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Showing items in category Colonial Proofs/Miscellaneous, sorted by newest listed first.
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COLONIAL PROOFS - 1942 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1942 'XMAS GREETINGS' illustrated air letter sheet unused for Middle East Forces.

1942 blue on cream 'XMAS GREETINGS' illustrated air mail letter card in unused condition printed for the use of Middle East Forces during WW2 and with SO FAR/YET SO NEAR illustration inside. Designed by Edgar Longman.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE stamp on script CA paper.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE stamp on script CA paper.

1921 (circa) PRINTERS WASTE perforated marginal stamp with 'Script CA' watermark but without design or gum printed on blue green (both sided) paper. Unusual item.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) 'Bradbury Wilkinson' unissued adhesive mint block in bright blue.

1930 (circa) 'Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. Ltd' unissued 'Greek Helmeted Head' perforated fine mint block of four printed in bright blue and valued '3' at top right.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) 'Bradbury Wilkinson' unissued adhesive mint block in red.

1930 (circa) 'Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. Ltd' unissued 'Greek Helmeted Head' perforated fine mint block of four printed in dull red and valued '3' at top right.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 2000 (circa) Harrison and Sons Ltd folder.COLONIAL PROOFS - 2000 (circa) Harrison and Sons Ltd folder.

2000 (circa) gold embossed blue leather folder containing a sheet headed 'Harrison & Sons Limited' showing 'Postage and Revenue' stamps printed by Gravure, Off-set Litho and Intaglio methods. 10 stamps. Unusual item.


1885 (circa) THOS.DE LA RUE & CO/LONDON imperforate 'Dummy' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF vertical pair printed in green partly adhered to official lined 'day book' cut out. Scarce item.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE  COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 (circa) DE LA RUE 'DIE PROOF' depicting unknown head.

1900 (circa) 'De La Rue' DIE PROOF printed in black on white glazed card depicting head in black surround affixed to official card.

GB and COLONIES - 1924 ungummed BLOCK CYPHER watermark paper.GB and COLONIES - 1924 ungummed BLOCK CYPHER watermark paper.

1924 ungummed paper piece (43x43mm) showing the BLOCK CYPHER watermark (SG type 111). Scarce as paper had to be accounted for. Used for GB and its colonies (British Levant, Morooco Agencies etc).

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1910 £20 black COLONIAL PROOFS - 1910 £20 black 'Overseas Dominions' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF.

1910 OVERSEAS DOMINIONS £20 black postage/postage IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF bottom marginal block of four on thin glazed card printed by Waterlow and Sons. Very scarce.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1910 £20 red COLONIAL PROOFS - 1910 £20 red 'Overseas Dominions' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF.

1910 OVERSEAS DOMINIONS £20 red 'Postage/Postage' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF on thin glazed card printed by Waterlow and Sons. Very scarce.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) 'Bird and Lion' crested proof on thick glazed card.

1930 (circa) stated De La Rue black PROOF of birded crest with lion above printed in black on thick glazed card (52x38mm). The country of origin is unknown but likely to be of a South American country. Unusual.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1902 6d COLONIAL PROOFS - 1902 6d 'Imperium' IMPERFORATE PROOF in orange and violet (faults) but rare.

1902 6d 'Edward VII' IMPERIUM (Postage & Revenue) 'key plate' IMPERFORATE PROOF printed in orange and violet on gummed watermarked paper. The stamp has three horizontal bends running through the adhesive but is a colour combination not often seen.

BECHUANALAND - 1888 £1 (SG type 5) unappropriated die IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF struck SPECIMEN.BECHUANALAND - 1888 £1 (SG type 5) unappropriated die IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF struck SPECIMEN.

1888 £1 (SG type 5) 'un-appropriated die' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in the issued colour of lilac (without overprint) and handstamped SPECIMEN in black on cream 'orb' watermarked paper. Fine and scarce.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1935 (circa) COLONIAL PROOFS - 1935 (circa) 'KGV' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF of head in green.

1935 (circa) 'King George V' head and sholders (in uniform) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in green with engraved printing on white glazed paper (53x61mm). Produced by a Czech printer to show the quality of their work for British Commonwealth issues. Fine and scarce.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1957 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1957 'ST EDWARDS' crown watermark gummed paper.

1957 (circa) printers gummed stamp paper (73x56mm) showing the multiple ST.EDWARDS crown block 'CA' watermark. Used for GB and Commonwealth issues. Very scarce as paper had to be accounted for.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1937 Waterlow and Sons COLONIAL PROOFS - 1937 Waterlow and Sons 'KGVI' perforated ESSAY in red.

1937 circa 'KGVI' definitive ESSAY on unwatermarked perforated gummed paper in a superb unmounted mint printed in dark red and with no value expressed. Printed by Waterlow to demonstrate the 'Rotary Direct Plate Printing' machine.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1960COLONIAL PROOFS - 1960's copper/wood blocks used for printing album illustrations.

1960 (circa) range of five copper plates mounted on wooden blocks for the Bermuda GV 4/- 'key plate', Canadian 20c 'special delivery', Gibraltar QEII £1, New Zealand 1d 'universal' and South African 2 1/2d 'Union' stamp. These five blocks were originally used in the printing of illustrations for stamp albums. An unusual lot of five.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1970COLONIAL PROOFS - 1970'S FORMULA RPSE unused used in Atlantic Islands.

1970's circa dark blue on cream registered FORMULA postal stationery envelope (146x96mm) in unused condition with squared flap used in the Atlantic Islands of Ascension, St.Helena and Tristan Da Cunha.

