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SIERRA LEONE - 1946 registered SIERRA LEONE - 1946 registered 'AR' struck cover to Switzerland.

1946 (NO.11.) commercial registered cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 1/3d adhesive alongside 1 1/2d 'Victory' adhesive tied by oval REGISTERED/GPO SIERRA LEONE cancel struck 'AR' in black oval at left (Avis Reception).


1965 (FE.5.) use of 1/- blue and yellow on white 'INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON-SIERRA' LEONE cancelled REMITTANCE SECTION/FREETOWN.

SIERRA LEONE - 1947 SIERRA LEONE - 1947 'UPU' congress folder.

1947 'Congress Postal Universel Paris' red and gold official folder with definitive values to 10/- plus Victory pair affixed inside. Given to delegates attending the congress.

SIERRA LEONE - 1940 3d rate PASSED BY CENSOR/No.3249SIERRA LEONE - 1940 3d rate PASSED BY CENSOR/No.3249' cover to UK used at BO.

1940 (DE.18.) cover addressed to UK bearing two 1 1/2d adhesives tied BO/SIERRA LEONE and with black crowned triangular PASSED BY/CENSOR/No.3240 h/s applied by the military. WASC type A201 - Army use.

SIERRA LEONE - 1894 2d blue RPSE (size F) uprated to France.  H&G 1.SIERRA LEONE - 1894 2d blue RPSE (size F) uprated to France. H&G 1.

1894 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to France bearing additional 'QV' 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE and dated SP.24.98. H&G 1.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 £1 black and purple on red fine used.  SG 128.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 £1 black and purple on red fine used. SG 128.

1912-22 £1 black and purple on red cancelled by part BO/SIERRA LEONE cds. Superb rich colour. SG 128.

SIERRA LEONE - 1916 3d brown RPSE (size F) uprated locally at PUJEHUN.  H&G 4.SIERRA LEONE - 1916 3d brown RPSE (size F) uprated locally at PUJEHUN. H&G 4.

1916 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed locally to Freetown bearing additional 1d violet on reverse flap cancelled by PUJEHUN/SIERRA LEONE cds dated SP.1.30. H&G 4.

SIERRA LEONE - 1898 1d adhesive of Gambia (SG 38) cancelled FREETOWN.SIERRA LEONE - 1898 1d adhesive of Gambia (SG 38) cancelled FREETOWN.

1898 1d carmine adhesive of Gambia (SG 38) cancelled by near complete s/r FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds dated FE.12.99.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 1 1/2d rated SIERRA LEONE - 1942 1 1/2d rated 'PASSED/ QQ/1' censor cover to UK.

1942 (JY..31.) cover to UK (tone spots on front) bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE and struck by violet crowned PASSED/ QQ/1 h/s. WASC type 5. In use for just 19 days.

SIERRA LEONE - 1940 6d rate registered SIERRA LEONE - 1940 6d rate registered 'PASSED BY CENSOR 10' cover to UK.

1940 (JA.3.) slightly larger registered cover to UK bearing 6d grey adhesive tied by oval REGISTERED/GPO SIERRA LEONE cds with black boxed R/FREETOWN/No. h/s at left and struck at bottom by violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 10 h/s. WASC type 2 in use for just 6 months.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/3d rate 'QQ/21' censored cover to UK used at FREETOWN.

1943 (SP.1.) cover addressed to UK bearing 3d and 6d (x2) tied FREETOWN and with two copies of the P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER QQ/21 censor label at left with 'Wt 9948/L58 20M 4/42' imprint. WASC type 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1918 1d rate postcard use to UK used at FREETOWN with PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.SIERRA LEONE - 1918 1d rate postcard use to UK used at FREETOWN with PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.

1918 (MR.25.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Westmoreland-Gloucester Street-Freetown' bearing 1/2d pair tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE and struck by black straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1941 SIERRA LEONE - 1941 'RECEIVED FROM SHIP' censored cover to UK.

