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CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1897 use of CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1897 use of 'OHMS' acknowledgement form to Cape Town used at STRAND STREET.

1897 (AU.17.) use of pre-addressed ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE acknowledgement of medal form addressed to Government House in Cape Town and cancelled STRAND STREET/CAPE TOWN.


1897 (MY.12.) use of official 'DEED OF TRANSFER' paper bearing 1d purple on yellow and 2/- rose STAMP DUTY adhesives tied by oval crowned DEEDS REGISTRY/CPE TOWN handstamps.


1897 (DE.22.) use of official 'DEED OF TRANSFER' paper bearing 1d purple on yellow, 3/- blue and 5/- black STAMP DUTY adhesives tied by oval crowned DEEDS REGISTRY/CAPE TOWN handstamps.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE to Durban used at MATATIELE.  H&G 5c.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE to Durban used at MATATIELE. H&G 5c.

1903 1d pink (size b) postal stationery envelope addressed to Durban cancelled by lovely MATATIELE cds dated AU.13.06. H&G 5c.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 inward CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 inward 'PASSED PRESS CENSOR' Boer War cover from Russia.

1902 (AP.02.) inward cover from Russia (scarce) bearing 10k adhesive applied to reverse flap struck on the front by violet triangular PASSED/PRESS/CENSOR handstamp and with CERES ROAD arrival b/s. Light overall age marks but a most unusual inward Boer War cover from Russia.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 cover to UK with Rhodesian stamps un-accepted and taxed at ORANGE RIVER.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 cover to UK with Rhodesian stamps un-accepted and taxed at ORANGE RIVER.

1905 (JU.26.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 1d (x2) 'arms' adhesives of Rhodesia which was against regulations and remained uncancelled and struck by octagonal 'T/10c' tax mark with ORANGE RIVER/C.G.H. cds at left. '2d/E.H.' strike applied on arrival with ABERDEEN b/s.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 2 1/2d on 3d surcharged adhesive (SG 55) on cover to UK.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 2 1/2d on 3d surcharged adhesive (SG 55) on cover to UK.

1892 (AP.13.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d on 3d magenta (SG 55) tied by a lovely strike of the octagonal edged CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY cancel. Jurgens type 96.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1830 (circa) POST PAID outer wrapper to Cape Town rated CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1830 (circa) POST PAID outer wrapper to Cape Town rated '1/-'.

1830 (circa) outer wrapper addressed to Cape Town rated '1/-' in manuscript and marked 'Pd' (Paid) and struck by black boxed POST PAID handstamp. R.Lowe type HS10.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1882 1d brown newspaper wrapper struck CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1882 1d brown newspaper wrapper struck 'OR OCCUPIER' in violet. H&G 2.

1882 1d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed locally cancelled by weak squared circle CAPE TOWN cancel and struck 'OR OCCUPIER' in violet at left. H&G 2

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 use of Transvaal 1d CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 use of Transvaal 1d 'VRI' PSC with Cape 1/2d pair at KING WILLIAMS TOWN.

1901 (JU.5.) use of Transvaal 1d 'V.R.I.' overprinted postal stationery postcard (H&G 10) addressed to UK and bearing 1/2d green Cape adhesive pair tied by squared circle KING WILLIAMS TOWN/C.G.H. cds. A scarcer use of this Transvaal stationery in the Cape.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 use of a CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 use of a 'Antenuptial Contract' bearing 1/- and £1 REVENUE adhesives

1909 (DE.15.) use of 'ANTENUPTIAL CONTRACT' document bearing Cape Of Good Hope 1/- and £1 REVENUE adhesives tied by oval crowned DEEDS REGISTRY/CAPE TOWN cancels.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at BIESJESPOORT.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at BIESJESPOORT.

1898 (NO.28.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by scarce s/r BIESJESPOORT cds. Small tear in top edge but an elusive use from this rarely seen town.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1896 1/2d green PSC of Transvaal uprated to Germany used at CAPE TOWN. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1896 1/2d green PSC of Transvaal uprated to Germany used at CAPE TOWN.

1896 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard of Transvaal (H&G 3) addressed to Germany (genuine use) bearing additional 1/2d green 'seated hope' adhesives (x5) applied and cancelled by squared circle CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY cds dated DE.15.97. Some light surface creasing but a unusual use of this Transvaal stationery accepted in the Cape making up a 3d rate.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1879 THREEPENCE on 4d blue used showing PENCB for PENCE. variety.  SG 34a.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1879 THREEPENCE on 4d blue used showing PENCB for PENCE. variety. SG 34a.

