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The following items are for direct sale, sorted by newest listed first.
SIERRA LEONE - 1939 1/2d unsealed matter rate SIERRA LEONE - 1939 1/2d unsealed matter rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 7' cover to UK.

1939 (NO.13.) cover addressed to UK containing the original 'Wedding' card bearing 1/2d adhesive paying the 'unsealed matter' rate tied by indistinct cds with violet boxed PASSED BY CENSOR 7 h/s at left. An early censor use.

SOLOMON ISLANDS - 1929 4 1/2d rate registered cover to UK used at GIZO.SOLOMON ISLANDS - 1929 4 1/2d rate registered cover to UK used at GIZO.

1929 (MY.1.) small registered cover addressed to UK bearing 1 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied GIZO. Blue on white perforated R/GIZO/BRIT.SOLOMON IDS/No. registered label at left.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1/2d green PSC unused.  H&G 4.SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1/2d green PSC unused. H&G 4.

1917 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 4.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1 1/2d rose PSC unused.  H&G 2.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 1 1/2d rose PSC unused. H&G 2.

1924 1 1/2d Rose on white thick card postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

FIJI - 1934 5d rate registered cover to New Zealand used at KOROVOU/FIJI.FIJI - 1934 5d rate registered cover to New Zealand used at KOROVOU/FIJI.

1934 (JULY.31.) registered cover addressed to New Zealand bearing 2d and 3d adhesives tied by KOROVOU/FIJI cds (Proud D3) with manuscript 'Reg/No.' at left. SUVA FIJI transit b/s.

FIJI - 1934 3d rate cover to USA used at NAUSOR.FIJI - 1934 3d rate cover to USA used at NAUSOR.

1934 (MR.7.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d violet strip of three (SG 231) tied by NAUSORI/FIJI cds's.

FIJI - 1936 3d rate cover to USA used at LABASA.FIJI - 1936 3d rate cover to USA used at LABASA.

1936 (APR.24.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1/2d adhesive pair tied LABASA/FIJI.

FIJI - 1937 2d rate cover to Canada used at SUVA/FIJI.FIJI - 1937 2d rate cover to Canada used at SUVA/FIJI.

1937 (FE.27.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 1/2d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied SUVA/FIJI.

FIJI - 1936 stampless  FIJI - 1936 stampless 'POSTAGE PAID IN CASH' cover to USA.

1936 (FEB.4.) stampless cover addressed to USA cancelled by red POSTAGE PAID IN CASH/ SUVA-FIJI cds.

FIJI - 1938 FIJI - 1938 '3d/FIJI' red meter mark commercial cover to USA used at SUVA.

1938 (DEC.13.) stampless cover to USA cancelled by red FIJI/3d/POSTAGE PAID meter mark with 'Morris' commercial strike at left cancelled SUVA/FIJI.

FIJI - 1940 (circa) underpaid FIJI - 1940 (circa) underpaid 'T' tax cover to UK used at SAVU SAVU/FIJI.

1940's circa cover addressed to UK bearing 1/6d (SG 263a) tied by weak SAVUSAVU(1)/FIJI cds with violet circular 'T/' tax marking at left with manuscript '2/-' inserted.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1915 1d carmine PSC uprated to UK used at PORT OF SPAIN.  H&G 2.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1915 1d carmine PSC uprated to UK used at PORT OF SPAIN. H&G 2.

1915 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to UK bearing additional 1c adhesive tied PORT OF SPAIN and dated MR.30.36. H&G 2.

NIGERIA - 1933 underpaid postcard to Germany used at IBIDAN.NIGERIA - 1933 underpaid postcard to Germany used at IBIDAN.

1933 (OC.10.) use of 'blank' type postcard addressed to Germany bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied IBADAN/NIGERIA and being underpaid having black circular 'T' tax mark applied.

ANGUILLA - 1976 ANGUILLA - 1976 'New Constitution' set (ex 40c) U/M (2c mounted). SG 223-40.

1976 'New Constitution' series of 17 in unmounted mint condition (2c tree mounted mint and excluding the 40c value). SG 223-40.

GRENADA - 1931 GRENADA - 1931 'CNS LADY HAWKINS' maritime cover to USA with MISSENT TO GRENADA h/s applied.

