (tab above) and list in date order A to Z (tab at left).

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1935 1/- BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1935 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' fine mint with LOG AND KITE variety. sg 108L.

1935 1/- slate and purple 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the LOG AND KITE variety (horizontal) from Row 10/6 of plate 2A. SG 106L.

INDIA - 1934 2a (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in bluish green.INDIA - 1934 2a (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in bluish green.

INDORE STATE - 1936 2a IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair (SG type 7) of Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Hokar II printed in the issued colour of bluish green. SG 21a.

INDIA - 1934 4a  (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in yellow-brown.INDIA - 1934 4a (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in yellow-brown.

INDORE STATE - 1937 4a 'Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar II' (SG type 9) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in the issued colour of yellow brown on thin ungummed card. SG 26a.

INDIA - 1934 12a  (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in carmine.
INDIA - 1934 12a (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF Indore State pair in carmine.

INDORE STATE - 1934 12a 'Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar II' (SG type 7) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in the issued colour of carmine on thin ungummed card.

INDIA - 1936 use of INDIA - 1936 use of 'The Holkar' newspaper bearing 1/4a adhesive tied INDIRE.

INDORE STATE - 1936 (OCT.28.) sending of local crested 'The Holkar Government Gazette' in local script bearing 1/4a orange adhesive tied INDORE. Unusual item.

IRELAND - 1960 (circa) official folder.IRELAND - 1960 (circa) official folder.

1960 (circa) cream crested 'Postage Stamps Of Ireland' official folder bearing various adhesives including 6p,8p, 1/- and 1/3d 'air' stamps and additional odd commemorative stamps of this period. Issued by the Department Of Posts and Telegraphs in Dublin Ireland. This being an official folder.

BARBADOS - 1937 stampless local cover with 1/2d green BARBADOS - 1937 stampless local cover with 1/2d green 'Postage Due' block of four applied.

1937 (JA.28.) stampless cover addressed locally to Bridgetown struck by circular 'T' tax mark and with a marginal 1/2d green 'postage due' block of four applied and tied GPO/BARBADOS. A scarce use.

BARBADOS - 1955 underpaid local postcard with 1c BARBADOS - 1955 underpaid local postcard with 1c 'Postage Due' pair applied.

1955 (AU.31.) use of picture postcard addressed locally depicting the liner 'Argentina' bearing 2c adhesive tied BARBADOS/R.L.O. but being underpaid having circular 'T' tax mark applied and 1c green 'postage due' pair added at left tied CIRCULATION BRANCH.

BARBADOS - 1963 underpaid local cover with 6c BARBADOS - 1963 underpaid local cover with 6c 'Postage Due' applied.

1963 (FE.14.) local underpaid cover bearing 1c grey adhesive cancelled GPO/BARBADOS with 6c carmine 'postage due' added alongside.

BARBADOS - 1964 stampless local postcard use with 1c+6c BARBADOS - 1964 stampless local postcard use with 1c+6c 'Postage Dues' applied.

1964 (AP.14.) use of picture postcard addressed locally of artist 'Albert Monier' being sent without postage stamps and having 1c green and 6c carmine 'postage dues' applied and tied GPO/BARBADOS.

ST.HELENA - 1923 3d bright blue fine mint with ST.HELENA - 1923 3d bright blue fine mint with 'BROKEN MAST' variety. SG 101a.

1923 3d bright blue in fine mint condition showing the 'BROKEN MAST' variety from Row 2/1. SG 101a.

ST.HELENA - 1923 1 1/2d rose red fine mint with ST.HELENA - 1923 1 1/2d rose red fine mint with 'TORN FLAG' variety. SG 99b.

1923 1 1/2d rose red in fine mint condition showing the variety 'TORN FLAG'. Row 4/6. SG 99b.

RHODESIA - 1913-19 3d black and ochre RHODESIA - 1913-19 3d black and ochre 'admiral' in a block of four cancelled UMVUMA. SG 260.

1913-19 3d black and ochre 'admiral' from the Die IIIb in a fine block of four cancelled by UMVUMA cds's dated 5.JUN.1922. A scarce multiple so used. SG 260.

RHODESIA - 1910-13 6d red-brown and mauve RHODESIA - 1910-13 6d red-brown and mauve 'double head' fine mint with GASH IN EAR. SG 144.

1910-13 6d red-brown and mauve 'double head' in fine mint condition showing the GASH IN EAR variety from Row 1/2. SG 144.