1879 THREEPENCE black on 4d blue surcharged adhesive in used condition with smudgy cancel but showing the scarce PENCB for PENCE variety. SG 34a.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890's N.Z.A.S.M. railway baggage label for EAST LONDON.

1890's (circa) N.Z.A.S.M. (model 14) black on buff 'BAGGAGE' label pre-printed EAST LONDON with '10000 (6-97)' imprint.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 stampless CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 stampless 'OAS' Boer war cover to UK used at BELMONT/CGH.

1900 (MY.28.) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' cancelled BELMONT/ C.G.H. with BRITISH ARMY/S.AFRICA cds below. Boer War use.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 OHMS folded military form for medal acknowledgement used at DANIELS KUIL.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 OHMS folded military form for medal acknowledgement used at DANIELS KUIL.

1898 (OC.25.) use of folded ON HER MAJESTYS SERVICE militar paper for the acknowledgement of a medal cancelled by scarcer DANIELS KUIL cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1912 1d Transvaal on underpaid cover to UK used at KLOOF STREET C.T.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1912 1d Transvaal on underpaid cover to UK used at KLOOF STREET C.T.

1912 (OC.28.) underpaid cover addressed to UK bearing Transvaal 1d adhesive (SG 274) tied KLOOF STREET C.T. with octagonal 'T/40c' h/s applied at left. Inter Provincial use.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1875 4d rate local cover used at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1875 4d rate local cover used at '9' CERES.

1875 (NO.2.) cover addressed locally bearing wing marginal 4d blue adhesive tied by barred '9' cancel with half moon type CERES cancel at left with WELLINGTON/CAPE COLONY arrival. A scarce 'proving' cover.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1886 6d rate cover to UK used at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1886 6d rate cover to UK used at '55' UMTATA.

1886 (NO.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d (x3) tied by barred '55' strikes with UMTATA 'proving' cds alongside.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890 1d rate local cover used at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890 1d rate local cover used at '437' UNIONDALE.

1890 (AU.30.) cover addressed locally to Cape Town bearing 1d adhesive tied by barred '437' cancel with UNIONDALE 'proving' cds at left. Complete with original letter.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890 6d rate cover to Germany used at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1890 6d rate cover to Germany used at '66' WILLOWMORE.

1890 (MR.8.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 6d adhesive tied by barred '66' cancel with WILLOWMORE/CAPE COLONY 'proving' cds at left.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1d rate postcard use to USA cancelled by CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1d rate postcard use to USA cancelled by 'C crown C' roller strike.

1906 (JUN.27.) use of postcard addressed to USA depicting 'The Castle-Main Entrance' in Cape Town bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce crowned 'C crown C' barred strike of Cape Town. Lessing type 1.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1867 4d rate cover to Cape Town struck CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1867 4d rate cover to Cape Town struck '31' with RICHMOND h/s alongside.

1867 (DEC.3.) cover addressed to Cape Town bearing 4d blue 'hope' adhesive tied by '31' duplex with oval RICHMOND handstamp at left and CAPE TOWN arrival cds dated DEC 9.67. Very scarce.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1d rate soldiers CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1d rate soldiers 'Boer War' FPO/BR.ARMY S.AFRICA cover to UK.

1900 (MR.27.) soldiers letter from the Boer War addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/BRITISH ARMY S.AFRICA cds and endorsed 'From Pte S.Barnett, #428 S.J.A.B. 8th General S.Africa.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1891 use of stampless OHMS cover to New Zealand struck ON PUBLIC SERVICE.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1891 use of stampless OHMS cover to New Zealand struck ON PUBLIC SERVICE.

1891 (APR.25.) use of stampless 'ON HER MAJESTYS SERVICE' monogrammed envelope addressed to New Zealand (opened on two sides) cancelled GPO/ CAPE TOWN and signed at bottom left corner and struck at top with large part of the ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE h/s in black.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1831 1/- rated wrapper to Cape Town struck POSTAGE PAID in black.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1831 1/- rated wrapper to Cape Town struck POSTAGE PAID in black.

