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The following items are for direct sale, sorted by newest listed first.
NIUE - 1902 1/2d green block of 60 ctoNIUE - 1902 1/2d green block of 60 cto'd NZ/NIUE with SPACED E varieties. SG 8/8a.

1902 1/2d green of New Zealand overprinted 'NIUE/ 1/2 Peni' in red on type 43 watermarked NZ star watermarked paper in a fine (top and bottom) marginal block of 60 (6x10) cancelled to order by numerous NZ/NIUE cds's dated 15.DE.11. And showing the SPACED E varieties on Rows 3/3, 3/6 and 8/3 and 8/6. A scarce multiple. SG 8/8a.

GRENADA - 1914 1d rate cover to UK with GRENADA - 1914 1d rate cover to UK with 'GRENADA RED CROSS SOCIETY' label applied.

1914 (DE.7.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive alongside 'One Fraction' GRENADA RED CROSS SOCIETY label (B&K GSP1) tied by GPO/GRENADA cds.

INDIA - 1942 4a brown INDIA - 1942 4a brown 'airmail' PSC unused. H&G 4.

1942 4a brown 'Airmail' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. Difficult item. H&G 4

INDIA - 1913 3/4ch red PSE uprated locally used at TRIVANDRUM/TAD.  H&G 7.INDIA - 1913 3/4ch red PSE uprated locally used at TRIVANDRUM/TAD. H&G 7.

TRAVANCORE -1913 3/4ch red on cream postal stationery envelope addressed in local script bearing additional 4c adhesive tied TRIVANDRUM/T.A.D. cds dated 31.KANI.12. Written on reverse and with original letter. The envelope being registered. H&G 7.

INDIA - 1941 6 cash purple PSC uprated locally used at ALLEPREY/TAP.  H&G 25.INDIA - 1941 6 cash purple PSC uprated locally used at ALLEPREY/TAP. H&G 25.

TRAVANCORE - 1941 6 cash bright purple on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally bearing additional 2 cash on 1 1/2 scarlet adhesive (SG 73) and tied ALLEPREY/T.A.P. H&G 25.

SUDAN - 1950 (circa) SUDAN - 1950 (circa) 'M/N ENOTRIA' maritime cover to USA.

1950 (circa) cover addressed to USA bearing 1m (x2) and 2m adhesives (un-cancelled) and struck at top left by violet s/l M/N ENOTRIA maritime handstamp with circular ADRIATICA S.P.A. DI NAVIGAZIONE/VENEZIA/ M/N ENOTRIA strike below. Unusual item.

SUDAN - 1951 5m SUDAN - 1951 5m 'Warrior' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair, frame double, vignette inverted.

1951 5m 'Shilluk Warrior' (SG type 38) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF horizontal marginal pair printed in the issued colour of black and purple but on printers waste pink ungummed paper showing the FRAME PRINTED DOUBLE and the VIGNETTE INVERTED.

SUDAN - 1951 5m SUDAN - 1951 5m 'warrior' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair, frame double, vignette inverted.

1951 5m 'Shilluk Warrior' (SG type 38) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF vertical marginal pair printed in the issued colour of black and purple but on printers waste pink ungummed paper showing the FRAME PRINTED DOUBLE and the VIGNETTE INVERTED.

SUDAN - 1951 5m SUDAN - 1951 5m 'Warrior' SG ovpt'd IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair, frame triple, one inverted.

1951 5m 'Shilluk Warrior' (SG type 38) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF horizontal marginal pair handstamped 'SG' in red and printed in the issued colour of black and purple but on printers waste pink ungummed paper showing the FRAME PRINTED TRIPLE, ONE INVERTED.

ST.KITTS - 1896 1/2d (x15) on registered ST.KITTS - 1896 1/2d (x15) on registered 'Myerscough' cover to UK struck 'A 09'.

1896 (JY.6.) 'Myerscough' cover addressed to UK (opened on two sides) bearing Leeward Island 1/2d 'key plate' adhesive (x15) cancelled by 'A 09' duplex's with s/r NEVIS cds on front and reverse. Faults but a striking franking at Nevis.