1941 (20.1.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d, 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied by two RECEIVED FROM/SHIP rubber cancels wih 'tomb stone' type FROM HMS SHIP/PASSED BY CENSOR h/s below in blue. Unusual item.

SIERRA LEONE - 1952 6d postal stationery SIERRA LEONE - 1952 6d postal stationery 'cut out' pair on cover to UK used at FREETOWN.

1952 (FE.8.) cover addressed to UK bearing two 6d black on blue postal stationery air letter cut outs adhered and cancelled by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds's. A scarce and officially accepted use of stationery cuts outs as postage.

SIERRA LEONE - 1955 2d rate local cover to Moyamba struck PATROL POST 2.SIERRA LEONE - 1955 2d rate local cover to Moyamba struck PATROL POST 2.

1955 cover addressed locally bearing 'KGVI' 2d tied by weak PATROL POST No.2 cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1941 SIERRA LEONE - 1941 'PASSED BY CENSOR/No.2581' FPO 41 cover to UK.

1941 (AU.1) cover to UK bearing 1/2d & 1d (SG 188-9) tied FPO-41 with violet triangular PASSED BY CENSOR-No.2581 h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1939 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1939 3d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 2' cover to USA used at BO/SIERRA LEONE.

1939 (NO.11.) use of commercial pre-printed cover to USA bearing 1d (x3) tied BO/SIERRA LEONE with cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at right and struck on front by violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 2 handstamp. FREETOWN transit b/s. An early censor cover.

SIERRA LEONE - 1932 1 1/2d rate postcard use to UK struck POSTED ON STEAMER.SIERRA LEONE - 1932 1 1/2d rate postcard use to UK struck POSTED ON STEAMER.

1932 (MY.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'View Of Freetown' (heavy crease at left edge) bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied FREETOWN and struck by black boxed POSTED ON STEAMER h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BO.SIERRA LEONE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BO.

1907 (DE.12.) picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 1/2d adhesive pair. The card is struck by superb BO s/r village cds (Proud type D1) and the stamps cancelled two days later by FREETOWN cds. It was against regulations for the origin Post Office to cancel the stamps.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 use of SIERRA LEONE - 1942 use of 'Cable and Wireless' TELEGRAM form from Freetown.

1942 (JUL.17.) use of red on cream 'CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED' telegram form from Freetown cancelled by d/r C & W LTD/SIERRA LEONE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 stampless SIERRA LEONE - 1943 stampless 'OAS' PASSED CENSOR/No.5810 FPO postcard use to UK.

1943 (OC.8.) use of unstamped picture postcard addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' and depicting a river scene at Tokeh cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE cds with violet crowned circular PASSED BY CENSOR/No.5810 h/s alongside. The card written by Capt B.W.Howe of the West African Force.

SIERRA LEONE - 1944 (circa) OFFICIAL PAID SIERRA LEONE - 1944 (circa) OFFICIAL PAID 'RAF CENSOR/132' stampless cover to UK.

1944 (circa) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' cancelled by red OFFICIAL PAID wavy line strike with crowned OPENED BY/EXAMINER/1981 continuous P.C.90 censor label at left over violet boxed R.A.F./CENSOR/132 h/s. Only one example of the RAF/132 h/s recorded by the WASC which was used on 31st Jul. 1944.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d rate postcard use to France used at WATERLOO/SIERRA LEONE.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d rate postcard use to France used at WATERLOO/SIERRA LEONE.

1912 (JY.5.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'Freetown-Fishermans Village' cancelled by s/r WATERLOO/SIERRA LEONE cds. The card has Ewdard VII 1/2d green tied on the picture side by transit FREETOWN cds as per usual. Villages and smaller towns were not suppose to cancel the stamps.


1959 cover addressed to UK bearing 6d adhesive tied by FREETOWN-OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT slogan strike and with violet boxed INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID/FOR AIR MAIL h/s at left.

SIERRA LEONE - 1881 1d carmine rose PSC uprated to Switzerland.  H&G 1.SIERRA LEONE - 1881 1d carmine rose PSC uprated to Switzerland. H&G 1.

