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CYPRUS - 1943 3p dark blue RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally.  H&G 13b.CYPRUS - 1943 3p dark blue RPSE (size H) unused and struck SPECIMEN diagonally. H&G 13b.

1943 3p dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied in black diagonally on front. H&G 13b.

CYPRUS - 1907 10 para orange PSC used locally at PAPHO.  H&G 14.CYPRUS - 1907 10 para orange PSC used locally at PAPHO. H&G 14.

1907 10 para orange on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled PAPHO/CYPRUS and dated AP.5.1910. H&G 14.


1955 (30.AU.) issued 40 mils blue and yellow on white INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON cancelled NICOSIA S-S.O.CYPRUS/PARCELS.

CYPRUS - 1947 CYPRUS - 1947 'UPU' congress folder

1947 'Congress Postal Universel Paris' red and gold official folder with definitive values to 90pi and with Victory pair affixed inside. Given to delegates attending the congress. Some surface scruffs as usual with these folders.

CYPRUS - 1952 15m maroon Israel PSC bearing Cyprus 1/2p adhesive used at NICOSIA.CYPRUS - 1952 15m maroon Israel PSC bearing Cyprus 1/2p adhesive used at NICOSIA.

1952 (JU.7.) use of an Israeli 15m maroon on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally to Nicosia and bearing additional Cyprus KGVI 1/2p adhesive tied NICOSIA. Genuine and unusual use of this stationery in Cyprus.

CYPRUS - 1946 (circa) 1/2pi local cover used at MAKHERAS MON/RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1946 (circa) 1/2pi local cover used at MAKHERAS MON/RURAL/SERVICE.

1946 circa cover addressed locally bearing 1/2p adhesive tied by MAKHERAS MON/RURAL/POSTAL/ SERVICE/CYPRUS cancel used from the Makheras Monastery. (Proud type D2).

CYPRUS - 1948 (circa) 1 1/2pi CYPRUS - 1948 (circa) 1 1/2pi 'Silver Wedding' adhesive on local cover used at AKACHA/SERVICE.

1948 (circa) local cover bearing 1 1/2d violet 'Wedding' adhesive tied by AKACHA/SERVICE rural cancel with NICOSIA arrival b/s.

CYPRUS - 1893 1/2p green PSC used locally from NIKOSIA.  H&G 10.CYPRUS - 1893 1/2p green PSC used locally from NIKOSIA. H&G 10.

1893 1/2p green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally to Larnaca cancelled by squared circle NIKOSIA/CYPRUS cancel dated FE.11.02. H&G 10.

CYPRUS - 1929 CYPRUS - 1929 'KHEDIVAL MAIL LINE' maritime cover to Egypt.

1929 cover addressed to Egypt bearing 1/4p, 1/2p and 3/4p adhesives each cancelled by three ringed KHEDIVAL MAIL LINE handstamps from S.S.BILBELS and with PORT SAID TRAFFIC arrival b/s dated AUG.29.

CYPRUS - 1912 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper to Egypt used at LARNACA.  H&G 9.CYPRUS - 1912 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper to Egypt used at LARNACA. H&G 9.

1912 1/2 green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to Egypt and cancelled by LARNACA/CYPRUS cds dated NO.22.12. H&G 9.

CYPRUS - 1933 1 1/2p rate cover to UK used at KYRENIA.CYPRUS - 1933 1 1/2p rate cover to UK used at KYRENIA.

1933 (JA.12) cover to UK bearing 1 1/2p (SG 120) tied by KYRENIA/CYPRUS cds.

CYPRUS - 1907 10p orange uprated PSC to UK used at NIKOSIA.  H&G 14.CYPRUS - 1907 10p orange uprated PSC to UK used at NIKOSIA. H&G 14.

1907 10 paras Orange on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to UK bearing additional 1/2p adhesive (SG 62) & tied by squared circle NIKOSIA/CYPRUS cds JU.15.08. H&G 14.

