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1972 red on light blue postal stationery aerogramme in fine unused condition with red CEYLON FOR QUALITY TEAS illustration at lower left but with major error MISSING STAMP IMPRESSION.

CEYLON - 1972 80c CEYLON - 1972 80c 'CEYLON FOR QUALITY TEAS' unused aerogramme. H&G 28.

1972 80c red on light blue postal stationery aerogramme in fine unused condition with red CEYLON FOR QUALITY TEAS illustration at lower left. The 80c issue is very scarce. H&G 28.

CEYLON - 1896 2c+2c yellow-olive PSRC to Colombo PRIVATELY PRINTED for CEYLON - 1896 2c+2c yellow-olive PSRC to Colombo PRIVATELY PRINTED for 'H.W. Cave'. H&G 35

1896 2c+2c yellow olive on cream postal stationery reply postcard with both sections having a pre-printed reverse side for use by 'H.W.Cave'. The outward card is struck with REPLY in red and with the annexed card having REPLY deleted with red bar. The reply card being used on the forwarding section to Colombo being cancelled by 'A' barred duplex with COLOMBO cds alongside dated SP.29. A very rare privately pre-printed use of this stationery card. H&G 35.

AUSTRALIA - 1913 1d red AUSTRALIA - 1913 1d red 'roo' PSC (buff back) unused. H&G 5.

1913 1d red on white 'roo' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition with the normal unsurfaced buff reverse side. H&G 5. BWP24.

AUSTRALIA - 1913 1/2d green AUSTRALIA - 1913 1/2d green 'roo' postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 1a.

1913 1/2d green on buff laid paper 'roo' postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 1a.

AUSTRALIA - 1914 4d orange AUSTRALIA - 1914 4d orange 'OS' adhesive on 'OHMS' UNCLAIMED registered cover from PERTH.

1914 (MAY.1.) use of registered ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE envelope (148x98mm) addressed to Perth bearing 4d 'Roo' adhesive perforated by the large 'O.S.' perforator (SG 06) and tied by REGISTERED PERTH/WESTERN AUSTRALIA cds but not collected and with black UNKNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER and UNCLAIMED h/s's on front with violet boxed D.L.O./PERTH strike applied. The reverse has blue UNKNOWN/No…..Walk h/s. The cover has a light shading strip at top edge and half of reverse side. Attractive cover with nice instructional markings showing the scarce use of this 4d 'OS' roo.

AUSTRALIA - 1915 2 1/2d rate AUSTRALIA - 1915 2 1/2d rate 'PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE' cover to USA used at BRISBANE.

1915 (AUG.9.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by BRISBANE/QUEENSLAND roller strike with red circular PASSED CENSOR/BRISBANE h/s applied below

AUSTRALIA - 1918 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at ADELAIDE struck PASSED in violet.AUSTRALIA - 1918 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at ADELAIDE struck PASSED in violet.

1918 (DEC.18.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d 'roo' tied by SOUTH AUSTRALIA lined roller strike with violet PASSED h/s applied below.

MALAYA - 1936 2c green PSC unused.  H&G 6.MALAYA - 1936 2c green PSC unused. H&G 6.

PERAK - 1936 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 6.

MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC used locally from TAIPING.  H&G 9.MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC used locally from TAIPING. H&G 9.

PERAK - 1938 2c green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Penang cancelled by TAIPING/F.M.S. cds dated 29.OC.1939. H&G 9.

MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC uprated and censored to Canada used at SITIAWAN.  H&G 9.MALAYA - 1938 2c green PSC uprated and censored to Canada used at SITIAWAN. H&G 9.

PERAK - 1938 2c Green on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Canada bearing additional 2c (SG 104) tied SITIAWAN/PERAK cds dated 30.NO.40 with violet two lined PASSED BY/CENSOR 205 h/s. H&G 9.

MALAYA - 1939 12c rate censored cover to USA used at TAIPING.MALAYA - 1939 12c rate censored cover to USA used at TAIPING.

PERAK - 1939 (OC.25) cover to USA bearing 2c & 5c pair tied by d/r TAIPING/F.M.S. cds (Unrecorded type by Proud/dots at sides) with black on white EM.77/PASSED BY/CENSOR crested censor label at left tied on front by boxed PASSED BY/4/CENSOR h/s. An early use.

MALAYA - 1939 use of $4+8c MALAYA - 1939 use of $4+8c 'MALAYAN POSTAL ORDER'.

PERAK - 1939 $4 + 8c black and green on cream MALAYAN POSTAL ORDER bearing additional 1c,6c and 40c adhesives cashed at IPOH/M.O. & S.B. (Money Order and Savings Bank) on 16.MAR.39.

