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HONG KONG - 1881 10c rate cover to USA.HONG KONG - 1881 10c rate cover to USA.

1881 (DE.2.) cover addressed to USA bearing 10c mauve adhesive tied by 'B 62' duplex with s/r HONG KONG cds below. Marked 'Per City Of Tokio' and with red SAN FRANCISCO/PAID ALL transit b/s.

HONG KONG - 1912 1c brown PSC with commercial pre printed advert reverse used locally. H&G 25.HONG KONG - 1912 1c brown PSC with commercial pre printed advert reverse used locally. H&G 25.

1912 1c brown on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally tied by HONG KONG/1 cds dated 30.AU.13. with the reverse pre printed advert for use by 'Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co. Ltd' fashionable socks. A scarce and unusual commercial illustrated postcard use. H&G 25.

HONG KONG - 1901 10c rate cover to Australia used at SHANGHAI.HONG KONG - 1901 10c rate cover to Australia used at SHANGHAI.

1901 (SP.3.) cover addressed to Australia bearing QV 10c adhesive tied SHANGHAI. Small edge tear at top not affecting stamp. VICTORIA/HONG KONG transit b/s and MELBOURNE arrival b/s.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 '1' overprint on Japanese 10sen REVENUE mint block of six for occupational use.

JAPANESE OCCUPATION - 1943 '1' overprint in red on Japanese 10 sen green perforated revenue stamp in a fine unmounted mint block of six used in Hong Kong during the occupation. Barefoot 7.

HONG KONG - 1943 7sen Japanese adhesive on local cover used at WANCHAI.HONG KONG - 1943 7sen Japanese adhesive on local cover used at WANCHAI.

1943 cover addressed locally bearing Japanese 7 sen 'Meiji Shrine' adhesive tied by WANCHAI cds dated by the Showa calendar 18.8.20. Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong. A rare non philatelic use.

HONG KONG - 1938 5c HONG KONG - 1938 5c 'Stamp Duty' adhesive (SG F12) on local cover used at VICTORIA.

1938 (JA.13) cover addressed locally & bearing the 5c green `Stamp Duty' adhesive (SG F12) tied VICTORIA/HONG KONG. Used officially for just 9 days during a stamp shortage of the 5c adhesive.

HONG KONG - 1940 stampless meter cover to UK from Philippines struck HONG KONG - 1940 stampless meter cover to UK from Philippines struck 'PASSED CENSOR 9' in transit.

1940 stampless meter marking cover form the Philappines to UK sent via Hong Kong with VICTORIA/ HONG KONG transit b/s dated 8.AP.40 with scarce violet boxed PAR AVION-(HONG KONG)- VIA AIR MAIL h/s & PASSED CENSOR/9/HONG KONG triangular marking. Opened on two sides.

HONG KONG - 1940 5c rate HONG KONG - 1940 5c rate 'G.R./OPENED BY CENSOR/HONGKONG' cover to China.

1940 (SP.24.) cover addressed to Shanghai in China bearing 5c adhesive tied by KOWLOON/HONG KONG cds with green boxed '11' postmans strike at left. Black on cream crested G.R./OPENED BY CENSOR/HONG KONG label added at left tied on the front by Chinese arrival strike. (Morenweiser type 3a).).

HONG KONG - 1940 10c lilac PSC uprated to USA used at HONG KONG/4.  H&G 36.HONG KONG - 1940 10c lilac PSC uprated to USA used at HONG KONG/4. H&G 36.

1940 10c lilac on greyish 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed to USA bearing additional 5c green adhesive tied HONG KONG/4 and dated 19.FE.47. Genuine reverse message to the National Radio Institure in Washington. A most elusive piece of stationery used. H&G 36.

HONG KONG - 1963 HONG KONG - 1963 'Affix 50c' (no value) CHRISTMAS GREETINGS unused aerogramme.

1963 (affix) 50c dark blue on blue AEROGRAMME sheet pre-printed outside and with in with red dragon emblem and 'Christmas Greetings/From Hong Kong' inscription.

HONG KONG - 1903 4c+4c carmine PSRC unused.  H&G 28.HONG KONG - 1903 4c+4c carmine PSRC unused. H&G 28.

1903 4c + 4c carmine on buff postal stationery reply postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 28.

HONG KONG - 1965 HONG KONG - 1965 '50c POST PAID' use of 'Flying Goose' air letter to USA.