1881-1883 1d carmine rose on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Switzerland bearing additional 1/2d adhesive and tied by light 'B 31' duplex's. Marked 'Via Liverpool' in manuscript and with SIERRA LEONE/PAID cds on reverse struck in 'red' ink dated MR.4.87. (Proud type PD 5). A nice uprated card. H&G 1.

SIERRA LEONE - 1922 2d rate cover to UK used at BLAMA.SIERRA LEONE - 1922 2d rate cover to UK used at BLAMA.

1922 (NO.27.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d adhesive tied BLAMA/SIERRA LEONE.

SIERRA LEONE - 1923 2d rate cover to UK used at KAMABAI.SIERRA LEONE - 1923 2d rate cover to UK used at KAMABAI.

1923 (OC.15.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d adhesive tied KAMABAI/SIERRA LEONE. A scarce village use.

SIERRA LEONE - 1924 2d rate cover to UK used at MAKUMP.SIERRA LEONE - 1924 2d rate cover to UK used at MAKUMP.

1924 (AP.7.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d adhesive tied by MAKUMP/SIERRA LEONE.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 SIERRA LEONE - 1943 'RAF/CENSOR 40' stampless 'OAS' cover to UK ex West Africa Force.

1943 stampless cover addressed to UK marked ON ACTIVE SERVICE with blue crested RAF/ CENSOR/40 h/s at left signed below. Cancelled by red LONDON/OFFICIAL/PAID roller strike on arrival and complete with original contents from a pilot officer of the West African Forces using the consolidated Catalina flying boat. This flew sorties into the mid atlantic on anti submarine patrols and it sank a U-Boat in January of this year. The enclosed letter is dated Feb 4th 1943.

SIERRA LEONE - 1939 2d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1939 2d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 10' cover to South Africa used at PUJEHUN.

1939 (NO.17.) cover addressed to Durban bearing 1d pair tied by weak PUJEHUN cds with violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 10 h/s at left. (Martin type 2) and FREETOWN transit b/s of the following day.

SIERRA LEONE - 1922 2d rate cover to UK used at SIERRA LEONE GOVT RAILWAYS.SIERRA LEONE - 1922 2d rate cover to UK used at SIERRA LEONE GOVT RAILWAYS.

1922 (DE.15.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d grey adhesive tied by weal POST OFFICE/SIERRA LEONE GOVT RAILWYAS cds.


1917 cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by POST OFFICE/SIERRA LEONE GOVT RAILWAYS cds but over lapped by scarce black on mustard crested OFFICIALLY SEALED label used as a censor strip and struck on the front and reverse sides by black PASSED BY CENSOR h/s and with BO transit b/s.


1917 (JU.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by light unreadable cds but with scarce black on mustard crested OFFICIALLY SEALED label at left used as a censor strip cancelled on the front by black PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp. BO/SIERRA LEONE transit b/s. Likely to be a Government Railway strike.


1915 (NO.6.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING POST OFFICE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1924 2d rate cover to UK used at MAKUMP.SIERRA LEONE - 1924 2d rate cover to UK used at MAKUMP.

1924 (MY.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d adhesive tied MAKUMP/SIERRA LEONE. Roughly opened at right edge.

SIERRA LEONE - 1923 2d rate cover (faults) to UK used at KAMABAI.SIERRA LEONE - 1923 2d rate cover (faults) to UK used at KAMABAI.

1923 (OC.1.) cover addressed to UK (grubby and central fold) bearing 2d adhesive tied KAMABAI/SIERRA LEONE. A scarce strike with MAKUMP transit b/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1922 use of 2d blue RPSE to UK uprated at BLAMA.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1922 use of 2d blue RPSE to UK uprated at BLAMA. H&G 3.

1922 (SP.18.) use of 2d blue registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK bearing additional 3d adhesive tied by weak BLAMA cds with better strike on reverse and with boxed R/BLAMA/No. registered handstamp. H&G 3.


1917 (JY.3.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by weak POST OFFICE/SIERRA LEONE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS cancel with BO transit b/s and struck on the front by black straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR h/s. A scarce censored TPO cover.


