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PALESTINE - 1904 postcard to UK with Russian 10p on 2k use at ROPIT.PALESTINE - 1904 postcard to UK with Russian 10p on 2k use at ROPIT.

1904 (APR.5.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting Jerusalem bearing Russian 10 para red surcharge 2k green adhesive tied by ROPIT cds in violet ink. Ropit handled mail from the Ottoman Empire until late 1914.

PALESTINE - 1911 postcard use to UK with Turkish 20pa used at TIBERIAS.PALESTINE - 1911 postcard use to UK with Turkish 20pa used at TIBERIAS.

1911 (8.3.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK bearing Turkish 20pa rose adhesive tied by TIBERIAS cds in violet ink.

RHODESIA - 1915 use of RHODESIA - 1915 use of 'Certificate Of Protection' for the Bulawayo Mining Commissioner.

1915 (JUN.11.) 'Certificate Of Protection' for Bulawayo Mining Commissioner with violet boxed AMOUNT PAID/£… h/s at top right.

NEW HEBRIDES - 1921 1/4d (1f60c) rate registered cover addressed to Noumea used at VILA.NEW HEBRIDES - 1921 1/4d (1f60c) rate registered cover addressed to Noumea used at VILA.

1921 (NO.29.) registered cover addressed to Noumea bearing 16 examples of the 10c (1d) French adhesive (SG F23) on reverse side cancelled VILA/NEW HEBRIDES. Four examples have surface defect from having adhered to another cover. Still a fine and spectacular franking at this 1/4d (1f60c) rate.

HONG KONG - 1921 25c purple and magenta used with BROKEN FLOWER variety.  SG 126a.HONG KONG - 1921 25c purple and magenta used with BROKEN FLOWER variety. SG 126a.

1921 25c purple and magenta (type b) top marginal used single showing the BROKEN FLOWER variety from R1/3 of the upper left pane. SG 126a.

INDIA - 1943 INDIA - 1943 'INLAND/53/CENSORSHIP' local cover.

1943 (OCT.4.) use of 'GV' 1a + 1/2a deep purple on buff postal stationery envelope (H&G 18) addressed to Calcutta and struck on front by violet boxed INLAND/53/CENSORSHIP h/s. Morenweisser type 12A. A sub station censorship.

INDIA - 1943 INDIA - 1943 'INLAND/52/CENSORSHIP' local cover.

1943 (OCT.20.) use of 'GV' 1a +1/2a deep purple on buff postal stationery envelope (H&G 18) addressed to Calcutta struck on the front by violet boxed INLAND/52/CENSORSHIP handstamp. Morenweisser type 12A. A sub station censorship.

INDIA - 1943 INDIA - 1943 'INLAND/29/CENSORSHIP' cover addressed to UK.

1943 (JLY.19.) cover from Bengal addressed to UK bearing 1a and 1 1/2a adhesives tied by rather indistinctive cds but with violet INLAND/29/CENSORSHIP h/s at left (Morenweiser type 12A) and with P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER censor label at left tied on the front by crowned PASSED/ DHA/9 censor mark. A sub station censorship.

INDIA - 1944 (circa) INDIA - 1944 (circa) 'INLAND/5/CENSORSHIP' local cover use.

1944 (circa) cover addressed locally to New Delhi bearing 1 1/2a adhesive with violet UNIT/S 217 h/s at left and struck by violet INLAND/5/CENSORSHIP strike. (Morenweiser type 12A). A sub station censorship.

INDIA - 1941 inward cover from UK with scarce INDIA - 1941 inward cover from UK with scarce 'PLEASE REQUEST SENDER' censor h/s applied.

1941 inward military cover addressed to the 4th Heavy Battery at Cochin from the UK with red on cream 17D/PASSED BY CENSOR label at left and struck on the reverse side by scarce violet boxed PLEASE REQUEST SENDER TO WRITE/ON THE ENVELOPE IN FUTURE HIS/ OR HER NAME AND ADDRESS AND/THE LANGUAGE USED IN THE LETTER censor h/s. Moreweiser type 16B. Applied at Madras.

INDIA - 1942 military cover to MEF base with triangular violet PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.INDIA - 1942 military cover to MEF base with triangular violet PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.

1942 (JAN.2.) cover addressed to a Sgt Major Lucea of the No.205 Riviting Coy of the MEF bearing 8a adhesive. The top with red on cream A.F.W.3312/EXAMINED/BY/BASE CENSOR label (877-PMEO-1-500,000-5-41) and struck on the front by negative circular type '6 or 9' censor with triangular PASSED BY/CENSOR/O.B.INDIAN strike in violet. Additional strike on the reverse and with BASE ARMY DEPOT and BASE OFFICE/SOR cancels and with F.P.O./R type cds. A unusual set of markings on this cover from Indian troops stationed abroad.

