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Showing items in category Malaya and Malayan States, sorted by newest listed first.
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MALAYA - 1879 inward cover from UK with red PENANG/PAID arrival b/s.MALAYA - 1879 inward cover from UK with red PENANG/PAID arrival b/s.

PENANG - 1879 (JU.11.) inward cover from UK bearing 1 1/2d (x2) and 3d adhesives tied by LOMBARD ST cds's and marked 'Per S.S.Australia via Southampton' addressed to the 'Electric Department of the Telegraphs Maintenance Co.Ltd' in Penang with part red PENANG/PAID arrival b/s dated JY.17.79. Some faults and black ink stain on reverse flap. A scarce early inward item.

MALAYA - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits 2c postage due pair added.MALAYA - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits 2c postage due pair added.

PENANG - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits Settlements 2c black 'postage due' adhesive pair added on arrival (SG D2) tied PENANG.

MALAYA - 1927 6c rate cover to UK used at RASA.MALAYA - 1927 6c rate cover to UK used at RASA.

FMS - 1927 (AU.30.) cover addressed to UK (a little worn) bearing 6c 'tiger' adhesive tied by RASA/FMS cds.

MALAYA - 1929 15c blue RPSE uprated to Penang used at KLANG.  H&G 5.MALAYA - 1929 15c blue RPSE uprated to Penang used at KLANG. H&G 5.

FMS - 1929 15c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Penang and bearing additional 4c orang 'tiger' adhesive tied by KLANG cds dated 31.AU.31. H&G 5.

MALAYA - 1940 MALAYA - 1940 'O.J.G.S.' stampless official entire used at JOHORE BAHRU.

JOHORE - 1940 (NO.12.) folded entire from the Rubber Regulations Department addressed to Singapore and handstamped O.J.G.S./THE MANAGER and cancelled by JOHORE BAHRU/2 cds.

MALAYA - 1944 Japanese Occupation MALAYA - 1944 Japanese Occupation 'combination' cover used locally at KLANG.

SELANGOR - 1944 (circa) use of 'Oriental Bank Of Malaya/Klang' envelope addressed locally during the Japanese occupation bearing Japanese 3sen adhesive tied in combination with 5c brown 'Mosque Palace adhesive surcharged '6 cts' (SG J293) and tied by Japanese cds.

MALAYA - 1916 MALAYA - 1916 'Belgian Relief Fund' label printed in brown.

FMS - 1916 'BELGIAN RELIEF FUND' war label printed in pale brown on cream perforated paper in unused condition.

MALAYA - 1933 12c rate cover to Sweden used at SABAK BERNAM.MALAYA - 1933 12c rate cover to Sweden used at SABAK BERNAM.

SELANGOR - 1933 (SE.13.) cover addressed to Sweden (scarce) bearing FMS 12c 'tiger' adhesive tied by neat SABAK BERNAM cds (Proud type D3).

MALAYA - 1938 8c rate underpaid cover to UK with MALAYA - 1938 8c rate underpaid cover to UK with 'T' tax mark applied.

PENANG - 1938 (JY.1.) cover addressed to UK bearing 8c grey tied PENANG/MALAYA and being underpaid having inverted black 'T' triangle handstamp applied. Proud PD4 only being recorded as a use in 1878.

MALAYA - 1893 2c carmine MALAYA - 1893 2c carmine 'Straits' PSC to Germany with additional 1c tied PENANG. H&G 11.

PENANG - 1893 2c carmine on buff 'Straits' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (genuine use) bearing additional 1c 'key plate' adhesive tied by PENANG s/r cds dated MR.10.99. H&G 11.

MALAYA - 1901 inward postcard from UK with MALAYA - 1901 inward postcard from UK with 'N.I.POST AGENT-PENANG' strike applied.

PENANG - 1901 (JL.10.) picture postcard from the UK addressed to Medan in Sumatra cancelled by ILFORD cds and with N.I.POST AGENT-PENANG squared cancel transit strike dated 7.7.1901. MEDAN arrival. A nice Netherlands Indies transit mark.

MALAYA - 1919 underpaid inward MALAYA - 1919 underpaid inward 'T/CENTS/4' cover from India.

PENANG - 1919 inward cover from India and being under-paid having black boxed 'T/CENTS/4' h/s applied at Taiping. (Proud type UP8).

MALAYA - 1922 12c dark blue RPSE uprated to USA.  H&G 5.MALAYA - 1922 12c dark blue RPSE uprated to USA. H&G 5.

PENANG - 1922 12c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA bearing additional 12c adhesive and tied by PENANG cds dated 5.DE.24. H&G 5.

MALAYA - 1934 first flight MALAYA - 1934 first flight 'Imperial Airways' cover to UK.