ST.LUCIA - 1906 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA used at CASTRIES.ST.LUCIA - 1906 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA used at CASTRIES.

1906 (NO.19.) cover registered to USA bearing 'QV' 1/2d green and 4d brown (SG 43+48) tied by CASTRIES/ST.LUCIA cds with oval 'R' at right.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1915 1/2d green PSC uprated to UK used at SAN FERNADO.  H&G 1.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1915 1/2d green PSC uprated to UK used at SAN FERNADO. H&G 1.

1915 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK uprated with additional 2c 'Coronation' adhesive and tied SAN FERNANDO/TRINIDAD dated 7.JU.37. H&G1.

K.U.T. - 1907 1/2a underpaid postcard to Italy used at LIMURU with 10c postage due added.K.U.T. - 1907 1/2a underpaid postcard to Italy used at LIMURU with 10c postage due added.

1907 (JA.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to Italy bearing 1/2a adhesive (centre oxidised yellow green) tied by s/r LIMURU cds with larger s/r MOMBASA/BEA cds at left. The card was underpaid and has Italian 10c 'Postage Due' added on arrival cancelled TORIN.

K.U.T. - 1915 18c blue RPSE (size H) uprated to India used at MOMBASA.  H&G 3a.K.U.T. - 1915 18c blue RPSE (size H) uprated to India used at MOMBASA. H&G 3a.

1915 18c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) addressed to India (overall grubby) bearing additional 10c orange (x3) adhesives tied by small oval REGISTERED/ MOMBASA cancels dated 14.AP.20. H&G 3a.

K.U.T. - 1925 15c red PSE uprated to France used at UPLANDS.  H&G 4a.K.U.T. - 1925 15c red PSE uprated to France used at UPLANDS. H&G 4a.

1924 15c red on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed to France bearing additional 15c adhesive tied UPLANDS/KENYA and dated 11.MR.37. H&G 4a.

K.U.T. - 1930 45c blue RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 2.K.U.T. - 1930 45c blue RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 2.

1930 45c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

K.U.T. - 1930 45c blue RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 2b.K.U.T. - 1930 45c blue RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 2b.

1930 45c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in fine unused condition. H&G 2b.

MALTA - 1941 MALTA - 1941 'MALTA IS GRATEFUL' censored cover to Natal.

1941 (16.V.) stampless cover addressed to Durban in South Africa marked 'On Active Service' and bearing the MALTA IS GRATEFUL patriotic label cancelled by DURBAN roller strike on arrival. Tomb stone crested R.A.F./CENOSR/47 h/s applied in blue and complete with the original letter from the Postmaster General explaining the background and issue of these labels.

NEW ZEALAND - 1860 NEW ZEALAND - 1860 'PAID AT/WELLINGTON' local cover to Wangannui. SG CC8.

1860 (JU.4.) stampless cover addressed locally to Wangannui rated '2' in red crayon and struck by lovely red crowned PAID AT/WELLINTON NEW ZEALAND handstamp (SG CC8) with WELLINGTON b/s and PETRE double transit.

ADEN - 1926 inward postcard from UK struck ADEN/UNPAID.ADEN - 1926 inward postcard from UK struck ADEN/UNPAID.

1926 inward picture postcard from UK with s/r ADEN arrival cds dated 26.SEP.26. and being underpaid having 'T/10' tax mark applied with boxed FOREIGN POSTAGE DUE/1 ANNA h/s and scarce ADEN/UNPAID strike. Proud type UP13 and UP19. A nice taxed card.

ADEN - 1961 15c use of ADEN - 1961 15c use of 'TELEGRAM' envelope used locally.

1961 use of blue on cream 'Cable and Wireless' TELEGRAM envelope addressed locally and bearing 15c adhesive tied ADEN G.P.O.

ANTIGUA - 1944 2 1/2d rate censored cover to St.Kitts.ANTIGUA - 1944 2 1/2d rate censored cover to St.Kitts.

1944 cover addressed to St.Kitts bearing 2 1/2d adhesive and struck on front by scarce violet crowned 'shield' type PASSED BY/CENSOR/No.11628 h/a and with ST.KITTS arrival b/s dated 23.AU.44. Being inter-island mail the censor strike must have originated in Antigua or applied on arrival at St.Kitts. Which ever this strike is un-recorded used on either island.