INDIA - 1941 INDIA - 1941 'OAS' military cover to Egypt with triangular violet PASSED BY CENSOR h/s.

1941 (NO.6.) registered military 'OAS' cover addressed to Egypt bearing 1a,2a and 8a adhesives on the reverse flap cancelled by PARK STREET/CALCUTTA cds. Red on cream EXAMINED/BY/ BASE CENSOR label at left edge and struck on the front by violet triangular PASSED BY/ CENSOR/13 INDIAN regiment censor strike and blue 'intaglio' circled '20' censor strike.

CANADA - 1895 2c green PSE uprated locally used at TRURO & POINT TUPPER/M.C.  H&G 9.CANADA - 1895 2c green PSE uprated locally used at TRURO & POINT TUPPER/M.C. H&G 9.

1895 2c green on cream postal stationery envelope addressed locally bearing additional 1/2c black adhesive pair tied by TRURO & POINT TUPPER/M.C. cds dated AP.20.98 with code 'W' H&G 9.

CANADA - 1896 3c rate local cover cancelled by MONTREAL/C flag cancel.CANADA - 1896 3c rate local cover cancelled by MONTREAL/C flag cancel.

1896 (JUN.19.) commercial cover addressed locally bearing QV 'small head' 1c yellow and 2c green (former with corner fault) tied by MONTREAL 'flag-C' cancellator.

CANADA - 1897 8c CANADA - 1897 8c 'Jubilee' adhesive on cover to USA cancelled by TORONTO/D flag cancel.

1897 (SEP.6) cover to USA bearing 8c slate violet 'Jubilee' adhesive (SG 130) tied by superb TORONTO/D CANADA flag cancel.

MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1937 multi franked cover to UK used at MALDIVE ISLANDS.MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1937 multi franked cover to UK used at MALDIVE ISLANDS.

1937 (25.IV.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2c, 3c, 5c, 6c and 10c adhesives tied by MALDIVE ISLANDS d/r cds and with COLOMBO/FOREIGN transit cds below.

MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1936 22c rate cover to USA used a MALDIVE ISLANDS.MALDIVE ISLANDS - 1936 22c rate cover to USA used a MALDIVE ISLANDS.

1936 (NO.8.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2m, 3m, 5m and 6m adhesive pair tied by MALDIVE ISLANDS d/r cds with COLOMBO/FOREIGN transit on front.

RHODESIA - 1969 3d meter mark cover used locally from BULAWAYO.RHODESIA - 1969 3d meter mark cover used locally from BULAWAYO.

1969 (22.V.) use of long official stampless cover (file holed) to the District Commissioner at Essexvale cancelled by 3d red meter mark of BULAWAYO.

INDIA - 1939 1a red PSE used locally with rare OPENED BY CENSOR label applied at Simla.INDIA - 1939 1a red PSE used locally with rare OPENED BY CENSOR label applied at Simla.

1939 1a red on cream postal stationery envelope (size f) addressed to Bombay cancelled by VICEROYS CAMP P.O. cds dated 17.JUN.40 with rare 'red on blue' crested OPENED BY CENSOR label at left edge. Glue marks around label from applying otherwise a rare coloured label affixed at Simla.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 1/6d rate cover to UK struck TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1897 1/6d rate cover to UK struck 'T1' from TURKS ISLAND.

1897 (AP.27.) cover addressed to UK bearing a fine strip of three of the 6d yellow-brown adhesive (SG 59) tied by 'T 1' duplex cancels with slightly smudged TURKS ISLAND cds below. A scarce franking.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1918 'War Tax' use of scarce 'FORMULA' RPSE (size G) to USA.

1918 (JY.1) use of blue on cream FORMULA (Registred) envelope (150x100mm) addressed to USA bearing 1d strip of three (SG 130) tied on reverse with additional 3d 'War Tax' adhesive (SG 147) tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds. A very scarce use.

TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) used to USA from TURKS ISLAND.  H&G 1a.TURKS AND CAICOS IS - 1920 2d dark blue RPSE (size G) used to USA from TURKS ISLAND. H&G 1a.

1920 2d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA and bearing additional 2 1/2d adhesive tied by TURKS ISLANDS cds dated MY.25.27 with 'A' coding. A scarce piece of stationery used. H&G 1a.

Transvaal - 1890 (circa) Transvaal - 1890 (circa) 'PRETORIA PAID' newspaper wrapper use.