CYPRUS - 1929 1/2p rate cover to Egypt cancelled KHEDIVAL MAIL LINE with S.S.BILBELS maritime h/s.CYPRUS - 1929 1/2p rate cover to Egypt cancelled KHEDIVAL MAIL LINE with S.S.BILBELS maritime h/s.

1929 cover addressed to Egypt bearing 1/2p adhesive cancelled by three ringed KHEDIVAL MAIL LINE handstamps from S.S.BILBELS and with ALEXANDRIA arrival b/s dated 20.AUG.29.

CYPRUS - 1952 tatty cover from Nicosia to Athens struck CYPRUS - 1952 tatty cover from Nicosia to Athens struck 'INCONNU' on arrival.

1952 (JY.9.) cover addressed to Athen in Greece (roughly opened at top and with age marks and vertical fold) bering 1p (x2) and 1 1/2p (x2) adhesives tied NICOSIA. Undelivered and returned with Greek 'INCONNU' h/s applied. Faults but with original contents.

CYPRUS - 1931 1 1/2p rate commercial cover to UK used at LIMASSOL.CYPRUS - 1931 1 1/2p rate commercial cover to UK used at LIMASSOL.

1931 (OC.22.) use of commercial cover to UK bearing 1 1/2p red adhesive tied LIMASSOL.

CYPRUS - 1950 CYPRUS - 1950 'Dear Doctor' postcard to France used at NICOSIA.

1950 (DE.15.) use of 'Dear Doctor' postcard addressed to France depicting 'Le Chateau De Kyrenia' and bearing 1/2p green pair tied NICOSIA/CYPRUS.

CYPRUS - 1933 1p rate postcard use to Egypt used at PAPHOS.CYPRUS - 1933 1p rate postcard use to Egypt used at PAPHOS.

1933 (DEC.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to Egypt depicting 'Pets-Tou Romiou Rocks off the Papho Road, Cyprus' (light creases) bearing 1/4pi and 3/4pi adhesives (SG 103+119) tied by PAPHOS/CYPRUS cds's.

CYPRUS - 1932 1/2p CYPRUS - 1932 1/2p 'Printed Matter' rate cover to Germany.

1932 (NOV.9.) cover addressed to Germany struck PRINTED MATTER and bearing 1/2p green adhesive tied by weak NICOSIA/CYPRUS cds.

CYPRUS - 1937 3p rate CYPRUS - 1937 3p rate 'ADRIATICA' maritime use cover to USA.

1937 (10.5.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1/2p 'Coronation' adhesive pair tied by PIROSCAFO POSTALE GERUSAI 5MME cds with ADRIATICA boxed maritime h/s at left.

CYPRUS - 1930CYPRUS - 1930's (circa) 3/4pi local cover used at STROVOLOS/RURAL/POSTAL/SERVICE.

1930's circa cover addressed locally to Nicosia bearing 3/4pi adhesive tied by STROVOLOS/ RURAL/POSTAL/SERVICE/CYPRUS cancel. Proud type D2.

CYPRUS - 1930CYPRUS - 1930's (circa) 10p postcard local use at EXOMETOKHI/G.R.RURAL/SERVICE.

1930's circa coloured picture postcard of fortified mountain castle addressed locally to Famagusta bearing 'GV' 10 paras adhesive tied by EXOMETOKHI/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE/CYPRUS cds. (Proud type D1). A scarce rural use.

CYPRUS - 1927 inward cover from Germany undelivered and struck CYPRUS - 1927 inward cover from Germany undelivered and struck 'RETURNED TO ENGLAND'.

1927 (7.6.) inward cover from Germany with part NICOSIA arrival b/s. The cover could not be delivered and is struck by violet boxed RETURNED TO ENGLAND WITHOUT/A REASON FOR NON DELIVERY on reverse side with RETOUR/A L'ENVOYER handstamp on front.

CYPRUS - 1915 1/2p green PSC used locally at NICOSIA.  H&G 17.CYPRUS - 1915 1/2p green PSC used locally at NICOSIA. H&G 17.