BARBUDA - 1942 3d rate BARBUDA - 1942 3d rate 'WARDEN/BARBUDA' censored cover to UK.

1942 (JA.19.) cover addressed to UK bearing Antigua 3d orange adhesive tied by s/r BARBUDA cds and struck on reverse by d/r crowned WARDEN/BARBUDA handstamp stated to be used as a censor mark. ST.JOHNS/ANTIGUA transit.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' use of blue 'FORMULA' type RPSE to UK.

1935 (DE.31.) 'last day of use' of 1d, 2 1/2d and 4d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives on scarce blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope address in pencil to UK. A philatelic usage but scarce.

INDIA - 1918 2a6p rate INDIA - 1918 2a6p rate 'PASSED CENSOR/23/BOMBAY' cover to Sweden used at TIPUPATUR RAMNAO.

1918 (JUL.3.) cover addressed to Sweden (unusual) bearing 2a6p adhesive tied TIRUPATUR RAMNAO with violet ringed PASSED CENSOR/23/BOMBAY h/s at lower left. The reverse side with black cresed OPEND BY CENSOR label.

TONGA - 1943 2 1/2d rate TONGA - 1943 2 1/2d rate 'Tin Can Mail' 'PASSED WW/1' censor cover to Australia.

1943 (SP.18.) cover addressed to Australia bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied NIUAFOOU/TONGA with INWARD TIN CAN MAIL h/s at left and W.G.QUENSELL handstamp on reverse in red struck by rare red crowned PASSED/ W.W./1 strike on both sides and with P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER WW/2 censor label at left. Censor 1 was only in use for less than 2 months.

K.U.T. - 1942 inward K.U.T. - 1942 inward 'OPENED BY PRISONER OF WAR' CENSOR cover from Germany to Camp 352.

1942 inward 'POW' cover to Camp 352 from Germany struck by P.O.W./E.A.C. cds dated 13.FEB.42 and with scarce OPENED BY PRISONER OF WAR CENSOR strip at right edge.

K.U.T. - 1942 inward POW cover from Italy.K.U.T. - 1942 inward POW cover from Italy.

1942 (MAY.11.) inward POW cover from Italy to a prisoner at Camp 352 cancelled P.O.W./E.A.C. on arrival with part PRISONER OF WAR CENSORSHIP - MIDDLE EAST label at right edge. Central fold.

K.U.T. - 1943 30c ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 5.K.U.T. - 1943 30c ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused SPECIMEN. H&G 5.

1943 30c ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition showing the 'Thos De La Rue & Co.' imprint under flap and struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 5.

CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1900 1/2d pale green used block of eight used at GRAND CAYMAN.  SG 1a.CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1900 1/2d pale green used block of eight used at GRAND CAYMAN. SG 1a.

1900 1/2d pale green in a very fine used block of eight cancelled by GRAND CAYMAN d/r cds's dated FE.7.00. Multiples of this issue are scarce. SG 1a.

CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1913 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at GEORGETOWN.CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1913 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at GEORGETOWN.

1913 (AU.10.) cover to UK but re-addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d ultramarine adhesive (SG 27) tied GEORGETOWN/GRAND CAYMAN.

GOLD COAST - 1937 South Africa/Gold Coast adhesive combination cover to USA used at TAKORADI WHARF.GOLD COAST - 1937 South Africa/Gold Coast adhesive combination cover to USA used at TAKORADI WHARF.

1937 (JUL.24.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d 'Coronation' adhesive tied in combination with South African 1/2d and 1d stamps by TAKORADI WHARF/GOLD COAST cds's. Struck by violet IMPRINTE/DRUCKSACHE h/s at left (Printed Matter) and with SEKONDEE transit b/s. Light tone spots but an unusual dual usage of these South African adhesives in Gold Coast.

GOLD COAST - 1938 registered multi franked cover to USA used at BOGOSO.GOLD COAST - 1938 registered multi franked cover to USA used at BOGOSO.

