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BERMUDA - 1940BERMUDA - 1940's 1d rate wrapper to USA with scarce 'PASSED BY CENSOR/33/BERMUDA' h/s.

1940's (AUG.29.) manilla wrapper addressed to USA marked 'Newspaper Only' bearing 1d adhesive tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA and struck on reverse side with scarce PASSED BY CENSOR/33/BERMUDA strike in greenish black ink. Very scarce.

BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d green PSC used locally to Watford Island.  H&G 14.BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d green PSC used locally to Watford Island. H&G 14.

1912 1/2d emerald green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally to 'Watford Island' cancelled by IRELAND ISLAND/BERMUDA cds. H&G 14.

BERMUDA - 1922 BERMUDA - 1922 'Crown Script CA Wmk' range of fine mint Bridger and Kay shades. SG 77-87a.

1922-34 range of 'multi crown script CA' watermark shades according to Bridger and Kay catalogue in fine mint condition. G37/37a/37b, G38/38a/38b/38c, G39a/39b, G40/40a, G41/41a/41b/41c, G42, G43/43b/43c/43d/43e, G44/44a/44b/44c, G45, G46, G48/48a/48b, G49/49a/49b, G50/50a and G51/51a/51b. 40 stamps. (SG 77-87a / Cat £315+).

BERMUDA - 1916 1d rate censored postcard use to USA used at ST.GEORGES.BERMUDA - 1916 1d rate censored postcard use to USA used at ST.GEORGES.

1916 (JUL.22.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'A scetchy path, Bermuda' and bearing 1/2d 'ship' pair tied by s/r ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds with magenta PASSED/ POSTAL/CENSOR BERMUDA h/s below.

BERMUDA - 1917 1d rate cover to Canada used at FLATTS with BERMUDA - 1917 1d rate cover to Canada used at FLATTS with 'P.C/BERMUDA' censor strike.

1917 (MAY.12) cover to Canada bearing 1d 'ship' adhesive tied by FLATTS/BERMUDA cds with violet circular P.C./BERMUDA censor h/s at left.

BERMUDA - 1921 1d rate postcard use to UK used on R.M.S.FRANCONIA.BERMUDA - 1921 1d rate postcard use to UK used on R.M.S.FRANCONIA.

1921 (AUG.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Eastern Walk-St.Georges Hotel' bearing 1d 'ship' adhesive (un-cancelled) and struck by black boxed POSTED ON BARD/THE BRITISH/ R.M.S.FRANCONIA/ON THE HIGH SEAS maritime handstamp at left.

BERMUDA - 1926 1d rate cover to UK used at SOUTHAMPTON EAST/BERMUDA.BERMUDA - 1926 1d rate cover to UK used at SOUTHAMPTON EAST/BERMUDA.

1926 (AUG.23.) small envelope addressed to UK (roughly opened on reverse with two stamp hinge repairs) bearing 1d 'ship' adhesive tied by neat SOUTHAMPTON EAST/BERMUDA cds.

BERMUDA - 1910 1d rate postcard used locally from FLATTS.BERMUDA - 1910 1d rate postcard used locally from FLATTS.

1910 (AUG.26.) use of picture postcard addressed locally to St.Georges depicting 'Lane in St. Georges-Bermuda' bearing 1d (dockyard) adhesive tied FLATTS/BERMUDA.

BERMUDA - 1912 1d rate postcard use to USA used at PAGET WEST.BERMUDA - 1912 1d rate postcard use to USA used at PAGET WEST.

1912 (AP.6.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Hamilton, Saltus Bay' bearing 1/2d pair tied PAGET WEST/BERMUDA.

BERMUDA - 1922 3d blue RPSE uprated locally to Hamilton from ST.GEORGES.  H&G 5.BERMUDA - 1922 3d blue RPSE uprated locally to Hamilton from ST.GEORGES. H&G 5.

1922 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed locally to Hamilton bearing additional 1d 'ship' pair tied ST.GEORGES. H&G 5.

BERMUDA - 1929 1d rate postcard use to Albania used at PAGET WEST.BERMUDA - 1929 1d rate postcard use to Albania used at PAGET WEST.

1929 (MY.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to Albania (scarce) depicting 'Victoria Park-Bermuda' bearing 1d 'ship' adhesive tied to picture side by PAGET WEST/BERMUDA cds.

BERMUDA - 1945 6d black grey postal stationery air letter used to USA.  H&G 1.BERMUDA - 1945 6d black grey postal stationery air letter used to USA. H&G 1.

1945 6d black grey on white grey overlay postal stationery air letter (20mm space) addressed to USA and cancelled by HAMILTON-BERMUDA AQUARIUM slogan strike dated 20.DE.48. A nice genuine use of this forst air letter sheet. H&G 1.