1915 1/2pi green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by fine d/r NICOSIA/CYPRUS cds dated 29.SEP.32. A scarce card used. H&G 17.

CYPRUS - 1915 30p rate cover to UK used at PAPHO.CYPRUS - 1915 30p rate cover to UK used at PAPHO.

1915 (JA.14) cover to UK bearing 10 paras (x3) adhesives (SG 74) tied by two neat PAPHO/ CYPRUS cds's.

CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE uprated locally used at LIMASSOL.  H&G 11a.CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE uprated locally used at LIMASSOL. H&G 11a.

1925 2 1/2p blue on white registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed locally to Larnaca & bearing additional 30 paras & 1/4p pair tied LIMASSOL/CYPRUS cds's dated 7.DE.26. H&G 11a.

CYPRUS - 1909 use of picture postcard to UK used at NIKOSIA.CYPRUS - 1909 use of picture postcard to UK used at NIKOSIA.

1909 (AP.30.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Cobblers' bearing 10p and 1/2p adhesives tied by light squared circle NIKOSIA/CYPRUS cancel.

CYPRUS - 1893 1/2p green PSC uprated to Austria used at LARNICA.  H&G 10.CYPRUS - 1893 1/2p green PSC uprated to Austria used at LARNICA. H&G 10.

1893-5 1/2p Green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Austria bearing additional 1/2p adhesive (SG 40) tied by squared circle LARNICA/CYPRUS cancel MR.25.98. H&G 10.

CYPRUS - 1902 1/2p green PSC unused.  H&G 12.CYPRUS - 1902 1/2p green PSC unused. H&G 12.

1902 1/2p green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 12.

CYPRUS - 1888 2pi dark blue (size F) RPSE unused.  H&G 7.CYPRUS - 1888 2pi dark blue (size F) RPSE unused. H&G 7.

1888 2pi dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F). Fine unused. H&G 7.

CYPRUS - 1881 2p dark blue RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 2.CYPRUS - 1881 2p dark blue RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 2.

1881 2p dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition with serrated edged flap with 'McCorquodale & Co Limited' imprint. H&G 2.

CYPRUS - 1880 1d brown PSC unused.  H&G 2.CYPRUS - 1880 1d brown PSC unused. H&G 2.

1880 1d brown on cream 'GB' postal stationery postcard overprinted 'CYPRUS' in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

CYPRUS - 1951 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL E.R. AY.ANDRONICO.CYPRUS - 1951 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL E.R. AY.ANDRONICO.

1951 local cover bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155ab) tied by RURAL E.R/AY.ANDRONICO cancel with FAMAGUSTA 8.DE.51. b/s.

CYPRUS - 1947 1 1/2p rate cover used locally at ASGATA/E.R. RURAL SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1947 1 1/2p rate cover used locally at ASGATA/E.R. RURAL SERVICE.

1947 cover addressed locally & bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155fa) tied by ASGATA/ER/RURAL/SERVICE cancel with NICOSIA & LIMASSOL b/s's dated 16.JU.47.

CYPRUS - 1950 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL G.R.GALINOPORNI.CYPRUS - 1950 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL G.R.GALINOPORNI.

1950 local cover bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by RURAL G.R. GALINOPORNI cancel with YIALOUSA 28.DE.50 and FAMAGUSTA 29.DE.50 b/s.

CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) 1/2p rate local cover used at NISOU STATION/GR/RURAL STATION.CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) 1/2p rate local cover used at NISOU STATION/GR/RURAL STATION.

1950 (circa) cover addressed locally bearing two 'KGVI' 1/4p adhesives (SG 151) tied by bluish NISOU STATION/GR/RURAL/SERVICE cancels.

CYPRUS - 1951 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL E.R. AY.ANDRONICO.CYPRUS - 1951 1 1/2p rate local cover used at RURAL E.R. AY.ANDRONICO.