1931 (SP.14.) cover addressed to USA bearing US 5c 'Winged Globe' with blue circular C.N.S. LADY HAWKINS/POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS h/s at left and struck PAQUEBOT and with scarce black straight lined MISSENT TO GRENADA handstamp at left edge. GPO GRENADA/BWI b/s.

IRAQ - 1915 stampless IRAQ - 1915 stampless 'On Field Service' cover to India cancelled FPO/No.67 with FIELD FORCE h/s.

1915 (DE.2.) stampless military crested cover addressed to Peshawar in India marked 'On Field Service' and cancelled by F.P.O./No.67 cancel on reverse from use by troops in Basra in Iraq. The front struck by boxed FIELD FORCE/POSTAGE FREE handstamp.

GRENADA - 1901 1d rate cover to UK cancelled by GRENADA - 1901 1d rate cover to UK cancelled by 'D' parish cancel at Grenville, St.Andrews.

1901 (JA.17.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by the parish 'D' cancel used at Grenville in St.Andrews. Proud type D2.

CEYLON - 1943 50c rate FPO/No.74 CEYLON - 1943 50c rate FPO/No.74 'PASSED BY CENSOR G' cover to South Africa.

1943 (AU.1.) cover addressed to South Africa bearing 5c (x10) on reverse flap cancelled by F.P.O./No.74 cancels. Violet triangular PASSED/BY UNIT/C117/CENSOR h/s on front with PASSED BY/5 IND/CENSOR/UNIT/G strike.

CEYLON - 1939 3c green PSC uprated to Switzerland.  H&G 70.CEYLON - 1939 3c green PSC uprated to Switzerland. H&G 70.

1939 3c green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Switzerland bearing additional 4c and 5c adhesives tied COLOMBO and dated 30.AU.50. H&G 70.

MAURITIUS - 1901 6c rate cover to UK used at QUATRE BORNES.MAURITIUS - 1901 6c rate cover to UK used at QUATRE BORNES.

1901 (MA.12.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1c and 2c pairs tied by small QUATRE BORNES thimble type cds's.

MAURITIUS - 1909 2c brown PSE uprated to Austria at CUREPIPE. H&G 25.MAURITIUS - 1909 2c brown PSE uprated to Austria at CUREPIPE. H&G 25.

1909 2c brown on cream postal stationery envelope (size I) addressed to Austria and bearing additional 1c black adhesive tied CUREPIPE/MAURITIUS and dated 29.MR.12. H&G 25.

MAURITIUS - 1917 6c rate maritime postcard use to France cancelled LA REUNION A MARSEILLE No.5.MAURITIUS - 1917 6c rate maritime postcard use to France cancelled LA REUNION A MARSEILLE No.5.

1917 (2.9.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'La Chaussee-Port Louis' bearing 6c adhesive tied to the picture side by octagonal LA REUNION A MARSEILLE No.5 maritime strike.

MAURITIUS - 1922 40c rate registered cover to Czechoslovakia.MAURITIUS - 1922 40c rate registered cover to Czechoslovakia.

1922 (NO.6.) registered cover addressed to Czechoslovakia (scarce) bearing 8c and 12c adhesive pair tied by oval REGISTERED/MAURITIUS cancels and handstamped at left by violet two ringed 'R' registration handstamp. This type is not listed by Proud as is non official.

MAURITIUS - 1937 7c rate cover to UK used at RODRIGUES.MAURITIUS - 1937 7c rate cover to UK used at RODRIGUES.

1937 (AU.20.) 'Cutress' cover addressed to UK bearing 'GV' 2c and 5c adhesives each tied by part RODRIGUES cds struck in violet ink. A scarce use.

MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple 'KGVI' air letter to UK used at PORT LOUIS. H&G 1.

1953 35c purple on blue 'KGVI' postal stationery air letter addressed to UK and cancelled by PORT LOUIS 'bulk mail' roller cancellator dated AUG.21.1954. A scarce genuine use of this air letter which saw only 2 years of use before being replaced by the QEII issue. H&G 1.

MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple 'KGVI' air letter to UK used at PITON. H&G 1.