GIBRALTAR - 1942 1/2d rate use of (grubby) GIBRALTAR - 1942 1/2d rate use of (grubby) 'Cable and Wireless' TELEGRAM envelope.

1942 (JUN.10.) use of 'Cable and Wireless' TELEGRAM envelope addressed locally bearing 1/2d green adhesive and tied by GIBRLATAR/25-TRAVEL KEY slogan strike. The envelope is grubby and has surface creasing. Condition faults but intact and a scarce use.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 local cover with 100m CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 local cover with 100m 'Postage Due' used at BENGAZI/CASH.

1950 (16.1.) cover addressed locally bearing the 100 grey-brown 'postage due' (SG D155) showing PLATE 1 in margin used as a postage stamp and cancelled by rare BENGHAZI/CASH cds.

CEYLON - 1901 2c rate cover to South Africa used at COLOMBO.CEYLON - 1901 2c rate cover to South Africa used at COLOMBO.

1901 (MY.9.) commercial cover to South Africa bearing 3c deep green adhesive (SG 257) tied COLOMBO with additional violet MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA/COLOMBO oval strike.

IRAQ - 1919 2 1/2a on 1p brown RPSE (size C) unused with central fold.  H&G 1a.IRAQ - 1919 2 1/2a on 1p brown RPSE (size C) unused with central fold. H&G 1a.

1919 2 1/2a black on 1p brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size c) in unused condition and (light central fold) being overprinted IN BRITISH/IRAQ/OCCUPATION. Very scarce in this large size. H&G 1b.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1952 2d rate local cover from NDOLA with NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1952 2d rate local cover from NDOLA with 'VISIT AND EXHIBIT' handstamp.

1952 (APR) cover addressed locally to Kitzwe bearing 2d adhesive tied by NDOLA/N.RHODESIA cds with scarce black boxed VISIT AND EXHIBIT/CENTRAL AFRICAN RHODES/CENTENARY EXHIBITION 1953 h/s in black. Proud type M2 state 3.

SINGAPORE - 1941 inward cover to Singapore from UK but struck SINGAPORE - 1941 inward cover to Singapore from UK but struck 'NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER'.

1941 (NOV.16.) use of inwardly addressed long commercial cover to Cuthrie & Co Ltd in Singapore from UK (heavy vertical fold at left edge) bearing 1d pair and 2 1/2s adhesives all PERFINED tied EPSOM/SURREY and struck by violet boxed NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER instructional h/s.

SOMALILAND - 1939 2a rate SOMALILAND - 1939 2a rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/38/CENSOR' cover to Ireland used at BERBERA.

1939 (NO.27.) cover addressed to Ireland (Humphrey French correspondence) bearing 2a adhesive tied BERBERA/BRITISH SOMALILAND and struck on front by rare violet triangular PASSED BY/38/CENSOR handstamp with 'EB' initial inserted. Complete with the original letter. A rare early censor cover of Somaliland.

SOMALILAND - 1939 2a rate SOMALILAND - 1939 2a rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/36/CENSOR' cover to UK used at ERIGAVO.

1939 (DE.16.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2a adhesive tied by light ERIGAVO/BRITISH SOMALILAND cds with BERBERA cds on reverse and struck by the rare PASSED BY/36/CENSOR triangular h/s at lower left initialled in manuscript in centre and counter signed below. Censor 36 being most elusive as it was used at Erigavo with only two examples previously recorded used in November 1939.

SOMALILAND - 1942 registered SOMALILAND - 1942 registered 'PASSED BY CENSOR/No.1' cover with set to Rs5 used at HARGEISA.

1942 (NOV.2.) registered cover addressed to Addis Ababa bearing 1/2a to 5r series (SG 105-116) tied by HARGEISA cds's with a scarce strike of the black boxed PASSED BY CENSOR/NO.1/BRITISH SOMALILAND h/s at left edge. HARA transit b/s and ADDIS ABABA arrival cds. A most elusive censor handstamp.

COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in brown and mauve.COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in brown and mauve.

1920 6d (SG type 13) 'Huts and Arorangi' IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF printed in brown and mauve on (60 x 48mm) cream paper showing printers guide lines in margins surrounding.

COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in purple-brown and mauve.COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in purple-brown and mauve.

