Showing items in category Burma, sorted by newest listed first.
BURMA - 1932 9p green PSC of India used at MINHLA/THARRAWADDY. H&G 36.
1932 9 pies dark green on buff Indian postal stationery postcard (H&G 36) addressed to Thayemtyo
cancelled by MINHLA/THARRAWADDY cds dated 29.SEP.32. Indian stationery used in Burma.
BURMA - 1932 9p green PSC of India used at WAKEMA. H&G 36.
1932 9 pies dark green on buff Indian postal stationery postcard (H&G 36) addressed to Hewzada
cancelled by WAKEMA cds dated 28.DEC.33. Indian stationery used in Burma.
BURMA - 1932 9p green PSC of India used at SINBAUNGWE. H&G 36.
1932 9 pies dark green on buff Indian postal stationery postcard (H&G 36) addressed to Thayemtyo
cancelled by SINBAUNGWE cds dated 20.DE.34. (Some edge creasing). Indian stationery used in Burma.
BURMA - 1934 commercial cover to Uk with scarce TOO LATE FOR AIRMAIL/RANGOON h/s applied.
1934 (NOV.19.) commercial cover addressed to UK (aged edges) bearing Indian 3ps (x2) and 8a
adhesives tied by RANGOON cds and struck at lower left by scarce TOO LATE FOR AIR MAIL/
RANGOON handstamp.
BURMA - 1933 first flight cover to UK.
1933 (OC.2.) illustrated 'Imperial Airways and Indian Transcontinental Airways' first flight cover
addressed to UK bearing Indian 2a6p and 2a and 4a 'air' adhesives tied by RANGOON/USE THE AIR
MAIL slogan strike. Special violet commemoration cachet on reverse side.
BURMA - 1946 9ps PSC cancelled by special commemoration THANBYUZAYAT cancel. H&G 8.
1946 9ps dark green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) and
cancelled by THANBYUZAYAT COMMEMORATION STRIKE DATED 18th December 1948 Thanbyuzayat was the terminus on the notorious Burma-Siam Railway and this strike (only used on this day) was used to commemorate the workers who died in its construction. RANGOON CANTONMENT arrival cds at left. H&G 8.
BURMA - 1940 2a6p rate censor cover to UK.
1940 (JAN.16.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2a6p adhesive tied by RANGOON GPO cds
and struck on the front by magenta PASSED/CENSOR/RANGOON/5 h/s (Moreweiser type 1A1).
BURMA - 1941 'PASSED X CENSOR/21' 3a6p rate cover to USA used at RANGOON.
1941 (JUN.21.) cover addressed to USA bearing GV 3a6p adhesive tied RANGOON GPO/SORTING
and with red on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on the front and reverse sides by
violet triangular PASSED/X/CENSOR/21 h/s. Morenweiser type 2X.
BURMA - 1932 5a3p rate registered local cover used at SITKWIN.
1932 (SEP.24.) registered cover addressed locally bearing Indian 1a3p and 4a adhesives tied to the
reverse flap by SITKWIN cds with RANGOON arrival at left.
BURMA - 1910 use of 1/2a green Indian PSE used at TOUNGOO.
1910 (OC.20.) use of Indian 1/2a green on cream postal stationery envelope addressed to Calcutta
and cancelled by TOUNGOO cds complete with the original letter.
BURMA - 1936 3a rate cover to UK used at YENANGYAUMG.
1936 (JAN.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing Indian 1a brown strip of three tied by
YENANGYAUNG cds (Proud type KD6).
BURMA - 1904 'EXPERIMENTAL/R-7' use of postcard to UK.
1904 (MA.5.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'The South Gate Shwe Dagon
Pagoda-Rangoon' bearing India 1a adhesive tied by s/r EXPERIMENTAL/R-7 cds and with SEA
POST OFFICE transit alongside.
BURMA - 1938 9p 'KGV' PSC unused. H&G 1.
1938 9 pies 'KGV' dark green on buff postal stationery postcard of India ovpt'd BURMA in
fine unused condition. H&G 1.
BURMA - 1936 underpaid cover to India with RANGOON SOR/DUE/1/2ANNA tax h/s applied.
1936 (APR.13.) commercial cover addressed to India (slightly reduced at right from opening)
bearing Indian 3p and 1a adhesives on reverse flap cancelled by RANGOON GPO cds and being
underpaid having scarce 'horse shoe' type RANGOON SDR/DUE/ 1/2 ANNA h/s applied to front.
BURMA - 1947 3a blue violet mint with DOUBLE OVERPRINT. SG 75.
1947 3a blue-violet 'Inter Burmese Government' adhesive in fine mint showing the major
BURMA - 1880 3a rate cover to Italy (scarce) used at RANGOON.