1953 35c purple on blue "KGVI" postal stationery air letter addressed to UK (genuine use) cancelled by PITON/MAURITIUS cds dated 8.OC.54. A very scare village use. H&G 1.

MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple MAURITIUS - 1953 35c purple 'KGVI' air letter to UK used at ROSE HILL. H&G 1.

1953 35c purple on blue 'KGVI' air letter addressed to UK (genuine use) cancelled by ROSE HILL/MAURITIUS cds dated 14.OC.54. H&G 1.

GOLD COAST - 1939 1d rate GOLD COAST - 1939 1d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/11' cover to UK used at ACCRA.

1939 (SEP.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied ACCRA with red sexagonal PASSED BY CENSOR/11/GOLD COAST h/s applied below in red. An early censor cover.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 25c on 2 1/2d MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 25c on 2 1/2d 'Silver Jubilee' PLATE 34 used block of six. SG 215.

1935 25c on 2 1/2d blue 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive in a fine PLATE 34/stop/imperf corner marginal block of six cancelled by oval registered cancel dated 30.DEC.35. Scarce item used. SG 215.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1935 'French' Silver Jubilee cover to UK with INSUFFIENTLY PREPAID h/s.

1936 (FE.18.) cover addressed to UK bearing the French 'Silver Jubilee' series of four (SG 212- 215) tied BRITISH POST OFFICE/CASABLANCA cds's with the air mail label at left cancelled by violet two lined INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID/FOR AIRMAIL handstamp.

MALAYA - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits 2c postage due pair added.MALAYA - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits 2c postage due pair added.

PENANG - 1935 inward underpaid cover from India with Straits Settlements 2c black 'postage due' adhesive pair added on arrival (SG D2) tied PENANG.

GAMBIA - 1953 3d+2 1/2d blue on cream GAMBIA - 1953 3d+2 1/2d blue on cream 'QEII' RPSE (size H) unused. H&G 6b.

1953 3d+2 1/2d blue on cream 'QEII' registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition. H&G 6b.

FIJI - 1908 1d rate postcard use to UK used at LOMA LOMA.FIJI - 1908 1d rate postcard use to UK used at LOMA LOMA.

1908 postcard use to Portugal (scarce) depicting 'Up the Navua River' and bearing 1/2d adhesive pair on picture side cancelled by straight lined LOMA LOMA handstamp in black. LISBON CENTRAL arrival b/s.

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1913 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at ROAD TOWN.BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1913 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at ROAD TOWN.

1913 (MY.27.) cover addressed to USA bearing Leeward Island 1/4d (x2) and 2d adhesives tied ROAD TOWN/TORTOLA V.I.

GIBRALTAR - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK.  H&G 12.GIBRALTAR - 1912 1/2d green postal stationery wrapper uprated to UK. H&G 12.

1912 1/2d green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK bearing additional 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied GIBRALTAR/25 and dated FE.11.26. H&G 12.

MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1952 inward cover from UK with MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1952 inward cover from UK with 'COLOMBO OFFICIAL PAID' h/s applied in transit.

1952 inward cover to the Post Master on Maldive Island from UK marked 'Colombo/Ceylon' in blue crayon and receiving a strike of the scarce red COLOMBO OFFICIAL PAID/A cds dated 28.JL.52 in transit (un-recorded by Proud) which in turn has been deleted in pencil and having d/r MALDIVE ISLAND arrival on front dated 17.X.52.

GOLD COAST - 1935 3d rate GOLD COAST - 1935 3d rate 'Silver Jubilee' cover to Germany used at PAMU. A scarce strike.

1935 (AUG.21.) cover addressed to Germany bearing the 3d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive tied by scarce PAMU/GOLD COAST cds. Proud type 3.

INDIA - 1934 6p dark green PSE used locally.  H&G 5.INDIA - 1934 6p dark green PSE used locally. H&G 5.

MORVI STATE - 1934 6p dark green on cream postal stationery envelope addressed in local script. Slight reduction at left edge due to opening. H&G 5.

ANGUILLA - 1967 20c ANGUILLA - 1967 20c 'Independent/Anguilla' cover to St.Thomas.

