Showing items in category Tasmania, sorted by newest listed first.
TASMANIA - 1892 'No Value' grey RPSE bearing 1d adhesive used at HOBART. H&G 3a.
1892 'No Value' grey on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed locally and bearing 1d adhesive tied by HOBART cds dated NO.25.97. This being the issue with REGISTERED in place of value and with imprint under flap. H&G 3a.
TASMANIA - 1887 6d 'STAMP DUTY' on cover to UK used at HOBART.
1887 (JA.10.) cover addressed to UK bearing the 6d mauve 'Platapus' STAMP DUTY adhesive
(SG F28) tied by barred TASMANIA strike with s/r HOBART cds alongside. Vertical fold through
stamp but a scarce postal use of this revenue issue.
TASMANIA - 1870 4d DIE PROOF in black (SG type 11).
Some light surface faults.
1870 4d DIE PROOF (SG type 11) printed in black on thick white glazed card handstamped
BEFORE HARDENING and dated 'April 1, 1870'. The card has light surface stain and the glaze at the lower right corner has been rubbed away somewhat. Despite faults die proofs of Tasmania and very difficult to find. Priced accordingly.
TASMANIA - 1873 2d rate local cover struck by '52' duplex.
1873 cover addressed locally to Longford complete with original letter with marked origin
as 'Oakburn' bearing a pair of the 1d deep rose red (faults) cancelled by '52' duplex with
red PRE-PAID handstamp dated 2.DE.1873
TASMANIA - 1883 1d rose PSC cancelled '10' with BRIGHTON 'proving' cds alongside. H&G 2.
1883 1d rose on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Hobart cancelled by '10' duplex
with BRIGHTON/TASMANIA 'proving' cds alongside dated DE.7.89. H&G 2.
TASMANIA - 1898 2d blue green illustrated postal stationery letter card unused. H&G 1b.
1898 2d blue-green on cream postal stationery lettercard in fine unused condition depicting a picture of Diana Basin and St Patrick Head on reverse. H&G 1b.
TASMANIA - 1883 1d carmine rose PSC unused. H&G 2.
1883 1d carmine rose on white postal stationery postcard. Fine unused. H&G 2.
1892 1 1/2d + 1 1/2d Brown on buff postal stationery reply type postcard. Fine unused. H&G 4.
TASMANIA - 1892 1 1/2d + 1 1/2d brown PSRC to Belgium used at HOBART. H&G 4.
1892 1 1/2d + 1 1/2d Brown on buff postal stationery reply type postcard addressed to Belgium (no message) cancelled by HOBART roller strike dated 24.NO.10 with reply section unused. H&G 4.
1915 circa stampless use of picture postcard of Ceylon depicting 'Columbo-Main Street' marked O.A.S.' addressed to Tasmania & cancelled by straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR h/s. On arrival struck by rare violet circular crowned CL/PASSED BY/CENSOR strike. A scarce use by Tasmanian Soldier on route to the Middle East.
TASMANIA - 1893 2d rate local cover struck '87' duplex of WYNYARD.
1893 (JU.27.) cover addressed locally to Somerset bearing 1d pair tied by '87' duplex with
WYNYARD 'proving' cds at left.
TASMANIA - 1879 2d rate local cover used at LAUNCESTON.
1879 (MY.15.) cover addressed locally to Somerset bearing 2d green winged margin adhesive
tied by LAUNCESTON/TASMANIA cancel with 'L' coding.
TASMANIA - 1895 1d pink PSC used locally struck '53' and 'proving' ULVERSTONE cds.
1895 1d pink on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by '53'
duplex with ULVERSTONE/TASMANIA cds alongside dated AU.28.88. H&G 7a.
TASMANIA - 1879 10/- POSTAL FISCAL block of four REPRINT in orange.
1879 REPRINT of the 10/- 'Postal Fiscal' issue (SG type F4) printed in the issued colour of
orange in a fine block of four on stout ungummed card.
TASMANIA - 1879 5/- POSTAL FISCAL block of four REPRINT in brown.
1879 REPRINT of the 5/- 'Postal Fiscal' issue (SG type F3) printed in the issued colour of
brown in a fine block of four on stout ungummed card.
TASMANIA - 1895 1d pink PSC with 1/2d orange added below in unused condition.
1895 1d pink on white postal stationery postcard with additional 1/2d orange imprint (SG type 24
from the wrapper issue) printed below and in fine unused condition. Violet 'S.C.Skipton' monogram
applied to reverse. A privately printed card.