1965 (AP.28.) use of dark blue on blue AIR LETTER addressed to USA with lovely illustrated Jay Pee International-Ladies and Mens Custom Taylors' interior of the 'Flying Goose-Aerogramme Form/Printed by Hing Shing Printing Factory/Form approved by Postmaster General/Hong Kong No.7/52.' cancelled by POSTAGE PAID/50c/KOWLOON h/s.

HONG KONG - 1950 40c rate use of HONG KONG - 1950 40c rate use of 'Approved' HONG KONG air letter to Ireland.

1950 (JY.27.) use of blue on pale blue (cream interior) 'Approved by Postmaster General No. 127/48' HONG KONG/AIR LETTER addressed to Ireland bearing 20c adhesive pair tied by HONG KONG/1 cds. A fine genuine use with long message from officer in Central Police Station.

HONG KONG - 1913 4c rate cover from HONG KONG - 1913 4c rate cover from 'HMS MINOTAUR' used at LIU KUNG TAU.

1913 (JU.4.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Via Siberia' and bearing 4c red adhesive tied LIU KUNG TAU and complete with the original letter written on 'HMS MINOTAUR/China' headed paper.

HONG KONG - 1946 $1.30c rate HONG KONG - 1946 $1.30c rate 'BY AIR TO LONDON ONLY' cover to Rotterdam.

1946 (OC.25.) cover addressed to Rotterdam bearing 50c (x2) and 'Victory' 30c adhesive tied by HONG KONG/2 cds's with black boxed BY AIR TO LONDON ONLY h/s applied.

HONG KONG - 1947 $1.30c rate HONG KONG - 1947 $1.30c rate 'BY AIR TO OFFICE OF EXCHANGE' h/s's cover to USA.

1947 (OC.1) cover to USA bearing $1 & 30c adhesives tied by HONG KONG/5 cds with violet s/l BY AIR TO OFFICE OF EXCHANGE ONLY h/s & with 'Air Mail' label struck though with two red transmission bars.

HONG KONG - 1947 HONG KONG - 1947 'Air France' inward first flight cover from Hanoi.

1947 (2.4.) first flight cover from Indo China bearing 20f and 60f adhesives tied SAIGON R.P./ COUCHIN CHINE cds with special violet boxed REOMVERTURE DE LA LIGNE/3 AVRIL 1947/ SAIGON-HONG KONG cachet applied. HONG KONG/2 arrival b/s.

HONG KONG - 1947 HONG KONG - 1947 'Air France' first flight cover to France.

1947 (APR.4.) cover addressed to France bearing 50c and $1 adhesives tied HONG KONG/5 with special violet boxed RE-OPENING OF THE LINE/5th APRIL 1947/HONG KONG-SAIGON-PARIS/BY AIR FRANCE first flight cachet applied. PARIS/AVIATION arrival b/s.

HONG KONG - 1948 HONG KONG - 1948 'Air France' first flight cover to Hanoi.

1948 (10.MAY.) cover addressed to Hanoi bearing 30c adhesive pair tied HONG KONG/6 with violet boxed RE-OPENING OF THE LINE/HONG KONG-HAIPHONG-HANOI/10th MAY 1948/BY/AIR FRANCE first flight cachet at left. HANOI arrival b/s.

HONG KONG - 1987 60c definitive vertical pair showing IMPERFORATE TO LEFT variety.  SG 541b.HONG KONG - 1987 60c definitive vertical pair showing IMPERFORATE TO LEFT variety. SG 541b.

1987 60c definitive unmounted mint vertical pair both showing the major variety IMPERFORATE AT LEFT and showing one extension hole at edge. Only one sheet affected. SG 541b.

HONG KONG - 1952 issued 60c on 55c HONG KONG - 1952 issued 60c on 55c 'INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON' at HONG KONG.

1952 (DE.16.) issued blue and yellow on white INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON for HONG KONG with original value of 55 cents crossed with 'cross' handstamps and '60' officially inserted. Cancelled HONG KONG but uncashed.

HONG KONG - 1901 2c rate postcard used at VICTORIA.HONG KONG - 1901 2c rate postcard used at VICTORIA.

1901 (NOV.30.) use of picture postcard addresssed locally depicting 'Hong Kong-Sedan Chair' bearing 2c green adhesive on picture side cancelled VICTORIA/HONG KONG.