PENANG - 1934 (AP.14.) illustrated 'Imperial Airways-Kuala Lumpur and Penang to London' first flight cover addressed to UK and bearing Straits 1c (x5) and 35c adhesives tied PENANG. Special blue 'P & T - Mail 25' air mail label applied and with IMPERIAL AIRWAYS/AIR TERMINUS arrival b/s.

MALAYA - 1942 15c dark blue MALAYA - 1942 15c dark blue 'Japanese Occupation' RPSE unused. H&G 5.

NEGRI SEMBILAN (Japanese Occupation) - 1942 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 5. Scarce.

MALAYA - 1943 12c local censored Japanese Occupation cover used at TAIPING.MALAYA - 1943 12c local censored Japanese Occupation cover used at TAIPING.

PERAK (JAPANESE OCCUPATION) - 1943 locally address cover bearing Jap Occ 4c and 8c adhesives (SG J300+301) tied by neat d/r TAIPING cds with violet boxed Japanese censor chop at left.

MALAYA - 1946 8c rate commercial cover struck by violet rubber KUALA KURAU/PERAK cds. MALAYA - 1946 8c rate commercial cover struck by violet rubber KUALA KURAU/PERAK cds.

(B.M.A.) - 1946 commercial cover addressed to the Chamber Of Commerce at Penang bearing 3c and 5c Straits Settlement adhesives each overprinted B.M.A./MALAYA and cancelled by the very rare violet KUALA KURAU/PERAK cancel. Proud type D5. This strike is only known used for just over 1 month. (30.OCT.46 - 3.DEC.46).

MALAYA - 1943 8c rate Japanese Occupation cover with ENCHO SETSU cancel.MALAYA - 1943 8c rate Japanese Occupation cover with ENCHO SETSU cancel.

PENANG (JAPANESE OCCUPATION) - 1943 (APR.29) cover addressed locally bearing a fine block of four of the 2c orange (SG J78) tied by black three ringed IN COMMEMORATION/OF ENCHO SETSU h/s. Struck in commemoration of the Emperors birthday in the 17th year of Showa.

MALAYA - 1943 8c rate Japanese Occupation censored cover used at PETALING.MALAYA - 1943 8c rate Japanese Occupation censored cover used at PETALING.

SELANGOR (JAPANESE OCCUPATION) - 1943 (circa) cover addressed locally bearing KGVI 8c grey adhesive of Straits Settlements overprinted by the black Japanese chop handstamp (SG type 2) and cancelled by PETALING cds (date unclear) with violet Japanese boxed censor h/s at left. (SG J263).

MALAYA - 1944 8c rate Japanese Occupation cover to Ipoh used at BRICKFIELDS ROAD.MALAYA - 1944 8c rate Japanese Occupation cover to Ipoh used at BRICKFIELDS ROAD.

SELANGOR (JAPANESE OCCUPATION) - Cover addressed to Ipoh bearing 'KGVI' Straits Settlements 8c grey surcharged by Kanji characters in black and cancelled by BRICKFIELDS ROAD/KUALA LUMPUR cds dated 2.16.2603.

MALAYA - 1912 25c dull purple and mauve used with INVERTED WATERMARK.MALAYA - 1912 25c dull purple and mauve used with INVERTED WATERMARK.

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - 1912 25c dull purple and mauve in fine used condition showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 205aa.

MALAYA - 1934 2c green PSC unused.  H&G 1.MALAYA - 1934 2c green PSC unused. H&G 1.

JOHORE - 1934 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

MALAYA - 1916 Inward MALAYA - 1916 Inward 'LETTER OFFICE/PASSED/NO.11' cover from India.

PENANG - 1916 (FEB.17.) inward cover from Calcutta in India with crested black on cream G.R./OPENED BY THE/CENSOR AND/OFFICIALLY RESEALED/STRAITS SETLEMENTS censor label at left tied by violet rubber LETTER CENSOR OFFICE/GPO h/s. The reverse side is struck by the rare circular LETTER OFFICE/PASSED/No.11/PENANG handstamp in violet.

MALAYA - 1943 27c on 15c blue RPSE unused with KANJI h/s for Jap Occupation.MALAYA - 1943 27c on 15c blue RPSE unused with KANJI h/s for Jap Occupation.

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - 1943 27c on 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope of Straits Settlements (size G) in unused condition (just a hint of damp and with a few glue marks on reverse) handstamped by red Kanji handstamp for use by the Japanese Occupation Forces.

MALAYA - 1944 15c dark blue RPSE unused with red KANJI h/s for Japanese Occupation.MALAYA - 1944 15c dark blue RPSE unused with red KANJI h/s for Japanese Occupation.

PERAK - 1944 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope of Perak (size G) in unused condition (flap previously adhered to envelope but opened and now with adhesion remains) handstamped by red vertical KANJI handstamp for the use by the Japanese Occupation Forces. ISC RE15.

