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BAHAMAS - 1933 1d rate cover to Canada used at GRANTS TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1933 1d rate cover to Canada used at GRANTS TOWN.

1933 (JY.11.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 1d adhesive tied by GRANTS TOWN cds.

BAHAMAS - 1919 1d BAHAMAS - 1919 1d 'War Charity' part sheet of 30 with RIFLE and TREE TRUNK varieties. SG 101.

1919 1d black and red adhesive overprinted 'WAR CHARITY/3.6.18' in red in a fine mint right hand side part sheet of 30 (6x5) showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety on Row 1/12 and the FULL EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety on Row 5/8. SG 101.

BAHAMAS - 1938 4d red RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 6.BAHAMAS - 1938 4d red RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 6.

1938 4d red on cream regisered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition with THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY, LIMITED imprint under flap. H&G 6.

BAHAMAS - 1948 BAHAMAS - 1948 'Tercentenary' DIE PROOF in black.

1948 'Tercentenary of Settlement' DIE PROOF of the frame and head only printed in black on cream paper (87x74mm) adhered to card and printed 'XC 4521' at top. A scarce item.

BAHAMAS - 1938 2 1/2d rate BAHAMAS - 1938 2 1/2d rate 'S.S.MUNARGO' maritime cover to USA.

1938 cover addressed to USA bearing five 1/2d green adhesives tied by MUNARGO LINE COMPANY/ - S/S MUNARGO maritime cancels with magenta PAQUEBOT strike below.

BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red on cream RPSE addressed to USA uprated with BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red on cream RPSE addressed to USA uprated with 'QV' 1d at NASSAU. H&G 2.

1902 2d red on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA bearing additional 'QV' 1d adhesive tied NASSAU/BAHAMAS and dated 13.OCT.11. H&G 2.

BAHAMAS - 1938 2d carmine-red PSC addressed to USA used at NASSAU.  H&G 15.BAHAMAS - 1938 2d carmine-red PSC addressed to USA used at NASSAU. H&G 15.

1938 2d carmine red on buff postal stationery postcard with weak print addressed to USA and cancelled NASSAU and dated 24.FE.51. H&G 15.

BAHAMAS - 1902 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 7.BAHAMAS - 1902 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 7.

1902 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 7.

BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 2.BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 2.

1902 2d red on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

BAHAMAS - 1912 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 9.BAHAMAS - 1912 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 9.

1912 1d carmine on mottled buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 9.

BAHAMAS - 1947 41c rate cover to USA with two BAHAMAS - 1947 41c rate cover to USA with two 'POST OFFICE/EXPRESS/DELIVERY' labels applied.

1947 (OC.11.) long cover to USA bearing 1c, 15c and 25c adhesives tied BELIZE/BRITISH HONDURAS with two 'POST OFFICE/EXPRESS/DELIVERY' label applied.

BAHAMAS - 1937 BAHAMAS - 1937 'Empress Of Australia' maritime cover to Spain being censored due to the civil war.

1936 (APR.10.) cover addressed to Spain bearing 2 1/2d adhesive alongside US adhesive tied NASSAU/COME TO slogan strike with violet boxed CANADIAN PACIFIC/STEAMSHIPS LTD maritime handstamp at left for 'S.S. Empress of Australia' with SANT FELIU DE GUIXOUS arrival b/s in Catalonia with cream censor label applied and struck by violet REPUBLIC SPANOLA/CENSURA h/s during the civil war. A scarce unusual cover.

BAHAMAS - 1930 BAHAMAS - 1930 'Hess' first flight cover to Jamaica.

1930 (JY.31.) registered first flight cover to Jamaica bearing 1d adhesive alongside 1/2d 'War Tax' and 3d staircase 'War Tax' strip of three tied NASSAU/BAHAMAS. Violet special FAM ROUTE 5 h/s applied and oval KINGSTON JAMAICA/REGISTERED transit with special FIRST FLIGHT/INAUGURATING/AIR MAIL/SERVICE/TO JAMAICA BWI b/s. The cover was not delivered and struck UNCLAIMED and returned.

BAHAMAS - 1917 5d BAHAMAS - 1917 5d 'Special Delivery' fine mint VIGNETTE PLATE 2 corner example. SG S2.