1915 (MR.18.) cover addressed to UK (grubby and with faults) bearing 1d adhesive tied by BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING/POST OFFICE/SIERRA LEONE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1914 use of uprated 2d blue RPSE to UK used at CLINE TOWN.  H&G 3a.SIERRA LEONE - 1914 use of uprated 2d blue RPSE to UK used at CLINE TOWN. H&G 3a.

1914 (OC.16.) use of 2d blue registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied CLINE TOWN (tear in stampfrom rough opening). H&G 3a.


1914 (OC.10.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING/ POST OFFICE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1914 1d rate cover (faults) to UK used at BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING POST OFFICE.SIERRA LEONE - 1914 1d rate cover (faults) to UK used at BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING POST OFFICE.

1914 (SP.12.) cover addressed to UK (roughly opened at top edge and with tear) bearing 1d adhesive tied BOIA YONNIE TRAVELLING/POST OFFICE/SIERRA LEONE cds. Faults but scarce.

SIERRA LEONE - 1908 1d rate use of picture postcard to UK cancelled PAQUEBOT/PLYMOUTH.SIERRA LEONE - 1908 1d rate use of picture postcard to UK cancelled PAQUEBOT/PLYMOUTH.

1908 (FE.7.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Royal Engineers working at the Government Pier' bearing 1d adhesive tied PAQUEBOT PLYMOUTH.

SIERRA LEONE - 1913 1d rate use of picture postcard to Switzerland used at FREETOWN.SIERRA LEONE - 1913 1d rate use of picture postcard to Switzerland used at FREETOWN.

1913 (AP.15.) use of picture postcard addressed to Switzerland depicting 'Freetown Railway Station' bearing 1d adhesive on picture side cancelled FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE.

SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless 'OAS' cover to UK used at FREETOWN.

1946 (JY.3.) stampless cover to UK marked 'On Active Service' cancelled by s/r FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless 'OAS' cover to UK cancelled GARRISON MAIL.

1946 (31.MY.) stampless cover to UK marked 'On Active Service' cancelled by s/r GARRISON MAIL/ SIERRA LEONE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1932 £1 purple fine mint.  SG 167.SIERRA LEONE - 1932 £1 purple fine mint. SG 167.

1932 £1 purple in fine mint condition. SG 167.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 £2 blue and dull purple fine mint.  SG 129.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 £2 blue and dull purple fine mint. SG 129.

1912-21 £2 blue and dull purple in fine mint condition. Exceptional fresh colour but poorly centred to lower left corner. SG 129.

SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE used locally from KENNEMA. H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE used locally from KENNEMA. H&G 3.

1902 1d carmine on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed locally to Freetown cancelled by scarce KENNEMA cds dated DE.22.10 with FREETOWN arrival on pre-stamp applied two days later. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1961 3d blue on grey air letter uprated to Ireland used at NEW ENGLAND.  H&G 7.SIERRA LEONE - 1961 3d blue on grey air letter uprated to Ireland used at NEW ENGLAND. H&G 7.

1961 3d blue on greyish buff postal stationery air letter addressed to Ireland with genuine use bearing additional 3d adhesive tied NEW ENGLAND/SIERRA LEONE dated 9.AP.62. H&G 7.

SIERRA LEONE - 1983 2c SIERRA LEONE - 1983 2c 'Olive Bellied Bird' IMPERFORATE mint block of four. SG 761.

1983 2c 'olive bellied sunbird' adhesive (SG 761) in a fine unmounted IMPERFORATE top corner marginal block of four in issued colours. Ex liquadator stock of Format International.

SIERRA LEONE - 1983 15c SIERRA LEONE - 1983 15c 'Quail Bird' IMPERFORATE marginal mint pair. SG 766.

1983 15c 'blue quail' adhesive (SG 766) in a fine unmounted IMPERFORATE left hand marginal pair in issued colours. Ex liquidator stock of Format International. (See SG footnote).