1890 (circa) 'De Volkstem-Pretoria' newspaper wrapper addressed to Karibib in German SWA cancelled by scarce red circular PRETORIA/PAID h/s without dating.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1879 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC to Germany cancelled double arc TRINIDAD. H&G 1.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1879 1 1/2d reddish brown PSC to Germany cancelled double arc TRINIDAD. H&G 1.

1879 1 1/2d reddish brown on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany (long message) cancelled by double arc TRINIDAD cds dated FE.23.1881. H&G 1.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1884 1d carmine PSC to UK used at CLAXTON BAY.  H&G 3.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1884 1d carmine PSC to UK used at CLAXTON BAY. H&G 3.

1884 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to UK cancelled by superb CLAXTON BAY/TRINIDAD cds dated AP.7.92. (Proud type D3). H&G 3.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1884 1d carmine PSC used locally at CUMUTO.  H&G 3.TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1884 1d carmine PSC used locally at CUMUTO. H&G 3.

1884 1d carmine on cream postal stationery postcard addressed locally with a few marks on edges and short message on reverse cancelled by scarce CUMUTO/TRINIDAD cds dated JU.3.02. Proud type D2. H&G 3.

NEWFOUNDLAND - 1895 5c NEWFOUNDLAND - 1895 5c 'seal' cover addressed locally at ST.JOHNS.

1895 (JU.10) cover addressed locally bearing 5c 'seal' adhesive (SG 59a) tied by barred duplex with ST.JOHN'S/NEWF'D cds at left.


1897 2c IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 23) printed in the issued colour of bright rose on thin white paper.


1897 4c IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 43) printed in the issued colour of violet on thin white paper.


1897 60c IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 35) printed in the issued colour of black on thin white paper.

GOLD COAST - 1891 1/2d green PSC used locally at ADA.  H&G 2.GOLD COAST - 1891 1/2d green PSC used locally at ADA. H&G 2.

1891 1/2d green on light buff postal stationery postcard (some light age spots) addressed to 'Rev A Graf' at Christiansborg' cancelled by nine barred duplex with ADA/GOLD COAST cds below dated AU.24.99 and with ACCRA transit four days later. H&G 2.

BATUM - 1919 10k bright blue (toned paper) mint blk of 4 with FAINT IMPRESSION on Row 1/1. SG 12.BATUM - 1919 10k bright blue (toned paper) mint blk of 4 with FAINT IMPRESSION on Row 1/1. SG 12.

1919 10 kon bright blue on toned gummed paper top left corner marginal block of four showing FAINT OVERPRINT on Row 1/1. SG 12.

NEW ZEALAND - 1909 3d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.NEW ZEALAND - 1909 3d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.

1909 3d (SG type 52) 'Admiral' IMPERFPORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black on thick card.

NEW ZEALAND - 1909 5d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.NEW ZEALAND - 1909 5d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.

1909 5d (SG type 52) 'Admiral' IMPERFPORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black on thick card.

NEW ZEALAND - 1909 6d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in dull carmine.NEW ZEALAND - 1909 6d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in dull carmine.

1909 6d(SG type 52) 'Admiral' IMPERFPORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in dark dull carmine thick card.

NEW ZEALAND - 1909 8d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.NEW ZEALAND - 1909 8d (SG type 52) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black.

1909 8d (SG type 52) 'Admiral' IMPERFPORATE PLATE PROOF pair printed in black on thick card.

GAMBIA - 1912 1d deep rose PSC to Switzerland used at BATHURST/GAMBIA. H&G 9.GAMBIA - 1912 1d deep rose PSC to Switzerland used at BATHURST/GAMBIA. H&G 9.

1912 1d deep rose on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Switzerland cancelled by BATHURST /GAMBIA cds dated SP.30.15. H&G 9.

JAMAICA - 1937 1d JAMAICA - 1937 1d 'Coronation' FDC cover to UK cancelled by 'S/S VERAGUA' maritime handstamp.

1937 (MAY.12.) cover addressed to UK marked 'First Day' bearing the 1d 'Coronation' adhesive tied by superb UNITED FRUIT COMPANY/STEAMSHIP SERVICE - S/S/VERAGUIA maritime h/s.

TRANSVAAL - 1899 2 1/2d rate early postcard use to USA with attractive coloured 3 picture reverse.TRANSVAAL - 1899 2 1/2d rate early postcard use to USA with attractive coloured 3 picture reverse.

1899 (MEI.15.) use of 'Souvenir Kaart Uit Johannesburg-Transvaal' postcard addressed to USA depicting tri coloured 'Greetings Johannesburg' reverse depicting 'Commisioner Street, Mutual Buildings and Pritchard Street' published by Sallo Epstein & Co. Bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by JOHANNESBURG cds. A most attractive and early postcard use.