1938 (FE.18.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing GV 'castle' 1/2d, 1 1/2d, 2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by scarce BOGOSO/GOLD COAST cds with blank 'R/No.118' registered label with 'Bogoso' applied in red manuscript.

BURMA - 1882 4 1/2a rate cover to UK used at RANGOON.BURMA - 1882 4 1/2a rate cover to UK used at RANGOON.

1882 (JL.12.) cover marked 'Via Brindisi' addressed to UK bearing Indian 1/2a and 4a adhesives tied by squared circle RANGOON cancels with 'Strang Steel & Co, Bassein' commercial h/s below.

CEYLON - 1939 1r50c rate CEYLON - 1939 1r50c rate 'OPENED BY CENSOR/K' cover to USA.

1939 (DE.29.) commercial cover to USA bearing 50c and 1r adhesives tied COLOMBO. Violet By Air Mail' strike at left cancelled by two red transmission lines and bearing scarce black on salmon OPENED BY CENSOR crested 'K' label at left.

K.U.T. - 1938 30c ultramarine RPSE unused SPECIMEN with scarce POSTAL SERVICE/HMG/DEPARTMENT strike.K.U.T. - 1938 30c ultramarine RPSE unused SPECIMEN with scarce POSTAL SERVICE/HMG/DEPARTMENT strike.

1938 30c ultramarine registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally but with the envelope cancelled POSTAL SERVICE/DEPARTMENT and with H.M.B in centre. Very scarce. H&G 4.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1953 postcard use struck by scarce MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1953 postcard use struck by scarce 'LONG LIVE THE QUEEN/TANGIER' slogan.

1953 (JNE.29.) use of picture postcard addressed to Germany depicting 'Arab Doorway' bearing GB 2 1/2d 'Coronation' adhesive overprinted TANGIER and cancelled by the scarce crowned LONG LIVE THE QUEEN slogan strike of Tangier.

ST.LUCIA - 1950 2c rate cover used locally at MABOUYA VALLEY.ST.LUCIA - 1950 2c rate cover used locally at MABOUYA VALLEY.

1950 (JU.1.) cover addressed locally (light central fold) bearing 2c adhesive tied by scarcer MABOUYA VALLEY/ST.LUCIA cds. This being a first day strike of the opening of this agency office close to Dennery.

K.U.T. - 1931 10c rate cover to UK struck by s/r KISUMU cds.K.U.T. - 1931 10c rate cover to UK struck by s/r KISUMU cds.

1931 (MY.17.) cover addressed to UK (creases at top edge and part of reverse flap missing) bearing 10c orange adhesive tied by scarcer s/r KISUMU cds (Proud type D6) which was in use for less that a year.

K.U.T. - 1926 20c rate cover to UK used at NG BIT.K.U.T. - 1926 20c rate cover to UK used at NG BIT.

1926 (OCT.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing 20c orange adhesive tied by scarce d/r NG BIT/KENYA cds (Proud D1). RUNURITI/KENYA transit b/s.

K.U.T. - 1920 10c rate (tatty-faults) cover to UK used at KERICHO.K.U.T. - 1920 10c rate (tatty-faults) cover to UK used at KERICHO.

1920 (FE.2.) use of rather tatty cover to UK bearing 10c orange adhesive tied by d/r KERICHO cds (Proud type D3 - scarce) with 'skeleton' LUMBWA/E.A.P. b/s.

K.U.T. - 1924 20c orange PSE used locally at LIMURU.  H&G 1.K.U.T. - 1924 20c orange PSE used locally at LIMURU. H&G 1.

1924 20c orange on grey postal stationery envelope (type a) addressed locally to Kisumu & cancelled by superb LIMURU/KENYA cds dated 17.JA.33. (Proud type D4). H&G 1.

K.U.T. - 1927 10c rate local cover used at NAROK and struck in K.U.T. - 1927 10c rate local cover used at NAROK and struck in 'violet' ink.

1927 (SE.10.) cover addressed locally bearing 20c orange adhesive tied by NAROK/KENYA s/r cds struck in "violet" ink. (Proud type D2). A scarce coloured cancel.

