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Showing items in category Malta, sorted by newest listed first.
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MALTA - 1899 10/- blue black fine used.  SG 35.MALTA - 1899 10/- blue black fine used. SG 35.

1899 10/- blue-black adhesive with 'CC' watermark in fine used condition. SG 35.

MALTA - 1901 1/2d green PSC for military service to Valletta used at ZABBAR.  H&G 3.MALTA - 1901 1/2d green PSC for military service to Valletta used at ZABBAR. H&G 3.

1901 1/2d green postal stationery postcard pre-addressed to 'W.R.Gatt - Ambulance Head Quarters at Porta Reale in Valletta' with reverse printed for 'I am willing/unwilling to serve'. The card used by a Alfred Fabri in Caleana but cancelled by scarce single ringed ZABBAR cds dated AU.3.14. Unusual item and scarce village origin. H&G 3.

MALTA - 1942 3d rate MALTA - 1942 3d rate 'BLUE CROSS' letter card to UK.

1942 dark blue on cream AIR MAIL/LETTER CARD addressed to UK bearing 3d violet adhesive tied by light VALLETTA/MALTA cds. This being from the special Christmas Air letter issue for servicemen with BLUE CROSS and with boxed BY AIR MAIL/FROM MALTA GC/CHRISTMAS 1942 at top left. Blue triangular PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied. Genuine internal message.

MALTA - 1942 underpaid MALTA - 1942 underpaid 'DD/1025' censor cover to Egypt with 1/2d postage due applied.

1942 (AP.7.) cover addressed to 'HMS Nile' in Alexandria Egypt bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied PRINCE OF WALES RD/MALTA with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER label at left struck by violet 'DD/1025' censor h/s's on front and with squared '1' strike on reverse (Little type H5A and 3B). The cover was underpaid and held back with DELIVERY BRANCH/MALTA b/s and with 1/2d green postage due added (SG D11) tied VALLETTA and dated AP.16.42. A scarce single use of this 1/2d due adhesive.

MALTA - 1958 3d MALTA - 1958 3d 'Commonwealth Reply Coupon' issued at VALLETTA.

1958 (MY.23.) issued 3d red on white COMMONWEALTH REPLY COUPON cancelled VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1936 inward underpaid cover from Hungary with 1d MALTA - 1936 inward underpaid cover from Hungary with 1d 'postage due' applied at VALLETTA.

1936 inward underpaid cover from Hungary struck by 'T' tax mark and with 1d 'postage due' applied on arrival tied VALLETTA/MALTA with circular '65' postmans strike on reverse. Complete with the original contents.

MALTA - 1916 1/4d (x4) censored cover to Egypt used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1916 1/4d (x4) censored cover to Egypt used at VALLETTA.

1916 (AP.4.) cover addressed to Egypt bearing 1/4d brown strip of four tied by MALTA cds with red triangular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/No.3478 h/s. ARMY POST OFFICE S.Z.1. backstamp and ALEXANDRIA cds.

MALTA - 1919 1/4d (x4) censored postcard use to USA used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1919 1/4d (x4) censored postcard use to USA used at VALLETTA.

1919 (JY.16.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Malta-Dockyard Creek' bearing 1/4d brown strip of four tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cdsand struck with black triangular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/No.4160 h/s.

MALTA - 1934 1/4d (x5) on postcard to Ireland used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1934 1/4d (x5) on postcard to Ireland used at VALLETTA.

1934 (FE.24.) use of picture postcard addressed to Ireland depicting ' View of Valletta from Marsamuscetto bearing 1/4d brown strip of six making up a 1 1/2d rate tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1922 1/4d on 2d grey mint with lower half of one faded out.  SG 122.MALTA - 1922 1/4d on 2d grey mint with lower half of one faded out. SG 122.

1922 1/4d on 2d grey in fine mint condition showing the variety LOWER HALF OF ONE FADED OUT from Row 6 stamp 2 of the left hand bottom pane of the 1st printing. SG 122.

MALTA - 1915 inward underpaid 10c PSC from Italy censored and with MALTA - 1915 inward underpaid 10c PSC from Italy censored and with '2d' tax mark applied.

1915 inward under paid 10c postal stationery reply postcard from Italy struck on arrival by 'T' tax mark with '2d' due mark (Proud type A 10) and with red circular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/ No.1078 handstamp applied.

MALTA - 1960 MALTA - 1960 'PARCEL POST MALTA' customs declaration gummed form (P.P.335) unused.