TONGA - 1942 TONGA - 1942 'OPENED BY CENSOR' cover to New Zealand struck by rare 'PASSED/BY/CENSOR/2' in violet.

1942 (APR.11.) cover addressed to New Zealand bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied NUKUALOFA/TONGA with scarce black on dark manilla OPENED BY CENSOR label at left (Little type L2) and struck on the front and reverse by rare violet PASSED/BY/CENSOR/2 handstamp (Little type H2). Only one example having been recorded by the censorship society.

ST.VINCENT - 1943 3 1/2d ST.VINCENT - 1943 3 1/2d 'OPENED BY EXAMINER U.U/7' censor cover to USA.

1943 (MR.12.) commercial cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by GPO/ ST.VINCENT cds with black on cream P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/ U. U/7 censor label at left with '52447 W.P. Ltd' imprint. 'U7' is scarce.

BERMUDA - 1881 3d rate cover to Nova Scotia used at HAMILTON.BERMUDA - 1881 3d rate cover to Nova Scotia used at HAMILTON.

1881 cover addressed to Nova Scotia (roughly opened at left edge and small tear at right) bearing 3d yellow buff adhesive tied by '1' duplex with HAMILTON/BERMUDA cds at left. A commercial use by W.T.James (Wholesale Provision Dealer).

BAHRAIN - 1936 cover to UK.BAHRAIN - 1936 cover to UK.

1936 cover addressed to UK bearing 'GV' 3a6p and 4a adhesive pairs (SG 8+9) tied by indistinct BAHRAIN cds's. LONDON arrival b/s dated 11.DEC.36.

GIBRALTAR - 1915 2 1/2d rate crowned  GIBRALTAR - 1915 2 1/2d rate crowned 'OPENED BY CENSOR' cover to USA with 'tete beche' type label.

1915 (OCT.22.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by GIBRALTAR cds and partly over stuck at top edge by black crowned 'Tete Beche' OPENED BY CENSOR label. Tied on the front by circular PASSED CENSOR/GIB cancel in blue ink. This label was only in use from February to October of 1915 but we have not seen this 'tete beche' version before.

MONTSERRAT - 1917 1/2d green MONTSERRAT - 1917 1/2d green 'War Stamp' U/M with WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 61w.

1917 1/2d green 'War Stamp' with black printing in a fine unmounted mint marginal example showing the variety WATERMARK INVERTED. SG 61w.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1942 3d ultramarine ACTIVE SERVICE (English) letter card unused.  H&G 5.SOUTH AFRICA - 1942 3d ultramarine ACTIVE SERVICE (English) letter card unused. H&G 5.

1942 3d ultramarine on buff ACTIVE SERVICE LETTER CARD sheet (English version) in fine unused condition. H&G 5.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1942 3d ultramarine ACTIVE SERVICE (Africans) letter card unused. H&G 6.SOUTH AFRICA - 1942 3d ultramarine ACTIVE SERVICE (Africans) letter card unused. H&G 6.

1942 3d ultramarine on buff ACTIVE SERVICE LETTER CARD sheet (Africans version) in fine unused condition. H&G 6.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1950 (circa) FIVE CENTS revenue TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 1950 (circa) FIVE CENTS revenue 'PROOF' strike

1950 (circa) red oval PROOF strike of the FIVE CENTS/TRINIDAD & TOBAGO crowned revenue strike on cream paper. Unusual.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 registered multi franked cover to Germany used at TANGIER.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 registered multi franked cover to Germany used at TANGIER.

1911 (JA.10.) registered cover addressed to Germany bearing the Spanish overprints of Edward VII 1/2d to 5d (with 4d orange) adhesives (SG 112-119) tied by oval REGISTERED/BRITISH P.O.TANGIER cancels. A few odd tone spots around stamp edges from gum otherwise a fine and scarce multi franked cover. The Edwardian stamps being tricky on cover.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1908 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at TANGIER.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1908 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at TANGIER.

1908 (AU.3) use of picture p'card to UK depicting 'L'ambarcadere a Tangier' & bearing 10c on 1d adhesive (SG 113) tied by d/r BPO/TANGIER cds with code 'D' slug. GIBRALTAR transit cds.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 5c on 1/2d rate postcard use to France used at RABAT.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 5c on 1/2d rate postcard use to France used at RABAT.

1911 (MY.29.) use of picture postcard addressed to France depicting 'Groupe De Jaer (Maroc) dans leur pays' bearing the 5c/1/2d (SG 112) adhesive tied to picture side by BRITISH POST OFFICE/RABAT cds.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at MAZAGAN.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1911 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at MAZAGAN.