BERMUDA - 1922 3d blue RPSE to UK uprated with 2d grey and used at ST.GEORGES.BERMUDA - 1922 3d blue RPSE to UK uprated with 2d grey and used at ST.GEORGES.

1922 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to UK (opened on two sides) bearing additional 2d grey adhesive tied ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds dated 2.NOV.32. H&G 5a.

BERMUDA - 1943 7 1/2d rate PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA cover to USA used at HAMILTON.BERMUDA - 1943 7 1/2d rate PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA cover to USA used at HAMILTON.

1943 (OCT.19.) cover addressed to USA bearing 7 1/2d adhesive tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA with black on cream P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ C/8167 censor label at left and struck by scarce violet PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA h/s on front. Miller type CM21. The origin noted on reverse flap as 'Camp Lodge' with this censor mark normally being applied to Forces Mail.

BERMUDA - 1893 1d black on 1 1/2d carmine PSC to Germany (no message).  H&G 7a.BERMUDA - 1893 1d black on 1 1/2d carmine PSC to Germany (no message). H&G 7a.

1893 'One Penny' black surcharge on 1 1/2d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (no message) cancelled by '1' duplex with HAMILTON cds alongside dated AU.26.93. H&G 7a.

BERMUDA - 1935 1 1/2d BERMUDA - 1935 1 1/2d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive on cover to UK but used at BARBADOS. Unusual.

1935 (DE.17.) cover addressed to UK bearing the 1 1/2d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive but cancelled BARBADOS. Unusual usage.

BERMUDA - 1958 first flight cover to UK.BERMUDA - 1958 first flight cover to UK.

1958 (OCT.29.) use of illustrated 'B.O.A.C.' first flight cover addressed to UK bearing 1/3d adhesive tied HAMILTON.

BERMUDA - 1874 6d dull mauve in a very fine fresh mint block of eight.  SG 7.
BERMUDA - 1874 6d dull mauve in a very fine fresh mint block of eight. SG 7.

1874 6d dull mauve (perf 14-Crown CC wmk) in a very fine fresh mint block of eight. SG 7.

BERMUDA - 1884 1d rate local cover to Southampton cancelled by BERMUDA - 1884 1d rate local cover to Southampton cancelled by '2' duplex.

1884 (JA.21.) cover addressed locally (opened on two sides and with missing flap) bearing 1d adhesive tied by '2' duplex with ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds alongside. The reverse side struck HAMILTON/BERMUDA in 'blue' ink.

BERMUDA - 1941 2 1/2d rate BERMUDA - 1941 2 1/2d rate 'FLEET MAIL OFFICE/BERMUDA' cover to USA.

1941 (FEB.1.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive cancelled by large double ringed FLEET MAIL OFFICE/BERMUDA handstamp.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/sBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/s'd '1/4d' in black unused. H&G 9a.

1950 1/4d Brown on buff postal stationery newspaper wrapper surcharged BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID in black in fine unused condition. Scarce item mint. H&G 9a.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/sBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/s'd '3/4d' in violet unused. H&G 9j.

1950 1/4d Brown on buff postal stationery newspaper wrapper surcharged BERMUDA/3/4d/POSTAGE PAID in violet in fine unused condition. Scarce item mint. H&G 9j.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/sBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/s'd '1/4d' used at ST.GEORGES. H&G 9c.

1950 1/4d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper handstamped by oval BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID h/s in violet. Addressed in pencil to Bowie and cancelled ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA and dated 4.MAY.51. H&G 9c.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/sBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/s'd '1/4d' used at FLATTS. H&G 9c.

1950 1/4d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper handstamped by oval BERMUDA/1/4d/ POSTAGE PAID h/s in violet. Addressed in pencil to Bowie and cancelled FLATTS/BERMUA and dated 30.MAR.51. H&G 9c.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/sBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d brown postal stationery wrapper h/s'd '1/4d' used at DEVONSHIRE SOUTH. h&g 9C.

1950 1/4d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper handstamped by oval BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID h/s in violet. Addressed in pencil to Bowie and cancelled DEVONSHIRE SOUTH/BERMUA and dated 30.MAR.51. H&G 9c.

BERMUDA - 1947 use of 6d grey postal stationery BERMUDA - 1947 use of 6d grey postal stationery 'cut out' as postage on cover to USA at HAMILTON.

1947 (SEP.12.) cover addressed to USA bearing the 6d grey postal stationery air letter cut out and affixed as postage being cancelled HAMILTON/BERMUDA. Accepted as postage without tax. Unusual use.