1880 (circa) cover addressed to Italy (scarce) bearing Indian 3a adhesive tied by neat
'R' in bars duplex with RANGOON cds alongside dated JUN.8. (Proud type KD15).
1940 (circa) 1rs purple 'KGVI' Indian COURT FEE adhesive in a fine unmounted mint top marginal
example overprinted BURMA in black.
BURMA - 1915 'Indian Telegraphs' form used at RANGOON with PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied.
1915 (JL.19.) 'Indian Telegraphs' form cancelled by RANGOON/G.T.D. cds with blue
straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp applied. Heavy central fold re-inforced
at back with a few stamp hinges.
BURMA - 1940 'First Postage' commemoration adhesive on local cover.
1940 cover addressed to Rangoon (crease at left edge) bearing the 1a on 2a6p claret 'First Postage
Stamp' adhesive tied by PYAPON cds with KAMAYUT transit b/s dated 8.MY.40. Not an easy
stamp to find on non philatelic cover.
BURMA - 1945 10r red on buff unused WAR CASH CERTIFICATE.
1945 10r red on buff POST OFFICE 5 YEAR CASH-WAR SAVINGS unused certificate printed on
GOVRT OF BURMA (elephant) watermarked paper.
BURMA - 1945 20r blue on buff unused WAR CASH CERTIFICATE.
1945 20r blue on buff POST OFFICE 5 YEAR CASH-WAR SAVINGS unused certificate printed on
GOVRT OF BURMA (elephant) watermarked paper.
BURMA - 1945 100r purple on buff unused WAR CASH CERTIFICATE.
1945 100r purple on buff POST OFFICE 5 YEAR CASH-WAR SAVINGS unused certificate printed on
GOVRT OF BURMA (elephant) watermarked paper.
BURMA - 1945 500r brown on buff unused WAR CASH CERTIFICATE.
1945 500r brown on buff POST OFFICE 5 YEAR CASH-WAR SAVINGS unused certificate printed on
GOVRT OF BURMA (elephant) watermarked paper.
BURMA - 1945 1000r blue on buff unused WAR CASH CERTIFICATE.
1945 1000r bright blue on buff POST OFFICE 5 YEAR CASH-WAR SAVINGS unused certificate
printed on GOVRT OF BURMA (elephant) watermarked paper.
BURMA - 1942 1a brown 'peacock' overprinted uprated cover used at EXPTL.P.O.No.18. H&G 1.
1942 1a red-brown on smooth woved paper postal stationery envelope addressed locally and
handstamped by black encircled peacock strike with additional 9p and 1 1/as adhesives added
and tied by BURMA/EXPTL. P.O. No.18 cancel. H&G 1.
BURMA - 1942 'peacock' overprinted 1a PSE unused. H&G 1.
1942 1a red-brown on smooth woved paper postal stationery envelope in unused condition
(flap stuck down) handstamped by black encircled peacock strike. H&G 1.
BURMA - 1857 1a brown Indian PSE used at KATHA. H&G 2e.
INDIA USED IN - 1857 1a Brown on white (no seal) postal stationery envelope (type f)
addressed locally and cancelled by scarce KATHA cds dated 23.OC.01. Rangoon arrival b/s.
H&G 2e.
BURMA - 1964 '17th Anniversary Of Union Day' illustrated unused postcard.
1964 official '17th Anniversary Of Union Day-Mandalay' coloured postcard in fine unused condition.
BURMA - 1945 illustrated CIGARETTE postcard to UK used by UK troops in Burma.
1945 (JU.29.) use of illustrated CIGARETTE postcard addressed to UK cancelled by indistinct
cds with violet circular UNIT CENSOR/D 386 h/s. Marked on reverse as Burmese origin.
BURMA - 1931 5rs REVENUE stamp paper.
1931 5Rs Purple & buff GOVERNMENT OF BURMA/REVENUE STAMP (200x88mm) printed
on 'A4' GOVERNMENT OF BURMA watermarked paper & h/s'd on reverse 'Registered in
book' etc.
BURMA - 1934 2r REVENUE stamp paper.
1934 2Rs Purple & buff GOVERNMENT OF BURMA/REVENUE STAMP (200x88mm) printed
on 'A4' GOVERNMENT OF BURMA watermarked paper & h/s'd on reverse 'Stamp correct
under article/Indian Stamp Act/Presented for registration' etc.
BURMA - 1931 8a REVENUE stamp paper.