1917 5d black and orange 'Special Delivery' adhesive in a very fine mint corner position showing the VIGNETTE PLATE 2 in left margin. SG S2.

BAHAMAS - 1919 1d BAHAMAS - 1919 1d 'War Tax' pair on local commercial cover used at NASSAU.

1919 (AUG.5.) commercial cover addressed locally bearing 1d 'War Tax' adhesive pair (SG 97) tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds. A nice genuine usage paying 1d inland rate plus tax.

BAHAMAS - 1917 1d BAHAMAS - 1917 1d 'Red Cross' U/M block of four with LONG STROKE TO 7 variety. SG 90a.

1917 1d grey black and deep carmine 'Red Cross' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint bottom marginal block of four showing the LONG STROKE TO 7 variety. Row 4/6. SG 90a.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK.  SG 105w.BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK. SG 105w.

1919 3d black and brown 'stair case' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the major variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 105w.

BAHAMAS - 1892 1d carmine PSC to UK used at NASSAU.  H&G 5.BAHAMAS - 1892 1d carmine PSC to UK used at NASSAU. H&G 5.

1892 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to UK cancelled by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds dated FE.28.95. H&G 5.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown mint pair with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety.  SG 77.BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown mint pair with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety. SG 77.

1919 3d black and brown in a fine mint corner marginal sheet '1187' pair showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety from stamp 12. SG 77.

BAHAMAS - 1917 3d purple on yellow mint with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety.  SG 76.BAHAMAS - 1917 3d purple on yellow mint with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety. SG 76.

1917 3d purple on yellow (thin paper) top right hand corner sheet number 0606 marginal example showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety on stamp number 12. SG 76.

BAHAMAS - 1917 3d purple on yellow mint with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety.  SG 76.BAHAMAS - 1917 3d purple on yellow mint with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 76.

1917 3d purple on yellow (thin paper) fine mint example showing the EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety on Stamp number 56. SG 76.

BAHAMAS - 1911 1d black and scarlet mint pair with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety.  SG 75a.BAHAMAS - 1911 1d black and scarlet mint pair with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 75a.

1911 1d black and scarlet 'staircase' adhesive in fine mint bottom marginal pair showing the EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety from position 56. SG 75a.

BAHAMAS - 1911 3d purple on yellow mint with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety.  SG 76a.BAHAMAS - 1911 3d purple on yellow mint with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 76a.

1911 3d purple on yellow (thick paper) 'staircase' adhesive in fine mint condition showing the EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety from position 56. SG 76a.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown U/M with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety. SG 77.BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown U/M with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLE MAN variety. SG 77.

1919 3d black and brown 'staircase' adhesive in unmounted mint condition showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFEL MAN variety from position 12. SG 77.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown U/M with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety.  SG 77.BAHAMAS - 1919 3d black and brown U/M with EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 77.

1919 3d black and brown 'staircase' adhesive in unmounted mint condition showing the EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety from position 56. SG 77.

BAHAMAS - 1907 1d rate postcard to Germany used at INAGUA.BAHAMAS - 1907 1d rate postcard to Germany used at INAGUA.

1907 (JUL.27.) use of 'UPU-Bahamas' picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Turks Head cactus, Little Inagua, Bahamas' ( A.H.M. 3) bearing 1/2d vertical pair (one with stain spot) cancelled by s/r INAGUA/BAHAMAS cds. A nice use from Little Inagua.

BAHAMAS - 1918 1/2d green BAHAMAS - 1918 1/2d green 'War Tax' adhesive fine mint with INVERTED OVERPRINT variety. SG 91.

1918 1/2d green in fine mint condition overprinted WAR TAX but with major variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. These stamps were originally listed as SG 91a and were certified as genuine by both the RPS and BPA although now SG make a note in their listing that they now consider then to be forgeries. It cost the original owner in excess of £1000.

BAHAMAS - 1960 (circa) 8c red-orange RPSE (size K) unused.BAHAMAS - 1960 (circa) 8c red-orange RPSE (size K) unused.

1960 (circa) 8c red-orange registered postal stationery envelope (size K) in fine unused condition.