1951 local cover bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155ab) tied by RURAL E.R. AY.ANDRONICO cancel with FAMAGUSTA 10.DE.51 b/s.

CYPRUS - 1934 3/4pi rate miniature cover to UK used at LARNACA.CYPRUS - 1934 3/4pi rate miniature cover to UK used at LARNACA.

1934 (MY.13.) miniature cover addressed to UK bearing 3/4pi brownish-black (SG 119) tied by LARNACA/CYPRUS cds. Underpaid for transit overseas but not taxed.

CYPRUS - 1915 10p orange uprated PSC to UK used at NICOSIA.  CYPRUS - 1915 10p orange uprated PSC to UK used at NICOSIA.

1915 10 paras orange on buff 'GV' postal stationery postcard to UK bearing additional 10p adhesive (SG 74) & tied by NICOSIA/CYPRUS cds dated 28.5.20. Unlisted by H&G.

CYPRUS - 1952 2 1/2p rate postcard use to Egypt used at PEDHOULAS.CYPRUS - 1952 2 1/2p rate postcard use to Egypt used at PEDHOULAS.

1952 (AU.15.) postcard use to Egypt depicting 'Cyprus-natives returning from the fields' bearing 1/2p and 2p adhesives tied by PEDHOULAS/CYPRUS cds. Egyptian censor applied on arrival.

CYPRUS - 1960 REVENUE series of nine unmounted mint.CYPRUS - 1960 REVENUE series of nine unmounted mint.

1960 'First Republican' REVENUE series of nine values (5m to 1000m) in fine unmounted mint condition. Barefoot 53-61.

CYPRUS - 1962 10m on 25m blue surcharge REVENUE block of four U/M.CYPRUS - 1962 10m on 25m blue surcharge REVENUE block of four U/M.

1962 'First Republican' REVENUE 10m on 25m blue surcharge in a fine unmounted top corner block of four with sheet number.

CYPRUS - 1933 1p rate postcard use to UK used at KYRENIA.CYPRUS - 1933 1p rate postcard use to UK used at KYRENIA.

1933 use of black and white picture postcard adressed to UK bearing 1p (SG 106) tied by KYRENIA/CYPRUS cds dated 5.AU.33.

CYPRUS - 1925 1 1/2p carmine rose PSC unused.  H&G 23.CYPRUS - 1925 1 1/2p carmine rose PSC unused. H&G 23.

1925 1 1/2p carmine rose on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 23.

CYPRUS - 1921 1/2p green PSC unused.  H&G 19.CYPRUS - 1921 1/2p green PSC unused. H&G 19.

1921 1/2p green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 19.

CYPRUS - 1920 10p orange stationery wrapper used locally at KALAVASSO/CYPRUS.  H&G 12.CYPRUS - 1920 10p orange stationery wrapper used locally at KALAVASSO/CYPRUS. H&G 12.

1920 10 paras orange on buff postral stationery wrapper addressed locally cancelled by weak KALAVASSO/CYPRUS cds dated 26.JY.24. A scarce agency use of this stationery. H&G 12.

CYPRUS - 1937 2 1/2p CYPRUS - 1937 2 1/2p 'Coronation' cover to USA used at LEFKA.

1937 (NO.30.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2p 'Coronation' adhesive tied by LEFKA/ CYPRUS cds. A scarce village use.

CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE (size F) unused.  H&G 11.CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE (size F) unused. H&G 11.

1925 2 1/2p blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition. H&G 11.

CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE (size H) unused.  H&G 11b.CYPRUS - 1925 2 1/2p blue RPSE (size H) unused. H&G 11b.

1925 2 1/2p blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition. H&G 11b.

CYPRUS - 1922 2p black on 2 1/2p on 1p deep rose PSC to Germany used at LIMASSOL.  H&G 20.CYPRUS - 1922 2p black on 2 1/2p on 1p deep rose PSC to Germany used at LIMASSOL. H&G 20.