BERMUDA - 1943 9d rate cover to USA used at FLATTS with PASSED BY CENSOR /8/BERMUDA h/s applied.BERMUDA - 1943 9d rate cover to USA used at FLATTS with PASSED BY CENSOR /8/BERMUDA h/s applied.

1943 (SEP.26.) cover addressed to USA (rough opening on reverse flap) bearing 3d and 6d adhesives tied FLATTS/BERMUDA and struck by green PASSED BY CENSOR/8/BERMUDA h/s. Little type CM21.

BERMUDA - 1941 underpaid postcard use to USA from ST.GEORGES.BERMUDA - 1941 underpaid postcard use to USA from ST.GEORGES.

1941 (APR.17.) use of picture postcard addressed to Canada depicting 'Lily field in bloom-Bermuda' bearing 1/2d green tied ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA. The card was not censored but having been under paid received 'opera glasses' type 'T/BERMUDA' tax mark in red with '30' inserted in blue manuscript.

BERMUDA - 1938 taxed underpaid postcard to UK from IRELAND ISLAND.BERMUDA - 1938 taxed underpaid postcard to UK from IRELAND ISLAND.

1938 (JUN.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Yachting off Inverurie' and bearing 1/2d green pair tied IRELAND ISLAND/BERMUDA. The card was underpaid and received the 'opera glasses' type 'T/BERMUDA/CENTIMES' tax mark applied in red with '10' inserted in manuscript. 'T' tax mark applied on arrival with 1d GB postage due added.

BERMUDA - 1948 5/- black on pink BOOKLET.  SG SB1.BERMUDA - 1948 5/- black on pink BOOKLET. SG SB1.

1948 5/- black on pink BOOKLET as issued containing 1d,1 1/2d, 2d, 2 1/2d and 3d adhesives arranged in panes of six. SG SB1.

BERMUDA - 1948 10s6d black on blue BOOKLET.  SG SB2.BERMUDA - 1948 10s6d black on blue BOOKLET. SG SB2.

1948 10s6d black on blue complete 'KGVI' BOOKLET containing six 3d and 18 6d adhesives arranged in 1 and 3 panes of six and complete with original airmail labels. SG SB2.

BERMUDA - 1941 2 1/2d rate cover to UK from BERMUDA - 1941 2 1/2d rate cover to UK from 'Prospect Barracks' with censor '44' strike.

1941 (JUL.25.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 1d (x2) overlaping cancelled by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds and struck at lower left by violet circular PASSED BY CENSOR/ 44/BERMUDA h/s (Miller type CM21) and initialed alongside. The cover was sent from a 'Pvt J.Butcher' of the D Coy Det. 4th Batn. Stationed at Prospect Barracks in Hamilton and contains the original letter.

BERMUDA - 1907 inward underpaid postcard from UK with POSTAGE/1d/DUE h/s applied.BERMUDA - 1907 inward underpaid postcard from UK with POSTAGE/1d/DUE h/s applied.

1907 inward under paid postcard from UK with 1/2d adhesive tied ILKLEY. The card was underpaid and struck by sexagonal 'T/5' h/s with ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA arrival cds and with scarce oval POSTAGE/1d/DUE handstamp applied. Proud type UP24.

BERMUDA - 1931 3d and 6d BERMUDA RAILWAY parcel, goods stamp tickets unused.BERMUDA - 1931 3d and 6d BERMUDA RAILWAY parcel, goods stamp tickets unused.

1931 3d black on cream + 6d black on pink 'B.R.Co.Ltd/PAID' Parcels, Goods & Stamps BERMUDA RAILWAY parcel label in a superb unmounted & unsevered pair. (Ticket plus receipt). Original gum intact. This being the last type of ticket used by the Railway before its closure where parcels and mail were carried around the Island & especially to Hamilton in order to catch an earlier boat. (2 items - includes some additional information). Very scarce.

BERMUDA - 1950 BERMUDA - 1950 'R.M.M.V. BERESINA' maritime cover addressed to USA.

1950 (APR.1.) cover addressed to USA bearing 'GB' 2 1/2d UPU adhesive tied by PAQUEBOT/BERMUDA cds with violet oval R.M.M.V.BERESINA/POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS maritime strike at lower left.

BERMUDA - 1949 BERMUDA - 1949 'T.E.V. QUEEN OF BERMUDA maritime cover addressed to USA.

1949 (MY.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (SG 98) tied by NEW YORK-NY-PAQUEBOT/GPO cds and with T.E.V. QUEEN OF BERMUDA maritime handstamp at left.

BERMUDA - 1952 BERMUDA - 1952 'T.E.V.QUEEN OF BERMUDA' maritime cover addressed to USA.