1960 'PARCEL POST MALTA' customs declaration gummed form (P.P.335) unused.

MALTA - 1929 1d blue WORKMENS COMPENSATION adhesive U/M.MALTA - 1929 1d blue WORKMENS COMPENSATION adhesive U/M.

1929 1d blue 'WORKMENS COMPENSATION' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint bottom example but with a light tone spots around two lower perf. Barefoot and Hall 6.

MALTA - 1905 1/2d underpaid rate postcard use to Italy with 10c MALTA - 1905 1/2d underpaid rate postcard use to Italy with 10c 'postage due' added.

1905 (MA.6.) use of underpaid piocture postcard addressed to Italy depicting 'Gozo Boat' bearing Edward VII 1/2d green tied by oval VALLETTA/MALTA cds with black 'T' tax h/s at left and Italian 10c 'postage due' addred on arrival tied NAPOLI.

MALTA - 1958 MALTA - 1958 '9' on 8d 'INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON' issued at VALLETTA.

1958 (OC.11.) issued '9' on 8 pence 'INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON-MALTA' cancelled VALLETTA but not cashed.

MALTA - 1877 MALTA - 1877 'GB' 2d blue (x3) + 1/2d 'MALTA - A25' cancelled entire to Italy. SG Z23+34.

1877 (AU.23.) use of outer wrapper addressed to Catania in Italy bearing GB 1/2d rose red (Plate 11) and three 2d blue (Plate 15) examples tied by 'A 25' duplex's with MALATA s.r cds alongside. Two stamps with corner faults but an attractive 6 1/2d rate item. SG Z23+34.

MALTA - 1873 cover to UK with GB 4d vermilion (x2) tied MALTA - 1873 cover to UK with GB 4d vermilion (x2) tied 'A25' at MALTA. SG Z49.

1873 (MY.3.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Via Italy' and bearing 4d vermilion adhesive pair from Plate 12 tied by 'A25' duplex wirth MALTA cds alongside. A nice 8d franking rate.

MALTA - 1902 use of 3d REVENUE on 1/- violet on complete transportation document.MALTA - 1902 use of 3d REVENUE on 1/- violet on complete transportation document.

1902 use of 'Navigazione Generale Italiana' transportation document bearing QV 3d REVENUE on 1/- violet surcharged adhesive (Barefoot 9) tied by violet company cancels. A scarce item as a complete document.

MALTA - 1941 MALTA - 1941 'MALTA IS GRATEFUL' censored cover to Natal.

1941 (16.V.) stampless cover addressed to Durban in South Africa marked 'On Active Service' and bearing the MALTA IS GRATEFUL patriotic label cancelled by DURBAN roller strike on arrival. Tomb stone crested R.A.F./CENOSR/47 h/s applied in blue and complete with the original letter from the Postmaster General explaining the background and issue of these labels.

MALTA - 1918 1/4d (x4) on censored cover to Egypt used at SLIEMA B.O./MALTA.MALTA - 1918 1/4d (x4) on censored cover to Egypt used at SLIEMA B.O./MALTA.

1918 (SP.8.) cover addressed to Capt Gatt at Royal Field Artillery in Egypt bearing four examples of the 1/4d brown adhesive tied by SLIEMA B.O./MALTA branch office cancel with two black On cream OPENED BY/CENSOR labels at bottom each tied by neat red triangular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/ No.3478 h/s's. ALEXANDRIA arrival b/s.

MALTA - 1938 1 1/2d scarlet mint block of four showing the BROKEN CROSS variety.  SG 220a.MALTA - 1938 1 1/2d scarlet mint block of four showing the BROKEN CROSS variety. SG 220a.

1938 1 1/2d scarlet in a fine mint bottom part imprint marginal block of four showing the BROKEN CROSS variety on Row 5/7. SG 220a.

MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE uprated to Switzerland.  H&G 6a.MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE uprated to Switzerland. H&G 6a.

1923 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to Switzerland bearing additional 1 1/2d and 'Two Penny Halfpenny' on 3d adhesives tied GPO/MALTA and dated FE.11.26. H&G 6a.

MALTA - 1838 inward MALTA - 1838 inward 'PAID AT KILMARNOCK' entire from UK.

1838 inward 'PAID/AT/KILMARNOCK' entire from UK with red tomb stone G/PAID handstamp and LONDON transit b/s dated 3.MAR.1838. An early inward item to Malta.