1931 8as Blue & green GOVERNMENT OF BURMA/REVENUE STAMP (200x88mm) printed
on 'A4' GOVERNMENT OF BURMA watermarked paper & h/s'd with 'Seal of the Sub-
BURMA - 1943 (circa) use of Japanese military postcard in Burma.
1943 (circa) use of orange on cream Japanese 'dove' military postcard addressed to Japan with red
oval censor handstamp applied. A scarce use from the Burma KOU No. 3305 force during the Japanese
occupation of Burma.
BURMA - 1938 1a brown PSE used at RANGOON. H&G 1.
1938 1a brown on white postal stationery envelope of India overprinted BURMA (showing KGV
head) addressed locally and cancelled RANGOON on the first day of British Administration.
(April 1st 1937). This envelope had a limited use before the introduction of the KGVI envelope.
This copy showing use a year before the noted date by H&G. An elusive item. H&G 1.
BURMA - 1890 1/4a brown Indian PSC used at RANGOON by BURMA CLUB. H&G 7.
INDIA USED IN - 1890 1/4a brown on buff postal stationery postcard pre-printed on reverse
for use by 'Burma Club' and cancelled by RANGOON cds dated 3.MA.02. H&G7.
1954 (circa) 6ps on 1a, 13ps on 2a, 75ps on 12a and 10k on 10r 'New Currency' overprint surcharges
on the 1953 BURMA TELEGRAPH adhesives in fine mint condition.
1943 1c orange 'Independence day' issue (SG type 16) ina fine marginal block of eight on ungummed
showing roulette and perforation rows. SG J85/85a
BURMA - 1943 2c green IMPERFORATE block of four of the 'farmer' issue.
1943 2c IMPERFORATE bottom marginal block of four of the Burmese Government 'Farmer'
adhesive (SG type 15) printed in yellow green on ungummed paper.
BURMA - 1943 1c IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF in yellow of the 'farmer' issue.
1943 1c IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF of the Burmese Government 'Farmer' adhesive (SG type 15)
printed in yellow on ungummed paper. (5mm margins at left and right and 8mm margin at top). Unusual.
BURMA - 1942 5c green Japanese REVENUE unused marginal pair.
1942 5c Green 'Japanese Occupation Revenue' adhesive in an unused corner marginal pair
on ungummed rouletted paper. One cut close to corner. An elusive stamp to which Chowdhury
states 'few copies in existence'. B&H1.
BURMA - 1938 'GV' 9 pies PSC used at PYAPON. H&G 1.
1938 9 pies dark green on buff "GV" postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by
d/r PYAPON cds dated 19.NOV.39. RANGOON GPO arrival. A nice use of this card. H&G 1.
BURMA - 1942 JAPANESE 9pi+9pi reply postal stationery postcard unused. H&G 23.
JAPANESE POSTAL ADMINISTRATION - 1942 9pi+9pi yellow green on buff postal stationery reply type postcard in fine unused condition with Japanese blue cross applied & with blue boxed added value at left. H&G 23.
BURMA - 1942 JAPANESE 1/2A ON 9pi+9pi reply postal stationery card unused. H&G 27.
JAPANESE POSTAL ADMINISTRATION - 1942 1/2a on 9pi + 1/2a on 9pi yellow green on
cream postal stationery reply type postcard surcharge in fine unused condition with Japanese
blue cross applied & with blue boxed added value at left. H&G 27.
BURMA - 1945 (circa) 5r JAPANESE GOVERNEMENT currency note.
1945 circa 5 rupese purple `The Japanese Government' currency note in good condition.
BURMA - 1945 (circa) 10r JAPANESE GOVERNMENT currency note.
1945 circa 10 rupese red `The Japanese Government' currency note in good condition.
1939-40 6p blue on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition with unlisted
coloured illustration at left (tractor and farmer). Privately printed. H&G 2var. Nice card.
BURMA - 1935 7 1/2a on 8a red-violet surcharged 'airmail' of India used from LASHIO in Burma.
1935 7 1/2a on 8a red-violet on white postal stationery 'airmail' envelope of India (H&G 2) addressed
to UK (opened on 2 sides) and cancelled by LASHIO cds (Proud type KD4) dated 2.FE.37. The Gerald
Davis handbook notes that this envelope is elusive used in Burma but outside the capital its use is very rare.
BURMA - 1891 stampless soldiers mail cover to UK
complete with illustrated contents.
1891 (DEC.20.) stampless military cover addressed to UK marked in manuscript ' From No.6365
Private G.H.Housman, "E" Coy 4th Batt K.R.R.C.' and countersigned at bottom left by the Lieut.
Colonel commanding the Kings Royal Rifles. Complete with the original letter showing fine pen and
ink drawing and giving origin of sending as from Thyetmyo, Upper Burma.