K.U.T. - 1929 20c rate cover to UK used at GULU/UGANDA and struck in K.U.T. - 1929 20c rate cover to UK used at GULU/UGANDA and struck in 'violet' ink.

1929 (AP.15) cover to UK (light tone marking & somewhat worn) but bearing 20c adhesive (SG 83) tied by d/r GULU/UGANDA cds (Proud type D2) struck in 'violet' ink. A scarce strike.

K.U.T. - 1931 15c rate cover to Ireland (faults) used at KIAMBU.K.U.T. - 1931 15c rate cover to Ireland (faults) used at KIAMBU.

1931 (MR.9) cover to Ireland (roughly opened at top - faults) bearing 15c adhesive tied by KIAMBU/ KENYA cds.

RHODESIA - 1910 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at PENHALONGA.RHODESIA - 1910 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at PENHALONGA.

1910 cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d 'arms' adhesive tied by light PENHALONGA cds.

RHODESIA - 1911 use of RHODESIA - 1911 use of 'British South Africa Company telegraphs' form cancelled WANKIES.

1911 (JUL.29.) use of 'The British South Africa companies Telegraph' form cancelled by d/r WANKIES/S.RHODESIA cds.

CANADA - 1913-15 2c blue PSC unused.  H&G 32.CANADA - 1913-15 2c blue PSC unused. H&G 32.

1913-15 2c blue postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 32.

CANADA - 1921 1c orange PSC unused.  H&G 52.CANADA - 1921 1c orange PSC unused. H&G 52.

1921 1c orange postal stationery postcard (type 8) with red line in fine unused condition. H&G 52.

CANADA - 1928 1/2c blue-violet PSC unused.  H&G 68.CANADA - 1928 1/2c blue-violet PSC unused. H&G 68.

1928 1/2c blue-violet 'BUSINESS REPLY CARD' postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 68.

CANADA - 1928 1c orange PSC unused.  H&G 70.CANADA - 1928 1c orange PSC unused. H&G 70.

1928 1c orange postal stationery postcard (type 14) in fine unused condition. H&G 70.

CANADA - 1928 1c orange PSC unused.  H&G 71.CANADA - 1928 1c orange PSC unused. H&G 71.

1928 1c orange postal stationery postcard (type 15) in fine unused condition. H&G 71.

CANADA - 1928 1c orange + 1/2c blue violet PSRC unused.  H&G 74.CANADA - 1928 1c orange + 1/2c blue violet PSRC unused. H&G 74.

1928 1c orange + 1/2c blue-violet postal stationery reply type postcard in fine unused condition. A scarce combination. H&G 74.

CANADA - 1930 1/2c green PSC unused.  H&G 103.CANADA - 1930 1/2c green PSC unused. H&G 103.

1930 1/2c green bi-lingual 'BUSINESS REPLY CARD' postcard (type 15) in fine unused condition. H&G 103.

TRANSJORDAN - 1925 1/4pi ultramarine mint block of four showing IMPERFORATE TO TOP MARGIN.  SG 136.TRANSJORDAN - 1925 1/4pi ultramarine mint block of four showing IMPERFORATE TO TOP MARGIN. SG 136.

1925 1/4p ultramarine issue of Saudi Arabia overprinted 'Government of Arab East' for Trans Jordan in a unused (no gum) top left corner marginal block of four showing the top two stamps IMPERFORATE TO MARGIN. Likely from printers waste. SG 136.

TONGA - 1937 3d rate cover to South Africa used at NUKUALOFA.TONGA - 1937 3d rate cover to South Africa used at NUKUALOFA.

1937 (AU.21.) cover addressed to South Africa (scarce) bearing 3d adhesive tied NUKUALOFA/TONGA.

SWAZILAND - 1949 6d ultramarine air letter uprated to USA used at HLATIKULU.  H&G 8.SWAZILAND - 1949 6d ultramarine air letter uprated to USA used at HLATIKULU. H&G 8.

1949 6d ultramarine on white (pale blue inlay) postal stationery air letter with 'By Air mail' logo with red overprint addressed to USA (genuine use) with additional 3d adhesive added and tied by HLATIKULU cds dated 6.JUN.49. H&G 8.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - 1904 1 1/2d rate postcard use to UK used at PERTH.WESTERN AUSTRALIA - 1904 1 1/2d rate postcard use to UK used at PERTH.