BAHAMAS - 1901 1d black and red fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK.  SG 58w.BAHAMAS - 1901 1d black and red fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK. SG 58w.

1901 1d black and red in fine mint condition showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 58w.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d BAHAMAS - 1919 3d 'War Tax' mint block of four with 'EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN' variety. SG 98.

1919 3d purple on yellow 'War tax' overprint adhesive in a fine mint 'Sheet 0626' corner block of four showing the HALF TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety from Row 1/12. SG 98.

BAHAMAS - 1942 3d rate censored cover to USA with BAHAMAS - 1942 3d rate censored cover to USA with 'KING GEORGE FUND FOR SAILORS' patriotic label.

1942 (NOV.14.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d grey strip of three overprinted 'Landfall of Colombus' and cancelled by NASSAU-IDEAL TOURIST RESORT slogan strike with scarce red and blue on white KING GEORGES FUND FOR SAILORS/BAHAMAS BRANCH patriotic label at left and with EXAMINED BY/4183 censor label applied on arrival.

BAHAMAS - 1902 2 1/2d blue RPSE uprated to USA used at NASSAU.  H&G 7.BAHAMAS - 1902 2 1/2d blue RPSE uprated to USA used at NASSAU. H&G 7.

1902 2 1/2d blue on white laid paper postal stationery envelope registered to USA and bearing additional 1d (x2) and 2 1/2d adhesives tied NASSAU/BAHAMAS and with oval 'R' at left. A fine uprated registered use. H&G 7.

BAHAMAS - 1910 1/1d rate registered cover to USA used at NASSAU.BAHAMAS - 1910 1/1d rate registered cover to USA used at NASSAU.

1910 (FEB.10.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (x2) and 1/- adhesives (SG 71+67) tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds's with oval 'R' at left. The 1/- being scarce on cover.

BAHAMAS - 1901 3/- black and green fine used with INVERTED AND REVERSED watermark.  SG 61y.BAHAMAS - 1901 3/- black and green fine used with INVERTED AND REVERSED watermark. SG 61y.

1901 3/- black and green in fine used condition showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED AND REVERSE. SG 61y.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d brown and black BAHAMAS - 1919 3d brown and black 'War Tax' U/M with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 105.

1919 3d black and brown 'staircase' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint top right corner example with sheet number showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK/RIFLEMAN variety from Row 1/12. SG 105.

BAHAMAS - 1949 use of BAHAMAS - 1949 use of 'VP7NL' radio ham postcard.

1949 use of 'VP7NL' radio QSL ham postcard from Nassau Bahamas addressed to UK cancelled NASSAU but stamp removed.

BAHAMAS - 1854 6d rated outer wrapper to UK with BAHAMAS double arc b/s.BAHAMAS - 1854 6d rated outer wrapper to UK with BAHAMAS double arc b/s.

1854 (MY.13.) use of outer wrapper addressed to the Wesleyan Mission at London rated '6' in manuscript and cancelled on reverse by double arc BAHAMAS cancel.

BAHAMAS - 1861 6d (SG type 1) BAHAMAS - 1861 6d (SG type 1) 'Chalon Head' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.

1861 6d (SG type 1) 'Chalon Head' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF right hand horizontal marginal pair (very light surface bend on one) printed in black on very thick card.

BAHAMAS - 1965 6d BAHAMAS - 1965 6d 'William Shakespeare' U/M with INVERTED WATERMRK. SG 244w.

1964 6d turquoise 'William Shakespeare' adhesive in fine unmounted mint condition showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 244w.

BAHAMAS - 1971 illustrated definitive first day cover pair used at NASSAU.BAHAMAS - 1971 illustrated definitive first day cover pair used at NASSAU.

1971 (APR.27.) illustrated first day covers addressed locally of the complete definitive series of 18 used at NASSAU arranged on two covers as the 6c,7c and 18c values were not issued until September. The basis set on cover is signed by the designer 'Elyse Waslie'. SG 359-76. 2 covers.

BAHAMAS - 1973 5p/12c BAHAMAS - 1973 5p/12c 'POSTAL ORDER' issued at MOSB 5/NASSAU.