MALAYA - 1950 20c dark blue RPSE unused.  H&G 3.MALAYA - 1950 20c dark blue RPSE unused. H&G 3.

PERAK - 1950 20c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 3.

ANTIGUA - 1959 6c ultramarine RPSE (size K) uprated to Canada.  H&G 4b.ANTIGUA - 1959 6c ultramarine RPSE (size K) uprated to Canada. H&G 4b.

1959 6c ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size K) addressed to Canada bearing additional 5c and 50c 'ship' pair tied ST.JOHNS/ANTGUA cds's dated 12.SP.73. A scarce large sized modern piece of stationery. H&G 4b.

MALAYA - 1912 10c dark blue Straits RPSE uprated to UK used at PENANG.  H&G 4.MALAYA - 1912 10c dark blue Straits RPSE uprated to UK used at PENANG. H&G 4.

PENANG - 1912 10c dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope of Straits Settlements (size F) addressed to UK (two small wax seals missing from reverse flap) bearing Straits 4c tied PENANG & dated 18.AP.13. H&G 4.

MALAYA - 1925 15c dark blue Straits RPSE uprated to UK and used at PENANG. H&G 7.MALAYA - 1925 15c dark blue Straits RPSE uprated to UK and used at PENANG. H&G 7.

PENANG - 1925 15c Dark blue of cream registered postal stationery envelope of Straits Settlements (size G) addressed to UK & bearing additional 2c and 4c Straits adhesives added (SG 219+223) tied by PENANG cds dated 11.OC.1927. H&G 7.

MALAYA - 1929 4c rate underpaid tax cover to Newfoundland used at PENANG.MALAYA - 1929 4c rate underpaid tax cover to Newfoundland used at PENANG.

PENANG - 1929 underpaid cover addressed to Newfoundland (scarce) bearing Straits Settlements 4c violet adhesive tied PENANG with scarce black boxed T/CENTIMES h/s applied at left with '10' inserted in manuscript. ST.JOHN'S/NWFLD arrival b/s dated DE.23.1929.

MALAYA - 1940 use of MALAYA - 1940 use of 'OHMS' pre-printed postcard used at PENANG.

PENANG - 1940 (OC.1.) use of small sized O.H.M.S./POSTCARD addressed locally pre-printed on reverse for 'Labour Ordinance' and cancelled by PENANG/MALAYA cds. Two file punch holes and with large violet DEPUTY CONTROLLER/O.G.S. h/s.

MALAYA - 1936 use of MALAYA - 1936 use of 'OHMS' pre-printed postcard used at PENANG.

PENANG - 1936 (AP.1) use of O.H.M.S. postcard to Ipoh in Perak pre-printed on reverse for employers of Indian Labour. Sent stampless and cancelled by fine PENANG cds with violet CONTROLLER OF LABOUR/PENANG h/s at lower left.

MALAYA - 1939 55c rate censored cover to UK used at PENANG.MALAYA - 1939 55c rate censored cover to UK used at PENANG.

PENANG - 1939 (OC.19) cover to UK bearing Straits Settlements 5c & 50c adhesives tied PENANG/MALAYA & with black boxed PASSED BY/4/CENSOR h/s. An early censored cover.

MALAYA - 1941 8c Straits MALAYA - 1941 8c Straits 'Coronation' pair on censored cover to UK used at PENANG.

PENANG - 1941 (AP.28.) cover addressed to UK bearing a fine top marginal pair of the 4c orange 'Coronation' adhesive tied PENANG/MALAYA with blank manila censor label at right tied on the front and reverse sides by violet boxed OPENED BY/CENSOR 40 h/s's. (Little type 7).

AUSTRALIA - 1940 1d blue AUSTRALIA - 1940 1d blue 'Air League' first flight cover used at BYRON BAY.

1940 (JE.18) semi-official pre-printed 1d POSTAGE PAID/AT SYDNEY flight envelope addressed to Mullumbimby & then re-directed to Sydney cancelled by BYRON BAY/NSW cds. A scarce piece of stationery produced by the Australian Air League.

AUSTRALIA - 1941 AUSTRALIA - 1941 'Xmas Greetings' letter card unused.

1941 dark blue on greyish cream formula type AIR MAIL/LETTER CARD in unused condition pre-printed AFFIX 3d/AUSTRALIAN/STAMP/HERE and with temple illustration at left side marked below GREETINGS FROM THE/AUST.FORCES (M.E.)/XMAS-NEW YEAR/1941-42 and with AUSTRALIA printed in address area. The 3d stamp had to be added by the soldier and not by the Australian Army or Post Office. Originally unlisted by Kessler but mentioned in the later supplement (vol 3 - No.111). A scarce military illustrated air mail letter card.