1904 (NO.14.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Albany Church' bearing 1/2d and 1d 'swan' adhesives tied PERTH/WESTERN AUSTRALIA.

AUSTRALIA - 1917 5d rate cover to USA struck PASSED.AUSTRALIA - 1917 5d rate cover to USA struck PASSED.

1917 (MY.1.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d 'head' (x2) alongside 3d 'roo' (die 1) tied by RIALTO/MELBOURNE cds and struck by violet PASSED h/s.

AUSTRALIA - 1946 5 1/2d rate cover to UK struck AUSTRALIA - 1946 5 1/2d rate cover to UK struck 'NOT ELIGABLE FOR AERIAL MAIL'.

1946 (SEP.11.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by boxed BRISBANE/ AIR MAIL cancel and struck by violet boxed NOT ELIGIBLE FOR/AERIAL MAIL/FEE/DEFICIENT/SYDNEY No.2 hand stamp.

AUSTRALIA - 1953 1s 1/2d brown RPSE from AUS ARMY PO 215 in Japan to Tasmania.  H&G 40.AUSTRALIA - 1953 1s 1/2d brown RPSE from AUS ARMY PO 215 in Japan to Tasmania. H&G 40.

1953 1s 0d 1/2d brown on buff 'QEII' registered postal stationery envelope addressed to Tasmania cancelled by AUS ARMY P.O.215 being used by the Salvage Unit of BAP 05 in Japan. A scarce use of this stationery item. H&G 40.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 1/2d orange mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 137.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 1/2d orange mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 137.

1931 1/2d orange fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 137.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 1d green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 138.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 1d green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 138.

1931 1d green fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 138.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 1 1/2d orange-vermilion  mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 139.NEW GUINEA - 1931 1 1/2d orange-vermilion mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 139.

1931 1 1/2d orange-vermilion fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 139.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 2d claret mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 140.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 2d claret mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 140.

1931 2d claret fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 140.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 3d blue mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1.  SG 141.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 3d blue mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 141.

1931 3d blue fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 141.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 4d olive green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 142.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 4d olive green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 142.

1931 4d olive green fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 142.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 6d light brown mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1.  SG 143.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 6d light brown mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 143.

1931 6d light brown fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 143.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 9d violet mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 144.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 9d violet mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 144.

1931 9d violet fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 144.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 1/- dull blue green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1.  SG 145.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 1/- dull blue green mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 145.

1931 1/- dull blue green fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 145.

NEW GUINEA - 1931 2/- brown-lake mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 146.
NEW GUINEA - 1931 2/- brown-lake mint pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 146.

1931 2/- brown-lake fine mint corner marginal pair showing the SHORT I IN MAIL on Row 1/1. SG 146.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine PSC CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1898 1d carmine PSC 'Private Printed' edition to Germany. H&G 15.

1898 1d carmine on cream 'Privately Printed' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled GPO CAPETOWN and dated MY.1.00 with 'From the land of the Southern Cross' printed on reverse side with ADDERLEY STREET, LOOKING WEST picture. H&G 15.


1901 (NO.21.) stampless 'On Active Service' cover addressed to UK cancelled by ARMY POST OFFICE/BRAMFONTEIN with 'T' tax mark at left. Lymington arrival cds on front.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 'ARMY TELEGRAPHS' envelope struck ARMY/TELEGRAPHS WD at Wolmaransstad.

1902 (7.VIII.) use of black on salmon (Army Form C 377) ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Army Telegraphs envelope addressed locally and cancelled by scarce ARMY/TELEGRAPHS/ W-D cds used at Wolmaransstad.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK.  H&G 5.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1892 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK. H&G 5.

1894 1/2d green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK bearing additional 1/2d adhesive tied by barred '1' strike and with scarcer 'cart wheel' mass canceller strike applied. H&G 5.

BERMUDA - 1895 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA used at ST.GEORGES.BERMUDA - 1895 4 1/2d rate registered cover to USA used at ST.GEORGES.

1895 (AU.1.) registered cover to USA bearing 2d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by '2' duplex with ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds at left.