1911 (SP.18.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Wassertrager Mazagan' (Donkey water carrier) bearing Edward VII 10c on 1d adhesive tied by BPO MAZAGAN cds.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1909 5c on 1/2d rate postcard use to USA used at LARACHE.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1909 5c on 1/2d rate postcard use to USA used at LARACHE.

1909 (FE.4) use of picture p'card to USA depicting 'Larache-La Kashla et le Vapeur Queizal entrant en riviere' bearing 5c on 1/2d green adhesive tied s/r BRITISH POST OFFICE/LARACHE cds.

MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1908 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at CASABLANCA.MOROCCO AGENCIES - 1908 10c on 1d rate postcard use to UK used at CASABLANCA.

1908 (SP.21.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Casablanca-Le Marche' and bearing 10c on 1d adhesive tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE/CASABLANCA cds. TANGIER transit below,

BRITISH HONDURAS - 1947 11c rate registered BRITISH HONDURAS - 1947 11c rate registered 'Wells' cover to UK used at CAYO.

1947 (MR.27.) registered 'Wells' cover to UK bearing 3c (x2) and 5c 'Victory' adhesives tied by CAYO/BRITISH HONDURAS cds's.

SOMALILAND - 1903 combination cover to UK with Indian stamp unaccepted at BERBERA.SOMALILAND - 1903 combination cover to UK with Indian stamp unaccepted at BERBERA.

1903 (JU.17.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'QV' 1/2a and 2a adhesives (SG 1+3) each tied by s/r BERBERA cds's with a copy of the un-overprinted Indian Edward VII 3 p grey adhesive between them which remained uncancelled and with two pencil '0' markings below to denote the stamp was not acceptable. Untaxed and with Barnet arrival b/s.

SOMALILAND - 1947 2a rate cover to UK used by a member of the SOMALILAND - 1947 2a rate cover to UK used by a member of the 'ARMOURED CAR SQUADRON'.

1947 (AU.20.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2a (SG 107) tied by scarce s/r HARGEISA cds (Proud type 8) used from Hargeisa Camp and struck at lower left by violet oval '1st (E.A.) INDEPENDENT/ ARMOURED CAR SQUADRON' handstamp.

SOMALILAND - 1943 3a rate use of illustrated SOMALILAND - 1943 3a rate use of illustrated 'XMAS GREETINGS' air mail sheet to UK used at APO (65).

1943 use of red and blue on cream XMAS GREETINGS illustrated air mail sheet depicting 'Greetings From Jambo East Africa' inside. Addressed to UK and bearing 3a blue adhesive tied by light E.A./APO (65) cds and struck at lower left by violet PASSED/BY MILITARY/CENSOR h/s.

SOMALILAND - 1903 1a on 2a6p orange Indian PSE to UK used at FPO No.46. Ex Somaliland Campaign.SOMALILAND - 1903 1a on 2a6p orange Indian PSE to UK used at FPO No.46. Ex Somaliland Campaign.

1903 (NO.24.) use of Indian 1a black on 2a6p yellow-orange postal stationery envelope addressed to Miss L.Joan Thorp in UK from her father 'Captain H.W.B.Thorp' of the Yorkshire Light Infantry which was serving in Somaliland. Cancelled by F.P.O.No.46 cds with indistinct BASE OFFICE BERBERA and ADEN transit b/s's. A scarce cover from this 4th Expedition during the Somaliland campaigns.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 1d rose PSE of Transvaal addressed to UK and used at COOK HOUSE. H&G 4.CAPE OF GOOD HOPE - 1902 1d rose PSE of Transvaal addressed to UK and used at COOK HOUSE. H&G 4.

1902 1d rose red on cream postal stationery envelope (size f) OF Transvaal (H&G 4) addressed to UK and cancelled by COOK HOUSE cds dated JU.5.11. Inter-Provincial use.

GRENADA - 1935 2 1/2d rate GRENADA - 1935 2 1/2d rate 'Silver Jubilee' cover to USA.

1935 (JY.19.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (x3) and 1 d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives tied by GPO GRENADA/BWI cds's.

GOLD COAST - 1971 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the GOLD COAST - 1971 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Lord Boyd Orr' overprints.

GHANA - 1971 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Freedom From Hunger' set of three of the remainders that were overprinted LORD BOYD ORR. Noted by SG in its footnote for the perforated stamps.

GOLD COAST - 1984 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the GOLD COAST - 1984 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Flowers' set. SG 1110-14.