1967 (OC.4.) cover addressed to St.Thomas bearing 20c 'Independent/Anguilla' overprint adhesive (SG 10) tied by ANGUILLA/VALLEY cds. A scarce stamp on cover and the correct rate to US Virgin Islands.

NIGER COAST - 1892 1d vermilion PSC used locally at BRASS RIVER.  H&G 2.NIGER COAST - 1892 1d vermilion PSC used locally at BRASS RIVER. H&G 2.

1892 1d vermilion on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally to Brass (short message on reverse) cancelled by BRASS RIVER cds dated SP.9.95. Addressed to a passenger on the S.S.Axim. H&G 2.

NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER.  H&G 3.NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to UK used at OLD CALABAR RIVER. H&G 3.

1895 1d carmine/vermilion on buff postal stationery postcard to UK cancelled by s/r OLD CALABAR RIVER cds dated JA.31.99. H&G 3.

NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to UK used at FORCADOS.  H&G 3.NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to UK used at FORCADOS. H&G 3.

1895 1d vermilion on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to UK (short message) cancelled by FORCADOS RIVER cds dated MR.10.97. H&G 3.

NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to Switzerland used at FORCADOS.  H&G 3.NIGER COAST - 1895 1d vermilion PSC to Switzerland used at FORCADOS. H&G 3.

1895 1d vermilion on buff postal stationery postcard of GB overprinted NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE addressed to Switzerland (short message) and cancelled by light s/r FORCADOS RIVER cds dated JU.19.02. H&G 3.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - 1955 1d red WESTERN AUSTRALIA - 1955 1d red 'swan' REVENUE DUTY mint block of 12 with OFF SET on reverse.

1955 1d red 'swan' REVENUE DUTY adhesive in a fine mint block of 12 (6x2) of the single line under revenue variation with amazing strong OFF SET on reverse side. Barefoot and Hall 1b.

NEW GUINEA - 1915 1d pale rose mint NEW GUINEA - 1915 1d pale rose mint 'ABC' settings strip of three. SG 69.

N.W.P.I. - 1915/16 1d pale rose (die 1) in a fine mint vertical strip of three showing the 'ABC' type settings. SG 69.

INDIA - 1945 1 1/2a black violet PSE registered and uprated to Bombay at GUNA. H&G 21.INDIA - 1945 1 1/2a black violet PSE registered and uprated to Bombay at GUNA. H&G 21.

GWALIOR - 1945 1 1/2a black violet on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery envelope registered to Bombay bearing additional 1ndian 1a (x4) adhesives on reverse flap overprinted GWALIOR and cancelled by GUNA/GWALIOR cds's dated 21.MAR.49. H&G 21.

BASUTOLAND - 1887 inward cover from Cape Of Good Hope.BASUTOLAND - 1887 inward cover from Cape Of Good Hope.

1887 (NO.3.) inward cover from Williams Town in the Cape to Maseru marked 'Via Aliwal North' and with ALIWAL NORTH transit b/s. A scarce early inward cover.

BRITISH HONDURAS - 1938 2c+3c brown RPSE (size H2) uprated to USA.BRITISH HONDURAS - 1938 2c+3c brown RPSE (size H2) uprated to USA.

1938 2c+3c brown on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) addressed to USA and with additional 3c adhesive pair added and tied REGISTERED/BELIZE BR.HONDURAS. The cover has some tone spotting on front and reverse sides but is a very scarce piece of stationery in used condition. Unlisted by H&G in this size.

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1928 5d rate registered cover to USA used at TORTOLA.BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1928 5d rate registered cover to USA used at TORTOLA.

1928 (DE.29.) registered cover to USA bearing Leeward Island 5d adhesive (SG 71) tied by s/r TORTOLA cds with black boxed R/ROAD TOWN/TORTOLA registered h/s at lower left.

INDIA - 1943 INDIA - 1943 'OAS' stampless PASSED BY/NAVAL CENSOR 2041 cover to Ireland.

1943 (FE.8.) stampless cover addressed to Ireland marked 'On Active Service' and cancelled by weak MADRAS d/r cds on reverse with rare PASSED BY/NAVAL CENSOR/2041 crowned h/s in violet. Octagonal PASSED/ DHD/4 strike on front with green boxed RELEASED BY /CENSOR bilingual h/s applied on arrival in Ireland.