AUSTRALIA - 1943 (circa) black on cream AUSTRALIA - 1943 (circa) black on cream 'A.C.F.' military air letter unused.

1943 (circa) black on cream A.C.F. military 'un-denominated value' aerogramme in unused condition. Scarce.

AUSTRALIA - 1944 7d blue air letter used on Qantas first flight to UK.AUSTRALIA - 1944 7d blue air letter used on Qantas first flight to UK.

1944 7d blue on pale yellow, blue inlay 'KGVI' postal stationery air letter (H&G 1) addressed to UK and pre-printed with red 'Qantas Empire Airways' at left for use on the new civilian flights cancelled by GPO SYDNEY/NSW AUST cds and struck by violet 2/PASSED/BY/CENSOR/23 h/s on front. Eustis 978.

AUSTRALIA - 1945 7d blue air letter used on Qantas first flight to UK.AUSTRALIA - 1945 7d blue air letter used on Qantas first flight to UK.

1945 7d blue on grey postal stationery AIRLETTER addressed to UK cacheted by red FIRST FLIGHT COVER/RE-OPENING/AUSTRALIA-ENGLAND/EMPIRE AIR ROUTE at left from Qantas Airways cancelled by SYDNEY cds dated 8.APR.46. Scarce. H&G 2.

BERMUDA - 1950 cover to UK with 6d BERMUDA - 1950 cover to UK with 6d 'cut out' stationery pair used at HAMILTON.

1950 (SEP.11.) cover addressed to UK bearing the 6d black 'cut out' of the Bermuda air letter pair cancelled (and tied) by HAMILTON/BERMUDA - COME TO BERMUDA slogan strike. A scarce and unusual use of this pre-paid air letter stamps on cover.

MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE used locally on first day with MALTA - 1938 4d blue RPSE used locally on first day with 'Centenary' trio. H&G 8.

1938 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed locally and bearing additional 'Centenary' trio (SG 258-60) tied by VALLETTA/MALTA cds's dated JY.12.51. This being the first day of issue of these stamps. H&G 8.

NATAL - 1884 1d lilac NATAL - 1884 1d lilac 'REVENUE' fine mint.

1884 1d lilac headed 'NATAL REVENUE' in fine mint condition with overall light toned gum on 'CA' watermarked paper. Barefoot and Hall 74.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 1/2d green PSC from with scarce BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label.SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 1/2d green PSC from with scarce BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label.

1915 (JUN.18.) use of 1/2d green postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by PORT ELIZABETH/3 cds with very scarce 'Union Jack' BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label at lower left.

SEYCHELLES - 1895 8c carmine PSE unused with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black.  H&G 1a.SEYCHELLES - 1895 8c carmine PSE unused with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 1a.

1895 8c carmine on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN h/s applied diagonally in black. H&G 1a.

SEYCHELLES - 1895 15c blue PSE unused with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black.  H&G 2.SEYCHELLES - 1895 15c blue PSE unused with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 2.

1895 15c blue on cream postal stationery envelope (size a) in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN h/s applied diagonally in black. H&G 2.

SEYCHELLES - 1901 6c on 8c carmine PSE (size a) unused.  H&G 5.SEYCHELLES - 1901 6c on 8c carmine PSE (size a) unused. H&G 5.

1901 6c on 8c carmine postal stationery envelope (size a) in fine unused condition. H&G 5.

SEYCHELLES - 1901 6c on 8c carmine PSE (size b)  unused.  H&G 5a.SEYCHELLES - 1901 6c on 8c carmine PSE (size b) unused. H&G 5a.

1901 6c on 8c carmine postal stationery envelope (size b) in fine unused condition. H&G 5a.

SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSC unused.  H&G 7.SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSC unused. H&G 7.

1902 6c on 8c dark brown postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 7.

SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSC unused handstamped SPECIMEN in black.  H&G 7.SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSC unused handstamped SPECIMEN in black. H&G 7.

1902 6c on 8c dark brown postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition handstamped by local SPECIMEN h/s in black. H&G 7.

SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSRC unused.  H&G 8.SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSRC unused. H&G 8.

1902 6c+6c on 8c+8c brown postal stationery reply type postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 8.

SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSRC unused handstamped SPECIMEN.  H&G 8.SEYCHELLES - 1902 6c on 8c brown PSRC unused handstamped SPECIMEN. H&G 8.

1902 6c+6c on 8c+8c brown postal stationery reply type postcard in fine unused condition with both sections struck by local SPECIMEN h/s in black. H&G 8.

SEYCHELLES - 1916 20c blue RPSE (size H2) unused.  H&G 3b.SEYCHELLES - 1916 20c blue RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 3b.