HONG KONG - 1923 1c yellow green fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK.  SG 118w.HONG KONG - 1923 1c yellow green fine mint with INVERTED WATERMARK. SG 118w.

1923 1c yellow green in fine mint condition showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 118bw.

HONG KONG - 1912 4c red PSC unused.  H&G 26.HONG KONG - 1912 4c red PSC unused. H&G 26.

1912 4c red on buff postal stationery postcard in fine used condition. H&G 26.

HONG KONG - 1912 4c+4c red PSC unused.  H&G 28.HONG KONG - 1912 4c+4c red PSC unused. H&G 28.

1912 4c + 4c red on buff postal stationery reply type postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 28.

HONG KONG - 1902 2c+2c green PSRC unused.  H&G 22.HONG KONG - 1902 2c+2c green PSRC unused. H&G 22.

1902 2c + 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 22.

HONG KONG - 1933 GB 1 1/2d (annulled) plus 4c (x3) adhesives on cover to UK used at HONG KONG.HONG KONG - 1933 GB 1 1/2d (annulled) plus 4c (x3) adhesives on cover to UK used at HONG KONG.

1933 (FE.8.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB 1 1/2d and three examples of the Hong Kong 4c cancelled HONG KONG. The GB stamp was not accepted and marked with blue 'O' crayon marks to signify but the cover was not taxed. Unusual.

HONG KONG - 1936 HONG KONG - 1936 'Maersk Line' maritime cover to USA.

1936 (JUL.27.) use of cover addressed to USA bearing US 2c coil adhesive tied with IMPERFORATE 3c '1935 Michigan Centenary' stamp by two strikes of the M.S.PETER MAERSK/MAERSK LINE maritime handstamps in black. Attractive circular MAERSK LINE/FAR EAST SERVICE label on front and red,blue and orange on white MAERSK LINE/A.P.MOLLER COPENHAGEN label on reverse flap. Struck on reverse by VICTORIA/HONG KONG cds dated 30.JY.36 with HONG KONG straight lined h/s above and with U.S.T.P.SEA POST/SS. PRES LINCOLN cds. An attractive maritime cover.

HONG KONG - 1938 inward HONG KONG - 1938 inward '1st acceptance of the 1 1/2d' rate cover from UK.

1938 (SEP.2.) inward 'Empire Air Mail Scheme' cacheted cover from UK bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied NEWPORT/MON. Sent to 'Graca & Co' stamp dealers being the 1st 1 1/2d acceptance mail.

HONG KONG - 1933 12c rate cover to UK.HONG KONG - 1933 12c rate cover to UK.

1933 (FE.6.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2c green and 10c ultramarine adhesives tied by HONG KONG cds.

HONG KONG - 1938 2c,4c+25c registered FDC to USA used at YAUMATI.HONG KONG - 1938 2c,4c+25c registered FDC to USA used at YAUMATI.

1938 (APL.5.) registered cover to USA bearing 2c, 4c and 25c adhesives marked 'First Day' and cancelled HONG KONG/YAUMATI with scarce blue on white R/YAUMATI registered label below. KOWLOON transit b/s.

HONG KONG - 1938 2c,4c+25c registered local FDC used at WANTSAI.HONG KONG - 1938 2c,4c+25c registered local FDC used at WANTSAI.

1938 (APR.5.) registered local first day cover bearing 2c,4c and 25c adhesives tied HONG KONG/ WAN TSAI with scarce blue on white R/WANTSAI registered label at left.

HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at YAUMATI. H&G 35.HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at YAUMATI. H&G 35.

1946 4c orange on greyish buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) bearing additional 1c (SG 140) tied by YAUMATI/HONG KONG cds dated 9.MAR.51. H&G 35.

HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at WANTSAI.  H&G 35.HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at WANTSAI. H&G 35.

1946 4c orange on greyish buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) bearing additional 1c (SG 140) tied by WANTSAI/HONG KONG cds dated 8.MAR.51. H&G 35.

HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at SHEUNGWAN.  H&G 35.HONG KONG - 1946 4c orange on buff PSC (no message) used locally at SHEUNGWAN. H&G 35.

1946 4c orange on greyish buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) bearing additional 1c (SG 140) tied by SHEUNG WAN/HONG KONG cds dated 8.MAR.51. H&G 35.

HONG KONG - 1927 range of GB HONG KONG - 1927 range of GB 'PERFIN' adhesives on pieces used at at FPO/4 from Hong Kong.