SIERRA LEONE - 1933 1 1/2d SIERRA LEONE - 1933 1 1/2d 'GB' + 2d combination cover to UK used at FREETOWN.

1933 (FE.22.) cover addressed to UK (some light surface creasing) bearing 2d adhesive (SG 158) tied alongside GB 1 1/2d adhesive by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. A scarce combination use.

SIERRA LEONE - 1944 1/3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1944 1/3d rate 'QQ/34' censor cover to UK.

1944 (OC.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d, 2d and 3d (x4) tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY/EXAMINER QQ/34 censor label at left. WASC type 4. Recorded us just 4 months.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/6d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/6d rate 'QQ/13' censor cover to UK.

1943 (AP.19.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d (x4) and 1/- on front and a further 1d (x4) on reverse tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ QQ/13 censor label at left with 'Wt 9948/L58' imprint. WASC type 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 1/6d rate registered SIERRA LEONE - 1942 1/6d rate registered 'QQ/14' censor cover to UK.

1942 (OC.14.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing 6d and 1/- adhesives tied REGISTERED/ GPO SIERRA LEONE cancel and with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/QQ/14 censor label at left with 'Wt 9948/L58' imprint. WASC type 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1870SIERRA LEONE - 1870's 1d rate local cover to Sherbro cancelled by 'B 31' duplex.

1870 (circa) local cover addressed to Sherbro (ex reverse flap) bearing 1d adhesive tied by 'B31' duplex. The cover marked with red '1(d)' rate mark. A scarce early cover.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1943 3d rate 'OPENED BY EXAMINER/ 00/21' censor cover to USA.

1943 (MR.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied FREETOWN with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ 00/21 censor label at left. WASC type 3 showing 'Wt 9948/L58 20M 4/42 imprint. In use for just a year.

SIERRA LEONE - 1939 2d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1939 2d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 6' cover to UK used at SEGBWENA.

1939 (DE.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive pair tied by SEGBWENA cds with black on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left and struck on the front by violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 6 h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1945 use of FORMULA air letter to UK struck by scarce crowned SIERRA LEONE - 1945 use of FORMULA air letter to UK struck by scarce crowned 'PASSED/ QQ/4'.

1945 (JU.1.) use of dark blue on greyish FORMULA type AIR LETTER addressed to UK (genuine use) bearing 1d and 5d adhesives tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE and struck at lower left by octagonal crowned PASSED/QQ/4 censor strike. An unusual censorship of a air letter with 'QQ4' only having been used for a 4 month period. WASC type 4.

SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless SIERRA LEONE - 1946 stampless 'Forces Mail' cover to UK sent from 'Brook Fields Camp' at Freetown.

1946 (SP.23.) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'Forces Mail' with part official label sealing back flap with origin marked 'Brook Fields Camp' and cancelled by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE s/r cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1936 SIERRA LEONE - 1936 'Luft Hansa' first flight 'Silver Jubilee' cover to UK via Gambia.

1936 (FE.18.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing the 'Silver Jubilee' series (SG 181-84) tied by oval REGISTERED/SIERRA LEONE cds's and with scarce black on blue AIR MAIL BATHURST-STUTTGART label at left. The reverse shows the violet AIR MAIL/GAMBIA-ENGLAND rubber cachet applied in transit with REGISTERED/GPO GAMBIA cancel. A scarce routing which Sierra Leone took advantage of from November of 1935 of the Luft Hansa Company which ran flights from Stuttgart to South American via Gambia.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1943 1/3d rate 'OPENED BY EXAMINER/ QQ/13' censor cover to UK.

1943 (SP.17.) cover addressed to UK ( a little tired) bearing 3d and 1/- adhesives tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE with black on white P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/QQ/13 censor label at left with imprint (WASC type 3).

SIERRA LEONE - 1940 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1940 3d rate 'RECEIVED FROM SHIPS' censor cover to UK.

1940 (13.3.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d pair tied by RECEIVED FROM/HM SHIPS strike with blue tomb stone type FROM HM SHIPS/PASSED BY CENSORSHIP handstamp at left (WASC type N100) with manuscript signature and dating.