1916 20c blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in fine unused condition although back shows a paper clip mark. Only 1570 issued. H&G 3b.

MALAYA - 1948 10c rate MALAYA - 1948 10c rate 'BMA' local cover used at MALACCA.

MALACCA - 1948 (SEP.7) cover addressed to Penang bearing KGVI 'B.M.A.' 10c tied by MALACCA cds.

MALAYA - 1940 8c rate cover used at MASID TANAH.MALAYA - 1940 8c rate cover used at MASID TANAH.

MALACCA - 1940 (JA.12.) cover to India bearing Straits Settlements 8c grey adhesive tied by d/r MASJID TANAH cds with violet PASSED/FOR/TRANSMISSION censor strike below and violet triangular PASSED/CENSOR/10/MADRAS strike applied on arrival.

MALAYA - 1924 inward cover from India with MALAYA - 1924 inward cover from India with 'MALACCA/BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION' h/s.

MALACCA - 1924 inward cover from India struck on arrival by the scarce MALACCA/BRITISH/EMPIRE/EXHIBITION commemoration slogan h/s dated 21.JUL.1924. (Proud type HS/I). Unusual on incoming mail.

MALAYA - 1913 inward PSE of India with MALAYA - 1913 inward PSE of India with 'MALACCA/TO PAY/8 CENTS' h/s applied.

MALACCA - 1913 1/2a yellow green on cream (size c) postal stationery envelope of India addressed to Malacca cancelled by RAMACHANDRAPUR cds dated 16.FEB.23. Slightly reduced at right edge due to opening and being underpaid struck by circular 'T' tax mark on front and with additional 1/2a on reverse side with faint violet boxed MALACCA/TO PAY/8 CENTS h/s applied. (Proud type PD 13.)

K.U.T. - 1946 cover to USA struck K.U.T. - 1946 cover to USA struck 'INSUFFICIENTLY PAID FOR/TRANSMISSION BY AIR MAIL'.

1946 (JU.19.) cover addressed to USA bearing a 70c on 1/- bilingual horizontal pair tied by LIMURU cds with a fine violet boxed INSUFFICIENTLY PAID FOR/TRANSMISSION BY AIR MAIL h/s at right.

K.U.T. - 1930K.U.T. - 1930's 20c rate cover to UK cancelled BOMBAY GPO with boxed PAQUEBOT h/s alongside.

193(-) 17.JLY. Cover addressed to UK bearing 20c orange adhesive tied by BOMBAY G.P.O. cds with black boxed PAQUEBOT h/s applied at left.

JAMAICA - 1942 1d red PSC used locally (no message) with MT.AIRY JAMAICA - 1942 1d red PSC used locally (no message) with MT.AIRY 'trd' cancel. H&G 31.

1942 1d 'KGVI' red on grey postal stationery postcard addressed locally (no message) & cancelled by violet oval d/r MT.AIRY/JAMAICA TRD cancel dated 9.DEC.1949 with Half Way Tree arrival cds. H&G 31.

JAMAICA - 1941 3d rate cover to USA with JAMAICA - 1941 3d rate cover to USA with 'THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND' patriotic label.

1941 use of long commercial cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied alongside red, white and blue THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND (bull dog) patriotic label tied by KINGSTON/JAMAICA cds from the 16th numeral series showing 'NO 5' coding. Proud type D115.

JAMAICA - 1938 5d rate JAMAICA - 1938 5d rate 'T.S.S.NORTH STAR' maritime cover to USA.

1938 (FEB.13.) cover addressed to Jamaica bearing 2 1/2d pair tied by magenta T.S.S.NORTH STAR/ POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS/PURSERS OFFICE maritime h/s with additional strike at left and with MIAMI/FLA arrival cds.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' for Tangier on first day cover to UK.

1935 (MY.8.) first day cover of the 'Tangier' Silver Jubilee series of three (SG 238-40) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/TANGIER cds. Surname scratched out in address. Only one sheet of these stamps were available in Morocco for the first day and covers are hence scarce.

JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to Panama.JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to Panama.

1930 (DE.10.) first flight cover addressed to Panama bearing 1/2d and 1/- adhesives tied by KINGSTON/JAMAICA with violet AIR MAIL/FIRST FLIGHT/MIAMI-USA cachet. 528 covers were flown

JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to Trinidad.JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to Trinidad.

1930 (DE.10.) first flight cover addressed to Trinidad bearing 1d, 4d and 1/- adhesives tied by KINGSTON/JAMAICA cds with large violet FIRST FLIGHT cachet at left.

JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to USA.JAMAICA - 1930 first flight cover to USA.