1927 range of five GB 'GV' adhesives (3d,4d,6d,7d and 9d) each on individual pieces and all PERFINED. Each cancelled FIELD POST OFFICE/4 and dated 3.JY.27, 11.AU.27 and 16.NO.27. All used by troops stationed in Hong Kong. A scarce array from FPO/4.

HONG KONG - 1932 use of GB 1 1/2d brown PSE to UK used at FIELD POST OFFICE/1 at Tientsin.HONG KONG - 1932 use of GB 1 1/2d brown PSE to UK used at FIELD POST OFFICE/1 at Tientsin.

1932 (JU.13.) overall toned GB 1 1/2d brown postal stationery envelope addressed to UK cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE/1 used at Tientsin.

HONG KONG - 1939 1 1/2d HONG KONG - 1939 1 1/2d 'GB' cover to UK used at FIELD POST OFFICE/1 at Tientsin.

1939 (JA.12.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Via Siberia' bearing GB 1 1/2d 'dark colour' adhesive tied FIELD POST OFFICE/1 cds used in Tientsin.

HONG KONG - 1927 cover FRONT bearing GB 1/2d (x6) to Wei Hai Wei and tied ARMY POST OFFICE/1.HONG KONG - 1927 cover FRONT bearing GB 1/2d (x6) to Wei Hai Wei and tied ARMY POST OFFICE/1.

1927 (JU.28.) cover FRONT addressed to Kings Hotel at Wei Hai Wei in North China bearing GB 1/2d green block of four tied by ARMY POST OFFICE/1 cancels used by troops at the Palace Hotel in Shanghai. A front only.

HONG KONG - 1933 cover to HONG KONG - 1933 cover to 'Steamship Ranchi' in Hong Kong bearing GB 1d tied ARMY POST OFFICE/1.

1933 (MR.31.) military cover addressed to 'P.O.Steamship Ranchi' anchored at Hong Kong (roughly opened at top left flap) bearing GB 1 1/2d adhesive tied by ARMY POST OFFICE/1 cds. Used by troops stationed at the Palace Hotel in Shanghai (later Yu Yuen Camp).

HONG KONG - 1935 use of OHMS cover to Shau Ki Wan
cancelled FIELD POST OFFICE/1.HONG KONG - 1935 use of OHMS cover to Shau Ki Wan cancelled FIELD POST OFFICE/1.

1935 (JY.5.) use of stampless ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE envelope addressed locally cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE/1 cds used by troops stationed at Tientsin.

HONG KONG - 1863 6c lilac cancelled HONG KONG - 1863 6c lilac cancelled 'B 62' with INVERTED WATERMARK. SG 10w.

1863 6c lilac cancelled by 'B 62' duplex and showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 10w.

HONG KONG - 1903 inward postcard from France with HONG KONG - 1903 inward postcard from France with 'SINGAPORE TO HONG KONG' marine sorter.

1903 inward picture postcard from France struck at lower left by s/r SINGAPORE TO HONG KONG sorter cds dated DE.27.03.

HONG KONG - 1903 inward postcard from Germany with HONG KONG - 1903 inward postcard from Germany with 'SINGAPORE TO HONG KONG' marine sorter.

1903 inward postcard from Colmar in Germany struck by SINGAPORE to HONG KONG marine sorter cancel dated 11.JA.04.

HONG KONG - 1940 (circa) German forgery of GB 2 1/2d overprinted LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE.HONG KONG - 1940 (circa) German forgery of GB 2 1/2d overprinted LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE.

1940 (circa) 2 1/2d dark blue adhesive of GB overprinted with red boxed LIQUIDATION OF EMPIRE/ HONG KONG. This being one of the German forgeries in unused condition.

HONG KONG - 1948 HONG KONG - 1948 'POSTAGE PAID/5cts' stampless cover to UK.

1948 (NOV.10.) use of stampless pre-printed 'Canton Overseas Trading Co' envelope addressed to UK (horozontal fold at top edge) cancelled by red d/r POSTAGE PAID/5cts/HONG KONG at lower left. Proud type PD35.

HONG KONG - 1941 inward addressed censored cover from UK but struck NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER.HONG KONG - 1941 inward addressed censored cover from UK but struck NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER.