LEEWARD ISLANDS - 1938 1d red PSE unused (133x108mm). Unlisted by H&G.LEEWARD ISLANDS - 1938 1d red PSE unused (133x108mm). Unlisted by H&G.

1938 1d red on yellowish cream 'KGVI' postal stationery envelope (133x108mm) in fine unused condition. Unlisted as such.

SUDAN - 1921 5m olive-brown and black mint block of four with DOWNWARD VIGNETTE SHIFT.  SG 41.SUDAN - 1921 5m olive-brown and black mint block of four with DOWNWARD VIGNETTE SHIFT. SG 41.

1921 5m olive-brown and black in a fine mint block of four showing the variety VIGNETTE MIS-ALIGNED DOWNWARDS. Unusual item. SG 41.

TANGANYIKA - 1919 scarce 6c TANGANYIKA - 1919 scarce 6c 'GEA' local cover addressed in part in Swahili.

1919 (JU.17.) cover addressed to Mombo addressed partly in Swahili and bearing East Africa 6c adhesive overprinted G.E.A. and cancelled TANGA. A scarce local use.

INDIA - 1954 official commemoration booklet of plates showing issued stamps over 100 years.INDIA - 1954 official commemoration booklet of plates showing issued stamps over 100 years.

1954 blue official handbook containing 24 coloured plates depicting all the stamps issued by the Indian Government from 1854 to 1954. Complete with compliment card from Shiv V.Nanjappa the chairman of Posts and Telegraphs Board. This being an official issue but plates only (not real stamps) issued in commemoration of 100 years. (24 plates). Very scarce.

ST.LUCIA - 1929 8d rate first flight cover to Porto Rico.ST.LUCIA - 1929 8d rate first flight cover to Porto Rico.

1929 (SP.25.) first flight cover addressed to Porto Rico bearing 4d adhesive pair tied by CASTRIES/1st/AIR MAIL/ST.LUCIA cds with CASTRIES cds alongside. Flown by Nybra with 541 covers flown.

NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover to Kenya used at TPO/NYASALAND.NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover to Kenya used at TPO/NYASALAND.

1934 (JAN.1) cover to Kenya bearing 1d pair (SG 101) tied by T.P.O./NYASALAND cds.

PALESTINE - 1934 13m rate cover to UK used at HALFA-RAFA/T.P.O. PALESTINE - 1934 13m rate cover to UK used at HALFA-RAFA/T.P.O.

1934 (NO.5) cover addressed to Scotland bearing 13 mils adhesive (SG 107) tied by HALFA- RAFA/T.P.O. cds.

NIGERIA - 1943 3d rate NIGERIA - 1943 3d rate 'PP/14' censor cover to USA used at OPOBO.

1943 (OC.2.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1d strip of three tied by OPOBO/NIGERIA cds with violet crowned 'PP/14' censor h/s at right. (Martin type 6).

PAPUA - 1935 PAPUA - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' first day cover to Australia used at ABAU/PAPUA.

1935 (JY.11.) registered first day cover addressed to Australia bearing the 'Silver Jubilee' set of four (SG 150-153) each cancelled by s/r ABAU/PAPUA cds's. This being first day at Abau.

PALESTINE - 1933 5m rate PALESTINE - 1933 5m rate 'UNDELIVERED/RETURN TO' local cover.

1933 (FE.20.) commercial cover addressed locally bearing 5m adhesive tied TEL AVIV. The cover could not be delivered and bears a strike of the black boxed UNDELIVERED FOR THE/REASON STATED ON THE COVER (Proud I41) together with RETURN TO strike on the front (Proud I8) and UNKNOWN strike on reverse (Proud I12). PETHAH TIQVA b/s. A nice set of markings.

NIGERIA - 1914 2d ultramarine RPSE uprated to UK used at OSHOGBO.  H&G 1.NIGERIA - 1914 2d ultramarine RPSE uprated to UK used at OSHOGBO. H&G 1.

1914 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing additional 1d pair tied by OSHOGBO.NIGERIA cancel dated 2.SP.21. H&G 1.