1831 (AUG.10.) use of stampless outer wrapper addressed to Cape Town marked 'Paid 1/-' and struck by black boxed POST PAID handstamp with light crowned circular POST OFFICE/GENERAL-CAPE TOWN h/s applied on arrival.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine PSC CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine PSC 'Private Printed' edition to Germany. H&G 15.

1898 1d carmine on cream 'Privately Printed' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled GPO CAPETOWN and dated MY.1.00 with 'From the land of the Southern Cross' printed on reverse side with ADDERLEY STREET, LOOKING WEST picture. H&G 15.


1901 (NO.21.) stampless 'On Active Service' cover addressed to UK cancelled by ARMY POST OFFICE/BRAMFONTEIN with 'T' tax mark at left. Lymington arrival cds on front.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 'ARMY TELEGRAPHS' envelope struck ARMY/TELEGRAPHS WD at Wolmaransstad.

1902 (7.VIII.) use of black on salmon (Army Form C 377) ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Army Telegraphs envelope addressed locally and cancelled by scarce ARMY/TELEGRAPHS/ W-D cds used at Wolmaransstad.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK.  H&G 5.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK. H&G 5.

1894 1/2d green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK bearing additional 1/2d adhesive tied by barred '1' strike and with scarcer 'cart wheel' mass canceller strike applied. H&G 5.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1820 entire to Cape Town struck PREPAID in black.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1820 entire to Cape Town struck PREPAID in black.

1820 entire addressed to Cape Town (fragile and edge faults) cancelled on front by two fine black boxed PRE PAID handstamps.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1/- on 4d CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1/- on 4d 'Mafeking/Besieged' overprint used. SG 11.

1900 1/- on 4d green and purple-brown adhesive of Bechuanaland overprinted MAFEKING/ BESIEGED tied to piece by MAFEKING/C.G.H. cds. SG 11.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 3d lilac and orange REVENUE adhesive mint.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 3d lilac and orange REVENUE adhesive mint.

1903 3d lilac and orange REVENUE adhesive in fine mint (overall lightly toned) condition. Barefoot and Hall 145.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 'OHMS' letter sheet for medal to Cape Town used at INDWE.

1899 (JY.31.) folded ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE military letter sheet for the acknowledgement of a war medal pre-addressed to Government House in Cape Town and cancelled by neat s/r INDWE cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d rate soldiers letter to UK used at RONDEHOOGTE.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d rate soldiers letter to UK used at RONDEHOOGTE.

1901 (MR.15.) soldiers cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce RONDEHOOGTE C.G.H. and counter signed by the Captain of the South African Field Force.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1897 1d on 1 1/2d grey PSC censored to Germany used at SHILOH. H&G 12a.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1897 1d on 1 1/2d grey PSC censored to Germany used at SHILOH. H&G 12a.

1897 1d black surcharge on 1 1/2d grey on buff postal stationery p'card with stop after penny addressed to Germany & cancelled by superb s/r SHILOH/C.G.H. cds dated AP.4.02. Struck on front by light violet oval PASSED BY CENSOR/QUEENSTOWN h/s. H&G 12a. Used during the Boer War.

CPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WEST BANK EAST LONDON.CPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WEST BANK EAST LONDON.

1904 (AU.15.) postcard addressed to UK depicting 'natives after dinner' bearing 1d adhesive tied by d/r WEST BANK EAST LONDON cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 1/2d rate postcard use at MIDLAND/TPO 4 with stamp added in transit.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 1/2d rate postcard use at MIDLAND/TPO 4 with stamp added in transit.

1909 use of comic picture postcard addressed to Port Elizabeth cancelled by MIDLAND/T.P.O.4 cancel with Cape 1/2d green then placed on top and cancelled DE AAR. PORT ELIZABETH arrival at left dated OC.15.09. A scarce TRAVELLING POST OFFICE use with postage added in transit.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1d rate use of OHMS acknowledgement sheet used at NEWMARKET/CGH.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 1d rate use of OHMS acknowledgement sheet used at NEWMARKET/CGH.

1900 (NO.17.) use of stampless OHMS sheet addressed to the Military Secretary at Cape Town for the acknowledgement of a war medal bearing 1d adhesive tied by duplex strike and with NEWMARKET cds alongside.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 OHMS acknowledgement letter sheet used at PHILIPS TOWN.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 OHMS acknowledgement letter sheet used at PHILIPS TOWN.