1920 6d (SG type 13) 'Huts and Arorangi' IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF printed in purple-brown and mauve on (60 x 48mm) cream paper showing printers guide lines in margins surrounding

COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in black and mauve.COOK ISLANDS - 1920 6d (SG type 13) IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF in black and mauve.

1920 6d (SG type 13) 'Huts and Arorangi' IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF printed in black and mauve on (60 x 48mm) cream paper showing printers guide lines in margins surrounding

NEW ZEALAND - 1932 NEW ZEALAND - 1932 'HALFPENNY' black on 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 37.

1932 'HALF PENNY' black on 1d carmine 'admiral' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 37.

NEW ZEALAND - 1931 1/2d green on 1 1/2d PSC unused.  H&G 26a.NEW ZEALAND - 1931 1/2d green on 1 1/2d PSC unused. H&G 26a.

1931 1/2d green surcharge on 1 1/2d yellow brown postal stationery postcard in unused condition. H&G 26a.

ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at BENDALS.ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at BENDALS.

1933 (FE.25.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (x2) and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by BENDALS/ANTIGUA cds.

ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at CEDAR GROVE.ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at CEDAR GROVE.

1933 (MR.2.) registered 'Cedar' cover to USA bearing Tercentenary 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by s/r CEDAR GROVE/ANTIGUA cds. A scarce small office in the parish of St.James.

ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at GUNTHORPES.ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at GUNTHORPES.

1933 (FE.27.) registered 'Cedar' cover to USA bearing Tercentenary 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by s/r GUNTHORPES/ANTIGUA cds. A scarce small office in the parish of St.George.

ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at JOHNSONS POINT.ANTIGUA - 1933 registered cover to USA used at JOHNSONS POINT.

1933 (MR.1.) registered 'Cedar' cover to USA bearing Tercentenary 1d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by s/r JOHNSONS POINT/ANTIGUA cds. A scarce small office in the parish of St.Mary's.

ANTIGUA - 1932 registered cover to USA used at LIBERTA.ANTIGUA - 1932 registered cover to USA used at LIBERTA.

1932 (JY.16.) registered 'Mann' cover to USA bearing Tercentenary 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by s/r LIBERTA/ANTIGUA cds. A scarce small office in the parish of St. Pauls.

ANTIGUA - 1932 registered cover to USA used at ST.PETERS.ANTIGUA - 1932 registered cover to USA used at ST.PETERS.

1932 (JY.22.) registered 'Mann' cover to USA bearing Tercentenary 1 1/2d and 2d adhesives tied by s/r ST.PETERS/ANTIGUA cds. A scarce small office.

INDIA - 1935 INDIA - 1935 'DHAKURIA' rocket firing flight cover.

1935 (FE.27.) first rocket flight cover addressed locally bearing 9p green adhesive tied by PARK STREET/CALCUTTA cds with black on purple ROCKET FIRING/TEST/AT DHAKURIA label applied and tied by 'rocket' h/s. Signed by Stephen Smith. Only 130 covers flown.

INDIA - 1936 INDIA - 1936 'JOHN WINTERTON' telescopic rocket cover.

1936 (SEP.21.) cover addressed to Calcutta bearing 9p adhesive tied SONARRUH with black on bright pink BY TELESCOPIC ROCKET/R.No.127/JOHN WINTERTON/CONVEYING/MISS CREEPY (a snake)/AN APPLE AND MAIL label tied by snake illustrated FLOOD/ROCKET DISPATCH/CHINGRIPOTA TO MALIKPUR h/s and signed Stephen Smith. Only 106 covers rocket flown.

INDIA - 1937  INDIA - 1937 'ERIC SYN' rocketgram postcard.

1937 (SEP.22.) use of ROCKETGRAM/INDIAN AIRWAYS card addressed locally bearing 9p green adhesive tied by PART STREET/CALCUTTA cds with red and blue on white imperforate ROCKET TRAIN/HERBERT E. BARBER/PILOT ERIC SYN 1/- ROCKET FEE label at left tied by violet four lined CARRIED BY THE/ERIC CYN/PILOT ROCKET TRAIN/RESALA 22.9.37 cachet. Signed on reverse by Stephen Smith. Only 300 card sent.

INDIA - 1937 INDIA - 1937 'BEHALA- HERBERT BARBER' rocketgram postcard.