NIGERIA - 1914 2d ultramarine RPSE uprated to UK at BONNY.  H&G 1.NIGERIA - 1914 2d ultramarine RPSE uprated to UK at BONNY. H&G 1.

1914 2d ultramarine on cream reg'd postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK & bearing additional 1d adhesive tied BONNY/SOUTHERN NIGERIA cds 8.MR.20. H&G 1.

NIGERIA - 1923 3d blue RPSE uprated to USA at OKITIPUPA.  H&G 3.NIGERIA - 1923 3d blue RPSE uprated to USA at OKITIPUPA. H&G 3.

1923 3d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA with 1 1/2d (x2) 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives added and tied by OKITIPUPA/NIGERIA cds's dated JU.1.1935. H&G 3.


1920 (circa) use of POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS form printed by the Government Printer at Lagos with '25-7-16' dating at lower left with message regarding Steamer at Lagos.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1951 registered CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1951 registered 'warrior' cover to UK used at TOBRUK.

1951 (21.5.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing 'warrior' 5m,8m,12m and 20m adhesives tied by TOBRUK/CYRENAICA cds (GBOS type C15) with blue on cream 'R/918' label at left similarly struck. A rare registered use of these stamps from Tobruk.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1951 25m rate CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1951 25m rate 'warrior' cover to UK used at BENGHAZI.

1951 (17.VII.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'warrior' 5m and 20m adhesives paying the basic 25m air mail fee cancelled by BENGHAZI 1/AIR MAIL cds (GBOS type BC4).

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 28m rate CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 28m rate 'warrior' cover to UK used at BENGHAZI.

1950 (DE.16.) cover addressed to UK (opened on two sides and with tear in back flap) bearing 8m orange and 20m dark blue adhesives tied by BENGHAZI/AIR MAIL cds. Some light creasing but intact and covers of this period are not easy to find.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 25m rate CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 25m rate 'warrior' cover to UK used at BENGHAZI.

1950 (JA.16.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'warrior' 5m strip of three and 10m adhesives tied by BENGHAZI 1/AIR MAIL cds (GBOS type BC4).

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 'Warrior' short set to 50m on cover to UK used at BENGHAZI.

1950 'Warrior' series to the 50m (SG 136-145) on registered card addressed to Scotland cancelled by BENGHAZI/AIR MAIL cds's (GBOS type BC4) dated 6.III.50 with blue on white 'R/99' registered label below tied by BENGHAZI 1/REGISTRATION strike. (GBOS type BC6). This is a scarce strike.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 'warrior' set on three FDC registered covers to Tripolitania.

1950 'Warrior' series (SG 136-148) arranged on three separate covers addressed locally to Tripolitania and cancelled by BENGHAZI/AIR MAIL cds's (GBOS type BC4) dated 16.1.50. Each struck PER VIA AEREA in violet and each handstamped FIRST DAY COVER. Very scarce as such.

CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 CYRENAICA EMIRATE - 1950 'AV2' warrior registered cover to Eritrea used at BENGHAZI.

1950 (12.V.) registered cover addressed to Stead Pope of Posts and Telecommunications at Asmara bearing the 1950 series to the 20m (two examples of the 20m) tied by BENGHAZI/ airmail cds's with blue crayon 'R 261' applied in manuscript and struck at lower left corner by A.V.2. mark. The cover was routed via the Farouk Airport with BENGHAZI/REGISTRATION transit and ASMARA CENTRO/SEZIONE RACC arrival b/s. Oval Egyptian censor mark on front. A total of 85mils was paid. Includes the original letter from R.A.Haslam (head accountant at Benghazi) regarding its sending.

CYRENAICA (Libya) - 1952 12m rate cover to UK used at TRIPOLI/No.2.CYRENAICA (Libya) - 1952 12m rate cover to UK used at TRIPOLI/No.2.

1952 (22.5.) cover addressed to UK (light central bend) bearing 2m on 4m and 10m on 20m adhesives (SG 152+156) tied by TRIPOLI No.2 cds (GBOS type T14) with TRIPOLI/CORR.E.PACCHI b/s. A scarce use of these stamps on cover.

K.U.T. - 1921 20r black and purple on red cancelled by scarce NAIROBI parcel strike.  SG 60.K.U.T. - 1921 20r black and purple on red cancelled by scarce NAIROBI parcel strike. SG 60.