MALAYA - 1928 15c ultramarine RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 2a.MALAYA - 1928 15c ultramarine RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 2a.

TRENGGANU - 1928 15c ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition with just a few light hints of tone marks. H&G 2a.

MALAYA - 1936 15c dark blue RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 1b.MALAYA - 1936 15c dark blue RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 1b.

SELANGOR - 1936 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition with just a few light hints of tone marks. H&G 1b.

MALAYA - 1936 15c dark blue RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 1b.MALAYA - 1936 15c dark blue RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 1b.

PERAK - 1936 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition with just a few light hints of tone marks. H&G 1b.

MALAYA - 1947 10c BMA local cover use with MALAYA - 1947 10c BMA local cover use with 'C.S./NOT 142/OPENED BY CENSOR' h/s.

SELANGOR - 1947 use of commercial cover addressed locally to Penang bearing 'KGVI' 10c BMA adhesive on reverse flap tied by indistinct KUALA LUMPUR cds and stuck on front by scarce boxed C.S./NOT 142/ OPENED BY CENSOR handstamp. Used during the Communist strikes following the British authorities attempted to form a Malaya Union after the war.

MALAYA - 1917 inward cover from India with  MALAYA - 1917 inward cover from India with 'PASSED BY CENSOR 7' strike applied at Penang.

PENANG - 1917 (JUN.29.) inward cover from India with black on cream STRAITS SETTLEMENTS/OPENED BY THE/CENSOR AND/OFFICIALLY RESEALED crowned label at top edge tied by violet LETTER CENSORS OFFICE/GPO handstamp with PENANG b/s and scarce violet circular LETTER CENSOR/PASSED NO.7 PENANG h/s.

MALAYA - 1903 3c postcard use to UK used at BATU GAJAH/POST OFFICE.MALAYA - 1903 3c postcard use to UK used at BATU GAJAH/POST OFFICE.

PERAK - 1903 (DE.29.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Singapore-Street Scene' bearing FMS 3c 'tiger' adhesive tied by scarce squared circle BATU GAJAH/POST OFFICE cancel. Proud type D4.

MALAYA - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy with MALAYA - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy with 'AR' h/s applied.

PENANG - 1924 (MY.7.) registered cover to Italy bearing Straits Settlements 2c,8c,10c,12c and 21c adhesives tied PENANG and with scarce circular 'AR' (Avis Reception) handstamp applied. Stamp hinge marks on reverse side with the wax seal removed.

MALAYA - 1916 inward  MALAYA - 1916 inward 'LETTER CENSOR/PASSED No.9/PENANG' cover from India.

PENANG - 1916 (MAR.8.) inward cover from India with black on cream STRAITS SETTLEMENTS/OPENED BY THE/CENSOR AND/OFFICIALLY RESEALED crowned label at top edge tied by violet LETTER CENSORS OFFICE/GPO handstamp with PENANG b/s and scarce violet circular LETTER CENSOR/ PASSED NO.9 PENANG h/s.

MALAYA - 1946 15c dark blue MALAYA - 1946 15c dark blue 'BMA MILITARY' RPSE uprated at KUALA LUMPUR. H&G 8.

SELANGOR - 1946 15c dark blue on cream BRIT.MILITARY ADMN registered postal stationery (size G) with THOS.De LA RUE & Co imprint under flap addressed to Penang and bearing Straits Settlements 2c,3c and 10c adhesives overprinted B.M.A. (corner edge cut and wax seals removed from flap) cancelled by KUALA LUMPUR cds's dated 15.OCT.47. Although 10,000 examples of these military envelopes were printed examples are very elusive. H&G 8.

MALAYA - 1931 6c rate MALAYA - 1931 6c rate 'KTL' tax tax mark cover to USA.

FMS - 1931 (JY.20.) cover addressed to USA bearing 6c 'tiger' adhesive tied KUALA LUMPUR/FMS struck at left by scarce triangular 'K.T.L.' tax mark.

MALAYA - 1924 inward underpaid postcard with FMS/RAILWAY SORTING CARRIAGE cds.MALAYA - 1924 inward underpaid postcard with FMS/RAILWAY SORTING CARRIAGE cds.

FMS - 1924 inward underpaid postcard from UK bearing 1d adhesive tied SEAFORD/SUSSEX and dated 16.NO.24. With hexagonal 'T' tax mark at left with 5c scarlet 'Postage Due' added on arrival and cancelled KUALA LUMPUR (large part torn away) but with a fine strike of the scarce s/r F.M.S./RAILWAY SORTING CARRIAGE cds alongside dated 12.DE.1924.

MALAYA - 1937 10c purple (SG 46) mint handstamped by FAKE Japanese chop. MALAYA - 1937 10c purple (SG 46) mint handstamped by FAKE Japanese chop.