1898 use of red on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope overprinted ON PUBLIC
SERVICE ONLY in black with crest above. Addressed to Victoria and cancelled by barred TASMANIA
duplex with HOBART cds alongside with 'S' code slug and struck by blue TREASURY/TASMANIA/
FRANK STAMP. Red waxed TREASURY/TASMANIA crowned seal on reverse (cracked and rather dry).
TASMANIA - 1873 2d rate cover to South Africa struck '52' and PRE-PAID.
1873 (OC.24.) cover addressed to Table, Cape bearing 2d green adhesive tied by '52' duplex of
Launceston with red PRE-PAID diamond shaped h/s at left and part WYNYARD/TASMANIA b/s.
TASMANIA - 1881 8d rate cover to UK used at GEORGE TOWN.
1881 (NO.3.) pretty envelope (ex flap) addressed to UK bearing 2d (corner fault) and 6d
adhesives (SG 135+157) tied by '37' duplex strike with neat GEORGE TOWN double arc cancel alongside.
Marked in manuscript 'Via Brindisi' and complete with original contents.
1885 black on pale blue LETTER BILL (Form D-3) folded into a letter and addressed for 'Mail
For Gleen Ponds' cancelled inside by a rare strike of the BRIGHTON STATION/TASMANIA
cds dated DE.11.85.Brighton being a small town west of Hobart.
TASMANIA - 1870 ON PUBLIC SERVICE envelope used locally.
1870 (MR.30.) stampless black on blue ON PUBLIC SERVICE ONLY entire from the Clerk of
Peace at Launceston addressed locally and struck by a lovely strike of the red crowned FREE h/s.
R.Lowe type HS35.
TASMANIA - 1883 2d green PSE used locally at NEW NORFOLK/TASMANIA. H&G 1.
1883 2d green on cream postal stationery envelope (H&G 1) addressed locally to Hobart
and cancelled by '83' duplex with s/r NEW NORFOLK/TASMANIA 'proving' cds alongside
dated JY.14.94.
1895 1d pink on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Melbourne cancelled by
black boxed LOOSE SHIP LETTER h/s. The card was under paid and has oval 'T 1d' tax mark
applied with 1d 'Postage Due' added on arrival cancelled by smudged cancel and with
MELBOURNE arrival b/s dated 17.2.02. H&G 7a.
TASMANIA - 1899 inward cover from Tasmania with INCONNU h/s applied.
1899 (JE.21.) inward cover from Tasmania bearing 2 1/2d surcharge on 9d adhesive tied
HOBART (edge creases) with scarcer BRIEVEN DEPT/ZAR letter office b/s having been
undelivered and struck on the front by boxed INCONNU/ONBEKEND.
TASMANIA - 1900 2d violet illustrated letter card used at LINDISFARNE. H&G 2(1).
1900 2d violet of pale green 'Tasmania Letter Card' addressed to UK with illustrated view on
reverse side depicting 'Entrance Island, Macquarie Harbour' cancelled by s/r LINDISFARNE/
TASMANIA cds dated SP.6.05. The card has an unfortunate vertical fold but is a scarce piece
of stationery and with a long message inside. H&G 2(1).
TASMANIA - 1900 2d violet illustrated letter card used at LAUNCESTON. H&G 2(6).
1900 2d violet on pale green letter card addressed to Hobart depicting 'River Derwent, New
Norfolk' tied by LAUNCESTON cds dated SP.5.00. H&G 2 (6).
TASMANIA - 1904 3d rate local cover used on T.P.O.No.5. A scarce railway strike.
1904 (DE.6.) cover addressed locally to Hobart bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by T.P.O. No.5/
TASMANIA cds used on the Western Line (Burnie-Western Junction).
TASMANIA - 1903 2d rate local postcard carried by T.M.L.RY-No.3. Scarce railway strike.
1903 (DE.24.) postcard use to Bream Creek via Hobart bearing 2d adhesive tied by T.M.L. Ry-NO 3/
TASMANIA cds with BREAM CREEK arrival cds below. A scarce Railway usage.
TASMANIA - 1883 2d green PSE used locally from MACQUARIE PLAINS. H&G 1.
1883 2d green on cream postal stationery envelope addressed locally to Hobart cancelled by
'56' duplex with MACQUARIE PLAINS 'proving' cds at left. H&G 1.
TASMANIA - 1907 postcard use to Italy used at DEVONPORT WEST.