1922 2p black surcharge on 2 1/2p on 1p deep rose on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (genuine use) and cancelled LIMASSOL/CYPRUS dated 1925. H&G 20.

CYPRUS - 1907 10p orange PSC used locally at POLI-TIS-KHRYSOKHOU/CYPRUS.  H&G 14.CYPRUS - 1907 10p orange PSC used locally at POLI-TIS-KHRYSOKHOU/CYPRUS. H&G 14.

1907 10 paras orange on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally cancelled by scarce POLI -TIS - KHRYSOKHOU/CYPRUS cds dated JY.26.10. (Proud type D1). PAPHO transit b/s. A very scarce village use of this stationery item. H&G 14.

CYPRUS - 1930 1 1/2pi rate cover to UK used at LEFKA/CYPRUS.CYPRUS - 1930 1 1/2pi rate cover to UK used at LEFKA/CYPRUS.

1930 (JA.21.) cover addressed to UK bearing 3/4pi adhesive pair tied LEFKA/CYPRUS (Proud type D2). A little reduced at left edge from opening.

CYPRUS - 1881 10/- green CYPRUS - 1881 10/- green 'un-appropriated die' SPECIMEN.

1881 10/- green 'un-appropriated die' adhesive in fine mint condition with CYPRUS applied in name tablet and handstamped SPECIMEN in black.

CYPRUS - 1881 5/- green CYPRUS - 1881 5/- green 'un-appropriated die' SPECIMEN.

1881 5/- green 'un-appropriated die' adhesive in mint condition (flat gum from some adherence) with CYRPUS applied in name tablet and handstamped SPECIMEN in black.

CYPRUS - 1881 2/- green CYPRUS - 1881 2/- green 'un-appropriated die' SPECIMEN.

1881 2/- green 'un-appropriated die' issue with CYPRUS inserted name tablet in blue in fine mint condition handstamped SPECIMEN in black. Barefoot and Hall 12.

CYPRUS - 1878 3d lilac CYPRUS - 1878 3d lilac 'un-appropriated die' SPECIMEN.

1878 3d lilac 'un-appropriated die' issue with CYPRUS inserted in name tablet in brown (Barefoot only records this value in green) in fine mint condition (few short perfs and bottom) handstamped SPECIMEN diagonally in black.

CYPRUS - 1878 1d lilac CYPRUS - 1878 1d lilac 'un-appropriated die' SPECIMEN.

1878 1d lilac 'un-appropriated die' issue with CYPRUS inserted in name tablet in black in fine mint condition handstamped SPECIMEN diagonally in black.

CYPRUS - 1965 FORCES AIR LETTER (no message) addressed to CAPO 5047.CYPRUS - 1965 FORCES AIR LETTER (no message) addressed to CAPO 5047.

1965 use of red on grey bilingual FORCES AIR LETTER addressed to CAPO 5047 struck by red FLOWN BY RCAF AIRCRAFT/NICOSIA-PISA-MARVILLE/DECIMOMANNU-SARDINIA and with black five lined CANADIAN CONTINGENT peace force handstamp applied in black. A scarcer use by Canadaian troops stationed in Cyprus. No message.

CYPRUS - 1960 10m green postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 20.CYPRUS - 1960 10m green postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 20.

1960 10m green on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition overprinted 'Republic Of Cyprus' in Greek and Turkish. H&G 20.

CYPRUS - 1960 3m brown postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 19.CYPRUS - 1960 3m brown postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 19.

1960 3m brown on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition overprinted 'Republic Of Cyprus' in Greek and Turkish. H&G 19.

CYPRUS - 1954 10m green postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 18.CYPRUS - 1954 10m green postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 18.

1954 10m green on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 18.

CYPRUS - 1938 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN.  H&G 15.CYPRUS - 1938 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN. H&G 15.

1938 1/2p green on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 15.

CYPRUS - 1954 2m brown postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 17.CYPRUS - 1954 2m brown postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 17.