MALTA - 1877 2 1/2d (SG Z23+Z30) rate cover to UK.MALTA - 1877 2 1/2d (SG Z23+Z30) rate cover to UK.

1877 (AP.17.) cover addressed to Scotland bearing a 1d red pair (plate 160) with 1/2d rose red (plate 10) cancelled by 'A 25' duplex's with MALTA cds alongside. SG Z23+Z30. Marked 'Via Italy'.

MALTA - 1936 1/- MALTA - 1936 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' franking on registered cover to UK.

1936 (MR.11.) registered cover to UK bearing 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive (SG 213) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1941 5/- rate MALTA - 1941 5/- rate 'via Lisbon' RAF censored cover to Barbados with MALTA IS GRATFUL label.

1941 cover addressed to Barbados (very unusual) bearing 5/- (SG 230) tied by security wavy lined cancel showing no origin or date but additionally ties red, white and blue 'patriotic' MALTA IS GRATFUL label at left. The cover is marked 'Via Lisbon & USA' and is opened on two sides one of which shows cream label cancelled by blue OPENED BY CENSOR handstamp. Little type 2A and very scarce. Additionally struck on front by 'tomb stone' RAF/CENSOR/21 strike with a further blue example on reverse of RAF/CENSOR 83. Complete with original letter and with BARBADOS/ST.PHILIP arrival b/s dated 29.SEP.41. Sent from RAF Station - Hal Far in Malta.

MALTA - 1864 4d rate entire addressed to Italy.MALTA - 1864 4d rate entire addressed to Italy.

1864 (FE.14.) entire addressed to Italy bearing GB 4d (SG Z47) tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside and with boxed PIROSCAFI /POST/FRANCESI strike applied in black. Some minor age faults. Red 'PD' (Paid) h/s on front and MESSINI arrival b/s.

MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE (size G) uprated to France used at SLIEMA.  H&G 6.MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE (size G) uprated to France used at SLIEMA. H&G 6.

1923 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to France and bearing additional 2 1/2d 'Postage' overprint adhesive tied by SLIEMA/MALTA cds dated 24.JY.26. H&G 6.

MALTA - 1863 use of GB 1d rate seamans cover to UK from HM Trident docked at Malta.MALTA - 1863 use of GB 1d rate seamans cover to UK from HM Trident docked at Malta.

1863 (MAR.3.) cover addressed to UK marked 'From John Stephens/H.M.Ship Trident/Malta' and bearing GB 1d red tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside. Some edge faults and creases to reverse flap. Signed by the Commanding Officer. A nice maritime item.

MALTA - 1868 use of GB 6d rate cover to UK struck MALTA - 1868 use of GB 6d rate cover to UK struck 'A 25' at Malta. SG Z43.

1868 (NO.23.) cover addressed to UK (ex reverse flap) bearing 3d rose from Plate 5 (SG Z43) tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside.

MALTA - 1870 use of GB 1/- + 2d rate outer wrapper to Greece struck MALTA - 1870 use of GB 1/- + 2d rate outer wrapper to Greece struck 'A 25' from Malta. SG Z30+78.

1870 (FE.25.) entire addressed to Greece (heavy horizontal fold) marked 'Via Messine' bearing GB 1d red (x2) from plate 130 (SG Z30) together with the 1/- green from plate 4 (SG Z78) tied by 'A 25' duplex cancels and with MALTA s/r cds alongside. Red 'PD' h/s applied. A scarce 1/1/d rate cover.

MALTA - 1904 inward postcard from UK.MALTA - 1904 inward postcard from UK.

1904 (OC.29.) inward postcard from UK used at Bath with 1d on address side and 1/2d on reverse. VALLETTA (GPO)/MALTA arrival; cds and SLIEMA B.O. arrival. Oval '10' postmans handstamp and struck CONTRARY TO REGULATIONS/F.B. (Foreign Branch) h/s at bottom refering to the use of the stamp on the reverse side.

MALTA - 1922 10/- black fine unmounted mint.  SG 121.MALTA - 1922 10/- black fine unmounted mint. SG 121.

1922 10/- black (intense) with script watermark overprinted SELF GOVERNMENT in red in a fine unmounted mint example. Poorly centered as one normally finds. SG 121.

MALTA - 1942 censored MALTA - 1942 censored 'OAS' cover to UK with 1d MALTA HELP THE RELIEF FUND label used at VALLETTA.