1941 (DEC.24.) cover addressed to Hong Kong from the UK bearing GB 3d and 1/- adhesives tied BOURNEMOUTH-POOLE with P.C.90/OPENED BY/EXAMINER 6256 censor label at left. (Vertical Fold). Due to the war the cover could not be sent and was struck by violet boxed NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER instructional handstamp.

HONG KONG - 1950 HONG KONG - 1950 'OFFICIAL PAID/HONG KONG' use of OHMS envelope used locally from the TREASURY.

1950 (MR.31) use of stampless OHMS envelope (153x89mm) addressed locally & struck by fine OFFICIAL PAID/HONG KONG/1 cds in 'red' ink with violet oval TREASURY/REVENUE BRANCH cachet at lower left.

HONG KONG - 1971 $1 dark blue RPSE (size K) unused.HONG KONG - 1971 $1 dark blue RPSE (size K) unused.

1971 $1 dark blue on cream 'Wilding' portrait registered postal stationery envelope (size K) with 'McCorquodale' imprint and $79 compensation on reverse.

HONG KONG - 1924 10c brown and black STAMP DUTY mint overprinted HONG KONG - 1924 10c brown and black STAMP DUTY mint overprinted 'B of E'.

1924 10c brown and black STAMP DUTY adhesive in fine mint condition (very light overall toned gum) with script 'CA' watermark overprinted 'B of E' for the Bill of Exchange use.

HONG KONG - 1922 4c rate picture postcard to France struck HONG KONG - 1922 4c rate picture postcard to France struck 'VIA SUEZ' in red.

1922 (SE.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting oriental lady and child bearing 4c adhesive tied HONG KONG and struck by bright red VIA SUEZ transmission h/s.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 50s + 1y blocks of four used at HONG KONG.

1943 (11.2) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 50s and 1yen adhesive blocks of four cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 50s block of four used at HONG KONG.

1943 (5.29) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 50s olive 'Golden Pavilion' adhesive block of four cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 20s block of four used at KOWLOON.

1943 (7.6.) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 20s blue 'Mount Fujiyama' adhesive block of four cancelled by Japanese KOWLOON cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 20s block of four used at HONG KONG.

1943 (5.29.) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 20s 'Mount Fujiyama' block of four cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 10s block of four used at HONG KONG.

1943 (5.29) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 10s 'Yomei Gate' adhesive blocks of four cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 4s block of four used at HONG KONG.

1943 (5.29.) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 4s 'Mount Fujiyama Monument' block of four cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 2s and 3s pairs used at HONG KONG.

1943 (3.18.) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 2s and 3s pairs cancelled by Japanese HONG KONG cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1943 HONG KONG - 1943 'De Luz' local cover with Japanese 1s,2s and 3s pairs used at KOWLOON.

1943 (7.6.) 'De Luz' locally addressed cover bearing Japanese 1s,2s and 3s pairs cancelled by Japanese KOWLOON cds used during the occupation.

HONG KONG - 1901 2c green postcard use to UK used at VICTORIA.HONG KONG - 1901 2c green postcard use to UK used at VICTORIA.

1901 (DE.5.) use of UPI postcard addressed to UK depicting 'workers in field' (K & K. Kuhn & Komar- Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama) bearing QV 2c green tied by part VICTORIA/HONG KONG.

HONG KONG - 1901 4c rate postcard use to UK used at VICTORIA/HONG KONG.HONG KONG - 1901 4c rate postcard use to UK used at VICTORIA/HONG KONG.

1901 (DE.5.) use of UPU postcard to UK depicting coloured washed picture of two lady musicians 'K & K. Kuhn & Komor' bearing two QV 2c green adhesives tied by VICTORIA/ HONG KONG cds's. A scarce early postcard.

HONG KONG - 1933 8c rate use of HONG KONG - 1933 8c rate use of 'Canton China - XUIU' QSL radio postcard to USA.

1933 (MY.30.) use of 'Canton China - XU1U' QSL radio postcard (stained strip) addressed to USA bearing 8c orange adhesive tied HONG KONG.

HONG KONG - 1938 inward first flight cover from Hanoi in Indo China by Air France.HONG KONG - 1938 inward first flight cover from Hanoi in Indo China by Air France.

1938 (9.8.) inward first flight cover from Hanoi bearing Indo China 18c blue adhesive tied by HANOI/TONKIN R.P. Flown by Air France.