1952 (DEC.6) cover to USA bearing US 3c tied by PAQUEBOT/BERMUDA cds with fine T.E.V.QUEEN OF BERMUDA/POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS maritime h/s at left.

BERMUDA - 1953 BERMUDA - 1953 'OCEAN MONARCH' maritime cover addressed to USA.

1952 (DEC.14) cover to USA bearing GB 1/2d, 1d & 2 1/2d adhesives tied PAQUEBOT/BERMDUA with fine OCEAN MONARCH/POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS maritime h/s at left.

BERMUDA - 1954 BERMUDA - 1954 'SAN JUAN' maritime cover addressed to USA.

1954 cover to USA bearing 'KGVI' 2 1/2d (SG 113a) tied by d/r SAN JUAN P.R./1954 cancel dated JY.16 in center with violet two line BRITTANY/POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS & black PAQUEBOT/SAN JUAN P.R. h/s's.

BERMUDA - 1954 BERMUDA - 1954 'M.S.OLEANDER' maritime cover to the Netherlands.

1954 (Mr.5) cover to USA bearing Netherland 1c+4c tied PAQUEBOT BERMUDA cds's with M.S.OLEANDER maritime cachet at left.

BERMUDA - 1942 3d rate commercial cover to USA with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label applied.BERMUDA - 1942 3d rate commercial cover to USA with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label applied.

1942 (JAN.17) use of 'Masters Limited/Bermuda' cover addressed to USA bearing 3d tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label at left.

BERMUDA - 1942 (circa) US troops in Bermuda BERMUDA - 1942 (circa) US troops in Bermuda 'B 2' censored cover to USA.

1942 circa cover to USA bearing US 10c adhesive tied by US/NAVY cds & struck by PASSED BY NAVAL CENSOR/B 2 censor marking. Sent from N.O.B. Bermuda. US troops stationed in Bermuda. (Forand type UNH-4b).

BERMUDA - 1938 (circa) BERMUDA - 1938 (circa) 'SS.MONARCH OF BERMUDA' maritime postcard use to USA.

1938 circa use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Aeroplane view, Castle Harbour, Bermuda' bearing 1 1/2d 'Coronation' adhesive (uncancelled) but with magenta circular POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS/S.S./MONARCH/OF/BERMUDA maritime cachet alongside.

BERMUDA - 1938 6d blue RPSE to USA used at HAMILTON. H&G 6.BERMUDA - 1938 6d blue RPSE to USA used at HAMILTON. H&G 6.

1938 3d blue on cream reg'd postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to USA bearing additional 7 1/2d adhesive tied by AIR MAIL GPO/BERMUDA cds with blue on white R/HAMILTON(D)/BERMUDA label at left. H&G 6.

BERMUDA - 1938 1d red PSC used locally from DEVONSHIRE SOUTH.  H&G 17.BERMUDA - 1938 1d red PSC used locally from DEVONSHIRE SOUTH. H&G 17.

1938 1 d Red on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed locally (some surface creasing) and cancelled by DEVONSHIRE SOUTH/BERMUDA cds dated 3.SP.53. H&G 17.

BERMUDA - 1880 1/2d stone (unused/no gum) with WATERMARK INVERTED.  SG 19w.BERMUDA - 1880 1/2d stone (unused/no gum) with WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 19w.

1880 1/2d stone in unused (sweated gum) condition but showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 19w.

BERMUDA - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Holland used by BERMUDA - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Holland used by 'Boer War' inmate with scarce censor strike. H&G 9

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Holland (some very light tone stains) cancelled by HAMILTON/BERMUDA d/r cds dated FE.25.1902 with scarce blue double ringed PRISONER OF WAR/PASSED/CENSOR/BERMUDA handstamp applied. ENSCHEDE arrival. A scarce 'Boer War' usage with long message on reverse. H&G 9.

BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d green uprated PSC to USA used at ST.GEORGES.  H&G 14.BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d green uprated PSC to USA used at ST.GEORGES. H&G 14.

1912 1/2d green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to USA bearing additional 1d adhesive tied by ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds. H&G 14.

BERMUDA - 1939 2 1/2d rate cover to USA with PASSED BY CENSOR/2 strike applied in green.BERMUDA - 1939 2 1/2d rate cover to USA with PASSED BY CENSOR/2 strike applied in green.

1939 (SEP.30) cover to USA bearing 2 1/2d pictorial tied by HAMILTON slogan strike with PASSED BY CENSOR/2/BERMUDA h/s applied in green. (Lud. CM21).

BERMUDA - 1943 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA with PASSED BY CENSOR/4 strike applied in green.BERMUDA - 1943 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA with PASSED BY CENSOR/4 strike applied in green.