1954 2m brown on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 17.

CYPRUS - 1953 1 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 16.CYPRUS - 1953 1 1/2p green postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 16.

1953 1 1/2p green on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 16.

CYPRUS - 1938 1/4p brown postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN.  H&G 14.CYPRUS - 1938 1/4p brown postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN. H&G 14.

1938 1/4p brown on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 14.

CYPRUS - 1938 1/4p brown postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 14.CYPRUS - 1938 1/4p brown postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 14.

1938 1/4 paras brown on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 14.

CYPRUS - 1912 5p olive yellow postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN.  H&G 8.CYPRUS - 1912 5p olive yellow postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN. H&G 8.

1912 5 paras olive yellow on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diaginally in black. H&G 8.

CYPRUS - 1910 5p olive yellow postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 7.CYPRUS - 1910 5p olive yellow postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 7.

1910 5 paras olive yellow on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 7.

CYPRUS - 1894 10p carmine postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN.  H&G 4.CYPRUS - 1894 10p carmine postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN. H&G 4.

1894 10 paras carmine on buff postal stationery wrapper (gum edge fault) hanstamped SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 4.

CYPRUS - 1894 10p carmine postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 4.CYPRUS - 1894 10p carmine postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 4.

1894 10 paras carmine on buff postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 4.

CYPRUS - 1932 first flight cover to Rhodes.CYPRUS - 1932 first flight cover to Rhodes.

1932 (AP.23.) first flight cover addressed to Rhodes bearing 1 1/2pi adhesive tied by LIMASSOL/ CYPRUS cds with POSTA AEREA/RODI EGEO arrival b/s.

CYPRUS - 1881 2/- green CYPRUS - 1881 2/- green 'Unappropriated Die' fine mint for CYPRUS handstamped SPECIMEN.

1881 2/- green 'unappropriated die' issue with CYPRUS inserted name tablet in blue in fine mint condition handstamped SPECIMEN in black. Barefoot and Hall 12.

CYPRUS - 1955 3m green PSC used locally cancelled LARNACA. H&G 29.CYPRUS - 1955 3m green PSC used locally cancelled LARNACA. H&G 29.

1955 3m green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally cancelled by LARNACA/ CYPRUS cds dated 4.JAN.60. H&G 29.

CYPRUS - 1880 1d red in a mint block of four (paper/small thin) from PLATE 216.  SG 2. 
CYPRUS - 1880 1d red in a mint block of four (paper/small thin) from PLATE 216. SG 2.

1880 1d red in a mint block of four (one stamp with paper remains and small edge thin) from PLATE 216. SG 2.

CYPRUS - 1942 (circa) 2 1/2p rate cover to France with CYPRUS - 1942 (circa) 2 1/2p rate cover to France with 'PASSED BY CENSOR 18' h/s applied

(1942) cover addressed to No.1 General Hospital (BEF) in France bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by KYRENIA/CYPRUS cds with black on cream creasted OPENED BY CENSOR label at top edge and struck by red d/r PASSED CENSOR/18/CYPRUS handstamp.

CYPRUS - 1942 3p rate use of OHMS envelope to USA with CYPRUS - 1942 3p rate use of OHMS envelope to USA with 'PASSED M/5' censor handstamp.

1942 (JUL.1) use of O.H.M.S. envelope addressed to USA & bearing 1p (fault) & 2p adhesives tied by FAMAGUSTA/CYPRUS cds's & with crowned octagonal PASSED/M/5 h/s applied in red. (Type H3).

CYPRUS - 1940 inward cover from Egypt with CYPRUS - 1940 inward cover from Egypt with 'PASSED BY CENSOR 1' h/s applied.

1940 (NO.26.) inward cover addressed to Kyrenia bearing British Occupation Of Egypt 10m red adhesive (SG A13) tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/173 cds with blue boxed PASSED BY/ R.A.F./CENSOR 4 handstamp below. NICOSIA transit b/s and KYRENIA arrival with scarce red d/r PASSED CENSOR/1/CYPRUS strike applied to the front.