SIERRA LEONE - 1900 1d lilac of SIERRA LEONE - 1900 1d lilac of 'GB' used on cover to UK at FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE.

1900 (SP.19.) cover addressed to UK (central fold and roughly opened at top edge) bearing GB 1d lilac adhesive tied by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. A scarce use of this GB adhesive in Sierra Leone.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper used to Belgian Congo.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper used to Belgian Congo. H&G 3.

1912 1/2d green on yellowish buff (large part) postal stationery wrapper addressed to Belgian Congo cancelled by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds dated DE.6.29. LEOPOLOVILLE arrival backstamp. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1947 SIERRA LEONE - 1947 'S.S.ZINI' maritime cover to USA.

1947 (DE.15.) cover addressed to USA bearing GB 1d adhesive (un-cancelled) with FREETOWN/ SIERRA LEONE cds alongside and struck 'Elder Dempster Lines,Limited' at top with 'S.S.Zini' maritime h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1952 SIERRA LEONE - 1952 'M.V.SANSU' maritime cover to USA.

1952 (JY.8.) cover addressed to USA bearing GB 2 1/2d adhesive tied by boxed POSTED ON SEA h/s in black with FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds alongside. Blue 'Posted at Sea' h/s applied and with small violet 'M.V.Sansu' maritime strike.

SIERRA LEONE - 1922 5d rate registered cover to UK used at FREETOWN.SIERRA LEONE - 1922 5d rate registered cover to UK used at FREETOWN.

1922 (JU.27.) registered cover to UK bearing 5d adhesive tied by oval REGISTERED/SIERRA LEONE cancel.

SIERRA LEONE - 1939 1/2d unsealed matter rate SIERRA LEONE - 1939 1/2d unsealed matter rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 7' cover to UK.

1939 (NO.13.) cover addressed to UK containing the original 'Wedding' card bearing 1/2d adhesive paying the 'unsealed matter' rate tied by indistinct cds with violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 7 h/s at left. An early censor use.

SIERRA LEONE - 1901 2 1/2d rate cover to USA struck LATE.SIERRA LEONE - 1901 2 1/2d rate cover to USA struck LATE.

1901 (FE.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. Struck 'SIERRA LEONE' at left by violet rubber handstamp and with LATE strike in black.

SIERRA LEONE - 1917 postcard use to UK bearing French Guiana 10c tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE.SIERRA LEONE - 1917 postcard use to UK bearing French Guiana 10c tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE.

1917 (DE.3.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Poste De La T.S.F. at Conakry' (blunt bottom left corner) bearing French Guineas 10c adhesive tied by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. An unusual item possibly brought by hand from Guinea and posted at Freetown.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE to UK used at HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE to UK used at HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK bearing additional 2d grey adhesive tied by HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE cds dated JA.6.21. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE to UK used at BO/SIERRA LEONE.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1902 1d carmine PSE to UK used at BO/SIERRA LEONE. H&G 3.

1902 1d carmine on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to UK (ex flap) cancelled by s/r BO cds daed AP.22.10 re-cancelled at FREETOWN as per usual. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1d carmine RSE to UK used at HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE.  H&G 5.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1d carmine RSE to UK used at HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE. H&G 5.

1912 1d carmine on cream laid paper postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to UK and cancelled by HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE cds dated AU.2.13. H&G 5.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper to USA used at FREETOWN.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper to USA used at FREETOWN. H&G 3.

1912 1/2d green on yellowish buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to USA cancelled by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds dated OC.2.24. Elusive item. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1943 3d rate 'OBC QQ/14' censor cover to USA used at CLINE TOWN.

1943 (OC.29.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied CLINE TOWN/SIERRA LEONE with black on cream P.C./OPENED BY EXAMINER/ QQ/14 censor label at right with 'Wt 9948/ L58 20M 4/42' imprint. WASC type 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1964 Le2 on £1 U/M with major error SURCHARGE DOUBLE.  SG 333a.SIERRA LEONE - 1964 Le2 on £1 U/M with major error SURCHARGE DOUBLE. SG 333a.