1921 20r black and purple on red adhesive cancelled by barred NAIROBI parcel cancellation. Scarce use. SG 60.

TRANSVAAL - 1913 9d rate cover to UK used at JOHANNESBURG.TRANSVAAL - 1913 9d rate cover to UK used at JOHANNESBURG.

1913 (MAY.6.) cover addressed to UK bearing Transvaal 1d, 2d and 6d adhesives tied JOHANNESBURG/S.AFRICA.

NIGER COAST - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE unused.  H&G 3.NIGER COAST - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE unused. H&G 3.

1892 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition showing rate compensation from £5 to £25 on reverse. Overprinted BRITISH PROTECTORATE/OIL RIVERS. Only 504 printed. H&G 3.

CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1943 (circa) censored cover to USA used at WEST BAY.CAYMAN ISLANDS - 1943 (circa) censored cover to USA used at WEST BAY.

1943 (circa) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/- adhesive tied by WEST BAY/GRAND CAYMAN cds with violet U.S.CENSORSHIP/EXAMINED censor h/s applied on reverse on arrival.

SINGAPORE - 1949 4c brown PSC unused.  H&G 1.SINGAPORE - 1949 4c brown PSC unused. H&G 1.

1949 4c brown on brownish buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1925 1/2d SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1925 1/2d 'Printed Matter' rate cover to USA used at UMTALI.

1925 (NOV.24.) cover addressed to USA bearing a single 1/2d green adhesive tied UMTALI.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1928 3d rate cover to USA used at SALISBURY.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1928 3d rate cover to USA used at SALISBURY.

1928 (FE.19.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied SALISBURY.

BURMA - 1938 1a brown PSE uprated to South Africa censored and used at LETPADAN.  H&G 1.BURMA - 1938 1a brown PSE uprated to South Africa censored and used at LETPADAN. H&G 1.

1938 1a brown on cream 'KGV' postal stationery envelope (H&G 1) addressed to South Africa and bearing GV 1/2a alongside 1a on 2a6p 'Commemoration Postage Stamp' adhesive tied by LETPADAN cds with violet triangular PASSED/CENSOR/RANGOON/2 h/s applied. A scarce use and the commemoration stamp being most elusive genuinely used.

MALTA - 1879 1d brown MALTA - 1879 1d brown 'GB' PSC to UK used at MALTA. H&G 9.

1879 1d brown on cream postal stationery postcard of GB (and Ireland) addressed to UK and cancelled by 'A 25' duplex with MALTA cds alongside dated NO.4.81. H&G 9.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1935 9d rate NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1935 9d rate 'Silver Jubilee' use cover to USA used at BROKEN HILL.

1935 (DEC.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d and 6d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives tied by BROKEN HILL/NORTHERN RHODESIA cds. Marked 'Air Mail' To England' with red transmission bars noting airmail was only to the UK then by sea.

SAMOA - 1942 7d rate registered censored cover to USA.SAMOA - 1942 7d rate registered censored cover to USA.

1942 (SP.15.) registered cover to USA bearing 2d and 2 1/2d 'pictorial' pair tied APIA/WESTERN SAMOA with black on cream OPENED BY CENSOR IN NEW ZEALAND censor label at left tied on the front and reverse sides by PASSED BY CENSOR NZ/11 handstamp. Little allocates this h/s to Samoa (Little type H1).

SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at FALEFA.SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at FALEFA.

1952 (MR.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d block of four cancelled by central FALEFA/WESTERN SAMOA cds.

SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at LEULUMOEGA.SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at LEULUMOEGA.

1952 (MR.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d block of four cancelled by central LEULUMOEGA/WESTERN SAMOA cds.

SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at MATAUTU.SAMOA - 1952 2d rate cover to USA used at MATAUTU.

1952 (MR.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d block of four cancelled by central MATAUTU/WESTERN SAMOA cds.

SAMOA - 1949 5d rate cover to USA used at FALEFA.SAMOA - 1949 5d rate cover to USA used at FALEFA.

1949 (JE.8.) cover addressed to USA bearing 5d adhesive tied FALEFA/WESTERN SAMOA.