1899 (SP.23.) use of stampless OHMS sheet addressed to the Military Secretary at Cape Town for the acknowledgement of a war medal cancelled PHILIPS/TOWN.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1875 4d (x3) rate cover to UK used at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1875 4d (x3) rate cover to UK used at '19' HOPETOWN.

1875 (OC.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing a strip of three of the 4d blue adhesive tied by '19' duplex with HOPETOWN cds alongside. Small pices of flap missing and a little aged but a scarce 'proving' cover.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 1/2d green postal wrapper uprated with Transvaal 2d at WEPENER. H&G 6.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 1/2d green postal wrapper uprated with Transvaal 2d at WEPENER. H&G 6.

1905 1/2d green on yellowish paper postal stationery wrapper addressed to Germany bearing additional Transvaal 2d adhesives added and cancelled by P.O.WEPENER cds dated 29.JAN.12 cds. A scarce uprated use of this stationery by Transvaal adhesive during the Inter-Provisional period. H&G 6.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 1d rate postcard use to UK cancelled CAPE COLONY/OCEAN POST OFFICE.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 1d rate postcard use to UK cancelled CAPE COLONY/OCEAN POST OFFICE.

1908 (NO.24.) use of postcard addressed to UK bearing Cape 1d adhesive tied by neat s/r CAPE COLONY OCEAN POST OFFICE cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 Boer War stampless CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 Boer War stampless 'O.A.S.' soldiers letter to UK used at SUTHERLAND.

1901 (NO.27.) stampless 'Boer War' cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' from a Yeomanary of the Field South Africa corps cancelled by s/r SUTHERLAND cds and struck by violet triangular PASSED/PRESS/CENSOR strike.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 2/- and £1 pair REVENUE usage on piece.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 2/- and £1 pair REVENUE usage on piece.

1903 2/- and £1 pair REVENUE adhesives tied to small piece by crowned DEEDS-REGISTRY/ CAPE TOWN cancels dated 22.SP.09. Barefoot 148+154.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 £2 REVENUE strip usage on piece.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 £2 REVENUE strip usage on piece.

1903 £2 green and green REVENUE strip of three tied to small piece by crowned DEEDS-REGISTRY/ CAPE TOWN cancels dated 22.SP.09. Barefoot 155.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard to Australia used at KIMBERLEY STATION.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard to Australia used at KIMBERLEY STATION.

1908 (OC.22.) use of picture postcard addressed to Australia depicting 'Entrance to Mitchells Pass' bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce KIMBERLEY STATION/CGH cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BIG UMNGAZI.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BIG UMNGAZI.

1907 (JY.12) use of picture postcard to UK depicting 'Jvunga Falls' bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce s/r BIG UMNGAZI cds from the Transkei.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at DORDRECHT STATION.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at DORDRECHT STATION.

1907 (MR.17.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK (some tone marks) depicting 'The Granite Rocks at Paar' bearing 1d adhesive tied by DORDRECHT STATION cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to Johannesburg used at SYDNEY.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to Johannesburg used at SYDNEY.

1907 (SP.9) use of picture postcard addressed to Johannesburg depicting `Miss Agnes Fraser' & bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce SYDNEY s/r cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland used at STAL STREET.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland used at STAL STREET.

1907 (DE.16.) use of picture postcard addressed to Switzerland depicting 'Government Ave-Cape Town' bearing1d adhesive tied by scarce STAL STREET/CAPE TOWN cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d under paid cover from KIMBERLEY with French CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d under paid cover from KIMBERLEY with French 'Postage Due' added.

1901 (mr.26.) underpaid cover to France written in soldiers violet pencil bearing 1d adhesive tied KIMBERLEY/C.G.H. with octagonal 'T/15c' tax mark applied below and French 30c 'Postage Due' applied on arrival cancelled by central inverted triangle strike.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 3d rate cover to Sweden with CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 3d rate cover to Sweden with 'CAPE TOWN/C crown C' roller strike.

1908 (OCT.7.) cover addressed to Sweden (scarce) bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by scarce 'CAPE TOWN/C crown C' roller strike (Lessing type 1).

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 1d rate cover to USA struck by CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 1d rate cover to USA struck by 'CAPE TOWN/C crown C' roller strike.

1909 (FE.17.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d adhesive tied by scarce CAPE TOWN/C crown C roller strike (Lessing type 1). This being a 8 month latest known date use accoring to this expert.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d postcard to USA with CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d postcard to USA with 'CAPE TOWN/C crown C' roller strike.