KELANTAN - 1937 10c purple Sultan Ismail' adhesive (SG 46) in fine mint condition struck by black boxed double 3 line Japanese chop handstamp (SG type 1). Stated to have been prepared but not issued but accompanying BPA certifcate states it to be a fake.

MALAYA - 1946 15c dark blue MALAYA - 1946 15c dark blue 'BMA MILITARY' RPSE used locally at SABAK BARNHAM.

SELANGOR - 1946 15c dark blue on cream BRIT.MILITARY ADMN registered postal stationery (size G) with THOS.De LA RUE & Co imprint under flap addressed to Kuala Lumpur (a little surface creasing) and bearing Straits Settlements 15c overprinted B.M.A. (cut at right edge from opening) and cancelled by SABAK BARNAM cds dated 5.FE.48. Although 10,000 examples of these military envelopes were printed examples are very elusive. H&G 8.

MALAYA - 1900 ONE CENT black on 4c surcharge pane of 60 (separated).  SG 82.MALAYA - 1900 ONE CENT black on 4c surcharge pane of 60 (separated). SG 82.

PERAK - 1900 'ONE CENT' black on 4c dull purple and carmine adhesive in a left hand PLATE 1 pane of 60 but with bottom two rows separated and with perf separation. The gum is overall toned and is still with backing tissue applied from the post office counter books. Some perf faults etc but a scarce multiple. SG 82.

MALAYA - 1935 8c rate cover to UK used at NIBONG TEBAL/S.S.MALAYA - 1935 8c rate cover to UK used at NIBONG TEBAL/S.S.

PENANG - 1935 (MR.15.) cover addressed to UK bearing 4c orange Straits Settlements pair (one damaged) cancelled by superb NIBONG TEBAL/S.S. cds. Proud type M.

MALAYA - 1916 MALAYA - 1916 'Belgian Relief Fund' unused label in red.

FMS - 1916 'BELGIAN RELIEF FUND' war label printed in red on cream perforated paper in unused condition.

MALAYA - 1916 MALAYA - 1916 'Belgian Relief Fund' used label in brown.

FMS - 1916 'BELGIAN RELIEF FUND' war label printed in pale brown on cream perforated paper with small part cancel at lower left.

MALAYA - 1919 Kedah/Straits local combination cover used at BALING.MALAYA - 1919 Kedah/Straits local combination cover used at BALING.

KEDAH - 1919 (OCT.6) STAMP SHORTAGE COVER (See SG footnote) addressed to Penang & bearing Straits Settlements 1c & 4c adhesives in combination with Kedah 2c pair cancelled by d/r BALING cds. Used for just a few months in 1919 & backstamped by violet oval POST OFFICE/PADANG SERI h/s dated 7.OCT.1919. Proud type D1.

MALAYA - 1927 4c orange PSC unused.  H&G 6.MALAYA - 1927 4c orange PSC unused. H&G 6.

KELANTAN - 1927 4c orange on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 6.

MALAYA - 1916 50c black and red MALAYA - 1916 50c black and red 'WAR FUND' label used at SINGAPORE.

FMS - 1916 50c black and red 'LORD ROBERTS/MEMORIAL WORKSHOP' rouletted STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR FUND lable (two light creases) cancelled by central GENERAL POST OFFICE/SINGAPORE cds dated 7.JU.1916. Very scarce.

MALAYA - 1935 5c rate cover to Singapore used at BIDOR.MALAYA - 1935 5c rate cover to Singapore used at BIDOR.

PERAK - 1935 (NO.17.) cover addressed to Singapore bearing FMS 1c and 4d adhesives tied BIDOR.

MALAYA - 1955 FORMULA air letter use with MALAYA - 1955 FORMULA air letter use with 'FEDERAL VOTE ELECTIONS' h/s applied.

KEDAH - 1955 (12.JUL.) use of blue overlay on cream FORMULA postal stationery AIR LETTER addressed locally and bearing 10c adhesive tied ALOR STAR with a violet strike of the FEDERAL/VOTE/27th JULY/ELECTIONS h/s on reverse side. The edge flaps have gum staining and with slight ageing.

MALAYA - 1956 Radio card used locally with DAFTAR UNTOK PELAJARAN h/s.MALAYA - 1956 Radio card used locally with DAFTAR UNTOK PELAJARAN h/s.

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1956 (SEP.5) use of pre-printed 'Penglola Lagu2 Permintaan' radio transmission card addressed locally to the Kuala Lumpur police station at Ruangan bearing 4c adhesive tied KUALA PILAH & with violet boxed DAFTAR UNTOK PELAJARAN/ AUG 27th-SEPT 27, 1956 h/s at left. (Proud type HS11).