BERMUDA - 1929 BERMUDA - 1929 'R.M.S.P.ARAGUAYA' maritime postcard use.

1929 (JAN.18.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Bridge at Norwood-Bermuda' bearing 1d 'ship' with violet R..M.S.P. ARAGUAYA maritime handstamp at left with NEW YORK/ PAQUEBOT cancel.

BERMUDA - 1937 BERMUDA - 1937 'S.S.MONARCH' maritime postcard use.

1937 use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Bermuda Railway' carriage bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied by barred PAQUEBOT h/s with POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS/S.S.MONARCH maritime strike and NEWARK arrival dated MAY.15.37.

ST.VINCENT - 1873 1/- lilac rose cancelled by ST.VINCENT - 1873 1/- lilac rose cancelled by 'A10' duplex. SG 20.

1873 1/- lilac rose on sideways star watermarked paper cancelled by light 'A 10' duplex. SG 20.

ST.VINCENT - 1902 1d carmine PSC to Switzerland used at GEORGETOWN.  H&G 7.ST.VINCENT - 1902 1d carmine PSC to Switzerland used at GEORGETOWN. H&G 7.

1902 1d carmine on mottled buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Switzerland cancelled by weak GEORGETOWN cds with thimble' type ST.VINCENT cds at left. A scarce genuine use at GEORGETOWN. H&G 7.

ST.VINCENT - 1913 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 9.ST.VINCENT - 1913 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 9.

1913 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 9.

ST.VINCENT - 1913 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 3.ST.VINCENT - 1913 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused SPECIMEN. H&G 3.

1913 2d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black on reverse. H&G 3.

ST.VINCENT - 1913 2d ultramarine RPSE to Grenada used at KINGSTOWN.  H&G 3.ST.VINCENT - 1913 2d ultramarine RPSE to Grenada used at KINGSTOWN. H&G 3.

1913 2d ultramarine on cream reg'd postal stationey envelope (size G) addressed to Grenada bearing additional 1/2d pair tied by KINGSTOWN/ST.VINCENT cds's dated FE.3.15. GPO/ GRENADA arrival b/s. A nice inter-island use. H&G 3.

BERMUDA - 1865 1d rose-red IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF struck CANCELLED in black.BERMUDA - 1865 1d rose-red IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF struck CANCELLED in black.

1865 1d rose-red IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF example on unwatermarked paper struck CANCELLED in black. (Type D7).

CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1980 $100 pale orange-pink REVENUE U/M block of four.CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1980 $100 pale orange-pink REVENUE U/M block of four.

1980 $100 pale orange-pink REVENUE adhesive in a unmounted mint corner marginal block of four. Scarce multiple of this high value issue.

JAMAICA - 1968 JAMAICA - 1968 'Human Rights' PREPARED BUT UN-ISSUED unmounted mint trio.

1968 'International Human Rights' 3d, 1/- and 3/- adhesives PREPARED BUT UN-ISSUED in unmounted mint condition. Noted in SG footnote after SG 274. A scarce trio.

COLONIAL PROOFS - 2000 (circa) Harrison and Sons Ltd folder.COLONIAL PROOFS - 2000 (circa) Harrison and Sons Ltd folder.

2000 (circa) gold embossed blue leather folder containing a sheet headed 'Harrison & Sons Limited' showing 'Postage and Revenue' stamps printed by Gravure, Off-set Litho and Intaglio methods. 10 stamps. Unusual item.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1935 NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' set on registered cover to UK used at FORT ROSEBERY.

1935 (AUG.12.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing the 'Silver Jubilee' set of four (SG 18-21) tied by FORT ROSEBERY cds's with BROKEN HILL transit b/s.

PALESTINE - 1928 PALESTINE - 1928 '2m JAFFA-POSTAGE PAID' stampless local cover.

1928 (DEC.22.) stampless cover addressed locally cancelled by red JAFFA/PALESTINE/POSTAGE PAID - 2m cancel. Fine and scarce.

PAPUA - 1916 1/2d myrtle and pale olive green JOHN ASH mint imprint strip of 5.  SG 93a.PAPUA - 1916 1/2d myrtle and pale olive green JOHN ASH mint imprint strip of 5. SG 93a.