1907 (OC.28.) use of picture postcard addressed to Italy depicting 'The Pinnacle,
Ben Lomond, Tasmania' bearing 1/2d and 1d 'view' adhesives tied by DEVONPORT WEST/
TASMANIA - 1901 stampless cover to Sydney cancelled POSTAGE PAID/HOBART.
1901 stampless cover addressed to Sydney cancelled by very fine crowned POSTAGE
PAID/HOBART cancel dated NO.6.1901 with 'L' coding.
TASMANIA - 1882 2d green uprated PSE used at DEVONPORT. H&G 1.
1883 2d green on white postal stationery envelope addressed to UK bearing additional 1/2d adhesive
and cancelled by DEVONPORT/TASMANIA cds dated SP.24.94. LAUNCESTON b/s. H&G 1.
TASMANIA - 1892 2d green 'Privately Printed' PSE used at WESTBURY. H&G KB4.
1892 2d green on cream 'Privately Printed' postal stationery envelope (rounded flap) addressed to Hobart cancelled WESTBURY/TASMANIA and dated FE.13.05. Scarce. H&G KB4.
TASMANIA - 1884 1d orange red PSC with INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION illustration on reverse.
1884 1d orange-red on white postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition
1854 entire addressed to Bunnenyong in Victoria bearing 'cut square' 4d 'Van Diemens Land' adhesive (SG type 2) tied by weak duplex cancel ('V' cut at left side) with large red GENERAL POST OFFICE/HOBART TOWN/VDL crowned h/s at right. (RL type 6). Red SHIP LETTER/FREE/VICTORIA backstamp and with BUNNYENYONG/VICTORIA arrival dated OC.19.1854. Fragile and with some faults to the adhesive due to age and light central fold. A scarce early ship letter however and a elusive use of this scarce stamp from plate 2 with blurred and coarse engraving.
TASMANIA - 1904 (circa) postcard bearing 1 1/2d on 5d surcharge used at LAUNCESTON.
1904 circa use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Falls at Lilydale' bearing
1 1/2d surcharge on 5d pale blue and brown adhesive (SG 244) tied by part LAUNCESTON cds.
TASMANIA - 1904 1d PSC used locally from EAST DEVONPORT. H&G 9c.
1904 1d scarlet red on buff postal stationery postcard (some light tone spots) addressed locally to
Launceston cancelled by very fine s/r EAST DEVONPORT/TASMANIA cds dated MY.10.10. H&G 9c.
TASMANIA - 1884 1d PSC to Victoria used at LONGFORD. H&G 3c.
1884-1902 1d pink on white postal stationery postcard addressed to Victoria cancelled by
LONGFORD/TASMANIA cds dated AP.6.1901. H&G 3c.
TASMANIA - 1884 1d PSC used locally from NEW NORFOLK. H&G 2.
1884-89 1d carmine-rose on white postal stationery postcard addressed locally cancelled by light '63'
duplex with NEW NORFOLK/TASMANIA cds below dated JU.3.95. H&G 2.
TASMANIA - 1884 4d RPSE unused. H&G 2a.
1884 4d blue on cream 'M'Corquodale' registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in
mint condition but with surface creasing on reverse side. H&G 2a.
TASMANIA - 1907 local 2d rate cover used at RINGAROOMA.
1898 2 1/2d Red violet on white laid paper postal stationery illustrated 'view' envelope in
fine unused condition. (No.306/Dianas Basin & St.Patricks Head). Scarce. H&G 3.
TASMANIA - 1907 use of picture postcard to USA from ZEEHAN/TASMANIA.
1907 (DE.11.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Valley Of The Waters,
Wentworth, NSW' bearing 1d 'pictorial' adhesive tied ZEEHAN/TASMANIA.
TASMANIA - 1918 5d on £1 orange and green REVENUE mint.
1918-19 5d on £1 Orange and green. A superb fresh mint example of the (SG type 20) ovpt'd
REVENUE. Barefoot and Hall 53.
1903 1d on 3d chestnut REVENUE adhesive in very fine mint condition (type C) with the
major variety SURCHARGE INVERTED. Barefoot & Hall 31a.
TASMANIA - 1862 6d on cover to UK with red POST OFFICE/LAUNCESTOR cancel.
1862 cover addressed to UK bearing 6d dull slate grey adhesive (SG 44) cut square
and just touched at bottom, tied by very fine ' 52 ' duplex with fine red crowned boxed
POST OFFICE/LAUNCESTOR cancel at left dated 23.MY.23/1862. A fine early cover.
Duplex 52 was allocated to Ross in the first allocation but came to be used at Launcestor
from 1861.