PAHANG - 1954 (NOV.3.) cover addressed to Kuala Lumpur bearing 8c and 12c adhesives tied by RAUB cds and struck below by fine violet boxed REGISTER/FOR FEDERAL ELECTIONS/OCT 18th-NOV 16th. (Proud type HS6). Previously only recorded on November 5th.

MALAYA - 1912 10c blue RPSE unused.  H&G 4b.MALAYA - 1912 10c blue RPSE unused. H&G 4b.

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - 1912 10c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 4b.

MALAYA - 1943 8c rate MALAYA - 1943 8c rate 'Japanese Occupation' cover used at JOHORE BAHRU.

JOHORE - 1943 (MR.7.) cover addressed locally bearing Straits Settlements 8c grey adhesive handstamped by the upright Japanese chop (SG type 2) for use by the Occupation forces (SG J263) and tied by JOHORE BAHRU cds struck by the Showa '2603' calendar.

MALAYA - 1943 Japanese Occupation cover registered to Singapore from TAIPING.MALAYA - 1943 Japanese Occupation cover registered to Singapore from TAIPING.

PERAK - 1943 registered cover addressed to Singapore bearing Perak 8c and 15c adhesives overprinted for use by the Japanese Occupation forces (SG J250+276) tied by TAIPING cds with blue on white R/TAIPING registered label at left. Japanese manila censor label on reverse and struck front and reverse sides with Japanese boxed censor strikes in violet.

MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC unused SPECIMEN. H&G 9.MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC unused SPECIMEN. H&G 9.

PERAK - 1938 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard in unused condition struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 9.

MALAYA - 1957 1c MALAYA - 1957 1c 'Copra' IMPERFORATE PROOF printers waste pair.

PERLIS - 1957 1c 'Copra' IMPERFORATE PROOF pair printed in black on buff paper (SG type 9) from printers waste showing the British Guiana 2c frame (SG type 56) applied in red vertically over the pair.

MALAYA - 1936 2c green PSC unused.  H&G 3.MALAYA - 1936 2c green PSC unused. H&G 3.

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1936 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 3.

MALAYA - 1923 cover to India bearing  cancelled by PENANG/BRITISH/EMPIRE/EXHIBITION/1924 h/MALAYA - 1923 cover to India bearing cancelled by PENANG/BRITISH/EMPIRE/EXHIBITION/1924 h/

PENANG - 1923 cover addressed to India bearing Straits Settlements 1c (x2) and 4c on reverse flap cancelled by PENANG/BRITISH/EMPIRE/EXHIBITION/1924 h/s. Complete with original letter.

MALAYA - 1929 inward unpaid cover with Straits 12c MALAYA - 1929 inward unpaid cover with Straits 12c 'Postage Due' added.

PENANG - 1929 inward unpaid cover from India with 12c blue Straits Settlements 'Postage Due' (SG D6) added on arrival cancelled PENANG.

MALAYA - 1931 inward underpaid cover with Straits 2c and 4c MALAYA - 1931 inward underpaid cover with Straits 2c and 4c 'Postage Dues' added.

MALACCA - 1931 (JA.31.) inward underpaid cover from India with 2c black and 4c green Straits Settlements 'Postage Dues' added (SG D2 and 3) tied MALACCA.

MALAYA - 1931 6c rate cover to India used at MASJID TANAH/MALACCA.MALAYA - 1931 6c rate cover to India used at MASJID TANAH/MALACCA.

MALACCA - 1931 (JA.2.) cover addressed to India bearing 6c 'Straits Settlements' adhesive on reverse flap cancelled by MASJID TANAH/MALACCA cds.

Malaya - 1901 1c green PSC used at KUALA LUMPUR with Malaya - 1901 1c green PSC used at KUALA LUMPUR with 'Sailors Day' reverse. H&G 1.

SELANGOR - 1901 1c green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by KUALA LUMPUR cds dated SE.5.17. (corner repair) with the reverse side pre-printed for use by the 'Rubber Exhibition Sub Committee' headed SELANGOR SAILORS DAY. H&G 1.

MALAYA - 1923 2c brown MALAYA - 1923 2c brown 'FMS' PSC to USA uprated at PUDU with additional 2c. H&G 13.

SELANGOR - 1923 2c brown on buff F.M.S. 'tiger' postal stationery postcard addressed to USA (staple hole through top right corner) bearing additional 'tiger' 2c green adhesive and tied PUDU and dated 30.DE.26. H&G 13.

MALAYA - 1934 12c rate MALAYA - 1934 12c rate 'S.S.RESOLUTE' maritime cover to USA.

PENANG - 1934 cover addressed to USA bearing 12c adhesive tied by PENANG d/r cds and struck at left by AROUND THE WORLD CRUISE S.S.RESOLUTE maritime handstamp.

MALAYA - 1925 underpaid local cover with Straits 1c+8c MALAYA - 1925 underpaid local cover with Straits 1c+8c 'Postage Dues' added.