CYPRUS - 1939 1 1/2p rate CYPRUS - 1939 1 1/2p rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 7' cover to UK used at NICOSIA.

1939 (DEC.14) cover to UK bearing 'GV' 1 1/2p adhesive (SG 137) tied by part NICOSIA/ CYPRUS cds with red PASSED CENSOR/7/CYPRUS h/s. (Type H2).

CYPRUS - 1940 1 1/2p CYPRUS - 1940 1 1/2p 'PASSED BY CENSOR 7' cover to UK used at LIMASSOL.

1940 (JUN.7) Cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2pi adhesive tied LIMASSOL/CYPRUS cds with black on white crested OPENED BY CENSOR label at top (Little type T1B) with VISIT/CYPRUS h/s below and struck by red PASSED CENSOR/7/CYPRUS h/s with violet 'Z' inserted.

CYPRUS - 1941 2p rate CYPRUS - 1941 2p rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 10' cover to UK used at NICOSIA.

1941 (FEB.28.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2pi and 1 1/2pi adhesives tied by NICOSIA/CYPRUS cds with black on white crested OPENED BY CENSOR label at right and struck on front by red d/r PASSED CENSOR/10/CYPRUS h/s.

CYPRUS - 1922 2p black on 2 1/2p black on 1p deep rose on buff PSC unused.  H&G 20.CYPRUS - 1922 2p black on 2 1/2p black on 1p deep rose on buff PSC unused. H&G 20.

1922 2p black on 2 1/2p black on 1p deep rose on buff (mottled as usual) postal stationery surcharge postcard in unused condition. H&G 20.

CYPRUS - 1858-1881 FOURNIER forgery overprint surcharges on piece.CYPRUS - 1858-1881 FOURNIER forgery overprint surcharges on piece.

1858-1881 range of FOURNIER overprint and surcharges printed in black on cream paper affixed to part of the (page 10) of the Fournier handbook showing three different strikes of 'Cyprus', together with 'Half-Penny' '1/2' and two differing strikes of '30 paras'.

CYPRUS - 1952 local 1  1/2pi rate cover used at VASILIA/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1952 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at VASILIA/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

1952 cover addressed locally bering 1 1/2p (SG 155ab) tied by VASILIA/GR/RURAL/ SERVICE cancel with NICOSIA & KYRENIA b/s's dated 10.MR.52.

CYPRUS - 1950 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at YEROLAKKOS/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1950 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at YEROLAKKOS/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

1950 cover addressed locally beraing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by fine YEROLAKKOS/GR/ RURAL/SERVICE cancel with NICOSIA b/s dated 26.AP.50.

CYPRUS - 1948 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at TROULLI/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1948 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at TROULLI/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

1948 cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by very fine TROULLI/G.R./ RURAL SERVICE/CYPRUS cancel with Larnaca & Nicosia 13.AU.48 b/s's.

CYPRUS - 1949 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at RURAL/E.R./TAVROS/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1949 local 1 1/2pi rate cover used at RURAL/E.R./TAVROS/SERVICE.

1949 cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by RURAL/ER/TAVROS/ SERVICE cancel with FAMAGUSTA b/s datsed 28.SP.49.

CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) 1 1/2pi rate local cover used at G.R.PALAEOMYLOS/RURAL SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) 1 1/2pi rate local cover used at G.R.PALAEOMYLOS/RURAL SERVICE.

Cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2pi 'Victory' adhesive (SG164) tied by fine G.R.PALAEOMYLOS/RURAL SERVICE cds.

CYPRUS - 1947 local cover used at PAKHNA/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1947 local cover used at PAKHNA/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

Local cover bearing KGVI 1 1/2pi cancelled by PAKHNA/GR RURAL/SERVICE/CYPRUS cancel with LIMASSOL 24.AP.47 b/s.