1942 MR.16.) cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' and bearing the red, white and blue '1d MALTA HELP THE RELIEF FUND' patriotic label with light VALLETTA cds alongside and with violet crowned triangular PASSED BY CENSOR h/s at lower left.

MALTA - 1925 1/- green REVENUE fine mint.MALTA - 1925 1/- green REVENUE fine mint.

1925 1/- green REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 33.

MALTA - 1925 6d blue REVENUE fine mint.MALTA - 1925 6d blue REVENUE fine mint.

1925 6d blue REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 32.

MALTA - 1925 3d red REVENUE fine mint.MALTA - 1925 3d red REVENUE fine mint.

1925 3d red REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 31.

MALTA - 1925 1d green REVENUE fine mint.MALTA - 1925 1d green REVENUE fine mint.

1925 1d green REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 30.

MALTA - 1925 1/2d purple REVENUE fine mint overprinted REGISTERS.MALTA - 1925 1/2d purple REVENUE fine mint overprinted REGISTERS.

1925 1/2d purple REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition overprinted REGISTERS. Barefoot and Hall 1.

MALTA - 1856 6d rate cover to UK bearing SG Z55.MALTA - 1856 6d rate cover to UK bearing SG Z55.

1856 (OC.22.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Via Marseilles' and bearing GB 6d lilac (SG Z55) tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside.

MALTA - 1865 6d rate cover to UK bearing SG Z55.MALTA - 1865 6d rate cover to UK bearing SG Z55.

1865 (FE.9.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Via marseilles' and bearing GB 6d lilac (SG Z55) tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALATA cds alongside.

MALTA - 1872 stampless wrapper rated MALTA - 1872 stampless wrapper rated '6' addressed to Turkey cancelled MALTA.

1872 (MR.23.) stampless outer wrapper addressed to Turkey rated '6' in manuscript and with s/r MALTA cds applied

MALTA - 1901 1d,2d, 3d on 1/-, 4d and 9d on 1/- mint REVENUE pairs.MALTA - 1901 1d,2d, 3d on 1/-, 4d and 9d on 1/- mint REVENUE pairs.

1901 1d red, 2d grey, 3d on 1/- violet, 4d brown and 9d on 1/- orange adhesives overprinted REVENUE in mint condition with original gum. 4d with light crease and one of the 9d surcharges showing a small fleck of black ink at top right. A difficult assembly in pairs. Barefoot and Hall 7,8,9,10 and 12.

MALTA - 1906 1d red fine mint overprinted REVENUE in black.  Barefoot 20.MALTA - 1906 1d red fine mint overprinted REVENUE in black. Barefoot 20.

1906 1d red in fine mint condition overprinted REVENUE in black. Barfoot and Hall 20.

MALTA - 1861 1/- (4dx3) rate wrapper to UK cancelled  by MALTA - 1861 1/- (4dx3) rate wrapper to UK cancelled by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside.

1861 (JY.1.) use of outer wrapper addressed to Cardiff in Wales (addressee deleted with diamond boxes) marked 'Via Marseilles' and bearing GB 4d rose strip of three (SG Z47) tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside. Blue oval 'O.T.GOLLCHER/MALTA' h/s at lower left.

MALTA - 1876 MALTA - 1876 'mourning' cover to UK bearing GB 1/2d and 2d tied 'A 25'. SG Z23+Z34.

1876 (MR.17.) crested 'mourning' cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d rose red (plate 6) alongside 2d blue (plate 14) adhesives (SG Z23 + Z34) tied by beat 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside.

MALTA - 1925 1/2d, 1d and 3d REVENUES in mint pairs.MALTA - 1925 1/2d, 1d and 3d REVENUES in mint pairs.

1925 1/2d violet, 1d green and 3d red 'un-appropriated' REVENUE trio in fine mint pairs. The gum is overall toned on each pair and they have 'paper' hinges remaining on reverse. Barefoot and Hall 29-31.

MALTA - 1899 1d red REVENUE fine mint.  MALTA - 1899 1d red REVENUE fine mint.

1899 1d red in fine mint condition overprinted REVENUE in black and with curved leg to R. Barefoot and Hall 2.

MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE (size G) uprated to UK used at COSPICUA.  H&G 6.MALTA - 1923 3d blue RPSE (size G) uprated to UK used at COSPICUA. H&G 6.

1923 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing additional 1 1/2d 'Postage and Revenue' overprint adhesive tied by COSPICUA/MALTA cds dated AU.28.29. H&G 6.