ADEN - 1908 use of ADEN - 1908 use of 'V.P.U.' receipt cancelled ADEN CAMP/MONEY ORDERS.

1908 (AU.14.) 'V.P.U.' receipt cancelled by scarce ADEN CAMP/MONEY ORDERS cds in violet ink.

NEW GUINEA - 1934 1d NEW GUINEA - 1934 1d 'Printed Matter' rate cover to USA used at RABAUL.

1934 1d 'Printed Matter' rate cover to USA bearing undated 'bird of paradise' cancelled by RABAUL/NEW GUINEA cds.

NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1944 3d rate NORTHERN RHODESIA - 1944 3d rate 'PASSED O/3' censor cover to USA used at LIVINGSTONE.

1944 (MAY.6.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by weal LIVINGSTONE/ N.RHODESIA cds with bluish crowned PASSED/ O/3 censor h/s. Additional strike on reverse and with oval POSTMASTERS OFFICE/LIVINGSTONE strike.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1949 5c TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1949 5c 'UPU' illustrated cover to Canada with 'BY SURFACE MAIL' h/s.

1949 (OCT.10.) illustrated UPU cover addressed to Canada bearing the 5c UPU adhesive tied PORT OF SPAIN and struck below by scarce violet boxed BY SURFACE MAIL/FROM/TRINIDAD BWI handstamp.

FIJI - 1895 1d black PSC fine unused.  H&G 1.FIJI - 1895 1d black PSC fine unused. H&G 1.

1895 1d black postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

FIJI - 1895 1 1/2d green PSC fine unused.  H&G 2.FIJI - 1895 1 1/2d green PSC fine unused. H&G 2.

1895 1 1/2d dark green postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

FIJI - 1895 1 1/2d red postal stationery letter card fine unused.  H&G 1.FIJI - 1895 1 1/2d red postal stationery letter card fine unused. H&G 1.

1895 1 1/2d red on grey postal stationery letter card in fine unused condition. Bottom edge showing gum line from reverse. H&G 1.

FIJI - 1904 1/2d green PSC fine unused.  H&G 7.FIJI - 1904 1/2d green PSC fine unused. H&G 7.

1904 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 7.

FIJI - 1904 1d red PSC fine unused.  H&G 8.FIJI - 1904 1d red PSC fine unused. H&G 8.

1904 1d red on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 8.

GOLD COAST - 1948 1d underpaid local cover with 1d GOLD COAST - 1948 1d underpaid local cover with 1d 'Postage Due' (SG D2) added at CAPE COAST.

1948 (JUN.29.) underpaid cover addressed locally bearing 1d adhesive tied CAPE COAST. Circular 'T' tax mark applied with 1d postage due added (SG D2) similarly cancelled and with ASSIN MANSO/GOLD COAST arrival b/s.

GIBRALTAR - 1945 censored GIBRALTAR - 1945 censored 'ARMY PRIVILEGE' envelope from FPO/45.

1945 (JY.23.) use of green on buff ACTIVE SERVICE/ARMY PRIVILEGE ENVELOPE addressed to UK but with 'Active Service' crossed though and hence bearing 1/- adhesive tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/475 cds and struck by violet shield type PASSED BY/CENSOR/ No. 4610 crowned handstamp.

GIBRALTAR - 1944 censored GIBRALTAR - 1944 censored 'ARMY PRIVILEGE' envelope from FPO/45.

1944 (NO.21.) use of green on buff ACTIVE SERVICE/ARMY PRIVILEGE ENVELOPE addressed to UK bearing 6d adhesive tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/475 cds and struck by violet shield type PASSED BY/CENSOR/No. 4610 h/s.

GIBRALTAR - 1945 censored GIBRALTAR - 1945 censored 'ARMY PRIVILEGE' envelope from FPO/45.

1945 (MR.21.) use of green on buff ACTIVE SERVICE/ARMY PRIVILEGE ENVELOPE addressed to UK bearing 6d adhesive tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/475 cds and struck by violet shield type PASSED BY/CENSOR/No. 4389 h./s. Unusually this envelope has additional crown OPENED BY/EXAMINER/ A/6069 (continuous type) censor strip applied (Little type T7).