CYPRUS - 1952 local cover used at ODOU/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1952 local cover used at ODOU/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

1952 cover addressed locally bering 1 1/2p (SG 155ab) tie by ODOU/GR/RURAL/SERVICE cancel with NICOSIA & LARNACA b/s's dated 22.AU.52.

CYPRUS - 1952 (circa) local cover used at NISOU STATION/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1952 (circa) local cover used at NISOU STATION/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

Cover addressed locally bearing two 'KGVI' 1/4p adhesives (SG 151) tied by bluish NISOU STATION/GR/RURAL/SERVICE cancels.

CYPRUS - 1954 local cover used at MANDAES/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1954 local cover used at MANDAES/G.R./RURAL/SERVICE.

1954 cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155ab) tied by MANDRAES/GR/RURAL/ SERVICE cancel with NICOSIA, FAMAGUSTA & TRIKOMO b/s's all dated 14.MY.54.

CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) local cover used at RURAL/ER/KOPHINOU.CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) local cover used at RURAL/ER/KOPHINOU.

Cover addressed locally bering two 'KGVI' 1/4p adhesives (SG 151) each tied by superb crisp RURAL/ER/KOPHINOU cancels.

CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at GALINOPORNI/GR/RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at GALINOPORNI/GR/RURAL/SERVICE.

1950 cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tie dby GALINOPORNI/GR/RURAL/SERVICE cancel with YIALOUSA & FAMAGUSTA b/s's.

CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) local to UK used at APSIOU/GR/RURAL SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1950 (circa) local to UK used at APSIOU/GR/RURAL SERVICE.

Cover to UK bearing 'KGVI' 3pi (SG 156a) tied by APSIOU/GR RURAL SERVICE/CYPRUS cancellator with similar alongside.

CYPRUS - 1940 local cover used at ASGATA/ER/RURAL SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1940 local cover used at ASGATA/ER/RURAL SERVICE.

1948 cover addressed locally bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by very fine ASGATA/E.R./RURAL SERVICE/CYPRUS cancel with Limassol & Nicosia 20.NO.48 b/s's.

CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at ANOYIRA/GR/RURAL/SERVICE.CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at ANOYIRA/GR/RURAL/SERVICE.

1950 cover addressed locally beraing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by ANOYIRA/GR/RURAL/SERVICE cancel with LIMASSOL & NICOSIA b/s's dated 10.MR.50.

CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at RURAL/ER.AY.ANDRONICO.CYPRUS - 1950 local cover used at RURAL/ER.AY.ANDRONICO.

1950 Local cover bearing 1 1/2p (SG 155a) tied by RURAL E.R. AY. ANDRONICO cancel with FAMAGUSTA 30.DE.50 b/s.

CYPRUS - 1922 2 3/4pi blue on cream RPSE unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 10.CYPRUS - 1922 2 3/4pi blue on cream RPSE unused SPECIMEN. H&G 10.

1922 2 3/4p blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally on reverse. H&G 10.

CYPRUS - 1907 10p+10p orange PSRC unused SPECIMEN. Ex archive item.  H&G 16.CYPRUS - 1907 10p+10p orange PSRC unused SPECIMEN. Ex archive item. H&G 16.

1907 10p + 10p orange postal stationery reply postcard in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black and stamped '205' in green on reverse side. Ex archive item. H&G 16.

CYPRUS - 1959 CYPRUS - 1959 'PREVENT FOREST FIRES' (in English) label on local cover.

1959 (JA.8.) cover addressed locally to Famagusta bearing 10m adhesive tied NICOSIA/CYPRUS and with scarce red and black on white 'rouletted' PREVENT/FOREST/FIRES label at left.

CYPRUS - 1959 CYPRUS - 1959 'PREVENT FOREST FIRES' (in Greek) label on cover to UK.

1959 (JU.24.) cover addressed to UK bearing 30m adhesive tied by FAMAGUSTA/CYPRUS cds with scrace red and black on white rouletted PREVENT FOREST FIRES label alongside printed in Greek.