1964-66 Le2 on £1 carmine-red and yellow in a fine unmounted mint example showing the major variety SURCHARGE DOUBLE. A very rare and under rated stamp as only 18 examples have been recorded. SG 333a.

SIERRA LEONE - 1964 7c on 1/3d U/M block of 8 with varying degrees of MISSING OVERPRINT.  SG 322a.SIERRA LEONE - 1964 7c on 1/3d U/M block of 8 with varying degrees of MISSING OVERPRINT. SG 322a.

1964-66 7c on 1/3d sepia and emerald green surcharge adhesive in a fine unmounted mint block of eight (2x4). Four examples have varying degrees of missing overprint with the bottom right example practically completely missing. SG 322a.

SIERRA LEONE - 1895 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF in grey-lilac.SIERRA LEONE - 1895 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF in grey-lilac.

1859 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF (SG type 1) printed in grey-lilac on gummed paper. Scarce.

SIERRA LEONE - 1869 6d Gambia SIERRA LEONE - 1869 6d Gambia 'Cameo' (SG 3a) cancelled 'B 31'.

1869 6d blue 'Imperforate' Gambian 'Cameo' adhesive (SG 3a) with very fine four margins cancelled by near complete 'B 31' duplex. A rare example of this scarce stamp used in Sierra Leone.

SIERRA LEONE - 1874 6d rate cover to UK.SIERRA LEONE - 1874 6d rate cover to UK.

1874 cover addressed to UK bearing 6d dull purple (SG 1 - cut into at left side) tied by 'B 31'duplex and with part PAID AT SIERRA LEONE 'double arc' b/s in red ink. The stamp is additionally struck by barred '36' duplex with LONDON code 5 cds alongside dated JU.6.74 and red LONDON/PAID strike. A rare early cover.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at HANGHA.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at HANGHA. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK (opened on two sides) and bearing additional 2d grey adhesive tied by HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE cds dated 17.SP.20. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at PUJEHUN.SIERRA LEONE - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at PUJEHUN.

1924 (AP.19.) registered cover addressed to Italy bearing the 1/2d,1d, 1 1/2d, 2d,4d and 7d adhesives each tied by s/r PUJEHUN/SIERRA LEONE cds's with black boxed R/PUJEHUN/No. h/s at top left.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d RPSE uprated to Switzerland used at MANO.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d RPSE uprated to Switzerland used at MANO. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed locally to the Booma Railway District but redaddressed to Switzerland. Bears 1d and 2d adhesives tied by MANO/SIERRA LEONE cds's dated AU.16.22. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at MAKENE.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at MAKENE. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK bearing additional 1 1/2d orange adhesive tied by MAKENE/SIERRA LEONE cds dated DE.24.19. with boxed R/MAKENE/No registered h/s at lower left. The reverse flap shows an interesting black wax seal showing reversed image of BRITISH WEST AFRICA/3d PENCE/1913 which is we believe the image of a current BWA coin at the time. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at SUMBAYO.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at SUMBAYO. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream postal stationery envelope addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied by SUMBAYO/SIERRA LEONE cds dated AU.28.20. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1929 4d rate commercial cover to UK used at SULIMA.SIERRA LEONE - 1929 4d rate commercial cover to UK used at SULIMA.

1929 (OC.2) commercial pre-printed cover from the 'Sulima Trading Company' addressed & registered to UK bearing 2d pair (SG 134) tied SULIMA/SIERRA LEONE with black boxed SULIMA registered etiquette h/s.

SIERRA LEONE - 1916 3d brown RPSE uprated to UK at PORT LOKKO.  H&G 4.SIERRA LEONE - 1916 3d brown RPSE uprated to UK at PORT LOKKO. H&G 4.

1916 3d brown on cream reg'd postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK & bearing additional 1 1/2d adhesive tied PORT LOKKO/SIERRA LEONE cds dated AP.3.26. A nice village use. H&G 4.