1973 (JAN.25.) issued 5p / 12 cents surcharged 'GB' postal order handstamped BAHAMAS and issued at MOSB 5 NASSAU/BAHAMAS. Complete with counterfoil but uncashed.

BAHAMAS - 1922 1d rate postcard use to USA.BAHAMAS - 1922 1d rate postcard use to USA.

1922 (JAN.24.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Queens Staircase-Nassau' bearing 1/2d pair tied NASSAU/BAHAMAS.

BAHAMAS - 1954 KGVI 1 1/2d rate local cover used at PLEASANT BAY.BAHAMAS - 1954 KGVI 1 1/2d rate local cover used at PLEASANT BAY.

1954 (MR.23.) cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by blue PLEASANT BAY/ BAHAMAS trd.

BAHAMAS - 1901 5d rate cover to USA cancelled PAQUEBOT in blue.BAHAMAS - 1901 5d rate cover to USA cancelled PAQUEBOT in blue.

1901 cover addressed to USA (ex reverse flap) bearing 2 1/2d ultramrine adhesive pair (SG 52) tied by PAQUEBOT handstamp struck in blue with additional dumb barred duplex's and MIAMI/FLA cds alongside dated MAR.18.1901.

BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate 'S.S.SUYVESANT' maritime cover to USA.

1930 (JUL.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d 'Tercentenary' (SG 126) tied by black boxed K.N.S.M./S.S. STUYVESANT maritime handstamp.

BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate 'S.S.SIMON BOLIVAR' maritime cover to USA.

1930 (SEP.14.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d 'Tercentenary' (SG 126) tied by black boxed K.N.S.M./S.S. SIMON BOLIVAR maritime handstamp.

BAHAMAS - 1951 2d green U/M block of six with BAHAMAS - 1951 2d green U/M block of six with 'RETOUCHED SHORT T' variety. SG 152c.

1951 2d green in a fine unmounted mint top left corner marginal block of six (2x3) showing the 'RETOUCHED SHORT T' variety from Row 3/6 of the right pane. Noted in the SG footnote. SG 152c.

BAHAMAS - 1919 3d BAHAMAS - 1919 3d 'War Tax' mint block of four with HALF TREE TRUNK variety. SG 105.

1919 3d Brown and black in a superb mint corner marginal block of four showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK and RIFLE flaw varieties. Stamp number 12. SG 105.

BAHAMAS - 1918 1d BAHAMAS - 1918 1d 'War Tax' U/M block of four with DOUBLE TREE TRUNK variety. SG 93.

1918 1d black and red adhesive in a fine unmounted mint bottom marginal block of four overprinted WAR TAX and showing the DOUBLE TREE TRUNK variety from Stamp 56. SG 93.

BAHAMAS - 1918 1d BAHAMAS - 1918 1d 'War Tax' U/M block of four with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 93.

1918 1d black and red adhesive in a fine unmounted mint corner sheet numbered block of four overprinted WAR TAX and showing the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety from Stamp 56. SG 93.

BAHAMAS - 1918 3d BAHAMAS - 1918 3d 'War Tax' U/M block of four with DOUBLE TREE TRUNK variety. SG 94.

1918 3d purple on yellow adhesive in a fine unmounted mint bottom marginal block of four overprinted WAR TAX and showing the DOUBLE TREE TRUNK variety from Stamp 56. SG 94.

BAHAMAS - 1921 1d grey and rose red U/M with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety.  SG 111.BAHAMAS - 1921 1d grey and rose red U/M with HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety. SG 111.

1921 1d grey and rose-red 'staircase' issue in a fine unmounted mint top marginal example showing sheet number and with the HALF EXTRA TREE TRUNK variety from Row 1/12. SG 111.

BAHAMAS - 1951 use of stampless OHMS cover to USA struck PAID/AT/BAHAMAS h/s in black.BAHAMAS - 1951 use of stampless OHMS cover to USA struck PAID/AT/BAHAMAS h/s in black.

1951 (DEC.18.) stampless pre-printed 'On His Majesty's Service' envelope addressed to USA and cancelled by NASSAU BAHAMAS wavy lined cancel. Oval 'The Development Board/Nassau' strike below with black rubber VIA/AIR MAIL squared strike and with black crowned PAD/AT/ BAHAMAS strike applied.