COLONIAL PROOF - 1940-50 (circa) FORMULA (size H) RPSE unused.COLONIAL PROOF - 1940-50 (circa) FORMULA (size H) RPSE unused.

1940-50 circa blue on cream FORMULA registered stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition.

CYPRUS - 1953 CYPRUS - 1953 'Coronation' IMPERFORATE VIGNETTE PROOF from official day book.

1953 Coronation issue (SG 172) IMPERFORATE CENTRE VIGNETTE PROOF printed in black on thin card affixed to day book and handstamped below "CYPRUS". The proof is largely covered with printers gum arabic type glue. A very scarce item.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 'BRADBURY WILKINSON' 2d printers sample in violet.

1900 circa 2d printers sample in violet on gummed perforated paper inscribed at top 'Bradbury & Wilkinson Ltd' & depicting 'KEDWVII' as Prince of Wales in oval with naval destroyer at

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1900 'BRADBURY WILKINSON' 2d printers sample in turquoise.

1910 circa 2d printers sample in turquoise on gummed perforated paper inscribed at top `Bradbury & Wilkinson Ltd' & depicting 'KEDWVII' as Prince of Wales in oval with naval destroyer at left. Fine & scarce.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1937 (circa) KGVI ESSAY block of four in violet without value expressed.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1937 (circa) KGVI ESSAY block of four in violet without value expressed.

1937 circa 'KGVI' definitive ESSAY on unwatermarked perforated gummed paper in a superb unmounted mint bottom marginal block of four printed in violet & with no value expressed.


1875 10c Red 'ROYAL MAIL STEAMER PACKET COMPANY' perforated stamp in fine mint condition together with an interesting forgery having its top right and bottom left corners removed.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1940 (circa)
COLONIAL PROOFS - 1940 (circa)
COLONIAL PROOFS - 1940 (circa) 'P.1122' unused original airgraph.

1940 circa original 'P.1122' air letter sheet in fine unused condition complete with airgraph charges and instructions on reverse. An unusual item.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1945 unused FORMULA 'Security think...' SSP Ltd airletter.

1945 dark blue on cream 'SECURITY-THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE' unused FORMULA air letter sheet with 'S.S.P.Ltd-P.O.No. 3289/2/G697-DT. 16.6.45-25,000' imprint in top margin. (I.A.F.F.-1083). Produced for military use.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1944 (circa) unused FORMULA
COLONIAL PROOFS - 1944 (circa) unused FORMULA
COLONIAL PROOFS - 1944 (circa) unused FORMULA 'Security-think before..' airletter.

1944 (circa) bright blue on cream 'SECURITY-THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE' unused air letter sheet without imprint in top margin. (I.A.F.F.-1083). Produced for military use.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 'Centenary' DE LA RUE printers sample in a U/M block of four.

1955 'Centenary' of Printers Of Stamps Since 1855 - DE LA RUE sample block of four on perforated gummed paper depicting Thomas De La Rue. Odd tone spot on perf.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in green.

1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE printers essay 'sample' of Thomas De la Rue printed in green on perforated gummed paper in a fine top marginal block of four.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1940 (circa) FORMULA 'Air letter' sheet mint MISCUT ERROR.

1940 (circa) FORMULA light blue on greyish BY AIR MAIL/AIR LETTER sheet in fine unused condition (with stamp square) showing the major error MISCUT OF SHEET resulting in the whole of the text being upwardly shifted some 35mm. A most unusual item for the air letter specialist.


1940 circa Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ltd' PRINTERS SAMPLE printed in blue on imperforate gummed paper showing the building at New Malden, Surrey. Attractive item.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in red.

1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE printers essay 'sample' of Thomas De la Rue printed in dull red on perforated gummed paper in a fine top marginal block of four. Odd toned perf.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950 (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in blue.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950 (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in blue.

1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE printers essay 'sample' of Thomas De la Rue printed in dark blue on perforated gummed paper in a fine top marginal block of four. Odd tone perf.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950 (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in black.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1950 (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE blkx4 perforated PRINTERS SAMPLE in black.

1950's (circa) THOMAS DE LA RUE printers essay 'sample' of Thomas De la Rue printed in black on perforated gummed paper in a fine top corner marginal block of four. Odd toned perf.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 'Centenary' PRINTERS SAMPLE blkx4 by Thomas De La Rue.

1955 'Centenary' De La Rue PRINTERS SAMPLE adhesive in a fine mint marginal block of four of the head of 'Thomas De La Rue' printed in green on perforated gummed paper enscribed 'DE LA RUE/PRINTERS OF STAMPS/SINCE 1855'.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 COLONIAL PROOFS - 1955 'Postage Centenary' THOMAS DE LA RUE printers essay.

1955 'Thomas De La Rue' printers essay 'sample' headed 'POSTAGE STAMP CENTENARY/1855- 1955/THOMAS DE LA RUE LIMITED printed in red on gummed perfrated paper. One toned perf.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1920 (circa) Bradbury Wilkinson (helmeted) Greek God proof.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1920 (circa) Bradbury Wilkinson (helmeted) Greek God proof.

1920 circa printers sample 'proof' inscribed 'Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ltd' at top & helmeted Greek God in centre. Value tablets marked '4' & printed 'Specimen Stamp' at bottom. Printed in black on glazed card (86x127mm) & marked in pencil 5 diff surface blocks duplicate'. Fine & scarce piece of printers work.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) Bradbury Wilkinson head proof.COLONIAL PROOFS - 1930 (circa) Bradbury Wilkinson head proof.

Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. Ltd PROOF of an unissued head & '3' as value printed in grey- green on cream sunken card (100x127mm). Printed as a sample of their work. Fine & scarce.