1930 (DE.10) cover to USA bearing 9d (SG 110) tied KINGSTON/JAMAICA & endorsed 'Via Cienfuegos, Cuba' with fine violet AIR MAIL/FIRST FLIGHT/JAMAICA TO MIAMI cachet applied. Scarce with only 366 covers flown on this route.


1898 1/- + (1d poundage) green POSTAL ORDER cancelled at VENTERSBURG/OVS on AU.6.98. With 1d adhesive added on reverse and cancelled when cashed by M.O.O./CAPETOWN cds (Money Order Office.) H&G 1.

RHODESIA - 1905 1d red RHODESIA - 1905 1d red 'falls' issue in fine mint block of four. SG 94.

1905 1d red 'falls' adhesive in a fine mint block of four of the perf 14 issue. Scarce in multiples. SG 94.

RHODESIA - 1905 2 1/2d deep blue RHODESIA - 1905 2 1/2d deep blue 'falls' issue in fine mint block of four. SG 95.

1905 2 1/2d deep blue 'falls' adhesive in a fine mint block of four of the perf 14 issue. Scarce in multiples. SG 95.

SIERRA LEONE - 1900 1d lilac of SIERRA LEONE - 1900 1d lilac of 'GB' used on cover to UK at FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE.

1900 (SP.19.) cover addressed to UK (central fold and roughly opened at top edge) bearing GB 1d lilac adhesive tied by FREETOWN/SIERRA LEONE cds. A scarce use of this GB adhesive in Sierra Leone.

ANTIGUA - 1921 5d rate registered cover to UK used at ST.JOHNANTIGUA - 1921 5d rate registered cover to UK used at ST.JOHN'S.

1921 (NO.2.) registered cover addressed to UK (light vertical fold at left) bearing 2d and 3d adhesive (SG 70+74) tied by ST.JOHNS/ANTIGUA/ANTIGUA BWI cds's.

BERMUDA - 1912 1d red PSC to Switzerland with BERMUDA - 1912 1d red PSC to Switzerland with 'PASSED POSTAL CENSOR BERMUDA' h/s. H&G 15.

1912 1d red on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Switzerland cancelled by s/r ST.GEORGES/BERMUDA cds dated 30.AUG.18 with black triangular PASSED POSTAL/CENSOR BERMUDA h/s. H&G 15.

BERMUDA - 1937 1d red PSC uprated to UK and used at HAMILTON.  H&G 9.BERMUDA - 1937 1d red PSC uprated to UK and used at HAMILTON. H&G 9.

1937 1d red on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard addressed to UK bearing additional 1d (x2) and 6d adhesives tied HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds dated 15.MAY.42. Uncensored and scarce used. H&G 9.


1928/29 cover addressed to the Postmaster at Port Stanley bearing US 10c blue 'Air Mail' adhesive tied by d/r WILKINS ANTARTIC EXPEDITION/DECEPTION ISLAND h/s with Edward VII 1d adhesive at lower left corner with a further strike alongside (not tied). The cover signed by 'Hubert Wilkins'. Noted on reverse in pencil 'No cancel green cachet only'.

JAMAICA - 1942 1/- rate  JAMAICA - 1942 1/- rate 'MILITARY CENSOR/Y/FORCE/No.8' cover to Canada.

1942 (JA.12.) cover to Canada (light central bend) bearing 6d adhesive pair tied KINGSTON/JAMAICA with cogged wheel type MILITARY CENSOR/Y/FORCE/No.8 h.s below.

SOLOMON ISLANDS - 1945 SOLOMON ISLANDS - 1945 'No.7 AUST ADV BASE PO' cover to Melbourne from troops at Toroking.

1945 (NO.10.) stampless cover addressed to Melbourne cancelled by No.7 AUST ADV BASE P.O. cds used by Australian troops stationed at Toroking on Bougainville on the Solomon Islands from 23.9.44 until 23.5.46. Struck by black H.M.A.SHIPS handstamp at lower left.

BAHRAIN - 1964 2 1/2d BAHRAIN - 1964 2 1/2d 'GB' PSRC to UK used at FPO 234 with MAIL OFFICE/HMS JUFAIR strike.

1964 (DE.12.) use of GB 2 1/2d 'reply' section of the 2 1/2d+ 2 1/2d red on cream postal stationery reply postcard addressed to UK and cancelled by FIELD POST OFFICE/234 cds used at Bahrain. No message but struck by a large red MAIL OFFICE/H.M.S.JUFAIR. HMS Jufair was a shore based establishment of the navy in Bahrain operating from April 1943 until December 1971. It was the base for the Persian Gulf Forces and was also used by Air Force FPO 941 which operated out of it. Complete with superb JUFAIR coloured emblem.