1904 (DEC.20.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'The Bay-Cape Town' bearing 1d adhesive tied by large part CAPE TOWN/C crown C roller strike. Lessing No.1.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 use of TELEGRAM envelope to Germany cancelled by CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 use of TELEGRAM envelope to Germany cancelled by 'C crown G' slogan strike.

1904 (DEC.3.) use of black on salmon 'TELEGRAM' envelope (GPO 608) addressed to Germany bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by scarce CAPE TOWN - C crown G roller strike. Lessing type 1. A lovely use of this first postal slogan strike.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to Germany used at CAPE TOWN.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'Houses of parliament, Cape Town' cancelled by squared circle GPO. CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY cds dated AP.20.98. H&G 15

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to UK used at CAPE TOWN.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'Queens Hotel, Sea Point' cancelled by GPO CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY cds dated DE.7.98. H&G 15.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to Germany used at CAPE TOWN.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'View Of Claremont, near Cape Town' cancelled by squared circle GPO CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY cds dated JU.8.98. H&G 15.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to UK used at WYNBERG.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'Cape Town from Signal Hill' cancelled by squared circle WYNBERG/C.G.H. cancel dated AP.4.00. H&G 15

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to UK used at WYNBERG.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'Adderley Street, Looking East' cancelled by squared circle WYNBERG/C.G.H. cancel dated DE.4.99. H&G 15.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to UK used at NEWLANDS.

1898-1901 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK of the privately printed issue (Southern Cross) depicting 'Table Mountain from Table Bay' cancelled by NEWLANDS/ CAPE COLONY cds dated 7.OC.98. H&G 15

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine 'private printing' PSC to France used at KENILWORTH.

1898 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to France cancelled by s/r KENILWORTH CAPE/CGH cds dated 18.JY.00 and being 'privately printed' with 'From the land of the Southern Cross' THE GENERAL POST OFFICE CAPETOWN illustration on the reverse side. H&G 15.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 local cover with CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1909 local cover with '2d' charge mark used at WYNBURG-CAPE.

1909 (FE.16.) tone spotted cover addressed locally to Mossel Bay bearing 1d adhesive tied WYNBURG CAPE and with scarce '2d' charge mark applied in black.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1820 (circa) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1820 (circa) 'POST PAID' outer wrapper usage to Cape Town.

1820 (circa) 1/- rated outer wrapper addressed to Cape Town struck by black boxed POST PAID handstamp.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 inward underpaid postcard from UK with CHARGE CLERK cds applied.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1900 inward underpaid postcard from UK with CHARGE CLERK cds applied.

1900 inward underpaid postcard from UK struck on arrival by s/r CHARGE CLERK cds dated OC.24.00 and with '1d' tax mark applied.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE uprated to Germany used at LADY GREY.  H&G 5b.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE uprated to Germany used at LADY GREY. H&G 5b.

1903-09 1d pink on heavy cream laid paper with curved flap postal stationery envelope (type b) addressed to Germany & bearing additional 1/2d & 1d adhesives tied by LADY GREY A.N cds dated JA.9.05. H&G 5b.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at VICTORIA WEST.  H&G 5b.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at VICTORIA WEST. H&G 5b.

1903-09 1d rose pink on cream postal stationery envelope with curved flap addressed locally & cancelled by fine d/r VICTORIA WEST cds dated DE.7.08. H&G 5b.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally from CALVINIA.  H&G 5b.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally from CALVINIA. H&G 5b.

1903-09 1d pink on heavy cream laid paper postal stationery envelope with curved flap (type b) addressed locally & cancelled by s/r CALVINIA cds dated MY.19.07. H&G 5b.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at FRASERBURG ROAD.  H&G 5b.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at FRASERBURG ROAD. H&G 5b.

1903 1d pink on cream heavy laid paper with rounded flap addressed to Cape Town cancelled by FRASERBURG ROAD cds dated MY.9.10. H&G 5b.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at DURBANVILLE.  H&G 5b.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1903 1d pink PSE used locally at DURBANVILLE. H&G 5b.

1903-09 1d pink on heavy white paper (curved flap) postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to Cape Town cancelled by rather indistinct cds dated AP.11.06 (year slug inverted) with blue crayon MISSENT mark applied at left with DURBANVILLE cds alongside dated the following day. H&G 5b.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d rate local cover used at GREAT BRAK RIVER.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1904 1d rate local cover used at GREAT BRAK RIVER.