1937 (SEP.22.) use of ROCKETGRAM/INDIAN AIRWAYS postcard addressed to Calcutta pre-printed for 'Rocket Train' use on reverse. Bears 9ps adhesive on front tied PARK STREET with red, salmon and blue on white imperforate 1.UP THE SATURN EXPRESS/BY ROCKET TRAIN/HERBERT E BARBER 1/- rocket label at left tied by special violet CARRIED BY THE WORLDS FIRST ROCKET TRAIN/ BEHALA h/s.

INDIA - 1938 INDIA - 1938 'T.KIMBALL' rocketgram postcard.

1938 (APR.25.) use of special ROCKETGRAM/INDIAN AIRWAYS postcard addressed to Calcutta bearing 9ps adhesive tied by PARK STREET/CALCUTTA cds and with black on green imperforate CARRIED BY ROCKET/NO.163/T.KIMBALL label tied by both black BOOMERANG h/s's and violet oval ROCKET/GARIA/EXPERIMENTAL h/s. Signed by Stephen Smith. Only 56 cards flown.

INDIA - 1938 INDIA - 1938 'MISS FORTUNE' rocketgram postcard.

1938 (AP.25.) first rocket flight 'Rocket Gram' postcard addressed locally bearing 9p green adhesive tied by PARK STREET/CALCUTTA cds with black on purple CARRIED BY ROCKET No.162/MISS FORTUNE label applied and tied by ROCKET/GARIA/EXPERIMENT h/s. Signed by Stephen Smith. Very scarce as only 56 cards were flown.

ST.KITTS - 1943 ST.KITTS - 1943 'OPENED BY EXAMINER BB/1' censor cover to Canada.

1943 (MY.11.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 1/2d and 1/- adhesives tied ST.KITTS with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY/EXAMINER BB/1 censor label at left with (C47730) imprint and marked '12' in black manuscript. Miller CL2 being in use for just 5 months.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1846 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1846 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.

1846 (SE.4.) stampless entire addressed to UK rated '1/-' in manuscript and marked 'Per Royal Mail Steamer' bearing TRINIDAD double arc b/s (type C3a).

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1845 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1845 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.

1845 (JU.3.) stampless entire addressed to UK rated '1/-' in manuscript and marked 'Per Rpyal Mail Steamer' in manuscript with a light TRINIDAD double arc b/s (type C3a).

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1845 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1845 1/- rated steamer mail entire cancelled TRINIDAD on reverse.

1845 (SE.19.) stampless entire addressed to UK rated '1/-' in manuscript and marked 'Per Royal Mail Steamer' bearing a very light TRINIDAD double arc b/s (type C3a).

GAMBIA - 1880 1/2d orange GAMBIA - 1880 1/2d orange 'Cameo' fine mint sheetlet of 15. SG 10b.

1880-81 1/2d orange 'Cameo' adhesive in a fine mint pane of 15 with upright 'CC' watermark and showing one dot in margin at left and three dots in margin at right. Very scarce in original pane. SG 10b.

GAMBIA - 1880 1d maroon GAMBIA - 1880 1d maroon 'Cameo' fine mint sheetlet of 15. SG 12b.

1880-81 1d maroon 'Cameo' fine mint sheetlet of 15 (ex right margin) with upright 'CC' watermark SG 12b.

GAMBIA - 1880 1d maroon GAMBIA - 1880 1d maroon 'Cameo' fine mint sheetlet of 15 of a pale shade. SG 12b.

1880-81 1d maroon 'Cameo' fine mint sheetlet of 15 ( ex left margin) with upright 'CC' watermark from the 1st comb perforation and in a very light shade variation. SG 12b.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1964 use of orange RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1964 use of orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1964 (MAR.16.) use of black on orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria bearing Southern Rhodesia 6d adhesive tied GATHS MINE/S.RHODESIA.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use of orange RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use of orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1965 (JAN.5.) use of black on orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria bearing Southern Rhodesia 6d adhesive tied CHATSWORTH.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use orange RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1965 (JAN.26.) use of black on orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria bearing Southern Rhodesia 6d adhesive tied BIKITA/S.RHODESIA.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1963 use of orange RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1963 use of orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1963 (NOV.29.) use of black on orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria bearing 3d 'Rhodesia and Nyasaland adhesive pair tied by FT.VICTORIA cds.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1965 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1965 (JAN.26.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Marandellas bearing Rhodesia and Nyasaland 3d adhesive pair tied by MACHEKE/S.RHODESIA cds.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1963 use of orange RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1963 use of orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1963 (OCT.14.) use of black on orange 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria (vertical fold) bearing 6d 'Rhodesia and Nyasaland adhesive tied by MASHABA/S.RHODESIA cds.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1962 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1962 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1962 (MAY.31.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Marandellas bearing Rhodesia and Nyasaland 6d adhesive tied WEDZA/S.RHODESIA.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1961 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1961 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1961 (JUN.16.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Que Que bearing 6d 'Rhodesia and Nyasaland adhesive tied by UMNIATI/S.RHODESIA cds.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1961 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1961 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1961 (NOV.11.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Fort Victoria bearing Rhodesia and Nyasaland 6d adhesive tied SOTISOURCE/ S.RHODERSIA.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1958 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1958 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1958 (FEB.20.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Rusapi bearing 6d 'Rhodesia and Nyasaland adhesive tied by HEADLANDS/ S.RHODESIA.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1960 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1960 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1960 (AUG.20.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Gatooma unstamped and struck GOLDEN VALLEY/S.RHODESIA on reverse.

RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1960 use of black on pink RHODESIA AND NYASALAND - 1960 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1960 (JUN.23.) use of black on pink 'Rhodesia-Nyasaland' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Gatooma unstamped and struck GOLDEN VALLEY/S.RHODESIA on reverse.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of black on cream SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1954 (APR.29.) use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Sinoia and bearing 3d Southern Rhodesia adhesive tied SINOIA.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1967 use of black on cream SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1967 use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1967 (FEB.3.) use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Marandellas bearing 6d Rhodesian adhesive tied by violet oval GENERAL POST OFFICE/MANDELLAS handstamp.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1956 use of black on pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1956 use of black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1956 (FEB.15.) use of black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard bearing 2d and 4d Rhodesia and Nyasaland adhesives tied QUE QUE.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of black on cream SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1954 use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1954 (FEB.17.) use of black on cream 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Miami bearing 1d Southern Rhodesia strip of three adhesives tied MIAMI.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1955 use of black on pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1955 use of black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1956 (MAY.8.) use of stampless black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Gatooma and cancelled EIFFEL FLATS/S.R.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1955 use of black on pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1955 use of black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1955 (OCT.12.) use of stampless black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard addressed to Hartley and cancelled DUCHESS HILL/S.RHODESIA.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1960 use of black on pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1960 use of black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1960 (FEB.26.) use of stampless black on pink 'Southern Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard cancelled by violet oval CIRCULATION BRANCH/GPO FT VICTORIA.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1971 use of black on pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1971 use of black on pink 'Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1971 (OCT.21.) use of stampless black on pink 'Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard cancelled NYANVADZI/RHODESIA cds on reverse.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1967 use of black on dark pink SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1967 use of black on dark pink 'Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard.

1967 (JUL.4.) use of black on dark pink 'Rhodesia' ADVICE OF DELIVERY postcard bearing 6d Rhodesia adhesive tied by violet oval GENERAL POST OFFICE/MARANDELLAS h/s with d/r MARANDELLAS (5)/RHODESIA cds b/s.

RHODESIA - 1921 1d rate RHODESIA - 1921 1d rate 'double head' postcard use to UK used at GWANDA.

1921 (JAN.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Victoria Falls' bearing 1d 'double head' adhesive tied GWANDA/S.RHODESIA.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931 1/2d green PSC uprated to USA used at SALISBURY.  H&G 3.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931 1/2d green PSC uprated to USA used at SALISBURY. H&G 3.

1931 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK and bearing additional 1 1/2d adhesive tied SALISBURY/S.RHODESIA and dated 12.SE.33. H&G 3.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1937 1/2d green U/M SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1937 1/2d green U/M 'BOOKLET PANE' of six. SG 40.

1937 1/2d green in a fine unmounted mint BOOKLET PANE of six. SG 40.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1937 1d scarlet U/M SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1937 1d scarlet U/M 'BOOKLET PANE' of six. SG 41.

1937 1d scarlet in a fine unmounted mint BOOKLET PANE of six. SG 41.


1949 (28.2.) use of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT official postcard with '200-10,00 22.7.32' imprint addressed to Rusapi bearing 3d 'falls' and tied by light UMTALI cds with stronger strike on reverse.


1951 (19.9.) use of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT official postcard addressed to Bulawayo with 'GPO-A.18884-H.01503-D.4742-5,000C-17.4.45' imprint bearing 3d 'falls' adhesive tied by BULAWAYO cds.

SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY' form used at VICTORIA.

1950/1960 (circa) 'Postmaster No.68' black on light buff ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY form (type C with postage 2 1/2d) completed for a registered letter to UK and bearing 5c and 65c strip of three adhesives on reverse side cancelled VICTORIA/SEYCHELLES and dated JU.20.77.

SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY' form unused.

1950/1960 (circa) 'Postmaster No.68' black on light buff ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY form (type C with postage 2 1/2d) in unused condition.

SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) SEYCHELLES - 1950/60 (circa) 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY' form completed but unused.

1950/1960 (circa) 'Postmaster No.68' black on light buff ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DELIVERY form (type C with postage 2 1/2d) completed for a letter to UK in 1977 but unused.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1878 1d red on cream PSC unused condition.  H&G 1.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1878 1d red on cream PSC unused condition. H&G 1.

1878 1d red on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

B.O.F.I.C. - 1944 front page of the B.O.F.I.C. - 1944 front page of the 'BENGHAZI DAILY NEWS' re. 'Red Army advance in Poland'.

1944 (JAN.15.) front page of the 'BENGHAZI DAILY NEWS' regarding 'Red Army advance in Poland'. Folded.

B.O.F.I.C. - 1943 (NOV.2.) front page of the B.O.F.I.C. - 1943 (NOV.2.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding the 3-Power Conference.

1943 (NOV.2.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding the 3-Power Conference. Folded.

B.O.F.I.C. - 1943 (AUG.4.) front page of the B.O.F.I.C. - 1943 (AUG.4.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding 'Italian Surrender'.

1943 (AUG.4.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding' Italian Surrender'. Folded.

B.O.F.I.C. - 1942 (AUG.4.) front page of the B.O.F.I.C. - 1942 (AUG.4.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding Allies advance.

1942 (AUG.4.) front page of the 'TRIPOLI TIMES' regarding Allies advance. Folded.

INDIA - 1933 INDIA - 1933 'CARGO OF FISH' pilot signed first flight cover.

1933 (SEP.6.) first flight cover addressed to Calcutta bearing 1a3p adhesive and with black on green FIRST FLIGHT/CONVEYING A CARGO OF FISH/IN INDIA label at left tied by the violet 'fish' emblem. A scarce flight from Edmonstone Island to Dum Dum of which only 55 covers were flown. Signed at left by the pilot W.Molyan.

INDIA - 1933 INDIA - 1933 'PRINCE ALI KHAN' first flight cover.

1933 (JAN.15.) first flight cover addressed to Calcutta bearing 3p and 1a adhesives tied by SANTACRUZ cds's and with blue and red on white PRINCE ALI KHAN/PENANG-BOMBAY 'Puss Moth/Vt-ABG' plane label applied and tied by red handstamp. Signed on reverse by Stephen Smith. Only 91 covers were flown.

INDIA - 1933 1st Experimental Dacca Dum Dum first flight cover.INDIA - 1933 1st Experimental Dacca Dum Dum first flight cover.

1933 (MAR.21.) first flight cover addressed to Calcutta bearing 3p grey and 1a brown tied DUM DUM with red 1st EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHT/DACCA/DUM DUM cachet applied at left. Only 53 covers were flown. CALCUTTA arrival b/s and signed Stephen Smith on reverse.

INDIA - 1934 December INDIA - 1934 December 'LIGHTHOUSE SAUGOR ISLAND' rocket flight cover.

1934 (DEC.16.) BY ROCKET MAIL cover to Saugor Island bearing 9 pies adhesive tied PARK STREET/CALCUTTA with FIRST NIGHT FIRING TO LIGHTHOUSE illustration at left tied by blue LIGHTHOUSE/SAUGOR ISLAND h/s and written to Stephen Smith with Mary Shenton signature at left. Complete with crest 'Greetings By Rocket' slip enclosure. Miss Mary Shenton fired the rocket. 250 covers flown.

INDIA - 1934 September INDIA - 1934 September 'LIGHTHOUSE SAUGOR ISLAND' rocket flight cover.

1934 (30.SE.) FIRST INDIAN ROCKET DESPATCH cover to Saugor island bearing 1/2a adhesive tied by SAUGOR ISLAND and with blue and red on cream TO LIGHTHOUSE/ SAUGOR ISLAND/1ST ROCKET DESPATCH label at left. Signed W.Shenton/Light House Keeper. 220 covers were flown.