BAHAMAS - 1935 1d (x2) and 6d BAHAMAS - 1935 1d (x2) and 6d 'Silver Jubilee' on 'MV ENA K' maritime cover to USA.

1935 cover addressed to USA (heavy fold at left) bearing 1d adhesive pair alongside 6d 'Silver Jubilee' issue struck SEAPOST MAIL/BRITISH MV ENA K/NASSAU BAHAMAS in violet with PAQUEBOT h/s below and cancelled on arrival MIAMI FLA 1/BUY U.S.SAVINGS slogan strike.

BAHAMAS - 1933 2d rate cover to UK used at MARSH HARBOUR.BAHAMAS - 1933 2d rate cover to UK used at MARSH HARBOUR.

1933 (FE.21.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d grey adhesive tied MARSH HARBOUR/BAHAMAS.

BAHAMAS - 1859-60 1d dull lake IMPERFORATE pair on unwatermarked paper.  SG 2.BAHAMAS - 1859-60 1d dull lake IMPERFORATE pair on unwatermarked paper. SG 2.

1859-60 1d dull lake imperforate horizontal pair printed on gummed unwatermarked paper in fine condition. SG 2.

BAHAMAS - 1927 1d rate cover to USA used at THE BIGHT.BAHAMAS - 1927 1d rate cover to USA used at THE BIGHT.

1927 cover addressed to USA bearing 1d 'staircase' adhesive tied by s/r THE BIGHT/BAHAMAS cds. Proud type D3.

BAHAMAS - 1918 1/2d + 1d BAHAMAS - 1918 1/2d + 1d 'War Tax' blocks of four on cover to Canada used at NASSAU.

1918 (OCT.3.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 1/2d and 1d blocks of four each overprinted 'War Tax' (SG 96+97) tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds's.

BAHAMAS - 1919 registered multi franked BAHAMAS - 1919 registered multi franked 'War Tax' cover to Switzerland.

1919 (SEP.29.) registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing the 1/2d, 1d, 3d and 1/- 'War Tax' adhesives (SG 96-99) with additional 3d and 1d 'War Charity' adhesive (SG 101) added and tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds's.

BAHAMAS - 1918 registered BAHAMAS - 1918 registered 'War Tax' cover to Switzerland.

1918 (OCT.7.) registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 1/2d and 1d 'War Tax' adhesives (SG 96+97) in strips of three together with the 1/- 'War Tax' (SG 99) tied by NASSAU/NAHAMAS cds's.

BAHAMAS - 1932 3d rate cover to USA used at THE CURRENT.BAHAMAS - 1932 3d rate cover to USA used at THE CURRENT.

1932 (AUG.30) cover to USA bearing 1d (SG 116) strip of three tied by THE CURRENT/BAHAMAS cds.

BAHAMAS - 1938 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA struck BAHAMAS - 1938 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA struck 'POSTED AT DIRTY DICKS'.

1938 (JA.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Gregory Arch-Nassau' bearing 1 1/2d 'Coronation' adhesive tied by NASSAU-IDEAL TOURIST RESORT slogan strike and struck below by POSTED AT DIRTY DICKS/NASSAU handstamp. Sent from the hotel bar post box.

BAHAMAS - 1938 BAHAMAS - 1938 'ATLANTIS' (First Passenger) 2 1/2d rate cover to USA with label.

1938 cover addressed to USA with winged monogram with FIRST PASSENGER TRIP TO ATLANTIS below. Bears perforated 75 skaloj 'Lemuria' bogus adhesive from Atlantis in green and black tied by ATLANTIS cancel with Bahamas 'GV' 2 1/2d adhesive added and tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds dated 11.JAN.38.

BAHAMAS - 1942 cover to USA with THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND patriotic label.BAHAMAS - 1942 cover to USA with THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND patriotic label.

1942 (AUG.15.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d grey and 1 1/2d violet strip of three tied NASSAU/ IDEAL TOURIST RESORT slogan strike with black on white EXAMINED BY/3905 censor strip added on arrival and bearing the scarce 'Union Jack' ENGLAND/THERE WILL ALWAYS BE AN patriotic label.