SIERRA LEONE - 1881 reply section of the 1d+1d PSRC to Switzerland used on German Lignie shipping.SIERRA LEONE - 1881 reply section of the 1d+1d PSRC to Switzerland used on German Lignie shipping.

1881-83 'REPLY' section of the 1d+1d carmine rose on cream postal stationery reply type postcard addressed to Switzerland written at Sherbo but posted on ship having been cancelled by oval DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/LIGNIE maritime handstamp dated 10.NOV.03. Very scarce. H&G 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1941 3d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1941 3d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 2' cover to USA used at FREETOWN.

1941 (DE.20.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1/2d pair tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE with red on blue OPENED BY CENSOR/ label at right (WASC type 2) with violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 2 h/s on front.

SIERRA LEONE - 1919 1d rate SIERRA LEONE - 1919 1d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR' postcard to UK used at FREETOWN.

1919 (JA.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Congo Bridge Mountain Railway' bearing 1d adhesive tied FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE with black PASSED BY CENSOR h/s at left.

SIERRA LEONE - 1935 SIERRA LEONE - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' set on 'Bathurst-Stuttgart' flight cover.

1935 (DE.16.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing the 'Silver Jubilee' series (SG 181-84) tied by oval REGISTERED/SIERRA LEONE cds's and with scarce black on blue AIR MAIL BATHURST-STUTTGART label below. The reverse shows the violet AIR MAIL/GAMBIA-ENGLAND rubber cachet applied in transit with REGISTERED/GPO GAMBIA cancel dated three days later. A scarce routing which Sierra Leone took advantage of from November of 1935 of the Luft Hansa Company which ran flights from Stuttgart to South American via Gambia.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 2 1/2d rate (GB adhesive) censored maritime cover to Capetown.SIERRA LEONE - 1942 2 1/2d rate (GB adhesive) censored maritime cover to Capetown.

1942 (SP.25.) cover addressed to Cape Town bearing 'GB' 2 1/2d adhesive tied by black boxed POSTED ON STEAMER handstamp with FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds at left and with black on cream P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ QQ/16 censor label at left with 'Wt 9948/L58 20M 4/42' imprint. Walton type 3.

SIERRA LEONE - 1938 3d brown RPSE unused.  H&G 5.SIERRA LEONE - 1938 3d brown RPSE unused. H&G 5.

1938 3d brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 5.

SIERRA LEONE - 1916 1 1/2d red PSC to UK used at FREETOWN.  H&G 15.SIERRA LEONE - 1916 1 1/2d red PSC to UK used at FREETOWN. H&G 15.

1916 1 1/2d red on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to UK cancelled by neat FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds dated DE.28.36. H&G 15.

SIERRA LEONE - 1916 1 1/2d red PSC unused.  H&G 15.SIERRA LEONE - 1916 1 1/2d red PSC unused. H&G 15.

1916 1 1/2d red on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 15.

SIERRA LEONE - 1941 green cross SIERRA LEONE - 1941 green cross 'ACTIVE SERVICE' envelope use at FPO/41 to UK.

1941 (14.JU.) use of green cross (A.F. W3078) ACTIVE SERVICE envelope addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied FIELD POST OFFICE/41 cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1911 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland from Sembehu with concentric circle strike.SIERRA LEONE - 1911 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland from Sembehu with concentric circle strike.

1911 (FE.14.) Sembehoon village use of picture postcard addressed to Switzerland depicting 'Big Market On A Saturday' and bearing 1/2d green tied in transit by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds with literally illegible SEMBEHU cds at left but with an additional 1/2d applied to picture side which has been cancelled by unusual black double ringed 'target' strike.

SIERRA LEONE - 1910 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland used at MOYAMBA.SIERRA LEONE - 1910 1d rate postcard use to Switzerland used at MOYAMBA.

1910 (JU.18.) use of picture postcard addressed to Switzerland depicting 'Freetown-Kissy Road' and bearing 1d adhesive with MOYAMBA/SIERRA LEONE cds at left with the stamp (as per regulations) being cancelled by FREETOWN cds in transit in head office.