1916 1/2d myrtle and pale olive green in a fine mint JOHN ASH imprint bottom marginal strip of five with stamp 38 showing the TWO DOTS IN LEFT VALUE TABLET. Light overall toned gum with crown pointing to right. SG 93a.

PAPUA - 1929 3d rate cover to Austria used at PORT MORESBY.PAPUA - 1929 3d rate cover to Austria used at PORT MORESBY.

1929 (JUL.10.) cover addressed to Austria bearing 3d 'lakatoi' cancelled by PORT MORESBY/PAPUA cds.

PAPUA - 1931 PAPUA - 1931 'TWO PENCE' on 1 1/2d bright blue JOHN ASH mint imprint block of ten. SG 122.

1931 TWO PENCE black on 1 1/2d bright blue and bright brown in a fine mint JOHN ASH imprint bottom marginal strip of ten showing JOHN ASH imprint in margin. Light overall toned gum with crown pointing to right. Stamps 32,34 and 38 showing RETOUCHES. SG 122.

MONTSERRAT - 1946 registered cover to UK used at HARRIS.MONTSERRAT - 1946 registered cover to UK used at HARRIS.

1946 (MY.2.) registered 'Wells' cover addressed to UK bearing 'KGVI' 1/2d, 1d strip of three and 2d adhesives tied by s/r HARRIS/MONTSERRAT cds's with scarce R/MONTSERRAT/(HARRIS) registered h/s below. Sent via Antigua. A very scarce use.

NATAL - 1897 NATAL - 1897 'Half' on 1d rose (x5) cover to UK struck by '1' duplex's.

1897 (JU.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing five examples of the HALF on 1d rose (SG 125) cancelled by '1' duplex cancels.

NEWFOUNDLAND - 1911 2c red PSC to USA used at HARBOUR GRACE.  H&G 10.NEWFOUNDLAND - 1911 2c red PSC to USA used at HARBOUR GRACE. H&G 10.

1911 2c red on cream 'Queen Alexandria' postal stationery postcard addressed to USA cancelled by HARBOUR GRACE cds dated OC.27.23. H&G 10.

NEWFOUNDLAND - 1934 5c rate cover to USA used at GRAND BRUIT.NEWFOUNDLAND - 1934 5c rate cover to USA used at GRAND BRUIT.

1934 (AU.18.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1c and 2c pair tied by 8 barred grill cancel with lovely GRAND BRUIT/NEWF'd cancel at left.

SIERRA LEONE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BO.SIERRA LEONE - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK used at BO.

1907 (DE.12.) picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 1/2d adhesive pair. The card is struck by superb BO s/r village cds (Proud type D1) and the stamps cancelled two days later by FREETOWN cds. It was against regulations for the origin Post Office to cancel the stamps.

SIERRA LEONE - 1942 use of SIERRA LEONE - 1942 use of 'Cable and Wireless' TELEGRAM form from Freetown.

1942 (JUL.17.) use of red on cream 'CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED' telegram form from Freetown cancelled by d/r C & W LTD/SIERRA LEONE cds.

SIERRA LEONE - 1943 stampless SIERRA LEONE - 1943 stampless 'OAS' PASSED CENSOR/No.5810 FPO postcard use to UK.

1943 (OC.8.) use of unstamped picture postcard addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' and depicting a river scene at Tokeh cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE cds with violet crowned circular PASSED BY CENSOR/No.5810 h/s alongside. The card written by Capt B.W.Howe of the West African Force.

SIERRA LEONE - 1944 (circa) OFFICIAL PAID SIERRA LEONE - 1944 (circa) OFFICIAL PAID 'RAF CENSOR/132' stampless cover to UK.

1944 (circa) stampless cover addressed to UK marked 'On Active Service' cancelled by red OFFICIAL PAID wavy line strike with crowned OPENED BY/EXAMINER/1981 continuous P.C.90 censor label at left over violet boxed R.A.F./CENSOR/132 h/s. Only one example of the RAF/132 h/s recorded by the WASC which was used on 31st Jul. 1944.