K.U.T. - 1937 pilot signed first flight cover to UK by Imperial Airways.K.U.T. - 1937 pilot signed first flight cover to UK by Imperial Airways.

1937 (JY.1.) first flight cover by Imperial Airways bearing 20c 'Coronation' adhesive tied by KISUMU/KENYA cds addressed to UK. Pilot signed and scarce as such.

CANADA - 1928 CANADA - 1928 'INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID' postcard use from HALIFAX with postage due applied.

1928 (AU.16.) under paid postcard addressed locally bearing 1c adhesive tied HALIFAX depicting Canadian National Railway Elevator at Port Arthur. Struck by fine two lined INSUFFICIENTLY/ PREPAID handstamp in black with 2c violet postage due added. Manuscript 'Collect 2c' annotation.

BURMA - 1945 10c rate BURMA - 1945 10c rate 'Burma Administration' local cover used at LEMYEHTNA.

1945 (MAR.15.) cover addressed in local script bearing Burmese Administration 5c (SG J91) pair tied by d/r LEMYEHTNA cds. Scarce stamps on cover.

BURMA - 1945 1a brown Indian PSE to Rangoon with BRITISH MILY.ADMN/BURMA POSTAGE/TWO 2 ANNAS h/s. BURMA - 1945 1a brown Indian PSE to Rangoon with BRITISH MILY.ADMN/BURMA POSTAGE/TWO 2 ANNAS h/s.

1945 2a uprated on 1a brown on cream 'KGVI' postal stationery envelope addressed to Rangoon validated by black squared box BRITISH MILY. ADMIN/BURMA POSTAGE/TWO. 2 ANNAS h/s signed by U. Theim and cancelled by BURMA/EXPYL.P.O.NO.39 cds dated 31.DE.45. H&G 15.

BURMA - 1945 1a brown Indian PSE to India with BRITISH MILY.ADMN/BURMA POSTAGE/TWO 2 ANNAS h/s.BURMA - 1945 1a brown Indian PSE to India with BRITISH MILY.ADMN/BURMA POSTAGE/TWO 2 ANNAS h/s.

1945 1a brown on buff postal stationery envelope to India struck by black boxed BRITISH MILY ADMN BURMA POSTAGE TWO 2 ANNAS counter signed by Lt.Col Tun Tin & cancelled by BURMA/EXPERIMENTAL cds dated 19.JLY.45. Indian censor label applied on arrival. H&G 15b.

BURMA - 1937 inward cover from India with scarce boxed BURMA - 1937 inward cover from India with scarce boxed 'D.L.O./RANGOON' handstamp.

1937 inward cover from India bearing 3p and 9p adhesives tied ARANTANGI FORT with scarcer black boxed D.L.O./RANGOON (Dead Letter Office) h/s applied dated 2.MAR.37. (Proud type D11).

BURMA - 1935 1a rate cover to Madras used at BURMA - 1935 1a rate cover to Madras used at 'R-2 IN' with LATE FEE/DETAINED/NOT PAID h/s.

1935 (AUG.22. ) cover addressed to Madras (overall toned) bearing Indian 1a adhesive on the reverse side tied by ''R-2 IN' (Proud type D2) TPO cancel and with additional oval LATE FEE/DETAINED/ NOT PAID h/s (Proud type I2). Complete with the original contents.

BURMA - 1930 use of 1a brown Indian PSE to Madras at BURMA - 1930 use of 1a brown Indian PSE to Madras at 'R-3/OUT/SET-1'.

1930 (OC.23.) use of Indian 1a brown postal stationery (overall toned) envelope addressed to Madras and cancelled by d/r 'R-3/OUT/SET-1) (Proud type D7) TPO cancel.

BURMA - 1919 1a rate local cover used at BURMA - 1919 1a rate local cover used at 'R-2 IN/SET No.4'.

1919 (SE.18.) locally addressed cover (overall toned) bearing Indian 1a adhesive tied by fine s/r 'R-2 IN/SET No.4' (Proud type D2) TPO cancel. Complete with original contents.

NIGER COAST - 1893 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER.NIGER COAST - 1893 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER.

1893 (DE.11.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d (SG 4) tied by neat OLD CALABAR RIVER cds.

NIGER COAST - 1894 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at BONNY RIVER.NIGER COAST - 1894 2 1/2d rate cover to UK used at BONNY RIVER.

1894 (JU.1.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2 1/2d carmine lake adhesive (SG 48) tied by s/r BONNY RIVER with 'A' coding. Red PAID/LIVERPOOL/BR.PACKET strike at left.

NIGER COAST - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER (scarce small type lettering).NIGER COAST - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER (scarce small type lettering).

1901 (MY.7.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by the scarce small type OLD CALABAR RIVER cds. Proud type D8 with a further strike alongside.