BAHAMAS - 1943 2 1/2d rate cover to Newfoundland with THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND PATRIOTIC label.BAHAMAS - 1943 2 1/2d rate cover to Newfoundland with THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND PATRIOTIC label.

1943 (AUG.3.) cover addressed to Newfoundland bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by NASSAU BAHAMAS/ P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ IG/4804 censor label at left and with the reverse flap having a copy of the 'British Bull Dog' THERE'LL ALWAYS/BE AN ENGLAND patriotic label. Unusual item.

BAHAMAS - 1946 1 1/2d rate postcard use struck SHIP POST and (Hope) TOWN s/l handstamp.BAHAMAS - 1946 1 1/2d rate postcard use struck SHIP POST and (Hope) TOWN s/l handstamp.

1946 use of picture postcard (Tel Aviv-Mordecai's Corner) addressed to Australia in pencil bearing 1 1/2d 'Victory' adhesive cancelled by large black TOWN h/s (probably eminating from Hope Town) and with boxed SHIP/POST maritime handstamp applied. Unusual item.

BAHAMAS - 1970 (circa) 7c bright red RPSE unused.BAHAMAS - 1970 (circa) 7c bright red RPSE unused.

1970 (circa) 7c bright red on greyish cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) (blue interior) in fine unused condition.

BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate cover to UK used at HOPE TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1930 1d rate cover to UK used at HOPE TOWN.

1930 (JY.17.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied HOPE TOWN/BAHAMAS struck in 'blue' ink with a additional strike below. Some light tone spots but a scarce coloured ink striking. Proud type D3.

BAHAMAS - 1912 2d red RPSE to UK (damp faults) with BAHAMAS - 1912 2d red RPSE to UK (damp faults) with 'MARLIN HEAD' cancel. H&G 3a.

1912 2d red on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK (affected by damp spots and opened on 3 sides) bearing 1 1/2d brown adhesive and struck on the front and reverse sides by the scarce 'Marlin Head' cancellator in red ink. (Proud type K2) used at Cat Island. H&G 3a.

BAHAMAS - 1947 use of bible course card addressed locally used at LANDRAIL POINT/BAHAMAS. BAHAMAS - 1947 use of bible course card addressed locally used at LANDRAIL POINT/BAHAMAS.

1947 (JAN.20.) use of bible course card addressed locally bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied by temporary rubber LANDRAIL POINT/BAHAMAS cancel in black.

BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card locally 
BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card locally used at COOPERS TOWN/BAHAMAS cds.

1951 (DEC.28.) use of bible course card addressed locally without stamp and untaxed tied by COOPERS TOWN/BAHAMAS.

BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card used at FARMERS CAY/BAHAMAS and struck in violet ink.
BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card used at FARMERS CAY/BAHAMAS and struck in violet ink.

1951 (SEP.1.) use of bible course card addressed locally bearing 1 1/2d green adhesive tied by FARMERS CAY/BAHAMAS cds in violet ink.

BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card locally 
BAHAMAS - 1951 use of bible course card locally used at PIRATE WELL/BAHAMAS cds.

1951 (OCT.1.) use of bible course card addressed locally bearing 1d grey adhesive tied by PIRATE WELL/BAHAMAS cds.

BAHAMAS - 1951 bible course card addressed locally used at  KEMPS BAY/BAHAMAS cds.
BAHAMAS - 1951 bible course card addressed locally used at KEMPS BAY/BAHAMAS cds.

1951 (JAN.3.) use of bible course card addressed locally bearing 1/2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by KEMPS BAY/BAHAMAS cds.

BAHAMAS - 1939 2 1/2d rate BAHAMAS - 1939 2 1/2d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR' cover to USA

1939 (OCT.27.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d ultramarine adhesive tied NASSAU/ BAHAMAS with green straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp at left. Little type CH2. A nice early censor cover.

BAHAMAS - 1915 1d rate  BAHAMAS - 1915 1d rate 'HAVE YOU BEEN TO NASSAU' cover to UK used at MANGROVE BAY.

1915 (JUN.29.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by light MANGROVE BAY cds with scarce black boxed HAVE YOU BEEN TO/NASSAU BAHAMAS/IF NOT, WHY NOT handstamp at left. Proud type HS3 in use for just 10 months.