MALTA - 1914 1d rate cover to UK used at ZABBAR with PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied.MALTA - 1914 1d rate cover to UK used at ZABBAR with PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied.

1914 (SP.14.) cover addressed to UK (central vertical fold-ex flap) bearing 1d red adhesive tied by scarce ZABBAR cds (Proud type D1 ) with violet PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp on reverse with pencil manuscript initials and COSPICUA/MALTA transit cds.

MALTA - 1909 inward MALTA - 1909 inward 'ADVERTISED/GPO MALTA' underpaid postcard from UK.

1909 (JY.17.) inward picture postcard from UK with MALTA s/r arrival cds and with circular "1d" postage due marking applied. Boxed 'ADVERTISED/4.JU.09/G.P.O.MALTA' instructional handstamp applied with additional strike on 22.JU.09 alongside having been re-directed to Musta.

MALTA - 1910 inward postcard from UK with MALTA - 1910 inward postcard from UK with 'ADVERTISED' and 'TENDERED ON RECEIPT' h/s's applied.

1910 inward under paid postcard from UK with MALTA arrival cds dated NO.15.10 and struck by circular '1d' tax mark. Black boxed ADVERTSIED/GPO MALTA h/s applied with additional boxed TENDERED ON RECEIPT, TO POST OFFICE/WHO REFUSED TO PAY CHARGE instructional handstamp. Proud type I31. Very scarce.

MALTA - 1909 inward under paid postcard from UK with MALTA - 1909 inward under paid postcard from UK with 'ADVERTSIED/GPO MALTA' h/s applied.

1909 (JY.3.) inward underpaid postcard from UK struck by MALTA cds arrival cds dated JY.8.09 with circular '1d' tax mark applied and being undelivered having two strikes of the scarce black boxed ADVERTISED/GPO MALTA handstamp added.


1946 (FE.6.) cover addressed to USA bearing 6d adhesive tied AIR MAIL/MALTA and struck by violet boxed INSUFFICIENTLY PAID FOR/TRANSMISSION BY AIR MAIL.

MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE used locally on first day with MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE used locally on first day with 'Centenary' trio. H&G 8.

1938 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed locally and bearing additional 'Centenary' trio (SG 258-60) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds's dated JY.12.51. This being the first day of issue of these stamps. H&G 8.

MALTA - 1902 inward underpaid postcard from Italy with MALTA - 1902 inward underpaid postcard from Italy with '4d' charge mark added.

1902 (SP.28.) inward under paid postcard from Italy cancelled by s/r MALTA cds on arrival with oval VALLETTA/MALTA strike together with circulat 'T' tax mark and scarce circular '4d' charge h/s in black.

MALTA - 1904 1d grey and red adhesive fine mint overprinted REVENUE.MALTA - 1904 1d grey and red adhesive fine mint overprinted REVENUE.

1904 1d red and grey 'Edward VII' adhesive in fine mint condition overprinted REVENUE in black. Barefoot 19.

MALTA - 1917 5/- MALTA - 1917 5/- 'key plate' mint PLATE 1 example showing the REPAIRED BREAK IN SCROLL. SG 88a.

1917 5/- green and red on yellow in a fine mint top right corner PLATE 1 example with REPAIRED BREAK IN SCROLL variety from Row 1/12. SG 88a.

MALTA - 1921 2/- MALTA - 1921 2/- 'key plate' fine mint with CROWN AND SCROLL variety. SG 103b.

1921 2/- purple and blue on blue 'key plate' adhesive in very fine fresh mint condition showing the major CROWN AND SCROLL variety from Row 1/12. SG 103b.

MALTA - 1939 1 1/2d dark red on granite uprated PSC to USA used at VALLETTA.  H&G 17.MALTA - 1939 1 1/2d dark red on granite uprated PSC to USA used at VALLETTA. H&G 17.

1939 1 1/2d dark red on granite buff card (shadow at left edge) addressed to USA bearing additional 1/4d brown adhesive pair tied VALLETTA/MALTA and dated NO.28.45. H&G 17.

MALTA - 1879 1d brown MALTA - 1879 1d brown 'GB' PSC to UK used at MALTA. H&G 9.

1879 1d brown on cream postal stationery postcard of GB (and Ireland) addressed to UK and cancelled by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside dated NO.4.81. H&G 9.

MALTA - 1943 1 1/2d slate black fine mint with MALTA - 1943 1 1/2d slate black fine mint with 'BROKEN CROSS' variety. SG 220ba.