NIGER COAST - 1901 1d rate postcard use to UK used at FORCADOS RIVER.NIGER COAST - 1901 1d rate postcard use to UK used at FORCADOS RIVER.

1901 (AU.17.) use of Sierra Leone postcard depicting 'Water Street Railway Station' addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by FORCADOS RIVER cds with additional strike alongside.

NIGER COAST - 1900 2 1/2d rate NIGER COAST - 1900 2 1/2d rate 'S.S.ORON' maritime cover to Germany used at BONNY RIVER.

1900 (NO.24.) cover addressed to Germany marked 'Per S.S.Oron' and bearing 1/2d and 1d pair tied by BONNY RIVER cds's.

HONG KONG - 1933 8c rate use of HONG KONG - 1933 8c rate use of 'Canton China - XUIU' QSL radio postcard to USA.

1933 (MY.30.) use of 'Canton China - XU1U' QSL radio postcard (stained strip) addressed to USA bearing 8c orange adhesive tied HONG KONG.

HONG KONG - 1938 inward first flight cover from Hanoi in Indo China by Air France.HONG KONG - 1938 inward first flight cover from Hanoi in Indo China by Air France.

1938 (9.8.) inward first flight cover from Hanoi bearing Indo China 18c blue adhesive tied by HANOI/TONKIN R.P. Flown by Air France.

HONG KONG - 1948 20c rate HONG KONG - 1948 20c rate 'ARMY SIGNALS/VB HQ' cover to UK from the Lyemun Barracks.

1948 (MY.11) 'Forces Air Mail' cover to UK bearing 10c pair tied HONG KONG/3 cds with scarce ARMY/VB-HQ/SIGNALS strike at lower left. Sent from the Lyemun Barracks in Hong Kong.

HONG KONG - 1941 20c rate use of postcard to UK by forces with HONG KONG - 1941 20c rate use of postcard to UK by forces with 'Embarkation Officer' cachet.

1941 (NOV.11) Illustrated 'Armistice Day 1934' envelope addressed to USA bearing 3c US adhesive tied bly USS BLACK HAWK/HONG KONG/B.C.C. cancel with year slug error showing '11' for '41'.

BAHRAIN - 1961 40np red RPSE defaced with two black bars in fine mint condition.  BAHRAIN - 1961 40np red RPSE defaced with two black bars in fine mint condition.

1961 40np red on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) depicting Sheik Sulman Bin Hamad Al Khalifah in unused condition but with the head DEFACED BY TWO BLACK BARS. (25mm setting). A very scarce item.

CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1909 1d red PSE uprated with 1/2d PSE CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1909 1d red PSE uprated with 1/2d PSE 'cut out' to Bermuda used at GEORGETOWN.

1909 1d red on greyish postal stationery envelope addressed to Paget in Bermuda (scarce) bearing additional 'postal stationery' 1/2d green cut-out from the 1/2d postal stationery wrapper and tied by GEORGETOWN/CAYMAN ISLANDS cds dated AP.31.20. Jamaica transit b/s. A very scarce use of this cut-out on inter island mail. H&G 1.

IRELAND - 1843 stampless outer wrapper to Milton Malbay cancelled by double arc LIMERICK h/s.IRELAND - 1843 stampless outer wrapper to Milton Malbay cancelled by double arc LIMERICK h/s.

1843 (OC.8.) stampless outer wrapper addressed locally marked 'Paid' in manuscript and cancelled by double arc LIMERICK handstamp. ENNIS b/s.

NEW ZEALAND - 1918 1d rate postcard use with large NEW ZEALAND - 1918 1d rate postcard use with large 'P.C./NZ' censor h/s applied.

1918 (JE.15.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Dee Street, Invercargill, NZ' and bearing 1d 'Universal' adhesive tied INVERCARGILL/NZ. Struck at left by large violet d/r P.C./NZ censor handstamp.

CANADA - 1936 50c+75c CANADA - 1936 50c+75c 'Canada to USA' rocket flight cover.

1936 cover addressed to New York (light stain marks) bearing the 50c and 75c FIRST CANADIAN ROCKET-FLIGHT labels tied by violet FIRST CANADIAN ROCKET START cachets. Black on red BY ROCKET/PAR FUSEE label below. Produced by Karl Henning and flown by the Gerhard Zucker rocket in conjunction with the 3rd International Philatelic Exhibition.

CANADA - 1936 50c blue CANADA - 1936 50c blue 'Canada to USA' rocket flight cover.