BAHAMAS - 1951 6d rate cover to USA used at MAN OF WAR CAY WAR/BAHAMAS BAHAMAS - 1951 6d rate cover to USA used at MAN OF WAR CAY WAR/BAHAMAS 'TRD' cancel.

1951 (JAN.20.) cover addressed to USA bearing 6d adhesive tied by circular rubber MAN OF WAR CAY/BAHAMAS 'TRD' cancel.

BAHAMAS - 1938 cover to USA (fault) cancelled by BAHAMAS - 1938 cover to USA (fault) cancelled by 'Marlin Head' CAT CAY/BAHAMAS cancels.

1938 (FEB.11.) cover addressed to USA (roughly opened at right edge) bearing 1 1/2d pair and 2 1/2d pair tied by the 'Marlin Head' cancels with CAT CAY/BAHAMAS cds below.

BAHAMAS - 1948 3/- rate cover to UK used at SANDY POINT.BAHAMAS - 1948 3/- rate cover to UK used at SANDY POINT.

1948 (JAN.24.) cover addressed to UK bearing 3/- adhesive (SG 190) tied by SANDY POINT trd strike (Proud type D1) struck in blue ink.

BAHAMAS - 1883 4d rose BAHAMAS - 1883 4d rose 'Chalon Head' cover to USA.

1883 (FE.15.) cover addressed to USA from the 'Royal Victoria Hotel' in Nassau bearing 4d 'chalon head' adhesive tied by 'B' barred duplex with s/r BAHAMAS b/s. Some light age marks but a scarce early cover.

BAHAMAS - 1921 1d rate cover to USA used at THE BIGHT.BAHAMAS - 1921 1d rate cover to USA used at THE BIGHT.

1921 (NOV.10.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d adhesive tied THE BIGHT/BAHAMAS. Proud type D3.

BAHAMAS - 1924 3d registered rate cover to USA used at NICHOLLS TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1924 3d registered rate cover to USA used at NICHOLLS TOWN.

1924 (MAR.10.) registered (Montgomery) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d 'Peace' adhesive tied by light NICHOLLS TOWN/BAHAMAS cds with stronger strike alongside. A scarcer village use.

BAHAMAS - 1927 1d rate cover to USA used at GRAND BAHAMA.BAHAMAS - 1927 1d rate cover to USA used at GRAND BAHAMA.

1927 (JUN.6) cover to USA bearing 1d (SG 111) tied by d/r GRAND BAHAMA cds (Proud type D2) with similar strike alongside. A difficult strike.

BAHAMAS - 1940 (circa) 2d rate BAHAMAS - 1940 (circa) 2d rate 'S.S.EVANGELINE' maritime postcard use to USA.

1940 (circa) undated postcard use to USA depicting 'George Street-Nassau' and bearing 2d grey adhesive tied by S.S.EVANGELINE/MAILED AT SEA maritime handstamp.

BAHAMAS - 1952 8d rate cover to UK used at LOWER DEADMANS CAY.BAHAMAS - 1952 8d rate cover to UK used at LOWER DEADMANS CAY.

1952 (JUN.13) cover to UK bearing 8d (SG 160) tied by large violet LOWER DEADMAN'S CAY/BAHAMAS temporary rubber date stamp with similar strike alongside. (Luddington type TRD 2C2).

BAHAMAS - 1953 2d rate cover to USA used at BENNETTS HARBOUR.BAHAMAS - 1953 2d rate cover to USA used at BENNETTS HARBOUR.

1953 (FEB.28) cover to USA bearing 'KGVI' 1/2d & 1 1/2d adhesives (SG 149e+151) tied by individual blue BENETTS HARBOUR/BAHAMAS temporary rubber datestamp. (Lud type TRD 2C2).

BAHAMAS - 1947 1/2d local rate cover used at DEVILS POINT.BAHAMAS - 1947 1/2d local rate cover used at DEVILS POINT.

1947 (MAR.22) cover addressed locally bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by DEVILS POINT/BAHAMAS TRD cancel in blue-black. (Luddignton type TRD 3c. Three additional strikes alongside. Scarce.

BAHAMAS - 1949 cover to UK used at DEEP CREEK/ELEU.BAHAMAS - 1949 cover to UK used at DEEP CREEK/ELEU.