1943 use of coloured picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'The Fairy Islands of Bermuda from Gibb Hill' bearing 'GV' 1 1/2d adhesive tied by light HAMILTON cds and struck below by green s/r PASSED BY CENSOR/4/BERMUDA censor h/s. (CM23). A scarce censorship of a postcard.

BERMUDA - 1939 1 1/2d rate cover to UK with PASSED BY CENSOR/8 strike applied in green.BERMUDA - 1939 1 1/2d rate cover to UK with PASSED BY CENSOR/8 strike applied in green.

1939 (OCT.26) cover to UK bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by HAMILTON slogan strike with fine PASSED BY CENSOR/8/BERMUDA h/s applied in green. (Lud. CM12).

BERMUDA - 1942 3d rate cover to USA with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label applied.BERMUDA - 1942 3d rate cover to USA with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label applied.

1942 use of 'Masters Limited/Bermuda' cover addressed to USA bearing 1d strip of three tied by light HAMILTON slogan strike with BERMUDA/RED CROSS label at left.

BERMUDA - 1948 1/2d internal letter rate cover struck with I.A.T.A./CONFERENCE cachet.BERMUDA - 1948 1/2d internal letter rate cover struck with I.A.T.A./CONFERENCE cachet.

1948 (NOV.16) locally addressed cover bearing 1/2d (SG 98) tied ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA with scarce violet IATA/CONFERENCE/BERMUDA/1948 h/s. In use for just 12 days.

BERMUDA - 1952 misdirected MISSENT TO BERMUDA St.Kitts 12c air letter to UK.BERMUDA - 1952 misdirected MISSENT TO BERMUDA St.Kitts 12c air letter to UK.

1952 philatelic use of 'KGVI' 12c red-brown on blue air letter of St.Kitts addressed to UK & cancelled BASSETERRE/ST.KITTS & dated 18.DE.52 with HAMILTON/BERMUDA b/s dated 20.FE.52 on reverse & struck on front by superb red MISSENT TO BERMUDA h/s.

BERMUDA - 1943 2d rate BERMUDA - 1943 2d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/27/BERMUDA' postcard use to UK.

1943 (JUL.5.) use of postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Coral Beach-East, Bermuda' bearing 1/2d green (x4) tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA and with scarce circular PASSED BY CENSOR/ 27/BERMUDA handstamp applied in green ink.

BERMUDA - 1939 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA.BERMUDA - 1939 1 1/2d rate postcard use to USA.

1939 use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Palm Court-Bermudian Hotel' bearing 1 1 /2d adhesive tied by HAMILTON-COME TO BERMUDA slogan strike.

BERMUDA - 1941 3d rate BERMUDA - 1941 3d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA cover to USA.

1941 (APR.28.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d pair and 2d adhesive tied HAMILTON/ BERMUDA with violet PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA censor strike at top left. (CM23).

BERMUDA - 1941 stampless BERMUDA/POSTAGE PAID h/s cover to USA.BERMUDA - 1941 stampless BERMUDA/POSTAGE PAID h/s cover to USA.

1941 (DEC.12.) stampless cover addressed to USA cancelled by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds and struck by violet oval BERMUDA/POSTAGE PAID h/s. Proud type PD10 but without central value.

BERMUDA - 1944 PASSED BY CENSOR/39/BERMUDA use on postcard to Canada.BERMUDA - 1944 PASSED BY CENSOR/39/BERMUDA use on postcard to Canada.

1944 (FE.18.) use of coloured picture postcard addressed to Canada depicting 'Crowland Bay, Bermuda' bearing 1/2d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA and with scarce red circular PASSED BY CENSOR/39/BERMUDA h/s below.

BERMUDA - 1940 censor cover to Canada with scarce BERMUDA - 1940 censor cover to Canada with scarce 'No.21' strike in red.

1940 (NOV.11.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by HAMILTON-BERMUDA AQUARIUM slogan strike (stamp badly stained) but with fine PASSED BY CENSOR/21/BERMUDA strike at lower left in red ink and a further strike on the reverse.

BERMUDA - 1936 (circa) locally used BERMUDA - 1936 (circa) locally used 'Cable and Wireless Ltd' TELEGRAM envelope to Ireland Island.

1936 (circa) red and blue on gold 'Cable and Wireless Limited' TELEGRAM envelope addressed to Ireland Island and bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied by light HAMILTON slogan strike. Unusual item.

BERMUDA - 1920 2/- purple and blue/blue used with BROKEN CROWN AND SCROLL variety.  SG 51bb.BERMUDA - 1920 2/- purple and blue/blue used with BROKEN CROWN AND SCROLL variety. SG 51bb.