1943 1 1/2d slate black adhesive in fine mint condition showing the BROKEN CROSS variety from Row 5/7 of the right pane. SG 220ba.

MALTA - 1938 1/2d rate postcard use to Germany.MALTA - 1938 1/2d rate postcard use to Germany.

1938 (DE.8.) use of picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Porta Reale-Valletta' bearing 1/2d adhesive tied VALLETTA/MALTA.

MALTA - 1935 1 1/2d OHMS cover use to the Dockyard cancelled RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIPS/MALTA.MALTA - 1935 1 1/2d OHMS cover use to the Dockyard cancelled RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIPS/MALTA.

1935 (JA.3.) use of small O.H.M.S. cover addressed to the Commander at H.M.Dockyard bearing 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied by d/r RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIPS/MALTA cds.

MALTA - 1952 Australian cheque use with Victoria and Malta MALTA - 1952 Australian cheque use with Victoria and Malta 'KGVI' adhesives used as revenues.

1952 'Commercial Bank Of Australia Limited' cheque made payable to a Mr Bonnici in Malta. The cheque bears Australian Victoria 4/- blue and 10/- brown STAMP DUTY adhesives with additional 1/-'Centenary' stamp of Malta added on arrival together with two 'KGVI' 2/6d 'Self Government' issues. Unusual revenue use.

MALTA - 1953 UK cheque use bearing MALTA - 1953 UK cheque use bearing 'KGVI' Malta adhesives used as revenues.

1953 'Batger & Co Ltd' cheque of UK made payable to a Mr Bonnici in Malta with embossed 4/- (x2) bearing 1/- black 'Centenary' issue of Malta applied on arrival with additional 'KGVI' 2/- and 2/6d pair 'Self Government' issues.

MALTA - 1862 4d rate entire to Italy.MALTA - 1862 4d rate entire to Italy.

1862 (JU.13.) entire addressed to Italy bearing four examples of the GB 1d rose-red adhesive (SG Z27) tied by 'A 25' duplex's with s/r MALTA/B cds's alongside. Red crayon '1 1/4' annotation and red oval 'PD' mark applied. A pretty 4d rate use to Italy.

MALTA - 1879 1d brown PSC of GB addressed to Italy and struck MALTA - 1879 1d brown PSC of GB addressed to Italy and struck 'A 25' in MALTA. H&G 9.

1879 1d brown on cream postal stationery postcard of GB addressed to Italy and cancelled by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside dated JU.3.81. H&G 9.

MALTA - 1931 first flight cover to Italy.MALTA - 1931 first flight cover to Italy.

1931 (JUN.18.) first flight cover to Italy bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by violet AIR MAIL/MALTA cds with VALLETTA/MALTA cds below. Marked 'Printed Matter' and struck by violet '1st AIR MAIL' strike. NAPOLI FERROVIA arrival b/s.

MALTA - 1926 1/4d brown mint (tone spots) with MISPLACED OVERPRINT.  SG 143.MALTA - 1926 1/4d brown mint (tone spots) with MISPLACED OVERPRINT. SG 143.

1926 1/4d brown adhesive overprinted POSTAGE in fine mint condition but with toned edge perforations showing the major variety OVERPRINTED MISPLACED LEFT. (OSTAGE P). SG 143.

MALTA - 1926 1/2d green used with MISPLACED OVERPRINT.  SG 144.MALTA - 1926 1/2d green used with MISPLACED OVERPRINT. SG 144.

1926 1/2d green adhesive overprinted POSTAGE in fine used condition showing the major variety OVERPRINTED MISPLACED LEFT. (OSTAGE P). SG 144.

MALTA - 1914 2/6d rate registered cover to France used at VALLETTA.MALTA - 1914 2/6d rate registered cover to France used at VALLETTA.

1914 (MR.12.) registered cover addressed to France bearing the 2/6d olive green adhesive (SG 34) tied by d/r VALLETTA/MALTA cds. A scarce franking.

MALTA - 1951 MALTA - 1951 'RETURNED FOR...ADDITIONAL POSTAGE' h/s'd cover to Switzerland.

1951 (MR.16.) cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 1d (x2), 1 1/2d and 4 1/2d adhesives overprinted 'Self-Government' tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds's and struck by red boxed 'RETURNED FOR ….s…d/ADDITIONAL POSTAGE/RATE…s…d per 1/2oz' instructional h/s. (R.Lowe type PD-R1a).