1904 (SP.14.) cover addressed to Mossel Bay bearing 1d adhesive tied GREAT BRAK RIVER.


1919 (AP.15.) use of stampless ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE FOLDED 'Rhodesian Government Supplementary Separation Allowance award' (S.S.A.4) form sent back to the Defence Head Quarters at Salisbury and cancelled by HALESOWEN/C.G.H. cds. A very scarce cancel.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 use of 1d pink PSE to Germany used at DRACHOENDER.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 use of 1d pink PSE to Germany used at DRACHOENDER.

1892 (JY.3.) use of 1d pink postal stationery envelope addressed to Germany cancelled by weak duplex but with DRACHOENDER cds at left.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1912 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1912 'CAPE TOWN-1/2d-PAID' local cover.

1912 (MR.9.) stampless cover addressed locally struck by scarce 'CAPE TOWN-1/2d-PAID' 'mass' cancel.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d slate PSE (size f) used locally from JOHANNESBURG. H&G 1a.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d slate PSE (size f) used locally from JOHANNESBURG. H&G 1a.

1892 1/2d slate on cream postal stationery envelope (size f) addressed locally and cancelled by JOHANNESBURG/15 cds dated 06.JAN.11. A scarce size with inter-provincial use. H&G 1a.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 1/2d rate postcard used locally from LAWRENCE STREET/P.E.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1908 1/2d rate postcard used locally from LAWRENCE STREET/P.E.

1908 (MR.9.) use of blank type postcard adressed to the Police Station at Port Elizabeth with pre-printed 'A Weeks Allowance' reverse bearing 1/2d adhesive tied LAWRENCE STREET/P.E. cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 1d rate postcard use to UK used at RONDERBOSCH/TELE EXCHANGE.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1905 1d rate postcard use to UK used at RONDERBOSCH/TELE EXCHANGE.

1905 (AU.23.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Residence Of H.M.Arderne-The Hill' bearing 1d adhesive tied by RONDERBOSCH/TELE EXCHANGE cds. A scarcer use of this Telephone Exchange cancel on ordinary mails.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1865 1d lilac CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1865 1d lilac 'REVENUE' adhesive in a fine mint block of four.

1865 1d lilac 'THE STAMP ACT 1864' revenue adhesive in a fine mint block of four on 'Crown CC' watermarked paper. Barefoot 14. A nice multiple.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1840 (circa) stampless outer wrapper cancelled STELLENBOSCH.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1840 (circa) stampless outer wrapper cancelled STELLENBOSCH.

1840 (circa) use of stampless outer wrapper (a little aged stained) rated '3' in manuscript addressed to Cape Town and cancelled by crowned ringed POST OFFICE/STELLENBOSCH h/s.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE uprated to UK used at BELMONT.  H&G 2.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE uprated to UK used at BELMONT. H&G 2.

1892 1d pink on heavy white laid paper postal stationery envelope (size a) addressed to UK bearing additional 1/2d adhesive pair tied BELMONT/C.G.H. Ex Griqualand West town. H&G 2.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE to Germany uprated at CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE to Germany uprated at '916' at TABASE in Transkei. H&G 2.

1892 1d pink on heavy white laid paper postal stationery envelope (size a) addressed to Germany bearing additional 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied by '916' numeral duplex's with TABASE 'proving' cds alongside. A scarce early use in the Transkei. H&G 2.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1d rate postcard to Egypt used at EASTERN/TPO 4.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1d rate postcard to Egypt used at EASTERN/TPO 4.

1906 (DEC.17.) use of picture postcard (blunt corner) addressed to Egypt (unusual) depicting 'Donkin Street-Bedford' bearing 1d adhesive tied by EASTERN/T.P.O.4 cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1853 OHMS outer wrapper struck CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1853 OHMS outer wrapper struck '39' at OLIPHANTS HOEK.

1853 (NOV.11.) stampless outer wrapper addressed to Cape Town marked 'O.H.M.S. in manuscript and struck on the front by light octagonal '39' numeral handstamp from Oliphants Hoek (Sidbury). A rare strike.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1857 ON SERVICE outer wrapper used at KALK BAY.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1857 ON SERVICE outer wrapper used at KALK BAY.