1920 2/- purple and blue/blue adhesive cancelled by official G.P.O. departmental cancel and showing the broken crown and scroll variety from Row 1/2. SG 51bb.

BERMUDA - 1939 censor cover to UK.BERMUDA - 1939 censor cover to UK.

1939 (OCT.11.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by HAMILTON-BERMUDA AQUARIUM slogan strike and struck by green circular PASSED BY CENSOR/9/BERMUDA strike.

BERMUDA - 1944 BERMUDA - 1944 'Opera Glass' tax cover to UK used at HAMILTON.

1944 (APR.25.) cover addressed to UK written from the military station at Daniels Head bearing 3d and 1/6d adhesives tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA but having been underpaid struck with opera glass type T/BERMUDA-CENTIMES strike with '420' marked in manuscript. Daniels Head was the British Royal Navy radio station at Somerset.


1931 BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY 'Xmas Greetings' RED CROSS label in a fine ungummed IMPERFORATE PROOF block of four printed in red and green on white paper.

BERMUDA - 1893 1d PSC Boer War use to Holland from Morgans Island with censor mark.BERMUDA - 1893 1d PSC Boer War use to Holland from Morgans Island with censor mark.

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard (H&G 9) addressed to Holland (small piece of corner missing from the top right) cancelled by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds dated MR.19.1902 with scarce blue PRISONERS OF WAR/PASSED/CENSOR/BERMUA strike at left. AMSTERDAM arrival. A nice Boer War use from Morgan Island.

BERMUDA - 1886 4d rate cover to UK used at HAMILTON.BERMUDA - 1886 4d rate cover to UK used at HAMILTON.

1886 (JU.24) cover to UK marked in manuscript 'Via New York' Bears 1880 4d orange-red (SG 20) adhesive tied by '1' duplex with HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds alongside.

BERMUDA - 1943 registered censor cover to USA with scarcer BERMUDA - 1943 registered censor cover to USA with scarcer 'violet' strike and label.

1942 registered cover to USA bearing 3d (SG 114) and 3d (SG 114a) tied HAMILTON and with scarce GPO BERMUDA/D/No. registered label at lower left and struck by violet circular PASSED BY CENSOR/3/BERMUDA strike. Strikes in 'violet' are not so easy to find.

BERMUDA - 1914 BERMUDA - 1914 'PASSED/CENSOR BERMUDA/1914' h/s'd use on 1d rate postcard to USA.

1914 (OCT.20.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Paw Paw Tree-Bermuda' and bearing 1d 'ship' adhesive tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA wavy line cancellation. Magenta two lined PASSED/CENSOR BERMUDA/1914 handstamp applied below. Jessop Type CM11a. Only around a dozen examples have been recorded.

BERMUDA - 1937 2 1/2d BERMUDA - 1937 2 1/2d 'Coronation' on cover to USA with H.M.S.YORK maritime strike.

1937 (SP.28.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d 'Coronation' adhesive tied by IRELAND ISLAND cds with black oval MASTER AT ARMS/H.M.S.YORK maritime handstamp at left.

BERMUDA - 1920-30
BERMUDA - 1920-30
BERMUDA - 1920-30's range of eight unused postcards.

POSTCARDS - 1920/30's Circa range of 8 black & white & coloured picture postcards in fine unused condition. Published by Bradley, Yankee Store & Phoenix Drugs. (8 items).

BERMUDA - 1935 1/- BERMUDA - 1935 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' on illustrated 'HMS DANAE' FDC to UK.

1935 (MAY.6.) first day use of 1/- 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive on illustrated 'Bermuda and HMS Danae' cover addressed to USA cancelled by light WARWICK EAST/BERMUDA cds and with black H.M..S. DANAE/BERMUDA cachet applied at left.

BERMUDA - 1917 1/2d rate postcard use with PC/BERMUDA censor mark to USA.BERMUDA - 1917 1/2d rate postcard use with PC/BERMUDA censor mark to USA.

1917 (MAR.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Hamilton Post Office' bearing 1/2d ship adhesive tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA wavy line cancel with violet circular P.C./ BERMUDA censor h/s at left.


Black on white (P.O.-No.4a) PAID LETTER/FROM BERMUDA/FOR GREAT BRITAIN NORTH black on white label. Pre-printed at bottom (5000-5-30) PRINTED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, BERMUDA. Unusual item.

BERMUDA - 1907 postcard to USA used at SOMERSET BRIDGE/BERMUDA.BERMUDA - 1907 postcard to USA used at SOMERSET BRIDGE/BERMUDA.