SELANGOR - 1925 (AU.1.) underpaid cover addressed locally bearing Straits Settlements 1c green adhesive tied by unusual oval barred 'dumb' cancel with KUALA LUMPUR cds at left. The envelope was struck by scarce black triangular 'K.T.L.' tax mark and on arrival has had Straits 1c violet and 8c red 'Postage Dues' added and tied PENANG.

MALAYA - 1942 8c rate cover used locally at IPOH during Japanese Occupation.MALAYA - 1942 8c rate cover used locally at IPOH during Japanese Occupation.

PERAK - 1942 cover addressed locally bearing Perak 8c scarlet overprinted DAI NIPPON/2602/MALAYA cancelled by large star type PERAK/YUBIN KYOKO/IPOH cds dated AUG.1.2602. Black boxed Japanese chop at left.

MALAYA - 1942 8c rate cover used locally  at TAIPING during Japanese Occupation.MALAYA - 1942 8c rate cover used locally at TAIPING during Japanese Occupation.

PERAK - 1942 cover addressed to Penang marked 'Tamil Letter' (fold at right) bearing Negri Sembilan 2c orange and 8c grey 'DAI NIPPON' overprints for use by the Japanese (SG J229 and J232) with the 2c showing scarce RAISED QUAD variety in front of the 'Dai' overprint cancelled by PERAK/TAIPING 'cog wheeled' cancel in black dated 6.JUL.2602 with small Japanese chop alongside and d/r DAI NIPON/GPO PENANG cds below struck in transit on the following day. A scarce use during the Japanese occupation.

MALAYA - 1942 8c rate use of local cover during Japanese Occupation at KAMPAR.MALAYA - 1942 8c rate use of local cover during Japanese Occupation at KAMPAR.

PERAK - 1942 use of 'ON GOVERNMENT SERVICE' manilla envelope (133x105mm) addressed to Kuala Lumpur & h/s'd at bottom 'Medical Officer/Kampar' bearing Pahang 8c ovpt'd DAI NIPPON/2602/MALAYA & cancelled by scarce cogged wheel PERAK/ KAMPAR/2602/YUBIN KYOKU h/s in black. Used during the Japanese Occupation of Malaya.

MALAYA - 1949 MALAYA - 1949 'RETOUR' and 'UNDELIVERED' local cover.

KEDAH - 1949 inward 10c 'Coronation' use cover from Penang with KARANGAN arrival dated 12.JAN.49. The cover could not be delivered and is struck by black UNDELIVERED FOR REASON STATED- RETURN TO SENDER AT ADDRESS SHOWN ON COVER and additional strike in a different type struck in violet ink. Large RETOUR mark and with PENANG b/s and violet boxed REFUSED/ DECEASED/INSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED/NOT ADDRESSED/GONE AWAY instructional box. Two file holes at bottom edge of cover but a nice set of markings.

MALAYA - 1934 first flight cover to Australia.MALAYA - 1934 first flight cover to Australia.

KEDAH - 1934 (DE.15.) illustrated 'Imperial Airways and Qantas' first flight cover addressed to York in Western Australia bearing 25c adhesive tied by SUNGEI PATANI/KEDAH cds.

MALAYA - 1933 first flight cover to UK.MALAYA - 1933 first flight cover to UK.

KEDAH - 1933 (DE.30.) illustrated 'Imperial Airways/Indian Trans-Continental' first flight cover addressed to UK bearing 6c, 12c and 25c adhesives tied GENERAL POST OFFICE/ALOR STAR KEDAH cds's.

MALAYA - 1891 inward 2c PSC from Ceylon to PANGKOR ISLAND struck INCONNU/NOT KNOWN.MALAYA - 1891 inward 2c PSC from Ceylon to PANGKOR ISLAND struck INCONNU/NOT KNOWN.

PENANG - 1891 inward use of 2c postal stationery postcard from Ceylon with s/r PENANG arrival strike dated MY.3.91 and rare 'italic' PANGKOR arrival (Proud type D3). The card was not delivered and struck by scarce black boxed INCONNU/NOT KNOWN instructional strike.

MALAYA - 1937 2c green PSC of Straits Settlements used locally from PENANG. H&G 36.MALAYA - 1937 2c green PSC of Straits Settlements used locally from PENANG. H&G 36.

PENANG - 1937 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard of Straits Settlements (H&G 36) addressed to Kedah and bearing additional 1c black (x2-one with fault) tied by light PENANG cds and with ALOR STAR/KEDAH arrival at left dated 8.MY.1941.

MALAYA - 1945 MALAYA - 1945 'BUTTERWORTH/P.W.' cover to USA (one stamp missing).