GHANA - 1984 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Flowers' series of 5 (SG 1110-14).

GOLD COAST - 1989 IMPERFORATE examples of the GOLD COAST - 1989 IMPERFORATE examples of the 'Birds' series (ex 'a') with Latin names.

GHANA - 1989 IMPERFORATE examples of the 'BIRDS' series all from the original printing showing additional latin names (SG 1390-97 ex 'a' numbers - set of 8). The 'Imperforate' examples are from a limited printing noted in the SG footnote.

GOLD COAST - 1994 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the GOLD COAST - 1994 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Fertility Dolls' series. SG 2070-77.

GHANA - 1994 IMPERFORATE PROOFS of the 'Fertility Dolls' series of 8 (SG 2070-77).

GOLD COAST - 1994 IMPERFORATE GOLD COAST - 1994 IMPERFORATE 'Fertility Dolls' m/s. unlisted as such. SG MS2078.

GHANA - 1994 IMPERFORATE 'Fertility Dolls 'miniature sheet (SG MS2078). Unlisted as such.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1942 RHODESIA BUYS BRITISH patriotic label on censored cover to New Zealand.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1942 RHODESIA BUYS BRITISH patriotic label on censored cover to New Zealand.

1942 (circa) cover addressed to New Zealand bearing 2d 'centenary' adhesive tied by SALISBURY cds with red on cream P.C.90/OPENED BY EXAMINER/D.E./….. censor label at left with 'C.48686-h.6067-D.9285-20,000L.-12.11.42' imprint' (unlisted imprint according to Little) tied by red crowned PASSED/ DE.18 censor h/s. The reverse flap shows an example of the scarce red,white and blue RHODESIA BUYS BRITISH/WE SHALL BE THERE patriotic perforated label printed by 'Salisbury Branch Navy League'.

ST.VINCENT - 1938 1 1/2d red PSE uprated to USA used at BEQUIA/ST.VINCENT.  H&G 2.ST.VINCENT - 1938 1 1/2d red PSE uprated to USA used at BEQUIA/ST.VINCENT. H&G 2.

1938 1 1/2d red on buff postal stationery envelope addressedto USA bearing additional 3d marginal pair with sheet number in margin cancelled by light BEQUIA/ST.VINCENT cds dated 2.OC.46. KINGSTOWN transit b/s. A scarce village use of this elusive stationery. H&G 2.

MONTSERRAT - 1937 1 1/2d rate cover to UK used at CUDUCE HEAD/MONTSERRAT.MONTSERRAT - 1937 1 1/2d rate cover to UK used at CUDUCE HEAD/MONTSERRAT.

1937 (JA.23.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'GV' 1d adhesive tied alongside 1/2d 'pictorial' by scarce CUDUCE HEAD/MONSTERRAT cds. A scarce vilage use.

GRENADA - 1935 2 1/2d rate GRENADA - 1935 2 1/2d rate 'Silver Jubilee' cover to USA used at CROCHU/GRENADA.

1935 (JY.20.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d (x3) and 1d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives tied by CROCHU/GRENADA cds.

GOLD COAST - 1928 1d brown PSE unused.  H&G 5.GOLD COAST - 1928 1d brown PSE unused. H&G 5.

1928 1d brown on ivory 'castle' postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition. H&G 5.

BURMA - 1946 BURMA - 1946 'BURMA POSTAL ADMINISTRATION' official folder. A rare 'KGVI' item.

1946 'Official' BURMA POSTAL ADMINISTRATION black on blue folder bearing 1938 series (SG 18b-33) together with the SERVICE series (SG 028-40) plus 1946 'Victory' series in insert. Very scarce.

CEYLON - 1939 CEYLON - 1939 'OPENED BY CENSOR/J' 20c red meter cover to Denmark from COLOMBO.

1939 (7.XII.) stampless cover addressed to Denmark cancelled by red 20 CENTS meter mark with COLOMBO cancel at left and bearing the scarce black on buff crested OPENED BY CENSOR/J label at left edge. Morenweiser type 2J.

LABUAN - 1905 LABUAN - 1905 '4 CENTS' multi franked registered 'Parker' cover to UK used at LABUAN.

1905 (OCT.2.) registered 'Parker' cover addressed to UK bearing the 1904 series of 4c surcharges (SG 129-37) each cancelled by grilled bar strikes and with LABUAN cds below. Red-violet R/LABUAN/No….. handstamp at lower left. A scarce set on cover.

LABUAN - 1897 30c registered cover to UK struck LABUAN in LABUAN - 1897 30c registered cover to UK struck LABUAN in 'blue' ink.