HONG KONG - 1948 20c rate HONG KONG - 1948 20c rate 'ARMY SIGNALS/VB HQ' cover to UK from the Lyemun Barracks.

1948 (MY.11) 'Forces Air Mail' cover to UK bearing 10c pair tied HONG KONG/3 cds with scarce ARMY/VB-HQ/SIGNALS strike at lower left. Sent from the Lyemun Barracks in Hong Kong.

HONG KONG - 1941 20c rate use of postcard to UK by forces with HONG KONG - 1941 20c rate use of postcard to UK by forces with 'Embarkation Officer' cachet.

1941 (NOV.11) Illustrated 'Armistice Day 1934' envelope addressed to USA bearing 3c US adhesive tied bly USS BLACK HAWK/HONG KONG/B.C.C. cancel with year slug error showing '11' for '41'.

HONG KONG - 1891 $5 on $10 purple-red on red used postal fiscal.  SG F9.HONG KONG - 1891 $5 on $10 purple-red on red used postal fiscal. SG F9.

1891 5 Dollars on $10 purple on red postal fiscal adhesive cancelled by 'B 62' duplex and part HONG KONG cds. Superb colour but with blunt lower right corner. This stamp was used for postal purposes until 1903. SG F9.

HONG KONG - 1941 30c rate HONG KONG - 1941 30c rate 'OPENED BY CENSOR/HONG KONG' cover to USA used at VICTORIA.

1941 (MR.17.) commercial cover addressed to USA (central fold) bearing 10c violet (x3) tied VICTORIA/HONG KONG and with black on white 'G R' crested OPENED BY CENSOR/HONG KONG censor label (Morenweiser type 2) at left tied on reverse side by violet squared '18' handstamp.

HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50c rate cover to France 
struck HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50c rate cover to France struck 'PAR AVION de HONG KONG a MARSEILLES'.

1949 (AP.23.) cover addressed to France bearing 50c and $1 adhesives tied HONG KONG/12 with violet straight lined 'PAR AVION de HONG KONG a MARSEILLES' transmission h/s.

HONG KONG - 1938 $1 dull lilac and blue fine used with spectacular CONFETTI FLAW.  SG 155.HONG KONG - 1938 $1 dull lilac and blue fine used with spectacular CONFETTI FLAW. SG 155.

1938 $1 dull lilac and blue adhesive finely used with spectacular CONFETTI FLAW over kings ear and face. Very large flaw and most unusual. SG 155.

HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50 rate HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50 rate 'PAR AVION DE HONG KONG A MARSEILLES' cover to France.

1949 (AU.13.) cover addressed to France bearing50cand $1 adhesives tied HONG KONG/2 and struck by violet PAR AVION DE HONG KONG A MARSEILLES instructional h/s/

HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50c rate HONG KONG - 1949 $1.50c rate 'Consulate de France' cover with PAR AVION HONG KONG DE MARSEILLE h/s.

1949 (DE.20.) 'Consulate De France at Canton' pre-printed envelope addressed to France (some surface crumpling) bearing 50c adhesive strip of three cancelled HONG KONG/1 with scarcer violet straight lined PAR AVION DE HONG KONG A MARSEILLE instructional handstamp applied.

HONG KONG - 1909 1c brown on cream PSC unused.  H&G 24.HONG KONG - 1909 1c brown on cream PSC unused. H&G 24.

1909 1c brown on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 24.

HONG KONG - 1911 HONG KONG - 1911 'Kiautschou' combination use postcard to Germany.

1911 use of picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Open temple with pagoda (China)' marked 'Via Siberia' written at Tsingtau in occupied German China bearing German 2c green 'Kiautschou' yatch adhesive with Hong Kong 4c adhesive added and tied HONG KONG cds dated 10.AUG.11. A scarce combination use.

HONG KONG - 1900 1c yellow PSE used locally at VICTORIA. H&G 1.HONG KONG - 1900 1c yellow PSE used locally at VICTORIA. H&G 1.

1900 1c yellow on cream postal stationery envelope addressed locally cancelled by VICTORIA/HONG KONG cds dated AU.18.02. H&G 1.

HONG KONG - 1900 4c carmine rose PSE addressed to UK used at VICTORIA.  H&G 3.HONG KONG - 1900 4c carmine rose PSE addressed to UK used at VICTORIA. H&G 3.

1900 4c carmine rose on cream postal stationery envelope addressed to UK cancelled by VICTORIA/HONG KONG cds dated 18.OC.04. H&G 3.