PENANG - 1945 (30.11.) cover addressed to USA bearing 8c and 10c block of four cancelled by scarce BUTTERWORTH/ P.W. cds (Proud type K). Unfortunately one stamp is missing from below the 10c block.

MALAYA - 1979 1c MALAYA - 1979 1c 'Raf Flesia Hasselti' range of six IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIALS.

SELANGOR - 1979 1c 'Raf Flesia Hasselti' (SG type 11) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL printed in the issued colours together with and additional strike of the head and name/value tablets without vignette and four further examples showing individual colours used to make up the stamp. 6 colour trials on gummed paper. Fine and scarce.

MALAYA - 1979 2c MALAYA - 1979 2c 'Pterocarpus Indicus' range of six IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIALS.

SELANGOR - 1979 2c 'Pterocarpus Indicus' (SG type 11) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL printed in the issued colours together with and additional strike of the head and name/value tablets without vignette and four further examples showing individual colours used to make up the stamp. 6 colour trials on gummed paper. Fine and scarce.

MALAYA - 1942 15c dark blue RPSE unused ovptMALAYA - 1942 15c dark blue RPSE unused ovpt'd for use during Japanese Occupation. H&G 8.

SELANGOR - 1942 15c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition overprinted with vertical red Kanji overprint for use during Japanese Occupation. H&G 8.

MALAYA - 1942 2c orange PSC unused overprinted for Japanese Occupation.  H&G 8.MALAYA - 1942 2c orange PSC unused overprinted for Japanese Occupation. H&G 8.

PERAK - 1942 2c orange on buff postal stationery postcard (lightly toned) with black square MALAYA/ 2 cts/POSTAGE at left and overprinted DAI NIPPON/2602/MALAYA for use during the Japanese Occupation in unused condition. H&G 8.

MALAYA - 1941 PASSED FOR TRANSMISSION 5 censor cover to Australia used at MALIM NAWAR.MALAYA - 1941 PASSED FOR TRANSMISSION 5 censor cover to Australia used at MALIM NAWAR.

PERAK - 1941 (SE.20.) 'tatty' (with faults) cover addressed to Australia bearing Perak 8c grey adhesive tied by MALIM NAWAR d/r cds and struck at lower left by violet triangular PASSED FOR/5/ TRANSMISSION censor strike.

MALAYA - 1979 10c MALAYA - 1979 10c 'Durio Zibethinus' range of six IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIALS.

PAHANG - 1979 10c 'Durio Zibethinus' (SG type 20) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL printed in the issued colours together with and additional strike of the head and name/value tablets without vignette and four further examples showing individual colours used to make up the stamp. 6 colour trials on gummed paper. Fine and scarce.

MALAYA - 1979 5c MALAYA - 1979 5c 'Lagerstromia Speciosa' range of six IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIALS.

SELANGOR - 1979 5c 'Lagerstroemia Speciosa' (SG type 11) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL printed in the issued colours together with and additional strike of the head and name/value tablets without vignette and four further examples showing individual colours used to make up the stamp. 6 colour trials on gummed paper. Fine and scarce.

MALAYA - 1979 15c MALAYA - 1979 15c 'Hibiscus Rose' range of six IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIALS.

SELANGOR - 1979 15c 'Hibiscus rose' (SG type 11) IMPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL printed in the issued colours together with and additional strike of the head and name/value tablets without vignette and four further examples showing individual colours used to make up the stamp. 6 colour trials on gummed paper. Fine and scarce.

MALAYA - 1946 use of TELEGRAM form complete with original envelope from ALOR STAR.MALAYA - 1946 use of TELEGRAM form complete with original envelope from ALOR STAR.

KEDAH - 1946 (NO.9.) use of (Telecoma-Tg4) B.M.A. (Malaya) Telecommunications RECEIVING FORM cancelled TELEGRAPH OFFICE/ALOR STAR and complete with the original envelope.

MALAYA - 1932 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBANMALAYA - 1932 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBAN

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1932 (JA.6.) black on cream (P & T Tel. 4c) STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES telegram form cancelled SEREMBAN complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1929 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at KLANG.MALAYA - 1929 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at KLANG.

SELANGOR - 1929 (AU.26.) black on cream F.M.S.POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS form cancelled by KLANG/ TELEGRAPH cds complete with the original envelope.

MALAYA - 1959 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at BUKIT MERTAJAM.MALAYA - 1959 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at BUKIT MERTAJAM.

PENANG - 1958 (SEP.4.) black on buff COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT MALAYA/RECEIVING FORM cancelled BUKIT MERTAJAM complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1931 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBAN.MALAYA - 1931 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBAN.

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1931 (JA.24.) black on cream F.M.S.POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS/RECEIVING FORM cancelled by SEREMBAN cds and complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1929 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at TAMPIN M.O.O.MALAYA - 1929 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at TAMPIN M.O.O.