1897 (No.23.) registered (S.Reeves) cover addressed to UK bearing 12c and 18c adhesives (SG 95a + 99a) tied by s/r LABUAN cds struck in 'blue' ink with '23' of day slug being in a different font. Oval 'R' mark at left and curved REGISTERED strike below. A rare coloured ink franking.

BIAFRA - 1968 BIAFRA - 1968 'Sovereign Biafra' series of 13 values all unmounted mint. SG 4-16.

1968 'Sovereign' series of 13 values in fine unmounted mint condition. Some minor off-setting on a few values which is normally associated with this series. Under-rated. SG 4-16.

BIAFRA - 1968 2/6d BIAFRA - 1968 2/6d 'Sovereign Biafra' U/M with RED OMITTED. SG 13a.

1968 2/6d orange brown and buff brown 'Sovereign Biafra' overprint adhesive in fine unmounted mint condition showing the major variety RED OMITTED. SG 13a.

BIAFRA - 1968 1/3d BIAFRA - 1968 1/3d 'Sovereign Biafra' U/M with RED BAR OMITTED. SG 12b.

1968 1/3d multi coloured 'Sovereign Biafra' overprint adhesive in a fine unmounted mint corner marginal example showing the major variety RED BAR OMITTED. SG 12b.

GOLD COAST - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at CAPE COAST.GOLD COAST - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at CAPE COAST.

1901 (MR.27.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d green pair (SG 11) tied by CAPE COAST/ GOLD COAST s/r cds's.

GOLD COAST - 1901 4 1/2d rate registered cover to Germany.GOLD COAST - 1901 4 1/2d rate registered cover to Germany.

1901 registered cover addressed to Germany bearing 4d deep mauve (SG 16) tied alongside 1/2d 'key plate' adhesive and tied by weak CAPE COAST d/r cds. HAMBURG arrival b/s dated 8.8.01.

TONGA - 1954 inward TONGA - 1954 inward 'RETOUR RETURN TO SENDER' opened out cover from UK.

1954 (MR.24.) inward cover from UK sent via PAGO PAGO and with VAVAU/TONGA arrival b/s but undelivered and struck by rare violet boxed 'RETOUR (RETURN TO SENDER)' instructional handstamp and then re-addressed back to USA. Opened on three sides for display but a scarce handstamp we have not seen before.

BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 4c (32c) and 8c (64c) BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 4c (32c) and 8c (64c) 'MEDICINE DUTY' labels unused. Barefoot 1+2.

1900 4c black and green (32c) and 8c black and green (64c) 'BRITISH GUIANA' medicine duty labels in unused condition with inter leave backing paper still attached. Minor faults as would be expected from these scarce early labels. Barefoot and Hall 1+2.

BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 8c (32c) + 24c (96c) BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 8c (32c) + 24c (96c) 'MEDICINE DUTY' labels unused.

1900 8c black and red (32c) and 24c black and red (96c) 'BRITISH GUIANA' medicine duty labels in unused condition with inter leave backing paper still attached. Minor faults as would be expected from these scarce early labels. Barefoot and Hall type 1 but unlisted in these values.

BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 8c black and green (64c) MEDICINE DUTY label in a unused block of ten.BRITISH GUIANA - 1900 8c black and green (64c) MEDICINE DUTY label in a unused block of ten.

1900 8c black and green (64c) 'BRITISH GUIANA' medicine duty label in a fine block of 10 in unused condition with inter leave backing paper still attached. Minor faults as would be expected from these scarce early labels. Barefoot and Hall 2.

GAMBIA - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at BASSE.GAMBIA - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at BASSE.

1924 (JA.29.) registered cover addressed to Italy (scarce) bearing 1/2d, 1d, 2 1/2d and 3d 'key plate' adhesives alongside marginal 6d 'Elephant and Palm' issue each tied by scarce s/r BASSE/GAMBIA cds's with black boxed R/BASSE/No. h/s below.

SINGAPORE - 1922 25c rate registered cover to India (faults) with rare SINGAPORE - 1922 25c rate registered cover to India (faults) with rare 'MBE' use.

1922 (JU.17.) registered cover addressed to India (light overall toned and aged and with tear on front below the stamps repaired by sticking the two sides together) bearing 21c Straits Settlements adhesive tied with rare 4c scarlet 'Malaya/Borneo/Exhibition' stamp (SG 242) by two individual SINGAPORE d/r cds's. Blue on white R/SINGAPORE/D registered label at lower left. Indian arrival b/s's. Faults but priced accordingly and a rare issue on cover.

SINGAPORE - 1900 1c SINGAPORE - 1900 1c 'Book Post' rate cover to Austria.