1936 (MY.) rocket cover addressed to USA bearing 50c blue and orange label inscribed CANADA TO USA/THE NIAGRA FALLS AND TIED BY STRAIGHT LINED flight from Canada to USA/The Niagara Falls' & tied by straight lined CANADA TO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA h/s. ROCKET-START-NIAGARA-FALLS h/s at left & BY ROCKET/PAR FUSEE label below. Produced by Karl Henning and flown by the Gerhard Zucker rocket in conjunction with the 3rd International Philatelic Exhibition.

CANADA - 1926 Rouyn to Montreal CANADA - 1926 Rouyn to Montreal 'Fairchilds' first flight cover with blue air label on reverse.

1926 (OC.10.) first flight cover addressed to Montreal bearing 2c green tied ROUYN with blue perforated FAIRCHILDS/AIR MAIL SERVICE label on reverse side similarly struck and with special violet FAIRCHILDS AIR TRANSPORT LIMITED/FIRST FLIGHT/ROUYN QUE TO HAILEYBURY ONT. cachet below which is pilot signed by Burge. 410 covers were originally flown.

CANADA - 1928 Carcross to Whitehouse first flight cover with blue air label on reverse.CANADA - 1928 Carcross to Whitehouse first flight cover with blue air label on reverse.

1928 (AP.13) First flight cover from Carcross to Whitehorse with blue 25c YUKON AIRWAYS flight label attached. (RL Type 30). Only 375 flown.

CANADA - 1930 Edmonton to Ft.McMurray first flight cover with orange air label on reverse.CANADA - 1930 Edmonton to Ft.McMurray first flight cover with orange air label on reverse.

1930 (DE.9) cover to USA bearing 5c (SG 274) tied EDMONTON with special red COMMERCIAL AIRWAYS LTD/9th DEC 1930/FIRST FLIGHT WITH MAIL/BEARING ORANGE STAMPS/EDMONTON to FT.McMURRAY cachet applied to front. Reverse bears the special Commercial Airways adhesive in orange tied by blue boxed USE/AIR/MAIL h/s. Only 1,277 flown.

MALTA - 1902 inward underpaid postcard from Italy with MALTA - 1902 inward underpaid postcard from Italy with '4d' charge mark added.

1902 (SP.28.) inward under paid postcard from Italy cancelled by s/r MALTA cds on arrival with oval VALLETTA/MALTA strike together with circulat 'T' tax mark and scarce circular '4d' charge h/s in black.

BECHUANALAND - 1937 incoming Imperial Airways 1 1/2d rate flight cover struck BECHUANALAND - 1937 incoming Imperial Airways 1 1/2d rate flight cover struck 'UNCLAIMED'.

1937 incoming Imperial Airways flight cover from UK with special violet commemoration h/s. MAFEKING arrival cds. dated 7.JUL.37 with scarce 3-lined NON RECLAME/UNCLAIMED/ONAFGEHAALD instructional h/s.

BECHUANALAND - 1938 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 9.BECHUANALAND - 1938 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 9.

1938 1d on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 9.

BECHUANALAND - 1938 4d carmine rose RPSE unused (slight gum adherence under flap).  H&G 18b.BECHUANALAND - 1938 4d carmine rose RPSE unused (slight gum adherence under flap). H&G 18b.

1938 4d carmine rose on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition (slight flap adherence from gum) and showing the 'Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd. Patent' imprint. H&G 18b.

BECHUANALAND - 1947 2d rate cover to UK cancelled ROYAL VISIT/LOBATSI.BECHUANALAND - 1947 2d rate cover to UK cancelled ROYAL VISIT/LOBATSI.

1947 (APR.17) cover addressed UK bearing 'Royal Visit' 1d pair (SG 132) tied by d/r ROYAL VISIT/LOBATSI. BECH. PROT. cds.

BECHUANALAND - 1957 1d + 1/2d PSC unused.  H&G 10.BECHUANALAND - 1957 1d + 1/2d PSC unused. H&G 10.

1957 1d Carmine + 1/2d Green impressed 'pictorial' postcard. Fine unused. H&G 10. Scarce.

BECHUANALAND - 1961-64 perforated BECHUANALAND - 1961-64 perforated 'B.P.A.P.T.' labels unused.

1961-1964 perforated 'B.P.A.P.T.' Tuberculosis labels for each year on gummed, perforated paper. Four most attractive labels.

BECHUANALAND - 1951 5c carmine rose  RPSE unused (slight surface crumbling).  H&G 20.BECHUANALAND - 1951 5c carmine rose RPSE unused (slight surface crumbling). H&G 20.

1961 5c carmine rose on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition (slight surfaces crumples). H&G 20.

INDIA - 1935 INDIA - 1935 'Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department' TELEGRAM form unused.

1935 black on cream INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS DEPARTMENT telegram form in fine unused condition printed by 'Lal Chand & Sons-Printers Calcutta'.