1857 (AU.12.) stampless outer wrapper marked 'On Service' addressed to Cape Town and struck on reverse by fine oval arc KALK BAY cancel with arc'd CAPE TOWN arrival alongside both struck in red ink.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1859 OHMS outer wrapper used at BEAUFORT.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1859 OHMS outer wrapper used at BEAUFORT.

1859 (OC.8.) stampless outer wrapper marked 'On H.M.Service' addressed to Cape Town and struck on reverse by fine oval arc BEAUFORT cancel with arc'd CAPE TOWN arrival alongside struck in red ink.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1860 OHMS outer wrapper used at SOMERSET EAST.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1860 OHMS outer wrapper used at SOMERSET EAST.

1860 (DE.15.) stampless outer wrapper marked 'On H.M.Service' addressed to Cape Town and struck on reverse by fine oval arc SOMERSET EAST cancel with arc'd CAPE TOWN arrival alongside struck in red ink.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1867 OHMS outer wrapper used at WOLVE KRAAL.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1867 OHMS outer wrapper used at WOLVE KRAAL.

1867 (JA.8.) stampless outer wrapper marked 'On H.M.Service' addressed to Cape Town and struck on reverse by fine oval arc WOLVE KRAAL cancel with CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY arrival cds on front dated JA.10.67.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1872 OHMS outer wrapper used at FRASERBURG.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1872 OHMS outer wrapper used at FRASERBURG.

1872 (MR.14.) stampless outer wrapper marked 'On H.M.Service' addressed to Cape Town and struck on reverse by fine oval arc FRASERBURG cancel with CAPE TOWN/CAPE COLONY arrival cds on front dated MR.18.72.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1907 'PARCEL POST' receipt bearing 1d tied SIR LOWRY ROAD.

1907 use of black on white PARCEL POST certificate bearing 1d (SG 71) tied SIR LOWRY ROAD & dated OC.9.07. Unusual item.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1871 1/2d IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL in issued colour on CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1871 1/2d IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL in issued colour on 'CC' wmk paper.

1871 1/2d (seated hope without frame line) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL (SG type 6) printed in the issued colour of grey black on 'CC' watermarked paper. Very scarce.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1851 stampless entire to Cape Town written at Mossel Bay.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1851 stampless entire to Cape Town written at Mossel Bay.

1851 (MAR.21.) use of stampless entire addressed to Cape Town headed 'Mosselbay' with manuscript rate mark but no postal cancellations. Written in Dutch from Mossel Bay.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink uprated PSE to Germany used at WILLISTON.  H&G 2.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink uprated PSE to Germany used at WILLISTON. H&G 2.

1892-94 1d pink on white postal stationery envelope with pointed flap addressed to Germany and bearing additional 2 1/2d adhesive tied by WILLISTON cds dated JU.14.97. H&G 2.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE uprated and cancelled CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1d pink PSE uprated and cancelled '356' at STUTTERHEIM. H&G 2a.

1892-94 1d pink on heavy cream paper (curved flap) postal stationery envelope addressed to Rouxville in the Orange Free State (slightly reduced at left from opening) and cancelled by '356' duplex with rare STUTTERHEIM.T.O. proving cds at left. A rare use from this Telegraph Office. H&G 2a.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1895 1d brown carmine postal stationery letter card used locally at ABERDEEN.  CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1895 1d brown carmine postal stationery letter card used locally at ABERDEEN.

1895 1d brown carmine on grey postal stationery postal stationery letter card addressed locally and cancelled by ABERDEEN cds dated MR.27.05. H&G 1.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at FARVIEW.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1899 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at FARVIEW.

1899 (AU.12.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by s/r FARVIEW/CGH cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany cancelled CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany cancelled '916' at TABASE.

1901 (MR.5.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by '916' numbered duplex with TABASE/C.G.H. 'proving' cds alongside.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at WINDSORTON ROAD.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at WINDSORTON ROAD.

1901 (JU.19.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by WINDSORTON ROAD cds.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1/2d rate local postcard use used at BLANEY JUNCTION.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1906 1/2d rate local postcard use used at BLANEY JUNCTION.

1906 (SP.7.) use of picture postcard addressed to Transvaal depicting 'View in the Gardens-Aliwal North' bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by scarce BLANEY JUNCTION/CGH cds with FORDSBURG arrival cds alongside.