1900 (FE.26.) cover addressed to Austria marked 'Book Post' and bearing the Straits Settlements 1c green 'key plate' adhesive tied SINGAPORE. A scarce 'printed paper rate' cover.

SEYCHELLES - 1938 SEYCHELLES - 1938 'UNCLAIMED' and 'RETURN TO SENDER' inward 1 1/2d flight cover from UK.

1938 (FEB.20.) inward GB 1 1/2d brown postal stationery envelope cacheted with the red 'MAILS FOR INDIA' 1 1/2d new rate handstamp but undelivered and struck by scarce black boxed RETURN TO SENDER and UNCLAIMED instructional strikes.

NIGERIA - 1941 3d rate cover to USA from KANO with NIGERIA - 1941 3d rate cover to USA from KANO with 'PASSED BY CENSOR/21' h/s applied.

1941 (AP.13.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by large part KANO/NIGERIA cds with scarce red PASSED BY CENSOR/21/NIGERIA censor mark at right.

COOK ISLANDS - 1940 4 1/2d registered COOK ISLANDS - 1940 4 1/2d registered 'Wells' cover to UK used at PAKAHANGA.

1940 (SP.2.) registered (Wells) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d and 4d 'pictorial' adhesives tied by PAKAHANGA/N.Z. cds's.

IRELAND - 1922 IRELAND - 1922 'Dollar' PROOF overprint in block of four.

1922 'Dollar Printing House Ltd' PROOF overprint (SG type 1) in a block of four on cream paper.

IRELAND - 1922 IRELAND - 1922 'Dollar' PROOF overprint block of four from defaced plate.

1922 'Dollar Printing House Ltd' PROOF overprint (SG type 1) in a block of four on cream paper from the DEFACED PLATE.

INDIA - 1911 3a orange INDIA - 1911 3a orange 'SERVICE' fine mint with forged 'OVERPRINT INVERTED'.

1911 3a orange (SG 172) in fine mint condition overprinted SERVICE but with variety INVERTED OVERPRINT. This being a forgery as the 3a does not exist in Service form and the overprint measures 13mm instead of 14mm. The SG footnote warns of such forgeries.

TOGO - 1920 (circa) unused postcard depicting TOGO - 1920 (circa) unused postcard depicting 'Kontor Einer Oloff Faktorei'.

1920's (circa) unused postcard (water stained edge at left) depicting 'Kontor Einer Oloff-Faktorei in Lome Togo'. Workers at the Oloff Company.

PAPUA - 1925 10/- green and pale ultramarine fine used.  SG 105.PAPUA - 1925 10/- green and pale ultramarine fine used. SG 105.

1925 10/- green and pale ultramarine 'lakatoi' in fine used condition with good original colour. A scarce stamp used especially so with this good colour as so often it is encountered having turned grey. SG 105.

SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1941 3d red meter mark cover to USA from BULAWAYO with patriotic label.SOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1941 3d red meter mark cover to USA from BULAWAYO with patriotic label.

1941 (9.IX.) cover addressed to USA cancelled by 3d red meter mark of BULAWAYO with 'Johnson Mining Electrical & Building' slogan strike of Fletchers Limited with red white and blue perforated WE REALISE IN/RHODESIA patriotic label at lower left.

SIERRA LEONE - 1895 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF in grey-lilac.SIERRA LEONE - 1895 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF in grey-lilac.

1859 6d IMPERFORATE PROOF (SG type 1) printed in grey-lilac on gummed paper. Scarce.

SIERRA LEONE - 1869 6d Gambia SIERRA LEONE - 1869 6d Gambia 'Cameo' (SG 3a) cancelled 'B 31'.

1869 6d blue 'Imperforate' Gambian 'Cameo' adhesive (SG 3a) with very fine four margins cancelled by near complete 'B 31' duplex. A rare example of this scarce stamp used in Sierra Leone.

SIERRA LEONE - 1874 6d rate cover to UK.SIERRA LEONE - 1874 6d rate cover to UK.

1874 cover addressed to UK bearing 6d dull purple (SG 1 - cut into at left side) tied by 'B 31'duplex and with part PAID AT SIERRA LEONE 'double arc' b/s in red ink. The stamp is additionally struck by barred '36' duplex with LONDON code 5 cds alongside dated JU.6.74 and red LONDON/PAID strike. A rare early cover.

SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at HANGHA.  H&G 3.SIERRA LEONE - 1912 2d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at HANGHA. H&G 3.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) addressed to UK (opened on two sides) and bearing additional 2d grey adhesive tied by HANGHA/SIERRA LEONE cds dated 17.SP.20. H&G 3.