1907 (JY.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Shady Nook, Hamilton, Bermuda' bearing 1/2d dock adhesive pair tied to the picture side by light SOMERSET BRIDGE/BERMUDA cds.

BERMUDA - 1939 early censored cover to UK.BERMUDA - 1939 early censored cover to UK.

1939 (JAN.23.) cover addressed to UK bearing five examples of the 1/2d green adhesive tied by ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds and marked 'First Day Cover'. The left edge has red on cream PC 102/OPENED BY/CENSOR/86 censor label (Miller type CL2). In use for just 9 months.

BERMUDA - 1942 censored cover to Canada.BERMUDA - 1942 censored cover to Canada.

1942 (MAR.2.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 7 1/2d adhesive tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA with blue on cream B.C.1./OPENED BY/EXAMINER 216 censor label at left. (Miller TYPE CL3). Rated '10' by the censor society.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on ctoBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on cto'd 1/4d wrapper used at IRELAND ISLAND. H&G 9f.

1950-51 1/4d brown on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery wrapper addressed to 'Bowie' and cancelled by IRELAND ISLAND/BERMUDA cds dated 30.MAR.51 with violet oval BERMUDA/ 1/4d/POSTAGE PAID handstamp applied by favour. H&G 9f.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on ctoBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on cto'd 1/4d wrapper used at HAMILTON. H&G 9f.

1950-51 1/4d brown on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery wrapper addressed to 'Bowie' and cancelled by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds dated 30.MAR.51 with violet oval BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID handstamp applied by favour. H&G 9f.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on ctoBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on cto'd 1/4d wrapper used at CRAWL. H&G 9f.

1950-51 1/4d brown on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery wrapper addressed to 'Bowie' and cancelled by CRAWL/BERMUDA cds dated 31.MAR.51 with violet oval BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID handstamp applied by favour. H&G 9f.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on ctoBERMUDA - 1950 1/4d POSTAGE PAID/BERMUDA h/s on cto'd 1/4d wrapper used at BAILEYS BAY. H&G 9f.

1950-51 1/4d brown on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery wrapper addressed to 'Bowie' and cancelled by BAILEYS BAY/BERMUDA cds dated 30.MAR.51 with violet oval BERMUDA/1/4d/POSTAGE PAID handstamp applied by favour. H&G 9f.

BERMUDA - 1878 1/- rate wrapper to UK with BERMUDA - 1878 1/- rate wrapper to UK with '2' duplex and HAMILTON cds strikes.

1878 (JU.12) wrapper to UK (two vertical folds) bearing a 1874 6d dull mauve (SG 7) horizontal wing margined pair struck by '2' barred duplex with HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds at left. Red LONDON/PAID cds applied on arrival. One stamp affected by fold & with some red manuscript file notes on front.

BERMUDA - 1930 1/4d franked 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at HAMILTON.BERMUDA - 1930 1/4d franked 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at HAMILTON.

1930 (SEP.16.) cover addressed to USA bearing two strips of 4 and a pair of the 1/4d brown 'ship' adhesive making up the 2 1/2d rate tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds's.

BERMUDA - 1932 1d rate cover to UK used at BAILEYS BAY.BERMUDA - 1932 1d rate cover to UK used at BAILEYS BAY.

1932 (JAN.22.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d ship tied by BAILEYS BAY/BERMUDA cds

BERMUDA - 1943 £1 pale purple and black on pale red BERMUDA - 1943 £1 pale purple and black on pale red 'key plate' with DOT variety. SG 121b

1943 £1 Pale purple and black on pale red. A superb unmounted mint example showing small dot between the £ sign and the '1' in left hand value tablet. Unusual. SG 121b.

BERMUDA - 1941 censored cover (ex part of reverse) to UK with V FOR VICTORY h/s.BERMUDA - 1941 censored cover (ex part of reverse) to UK with V FOR VICTORY h/s.

1941 (NOV.25.) cover addressed to UK (half of reverse side missing and opened out) bearing 3d and 1/6d adhesives tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA. The front bears red, white and blue TRANS ATLANTIC AIR MAIL/VIA PAN AMERICAN CLIPPER patriotic label and with biolet V/FOR/ VICTORY/BERMUDA strike on front and reverse sides. Struck at lower left by scarce violet (CM21) PASSED BY CENSOR/20/BERMUDA censor mark signed in manuscript. Major faults but still a scarce and presentable item from the front.

BERMUDA - 1946 cover to USA used at SOUTHAMPTON/BERMUDA.BERMUDA - 1946 cover to USA used at SOUTHAMPTON/BERMUDA.

1946 (NOV.5.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by d/r SOUTHAMPTON/ BERMUDA cds's.