1949 (MAR.6) cover to UK bearing 2d (x4) and 2 1/2d adhesives (SG 181+182) cancelled by various DEEP CREEK/ELEU/BAHAMAS temporary date stamp in violet. (Luddington type TRD C4 with the inserted date slugs).

BAHAMAS - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at MAN OF WAR CAY.BAHAMAS - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at MAN OF WAR CAY.

1952 (MY.14) cover to USA bearing 2d (SG 152c) tied by MAN OF WAR CAY/BAHAMAS temporary rubber date stamp (Luddington type TRD 3C) with several other strikes at left. NASSAU/BAHAMAS transit cds dated 21.MY.52.

BAHAMAS - 1863 1/- green fine used block of four.  SG 39b.BAHAMAS - 1863 1/- green fine used block of four. SG 39b.

1863-80 1/- green (perf 14) issue in a block of four (few odd perf faults) cancelled by neat BAHAMAS cds's dated JA.17.81. SG 39b.

BAHAMAS - 1938 2d pale grey U/M block of four.  SG 152BAHAMAS - 1938 2d pale grey U/M block of four. SG 152

1938 2d pale grey in a fine unmounted mint sheet numbered corner marginal block of four. SG 152.

BAHAMAS - 1938 5,10,25+50sk ATLANTIS cinderella stamps IMPERFORATE.BAHAMAS - 1938 5,10,25+50sk ATLANTIS cinderella stamps IMPERFORATE.

1938 (circa) 5 sk, 10sk, 25sk and 50sk ATLANTIS adhesives each in IMPERFORATE examples These 'cinderella' stamps often found used in conjuction with Bahamas covers around this period due to the 'Williamson Photoshere' on the sea floor that filmed sea life.

BAHAMAS - 1917 2/- rate registered cover to USA used at NASSAU.BAHAMAS - 1917 2/- rate registered cover to USA used at NASSAU.

1917 (FEB.28.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing the 2/- black and blue 'Staircase' issue tied by NASSAU/BAHAMAS cds. A scarcer 'single franking' stamp on cover.

BAHAMAS - 1848 outer wrapper to UK struck by BAHAMAS cancel on reverse.BAHAMAS - 1848 outer wrapper to UK struck by BAHAMAS cancel on reverse.

1848 (SP.29.) outer wrapper addressed to UK cancelled on the reverse side by fine BAHAMAS double arc cancel and rated '1/-' in manuscript on the front.

BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 2b.BAHAMAS - 1902 2d red RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 2b.

1902 2d red on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition. Slight fault under flap from adherence but a difficult size. H&G 2b.

BAHAMAS - 1963 8d rate cover to Australia used at FOX TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1963 8d rate cover to Australia used at FOX TOWN.

1963 (APR.7.) cover addressed to Australia (light surface bend) bearing 'QEII' 8d tied by large FOX TOWN 'trd' cancel.

BAHAMAS - 1961 5d rate cover to Australia used at SWEETINGS CAY.BAHAMAS - 1961 5d rate cover to Australia used at SWEETINGS CAY.

1961 (APR.27.) cover addressed to Australia bearing 'QEII' 2d and 3d adhesives tied by large SWEETINGS CAY 'trd' cancel in violet.

BAHAMAS - 1961 5d rate cover to Australia used at UPPER BOGUE.BAHAMAS - 1961 5d rate cover to Australia used at UPPER BOGUE.

1961 (MAR.13.) cover addressed to Australia bearing 'QEII' 1d and 4d adhesives tied by black UPPER BOGUE 'trd' cancel.

BAHAMAS - 1963 8d rate cover to Australia used at FOX TOWN.BAHAMAS - 1963 8d rate cover to Australia used at FOX TOWN.

1963 (APR.7.) cover addressed to Australia bearing 'QEII' 8d tied by large FOX TOWN 'trd' cancel.

BAHAMAS - 1947 BAHAMAS - 1947 'Victory' pair on local cover used at DEVILS POINT.

1947 (APR.4) locally addressed cover bearing the 1946 Victory pair cancelled by individual blotchy 'DEVILS POINT TRD's with additional strike at right. Scarce.