MALTA - 1950 (circa) MALTA - 1950 (circa) 'COUPON' label in blue in a fine unused marginal block of four.

1950 (circa) COUPON in blue in a fine ungummed marginal block of four on 'SO' watermarked paper issued by the Maltese Government for motoring after the war.

MALTA - 1950 (circa) MALTA - 1950 (circa) 'SERVICE' label in a fine unused marginal block of four.

1950 (circa) SERVICE COUPON in red in a fine ungummed marginal block of four on 'SO' watermarked paper issued by the Maltese Government for motoring services after the war.

MALTA - 1859 inward stampless entire from Syros in Greece.MALTA - 1859 inward stampless entire from Syros in Greece.

1859 inward stampless entire from the Greek Island of Syros with fine s/r MALTA arrival b/s dated JA.8.60. Rated '2' in manuscript.

MALTA - 1915 MALTA - 1915 'OAS' use of picture postcard to UK with PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR h/s.

1915 use of stampless picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Malta-Porta Reale' and marked 'On Active Service' in manuscript and struck by scarcer violet-black boxed PASSED BY/ NAVAL/CENSOR h/s.

MALTA - 1915 MALTA - 1915 'OAS' use of picture postcard to UK with PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR h/s.

1915 (26.3.) use of stampless picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Malta-St Julians Carmelite Church' marked 'On Active Service' in manuscript and struck by scarcer violet-black boxed PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR h/s.

MALTA - 1915 MALTA - 1915 'OAS' use of picture postcard to UK with PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR h/s.

1915 (AP.22.) use of stampless picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Valletta Malta- Presbyterian Church' marked 'On Active Service' in manuscript and struck by scarcer violet boxed PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR h/s and with boxed RECEIVED FROM HMS SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED strike in black.

MALTA - 1900 (circa) unused postcard depicting MALTA - 1900 (circa) unused postcard depicting 'Signal Station-Malta'.

1900 (circa) real photo postcard in unused condition depicting 'Signal Station - Malta'. A scarce card.

MALTA - 1946 (circa) 5/- green MALTA - 1946 (circa) 5/- green 'M.M.D.N.A.' Malta Nurse Society adhesive unmounted mint.

1946 (circa) 5/- green 'M.M.D.N.A.' Malta Nurse Society adhesive in fine unmounted mint condition. Printed by 'Waterlow and Sons Ltd, London' and imprinted as such at bottom edge.

MALTA - 1860 1d red (x3) on outer wrapper to Italy.MALTA - 1860 1d red (x3) on outer wrapper to Italy.

1860 (MY.12.) outer wrapper addressed to Italy bearing 'GB' 1d red pair and single adhesives (SG Z12) tied by 'A 25' duplex's with MALTA cds alongside. Two vertical folds affecting stamps and with MESSINA arrival b/s. Oval 'P' strike on front. A scarce 3d rate cover to Italy.

MALTA - 1864 8d rate outer wrapper to Italy.MALTA - 1864 8d rate outer wrapper to Italy.

1864 use of outer wrapper addressed to Italy bearing GB 4d dull vermilion adhesive pair (SG 93) without plate number cancelled by s/r MALTA/B cds. Struck at right by oval 'PD' (Paid) strike in red with '1/2' marked alongside in red manuscript. Oval 'J.BURGESS DA SILVA/MALTA' firms strike at left.

MALTA - 1884 2 1/2d rate cover to Italy.MALTA - 1884 2 1/2d rate cover to Italy.

1884 (AU.4.) neat cover addressed to Italy bearing GB 2 1/2d lilac adhesive tied by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside. SG Z101.

MALTA - 1912 1d rate postcard to UK used at ASCIAK.MALTA - 1912 1d rate postcard to UK used at ASCIAK.

1912 (JY.13.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting goats outside village house bearing EDW VII 1d red tied by rare s/r ASCIAK cds with 'PM' time code.

MALTA - 1942 2 1/2d rate MALTA - 1942 2 1/2d rate 'DD/1037' censor cover to UK used at VALLETTA.

1942 (AP.4.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied VALLETTA/MALTA with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER label at left tied by violet boxed '1' h/s on reverse side and small 'DD/1037' violet h/s on front.

MALTA - 1944 use of MALTA - 1944 use of 'VALLETTA - MONEY ORDER' cancelled GPO/MALTA.