HONG KONG - 1900 5c violet PSE cancelled SHANGHAI.  H&G 4a.HONG KONG - 1900 5c violet PSE cancelled SHANGHAI. H&G 4a.

1900 5c violet on grey paper postal stationery envelope (size b) cancelled by SHANGHAI cds dated NO.26.02. H&G 4a.

HONG KONG - 1902 2c green PSC to USA used at VICTORIA/HONG KONG.  H&G 7a.HONG KONG - 1902 2c green PSC to USA used at VICTORIA/HONG KONG. H&G 7a.

1902 2c green on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to USA cancelled by VICTORIA cds dated 11.FE.03. H&G 7a.

HONG KONG - 1886 10c rate cover to USA cancelled HONG KONG - 1886 10c rate cover to USA cancelled 'B 62'.

1886 (OC.12) cover to USA bearing 10c green (SG 37a) tied at bottom by 'B62' duplex with s/r HONG KONG cds at top right & with red SAN FRANCISCO/PD ALL arrival strike on front. A nice Trans-Pacific route cover.

HONG KONG - 1897 10c rate cover to UK.HONG KONG - 1897 10c rate cover to UK.

1897 (FE.18.) cover addressed to UK bearing a 5c pale blue adhesive pair tied HONG KONG. Complete with attractive illustrated contents.

HONG KONG - 1912 1c rate postcard use to Austria used at LIU KUNG TAU.HONG KONG - 1912 1c rate postcard use to Austria used at LIU KUNG TAU.

1912 (AU.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to Austria depicting 'View of Liukungtao, Wei Hai Wei' bearing Edward VII 1c brown tied to picture side by s/r LIU KUNG TAU cds with 'D' coding.

HONG KONG - 1933 1 1/2d brown PSE of GB used at FIELD POST OFFICE/1 at Tientsin.HONG KONG - 1933 1 1/2d brown PSE of GB used at FIELD POST OFFICE/1 at Tientsin.

1933 (SP.21.) use of GB 'GV' 1 1/2d brown on cream postal stationery envelope addressed to UK marked 'Via Canada' and cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE/1 cds used by troops at Tientsin.

HONG KONG - 1937 5c rate cover to USA used at YAUMATI.HONG KONG - 1937 5c rate cover to USA used at YAUMATI.

1937 (SP.21) cover to USA bearing 'KGV' 5c (SG 121) tied by scarce HONG KONG/YAUMATI village cds.

HONG KONG - 1949 4d green (Forces) RPSE of GB used locally at BRITISH FLEET MAIL/9.HONG KONG - 1949 4d green (Forces) RPSE of GB used locally at BRITISH FLEET MAIL/9.

1949 4d green 'GB' registered postal stationery envelope (size G) for use by the military sent from 'Cd. E.Jones RN' at FMO Hong Kong to an address in Kowloon cancelled by lovely BRITISH FLEET MAIL/9 cds dated MY.15.53. Huggins type FPG8. H&G 4c.

HONG KONG - 1880 3c brown PSC to Germany.  H&G 5.HONG KONG - 1880 3c brown PSC to Germany. H&G 5.

1880 3c brown on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (small message on reverse and with glued area from being attached to album) cancelled by HONG KONG cds dated FE.5.90. MUNCHEN arrival. H&G 5.

HONG KONG - 1990 60c christmas adhesive U/M with DOUBLE BLACK PRINT.  SG 653.HONG KONG - 1990 60c christmas adhesive U/M with DOUBLE BLACK PRINT. SG 653.

1990 60c 'Dove and Holly' christmas adhesive in a fine unmounted mint top marginal example showing the major error DOUBLE BLACK PRINT. SG 653.

HONG KONG - 1918 1 1/2d orange PSC to Germany.  H&G 29.HONG KONG - 1918 1 1/2d orange PSC to Germany. H&G 29.

1918 1 1/2c orange on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (genuine use) cancelled by HONG KONG cds dated 7.JY.23. Elusive card. H&G 29.

HONG KONG - 1912 4c carmine PSE uprated to Singapore at KOWLOON and then re-directed.  H&G 11.HONG KONG - 1912 4c carmine PSE uprated to Singapore at KOWLOON and then re-directed. H&G 11.