BERMUDA - 1946 cover to USA used at SOMERSET BRIDGE.BERMUDA - 1946 cover to USA used at SOMERSET BRIDGE.

1946 (NOV.5.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by s/r SOMERSET BRIDGE/BERMUDA cds's.

BERMUDA - 1943 (circa) XMAS GREETINGS/BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY (imperf/perf) labels unused.BERMUDA - 1943 (circa) XMAS GREETINGS/BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY (imperf/perf) labels unused.

1943 (circa) Red and green on white XMAS GREETINGS/BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY labels. One being a top perfoarted marginal copy with DOUBLE PERFORATION AT BOTTOM the other IMPERFORATE. Both unused without gum.

BERMUDA - 1903 1/4d brown unused postal stationery wrapper.  H&G 1.BERMUDA - 1903 1/4d brown unused postal stationery wrapper. H&G 1.

1903 1/4d brown on buff 'dry dock' postal stationery wrapper in unused condition. A few folds. H&G 1.

BERMUDA - 1912 1d red PSC unused. H&G 15.BERMUDA - 1912 1d red PSC unused. H&G 15.

1912 1d red on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 15.

BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d emerald PSC unused.  H&G 14.BERMUDA - 1912 1/2d emerald PSC unused. H&G 14.

1912 1/2d emerald green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 14.

BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d postal stationery wrapper with 3/4d h/s applied used at HARRINGTON SOUND.BERMUDA - 1950 1/4d postal stationery wrapper with 3/4d h/s applied used at HARRINGTON SOUND.

1950-51 1/4d brown on buff pstal stationery wrapper handstamped BERMUDA/3/4d/POSTAGE PAID in black addressed in pencil to 'Bowie' and cancelled HARRINGTON SOUND/BERMUDA. Cancelled by favour. H&G 9h.

BERMUDA - 1902 1d rate BOER WAR internee cover to Transvaal with BERMUDA/CENSOR strike.BERMUDA - 1902 1d rate BOER WAR internee cover to Transvaal with BERMUDA/CENSOR strike.

1902 (MR.19.) cover addressed to Transvaal bearing 1d adhesive tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA (vertical central fold) and struck at left by scarce blue d/r PRISONER OF WAR/PASSED/CENSOR/ BERMUDA handstamp PRETORIA/TRANSVAAL arrival cds dated 26.APR.02 with black on pink PASSED UNDER MARTIAL LAW censor label applied tied by triangular PASSED/PRESS/CENSOR- PRETORIA h/s. A scarce Boer War cover from an internee at Bermuda.


1946 (DE.23.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing the Victory pair (SG 123+124) tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds. Struck by straight lined REGISTERED handstamp at lower left but being under paid having rare INSUFFICENT POSTAGE FOR instructional marking applied above in red ink (As Proud type I7 but without Air Mail after For). Un-recorded as such and exceedingly scarce.

BERMUDA - 1923 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at BAILEYS BAY.BERMUDA - 1923 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at BAILEYS BAY.

1923 (DEC.24.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d 'ship' adhesive tied by BAILEYS BAY/ BERMUDA cds.

BERMUDA - 1939 BERMUDA - 1939 'PASSED BY CENSOR 2' cover to UK carried on S.S.NIEW AMSTERDAM.

1939 (NOV.11.) cover to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by HAMILTON-BERMUDA AQUARIUM slogan strike and marked 'Per S.S.NIEW AMSTERDAM' and struck by light green circular PASSED BY CENSOR/2/BERMUDA h/s.

BERMUDA - 1846 BERMUDA - 1846 'Consignee' inward entire carried 'Per James'.

1846 (OCT.17.) stampless entire addressed to Thomas F Ewing of Bermuda and marked 'Consignee' and carried 'Per James' and conveyed privately. A nice piece of early inward mail.

BERMUDA - 1934 MAILED AT SEA paquebot cover to USA.BERMUDA - 1934 MAILED AT SEA paquebot cover to USA.

1934 (MCH.26.) cover addressed to USA bearing Canadian 1c adhesive tied by PAQUEBOT straight lined handstamp with violet MAILED AT SEA strike below. HAMILTON/BERMUDA/ COME TO BERMUDA slogan strike at bottom. The cover being taken by the 'Lady Rodney' .

BERMUDA - 1937 U.S.S.CASE illustrated maritime cover to USA.BERMUDA - 1937 U.S.S.CASE illustrated maritime cover to USA.

1937 (APR.19) illustrated `Shakedown Cruise' cover addressed to USA bearing 1c pair tied U.S.S.CASE/HAMILTON/BERMUDA maritime h/s. US troop ship in Bermuda.