1944 (MY.2.) use of 'VALLETTA (C.O.) MALTA MONEY ORDER' made out for the sum of £2.19/9d and cancelled by GPO/MALTA cancel. The reverse side shows 'THIS PORTION OF FORM/ TO BE AFFIXED TO ORDER label applied. Fine and scarce.

MALTA - 1937 (circa) 2 1/2d MALTA - 1937 (circa) 2 1/2d 'Coronation' SEAPOST/PAQUEBOT cover use to USA.

1937 (circa) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d 'Coronation' adhesive tied by SEA POST/ AMERICAN SOUTH AFRICAN LINE INC maritime handstamp with d/r PAQUEBOT strike alongside.

MALTA - 1939 early MALTA - 1939 early 'PASSED BY CENSOR' cover to UK.

1939 (NO.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d adhesive pair tied by AIR MAIL/MALTA cds with red straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp on reverse flap signed below. A scarce early censor strike.

MALTA - 1943 2 1/2d rate MALTA - 1943 2 1/2d rate 'OPENED BY EXAMINER/ DD/28' censor cover to UK used at BIRCHIRCARA.

1943 (circa) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied BIRCHIRCARA and with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER DD/28 censor label at left tied by green '3' handstamp.

MALTA - 1943 2 1/2d rate MALTA - 1943 2 1/2d rate 'DD/28' censor cover to UK used at VALLETTA.

1943 (JU.15.) cover addressed to UK bearing KGV 1d 'Postage/Revenue' pair tied with KGVI 1/2d by VALLETTA/MALTA cds and with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER DD/28 censor label at left. A dual reign censor use. Little type 8 A2.

MALTA - 1905 (circa) 1/2d rate MALTA - 1905 (circa) 1/2d rate 'maritime' postcard use to France with maritime cancel.

1905 (circa) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'St.Johns Church-Valletta' bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied by large blue inked ADRIA-1 'anchor' of the Austrian-Hungarian shipping line.

MALTA - 1944 MALTA - 1944 'OPENED BY EXAMINER DD/28' censor cover to UK.

1944 (NO.8.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 1d pair tied VALLETTA/MALTA with black on white OPENED BY/EXAMINER DD/28 label at left (Little type 8b) tied on reverse by circular '10' mark in greenish blue.

MALTA - 1862 1/- green (no plate) adhesive of GB cancelled by MALTA - 1862 1/- green (no plate) adhesive of GB cancelled by ' A 25' duplex of GB. SG Z76.

1862 1/- green (no plate) adhesive of GB cancelled by ' A 25' duplex of GB. SG Z76.

MALTA - 1927 1/2d rate cover to Greece with MALTA - 1927 1/2d rate cover to Greece with 'SPEND YOUR WEALTH' slogan strike used at VALLETTA.

1927 (FEB.20.) 'Printed Paper Rate' cover addressed to Greece bearing 1/2d green overprinted 'Postage' cancelled by FOR YOUR HEALTH/SPEND YOUR WEALTH/IN SUNNY MALTA slogan strike from Valletta. Proud type M1 state 2.

MALTA - 1938 1 1/2d rate cover to UK with MALTA - 1938 1 1/2d rate cover to UK with 'THE IDEAL PLACE FOR RETIREMENT' slogan strike.

1938 (APR.18.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by MALTA/THE IDEAL PLACE FOR RETIREMENT slogan strike from Valletta. Proud type M1 state 4.

MALTA - 1925 local philatelic cover with 2d MALTA - 1925 local philatelic cover with 2d 'Postage Due' TETE BECHE pair.

1925 (AP.17.) cover addressed philatelically in pencil bearing a TETE BECHE pair of the 2d 'Postage Due' (SG D4a) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds's. A scarce format on cover.

MALTA - 1947 5d rate cover to USA struck PAR AVION JUSQUMALTA - 1947 5d rate cover to USA struck PAR AVION JUSQU'A LONDRES.

1947 (SP.27.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2d and 3d adhesives tied BIRKIRKARA/MALTA cds and stuck at left by scarce PAR AVION JUSQU'A/LONDRES handstamp applied in red. Proud type AM17. Limited use.

MALTA - 1919 MALTA - 1919 'RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIP' use of stampless postcard to UK.

1919 (circa) use of stampless picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Biighi Hospital-Malta' struck by black two lined RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED.

MALTA - 1919 MALTA - 1919 'RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIP' use of stampless postcard to UK.

1919 (circa) use of stampless picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Marina-Valletta Malta' struck by black two lined RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIP/NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED.