VICTORIA - 1856 8d VICTORIA - 1856 8d 'half length' double rate wrapper addressed locally to Geelong.

1856 (SE.5) use of outer wrapper addressed locally to Geelong bearing half length 1d pair & 3d pairs tied by large barred '15' numeral cancel (RL type C) of Bacchus Marsh & with black crown GEELONG/VICTORIA b/s's. A very fine franking.

CEYLON - 1925 6c purple PSC uprated to Germany used at LINDULA.  H&G 61.CEYLON - 1925 6c purple PSC uprated to Germany used at LINDULA. H&G 61.

1925 6c purple on white postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany bearing additional 6c 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive tied LINDULA. A genuine use of this scarce stationery card. H&G 61.

BIAFRA - 1970 4d RED CROSS adhesive U/M with BIAFRA - 1970 4d RED CROSS adhesive U/M with 'OVERPRINT OMITTED'. SG 36.

1970 4d red-orange '2nd Anniversary' adhesive in unmounted mint from the 'Save Biafra/9th Jan 1970' overprint with black frame (no longer catalogued by SG as it cannot be proved that this issue was actually on sale) showing the major error OVERPRINT TOTALLY OMITTED APART FROM THE RED CROSS SYMBOL. SG 36.

SAMOA - 1920 1/- SAMOA - 1920 1/- 'Victory' adhesive fine mint with 'DOUBLE OVERPRINT'. SG 148

1920 1/- orange-red 'Victory' adhesive of New Zealand overprinted SAMOA in blue ink in very fine mint condition showing a faint but readable DOUBLE OVERPRINT above. Complete with BPA certificate stating the double overprint is genuine. Very unusual and unlisted. SG 148.

SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE to UK used at WELLINGTON.  H&G 5a.SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE to UK used at WELLINGTON. H&G 5a.

1902 1d carmine on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to UK cancelled by large part WELLINGTON/SIERRA LEONE cds dated OC.24.06 and cancelled in transit as usual by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. A very scarce village cancel rarely seen. Proud type D2. H&G 5a.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1942 3d rate 'PASSED/QQ1' censor cover to UK used at MAGBURAKA.

1942 (JY.30.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d (x2) tied by light MAGBURAKA cds and struck below by crowned PASSED/ QQ1 censor strike.

BAHAMAS - 1916 2/- black and blue mint showing HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety.  SG 79.
BAHAMAS - 1916 2/- black and blue mint showing HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety. SG 79.

1916 2/- black and blue in fine mint condition showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety from Row 1/12. SG 79.

BAHAMAS - 1918 3d purple on yellow mint BAHAMAS - 1918 3d purple on yellow mint 'WAR TAX' showing HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN. SG 94.

1918 3d purple on yellow in fine mint condition overprinted WAR TAX and showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety from Row 1/12. SG 94.

BASUTOLAND - 1923 use of 1d South African PSC used at ROMA MISSION.BASUTOLAND - 1923 use of 1d South African PSC used at ROMA MISSION.

1923 (AU.11.) use of South African 1d red postal stationery postcard addressed to Morija cancelled by ROMA MISSION/S.AFRICA cds (Proud type D3).

BURMA - 1876 1/2a rate BURMA - 1876 1/2a rate 'R-8' MOULMEIN cover to UK.

1876 (OCT.2.) cover addressed to UK bearing Indian 1/2a blue adhesive tied by scarcer 'R-8' handstamp with s/r MOULMEIN cancel alongside.

INDIA - 1917 1/2a local cover from LAHORE with INDIA - 1917 1/2a local cover from LAHORE with 'BUY A Rs10 POST OFFICE CASH' h/s.

1917 (JU.13.) cover addressed locally to Murree bearing Edw VII 1/2a adhesive tied LAHORE with scarce black boxed BUY A Rs10/POST OFFICE CASH/CERTIFICATE FOR Rs7-12 h/s in black. NATHIABALI b/s.

INDIA - 1941 Kalyan to Bombay INDIA - 1941 Kalyan to Bombay 'PIGEON GRAM' flight cover.

1941 (AP.6) Kalyan to Bombay PIGEON GRAM bearing 1a 3p SERVICE adhesive tied by KALYAN - FIRST PIGEON MISSIVE cancel in red. Complete with advertisement folder bearing the actual pigeon message sent pasted on reverse.

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