1912 4c carmine on cream postal stationery envelope with pointed flap (H&G 11) addressed to Singapore and then returned and marked 'Empire Air service/First Flight From Hong Kong' bearing additional 'KGVI' 2c,4c and 5c adhesives tied KOWLOON/HONG KONG and dated 1.SP.38. Various b/s's from this inauguration of all up mail.

HONG KONG - 1926 10c violet RPSE uprated to Dutch Indies.  H&G 9.HONG KONG - 1926 10c violet RPSE uprated to Dutch Indies. H&G 9.

1926 10c violet on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Dutch Indies (scarce) showing the tariff on reverse with table to $1200 francs/$2.50 fee bearing additional 10c adhesive tied REGISTERED/GPO. HONG KONG cds dated 22.AP.26. H&G 9.

HONG KONG - 1932 20c blue RPSE uprated to UK. H&G 11.HONG KONG - 1932 20c blue RPSE uprated to UK. H&G 11.

1932 20c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing additional 10c adhesive tied REGISTERED/HONG KONG cds dated 16.NO.34. H&G 11.

HONG KONG - 1900 5c lilac PSE addressed to UK.  H&G 4.HONG KONG - 1900 5c lilac PSE addressed to UK. H&G 4.

1900 5c lilac on cream postal stationery envelope addressed to UK cancelled by HONG KONG s/r cds dated DE.17.00. H&G 4.

HONG KONG - 1900 1c yellow PSE to UK uprated with 4c adhesive.  H&G 1.HONG KONG - 1900 1c yellow PSE to UK uprated with 4c adhesive. H&G 1.

1900 1c yellow on cream postal stationery envelope (size a) addressed to UK and uprated with additional 4c grey adhesive tied HONG KONG and dated FE.2.01. H&G 1.

HONG KONG - 1936 4c rate HONG KONG - 1936 4c rate 'radio' postcard addressed to USA used at VICTORIA.

1936 (JU.2.) use of 'Shameen Canton China - XU1B' QSL radio postcard (stained strip-overall toned) addressed to USA bearing4c adhesive tied HONG KONG.

HONG KONG - 1921 10c HONG KONG - 1921 10c 'China' cover to France handstamped 'VIA CANADA'.

1921 (SP.23) cover to France bearing 10c ultramarine adhesive overprinted CHINA (SG 6) tied by light SHANGHAI Br P.O. cds & handstamped by magenta VIA CANADA instructional h/s. Scarce marking. Complete with original contents.

HONG KONG - 1935 10c rate HONG KONG - 1935 10c rate 'VIA MARSEILLES' handstamped cover to UK.

1936 (MR.17.) cover addressed to UK (central fold) bearing 10c adhesive tied by VICTORIA/ HONG KONG cds and struck at left by scarce VIA MARSEILLES instructional routing mark.

HONG KONG - 1946 HONG KONG - 1946 'BY AIR TO LONDON ONLY' boxed cover to USA used at SHEUNGWAN.

1946 (OC.15) cover to USA bearing 'Victory' pair tied by SHEUNGWAN/HONG KONG cds with black boxed BY AIR TO LONDON ONLY h/s at bottom.


1947 (DE.20.) cover addressed to USA bearing 30c and 40c (x2) adhesives tied by HONG KONG/10 cds and partly then tied by violet BY AIR TO OFFICE OF EXCHANGE ONLY instructional h/s.

HONG KONG - 1948 HONG KONG - 1948 'BY AIR ALL WAY' cover to USA.

1948 (JA.2.) cover addressed to USA bearing $1 adhesive pair tied HONG KONG/2 with scarce violet BY AIR ALL WAY instructional h/s at left. Unrecorded by Proud.


1949 'Feeder Commercial Company' envelope addressed to France (roughly opened at top edge) bearing 50c (x3) tied by weak HONG KONG cds and struck by scarce PAR AVION DE HONG KONG A MARSEILLE transmission strike.

HONG KONG - 1933 10c on 12c purple and yellow STAMP DUTY adhesive fine mint.HONG KONG - 1933 10c on 12c purple and yellow STAMP DUTY adhesive fine mint.

1933 10c on 12c purple and yellow STAMP/DUTY adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 135.

HONG KONG - 1900 1c deep yellow PSE unused.  H&G 1.HONG KONG - 1900 1c deep yellow PSE unused. H&G 1.

1900 1c deep yellow on cream laid paper postal stationery envelope. Fine unused. H&G 1.