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1929 (DE.14.) red on cream F.M.S.POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS form cancelled TAMPIN/ M.O.O. and complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1919 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBAN.MALAYA - 1919 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at SEREMBAN.

NEGRI SEMBILAN - 1919 (DE.11.) red on buff F.M.S.GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPHS form cancelled SEREMBAN/ TELEGRAPH and complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1958 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at KULIM.MALAYA - 1958 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at KULIM.

KEDAH - 1958 (JUN.16.) black on buff COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT MALAYA/RECEIVING FORM cancelled KULIM and complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1947 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at ALOR STAR.MALAYA - 1947 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at ALOR STAR.

KEDAH - 1947 (MY.29.) black on buff TELECOMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT MALAYA/RECEIVING FORM cancelled by TELEGRAPH OFFICE/ALOR STAR cds complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1947 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at ALOR STAR.MALAYA - 1947 TELEGRAM complete with original envelope used at ALOR STAR.

KEDAH - 1947 (SE.4.) black on buff COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT MALAYA/RECEIVING FORM camncelled by TELEGRAPH OFFICE/ALOR STAR cds complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1962 TELEGRAM and original envelope used at MUAR.MALAYA - 1962 TELEGRAM and original envelope used at MUAR.

JOHORE - 1962 (JA.5.) black on cream COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT MALAYA/RECEIVING FORM cancelled MUAR/TELEGRAPH OFFICE cds complete with original envelope.

MALAYA - 1930MALAYA - 1930's (circa) OHMS telegram envelope addressed to Malacca.


MALAYA - 1918 2c green PSC unused MALAYA - 1918 2c green PSC unused 'Private Printed' for use by Engineering Assoc. H&G 9.

FMS - 1918 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard (H&G 9) in fine unused condition pre-printed to 'The Engineering Association Of Malaya' in Klang and with the reverse side privately printed for its meeting in May 1923. Printed on a 'thin' card with the H&G stating ' There is a question as to whether this card exists. An unusual 'Private' printed use.

MALAYA - 1923 2c brown PSC unused MALAYA - 1923 2c brown PSC unused 'Privately Printed' for Public Works Dept. H&G 13.

FMS - 1923 2c brown on buff postal stationery postcard (H&G 13) in unused condition pre-printed to 'Public Works Department' in Kuala Lumpur and with the reverse side privately printed for its meeting in May 1925. Unusual 'Private' use of this stationery

MALAYA - 1927 4c rate postcard use to UK used at BUTTERWORTH/PENANG.MALAYA - 1927 4c rate postcard use to UK used at BUTTERWORTH/PENANG.

PENANG - 1927 use of real photo picture postcard addressed to UK depicting a river boat scene bearing Straits settlements 4c violet tied by d/r BUTTERWORTH/PENANG cds. (Proud type G).

MALAYA - 1926 6c rate cover to USA with MALAYA - 1926 6c rate cover to USA with 'T/K.G.' tax mark applied.

SELANGOR - 1926 (FE.19.) cover addressed to USA (light tone spotted) bearing 6c yellow 'tiger' adhesive tied by light KLANG cds and being under paid having scarce triangular 'T/K.G.' tax mark applied Proud type UP2.

MALAYA - 1930 MALAYA - 1930 'RECEIVED AFTER/SHIPS DEPARTURE' cover to Aden used at IPOH.

PERAK - 1930 (JA.14.) cover addressed to Aden and then returned bearing FMS 2c and 4c tied IPOH. The cover is centrally folded and aged but bears a strike of the violet boxed RECEIVED AFTER/ SHIPS DEPARTURE on reverse.

MALAYA - 1929 underpaid cover to UK (faults) with MALAYA - 1929 underpaid cover to UK (faults) with 'sTt' tax mark.

SELANGOR - 1929 (OCT.15.) cover addressed to UK (faults and some tone spots) bearing FMS 2c (x2) and 4c adhesives tied SENTUL/FMS and with two strike sof the scarce black triangular 'sTt' tax mark. GB 2d 'Postage Due' applied on arrival.

MALAYA - 1953 25c rate MALAYA - 1953 25c rate 'PASSED CNO ER/S1/44' censor cover to India.

SELANGOR - 1953 (MAR.21.) cover addressed to India bearing 25c adhesive tied KUALA LUMPUR and struck on the front by scarce PASSED C NO ER.S1/44 handstamp in violet.

MALAYA - 1941 MALAYA - 1941 'AIF FIELD PO/No.17' Australian Forces censor cover to Australia.

FMS - 1941 cover addressed to Australia (re-inforced corners on reverse side) bearing 25c adhesive tied by A.I.F. FIELD P.O..No.17 cds with violet boxed AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL/FORCE/PASSED BY CENSOR/623 h/s at left. A scarcer use by Australian forces in Malaya.
